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Chapter 45 Chapter 43 Express Items

Su Wan's father got rich early, so he bought a house early.Su Wan's house is a very large and old villa. The entire house covers an area as large as four Li Cu's houses. Most of the rooms are empty and not even decorated.The yard is well-groomed. His father likes gardening, and the yard is full of all kinds of green plants. Su Wan's mother is a housewife who plays mahjong all day long. As soon as she enters the yard, she can hear the sound of mahjong coming from the back room.Su Wan skipped class and couldn't go through the main entrance, so he secretly went upstairs through the side entrance.His room was on the second floor, and it was bigger than Li Cuo's entire house.After entering, Su Wan closed the door, the room was pitch black, and the curtains hadn't been drawn yet.

Li Cu could see that Su Wan's bed was in a mess, apparently his wife didn't tidy up the room for him.Li Cu was not surprised. The rest of the place was too dark to see clearly.Su Wan went over in the dark and opened the curtains.The sun shone in, and it was after two o'clock in the afternoon. When the sun was at its maximum, the whole room was brightly lit. Li Cuo was shocked when he saw it.What Su Wan said "my room is full" is not an exaggeration at all, it is really full.Li Cu's eyes were full of countless courier packages, large and small.Some have been disassembled, but many more have not even been dismantled.

Su Wan's room had his own small refrigerator, which was almost buried under the courier package.He opened the courier package, took out two cans of Coke from the refrigerator, handed it to Li Cuo and explained: "There are too many, I didn't have time to open them, and then I also discovered the trick, I know what kind of packaging without opening them What's inside." "Is everything still different?" "It's different, but the same is better than the same. Come and see me take it apart." Su Wan crawled under his bed and opened several boxes of comics under the bed. Demon's H Life" and so on, there are actually several boxes.These rich kids are really evil in their hearts, and the most hateful thing is that they don't share this evil with his best friend.

Huh?He suddenly thought, could it be that what Su Wan received was an adult video tape?That's why he looked so excited and hid under the bed? Pulling aside the box containing the comics, Su Wan pulled out a wooden board from under the bed, which was covered with newspapers.Li Cu knew at a glance that it was definitely not what he thought it was, and then, Su Wan opened the newspaper. Li Cu tried to guess what was inside. Although he didn't have much time, he still had to be mentally prepared and didn't want to be frightened by the things below.But once the newspaper was opened, he was still confused.

He saw a row of iron boxes, rectangular, like an enlarged version of the moonlight treasure box, which still looked brand new. "What is this?" Ritsu asked. Su Wan picked it up, pulled it, played it with it, and with a click, the iron box was instantly broken into a submachine gun. "Foldable submachine gun." Su Wan said, and took out a longer magazine from the side, inserted it in, and loaded it. "Each one is equipped with more than two hundred bullets." "Is it a fake gun?" Li Cu took it over and found that the gun was so heavy that he couldn't hold it without any strength.

"I tried shooting cans in the suburbs." Su Wan showed an intoxicated expression, "It's so handsome, the recoil... I never thought that there would be a chance to play real guns in China." "Why did they send you a gun? What do they want you to do?" "Not for me, these guns are for you." Su Wan said, "You should ask, what do they want you to do?" Li Cu made an inventory, and found that only the disassembled parts contained five folding submachine guns, equipped with a total of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition.Many of the other things that weren't weapons, he could barely make out.For example, many old bottles look like antiques at first glance, or they may be more realistic fake antiques.There are a lot of these parts, and they are usually sealed with plastic foam, which is particularly strong.Even if you don't take apart the plastic foam, you can see that there are many types, including bronze bottles, fragments, and many jewelry, such as golden hairpins and jade rings.

The rest are field equipment: ropes, searchlights, convenient buckles, GPS, compressed biscuits, etc. The most frustrating thing for them is that after they peeled off all the express boxes, they found that two of the heavy boxes were filled with white and yellow soap-like things, and the powder slag fell off when they touched them. "Damn it, isn't this heroin? We won't become accomplices in drug trafficking, right?" Li Cu said. "It's not us, it's you!" Su Wan immediately said, "It's over, it's over, I will be implicated by you, do you think we will be shot after we are caught?"

Li Cu picked up those "soaps" and carefully looked at the corners of the "soaps".He found that there was a fingernail-sized stencil on the corner of each piece of "soap", which read: C4. "This, this is something more dangerous than heroin." Li Cuo stammered, "This is, this is C4 explosives." "Dynamite? Is it powerful?" "Well, I learned about it when I played "Metal Gear". This thing, this amount... Once it explodes, all the glass within three hundred meters will be shattered, and your building will not be able to survive."

The boxes containing C4 were piled up beside Su Wan's bed. Su Wan immediately took a breath, pushed those things away, and said, "What are they trying to do? Do they want us to go to war?" "Did you find anything wrong?" Li Cu said, "I found something wrong with these packages when I opened them just now. I think I guessed what they were trying to do."
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