Home Categories Thriller X-Files Research Institute Finale
X-Files Research Institute Finale

X-Files Research Institute Finale


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 159536

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Beautiful Hitchhiker

X-Files Research Institute Finale 夷梦 2102Words 2018-03-23
At night, it rained cats and dogs. At night like this, the visibility is extremely low, there are few vehicles on the road, and the rain cannot even be seen clearly, only the rustling sound of the raindrops hitting the leaves. The roar of the engine came from the national highway, and two bright yellow lights shone directly on it. It was just a very ordinary BYD car, and the white body was covered with mud spots.A young man was driving a car, and a soft and soothing song was playing on the stereo, and the young man was also humming along, looking very relaxed and comfortable. Suddenly, he saw a figure shaking at the end of the headlights of the car, and he couldn't help wondering, it was so late, how could there be passers-by in the wilderness?

He slowed down the speed of the car, and when he got closer to the figure, he realized that it was a young woman, well-dressed, with beautiful curly hair, holding a black umbrella, standing by the side of the road and waving non-stop. The young man stopped the car slowly, rolled down the window, and said to the woman outside: "Sister, do you want a ride?" Seeing that the driver was much younger than herself, the young woman was slightly surprised, and then smiled happily: "Little brother, I live in the village not far ahead, and I originally took a taxi home, but that bastard driver Seeing that I live in a remote place, he asked me to pay more, but I refused, so he threw me on the side of the road, and I waited for a long time for your car, please, please take me home." Said Then, she took out a handful of money from her black leather bag, "I can pay for gas."

The young man said enthusiastically, "Get in the car, and I'll take you home." The young woman got into the car happily, sat in the passenger seat, and the car was on the road again. The two began to chat. The young man kept his voice down and asked her to speak softly. "Today is really thanks to you." The woman is very beautiful, with winking eyes, "My surname is Li, you can call me Sister Li." The young man turned his head and smiled at her: "My surname is Qu." This young man is very handsome, but his eyes are a bit ruffian. Sister Li's tone became ambiguous, and she gradually made dirty jokes, which seemed to be seductive. The young man did not refuse, and followed her to say, The two chatted very speculatively.

"Why did you carry me?" Sister Li put a hand on his thigh, "Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy?" "How dare you get in my car?" The young man smiled, "Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy?" "You're so handsome, how can you be a bad guy?" The eyes of the two met, and Sister Li's winking eyes caught his eyes tightly, intertwined in the air.There was a strange smile on the corner of the young man's mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but before he could speak, a violent bump and the girl's screams hit him, his expression changed drastically, and he braked immediately, the two of them leaned forward, and immediately Then it quieted down, and the atmosphere became extremely strange.

"I, I seem to have run over someone!" The young man grabbed his hair nervously, and Sister Li held his arm, also very scared. "No, no way, it's so late, how can there be a little girl wandering outside, it must be a rabbit, a wild dog or something." "I heard screams, it's a little girl! It must be!" The young man was pale and trembling, "I've run over someone, my life is over." "You, don't worry, I'll go down and have a look." Sister Li opened the car door in a panic and walked down. quiet. Deathly silence. "Sister Li?" The young man called out in a low voice, but no one answered. He raised his voice again, but still no one answered.He was even more frightened. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and pushed open the door. He bent forward and walked a few steps forward. Sure enough, a little girl was run over by the wheel, still wearing a floral skirt.He rushed over in panic, but when he touched the little girl's face, he froze suddenly.

It was not real at all, but a doll! There was a sudden pain in the back of his head, and he fell straight down. The rain hit his face, splashing one after another.Sister Li walked over with three tall men, staring down at the unconscious young man coldly. "Sister Li, there is not much oil and water today!" The three men worked together, one checked the trunk, the other took out the young man's pocket, and the other held a stick to hold an umbrella for Sister Li. "Driving a broken BYD worth tens of thousands of dollars, wearing street stalls, and only having more than a hundred dollars in cash, damn it, he's a poor man, poorer than my brothers, only this face can tell. "

Sister Li smiled and said: "I think this face is useful, I don't even want to kill him." "This won't work!" said the man holding the umbrella. "He remembers your appearance. If he doesn't die, we will die." Sister Li waved her hand: "Forget it, forget it, carry him over, and dig the hole?" "Dig it early." The three men were about to carry it, but they all froze. The young man who was lying on the ground disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood diluted by the rain. "No, he ran away!" "Hurry up and chase!" Sister Li said anxiously, "It's raining so hard, he can't run far!"

"Wait, Sister Li, look at this car!" A man pointed at the white BYD and said, "Isn't this a scrap car?" The car that was brand new just now turned into a broken car in an instant, with mottled paint, peeling bumpers, and dilapidated seats. Such a car might not even be able to start the engine. The faces of the four thieves all changed. Didn't they encounter a ghost in the wilderness, the disappearing youth, and the dilapidated car? click.The door of the back seat of the car opened slowly, a pair of beautiful legs wearing red shoes protruded from the car, and landed on the ground in a strange posture. Then, a girl in a white skirt straightened her body and stood upright. When she got up, her long hair covered half of her face, while the other half of her face was as pale as paper, with dark circles under her eyes, like a ghost.

"Ghost!" The four of them yelled in panic, turned around and wanted to run, when they suddenly saw the young man surnamed Qu standing behind him, with blood on his forehead, smiling sinisterly: "Sister Li, do you want to leave without saying hello? " Sister Li was so frightened that she almost fainted, but the three men were bold enough to charge forward with sticks.The young man raised his hand, a strange fragrance filled the air, the four rolled their eyes, and fell into the rain one by one, without making a sound. "Haha." The young man laughed loudly, "It's fun to tease these fools, Xiao Zhou, go get some rope and tie them up."

The girl wiped her long hair, took out a tissue and wiped off the thick smoky makeup on her face: "I must have my head caught by the door to play such a boring game with you." "Boring? We easily captured the robber group that has been rampant in this area for several months, killing countless people and stealing goods. At least we made a second-class contribution." Good idea, the girl thought in her heart, if you don't get scolded by Boss Sima when you go back, you will be considered lucky. The two found ropes, tied the four of them tightly, and threw them on the back seat of the car. They couldn't sit down, so they lifted one and threw it into the trunk.BYD continued to drive, driving steadily in the rain.

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