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Chapter 59 Chapter 2 Death Trap

crime squad 求无欲 3999Words 2018-03-23
From Lei Aoyang's roommate Xiao Wan, he learned a ridiculous legend about Die Xian. Perhaps because of this legend, he led everyone to the basement to summon Die Xian, which resulted in a tragedy of five deaths and three madnesses.In addition, I also found a copy of the 17th-year-old school newspaper in his bed, which mentioned that similar tragedies had happened before, maybe we can get clues from it. When we came to the library, we could browse the recent issues of the school newspaper at will, but we had to trouble the administrator to find the earlier school newspapers.The on-duty administrator was a talkative middle-aged woman. When she put a stack of dusty school newspapers in front of us, she said something casually: "The new school newspaper is not read, let the moths eat it." Lost but always someone looking for."

"Did someone look for these old school newspapers before? Was it him?" I took out a photo of Lei Aoyang and showed her.I found this photo from Ray's bed. "Isn't this Lei Aoyang?" The administrator could recognize him at a glance. "Do you know him?" I was slightly surprised. "I'm afraid there is no girl in school who doesn't know him. He is the prince charming in the hearts of many girls! It's a pity that I'm already married, otherwise I would watch him play basketball every day." She said jokingly.It seems that the school's secrecy work is not bad, at least most of the school staff still don't know about last night's tragedy.

"Is he the one looking for the old school newspaper?" I am still more interested in this question. "No, I think it's a boy, but I can't remember who it is, but it's definitely not him." Since the administrator can recognize Lei Aoyang at a glance, if he came to find the old school newspaper, he must have an impression. "When did it happen?" She thought for a moment: "I don't remember very clearly. It should have been about half a year ago. Anyway, it's been a long time since no one bothered to dig through this old thing, and you can see the dust on it."

When I was talking to the administrator, Zhen Zhen, who was flipping through the old school newspaper, suddenly interrupted: "Why isn't there the issue we are looking for?" I found all the newspapers, but I couldn't find the school newspaper on the copy. "How could this be? Everything else is here, but the issue you are looking for is missing." The administrator showed a puzzled expression. "Could it be that the person who read it before stole it?" Zhenzhen's guess is very likely. "Maybe. The old school newspaper is not a valuable thing. If someone wants to find it, I just take it out and let them look it up. Besides, there is a photocopier here. Who would be so wicked as to steal the original copy?" The administrator seemed A little angry.

The school newspaper is indeed not a valuable thing. Even if it has decades of history, it is still worthless, let alone only seventeen years old.If you need the information on the school newspaper, you can use a copier to copy it, which is only a matter of a few cents.Apart from the convenience, I really can't think of why the other party would steal the original. It doesn't matter if you can't find the original copy. Anyway, the important thing is not the school newspaper itself, but the content of the school newspaper.I showed the copy to the administrator and asked her if she knew about the tragedy seventeen years ago.After reading it carefully, she had a big reaction: "It turns out that such a horrible thing happened in the school! Why have I never heard of it?" She said that she had worked here for five years, but she had never heard of such a tragedy. .Maybe we should ask someone with more seniority about it, but as far as she knew, there didn't seem to be many people at the school over seventeen years old.

It is more troublesome to understand the tragedy seventeen years ago. Anyway, the tragedy of last night is the most urgent thing, so we have to let it go.I asked a few of Lei Aoyang's classmates, and the most noteworthy information I got was that he was very obsessed with oriental mysticism, and he often imagined that he could obtain the so-called "supernatural powers", which seemed incompatible with his sunny appearance.One of his classmates, Liu Qingzhi, told us: "Aside from playing basketball, Aoyang's biggest hobby is reading books on strange powers and gods. He always thinks that through some strange methods, he can obtain supernatural powers, and even become immortals." Could it be that he took the risk of leading everyone to the basement to summon Die Xian in order to obtain the so-called supernatural powers?

I am afraid that not many people have seriously thought about what the "supernatural power" that people often talk about is.To put it simply, the so-called supernatural powers are not necessarily supernatural powers, but perhaps just some principles that cannot be explained by modern technology.For example, if I take out a lighter and light a bunch of twigs in front of primitive people who can't make a fire by themselves, then to them, I have supernatural powers.However, if I want to explain the principle of lighters to them, I am afraid it will not be an easy task. Just like the allusion of holding a flower and smiling, when the Buddha was teaching the Dharma, he suddenly kept silent and stood holding a flower. Among all the disciples, only Venerable Mahakasyapa broke his face and smiled.In this way, the Buddha passed on the great wisdom to Venerable Mahakassapa in the way of "Buddha's heart initiation" without everyone knowing what was going on.This allusion illustrates the truth that true great wisdom cannot be expressed in words or words, but can only be "understood".Just like I can't explain the principle of a lighter to primitive people, because they only think that a lighter is a magic weapon.However, for them, the lighter is indeed a magic weapon, just like modern people get an ordinary object in the future world.

Speaking of Buddha, I can't help thinking that many legends have mentioned that he has supernatural powers, and modern people may be deeply suspicious of this.But from another perspective, the Buddha is a sage with great wisdom, and he must have comprehended a large number of truths unknown to human beings. If he applies these truths to his daily life, isn't it supernatural? As the Buddha said, the world is always deceived by appearances.As long as one can penetrate the essence under the surface and know how to use it, then it is equivalent to possessing supernatural powers.To give a simple example, someone on the Internet once said that "the lighter was invented earlier than the match".In fact, this sentence is correct. The lighter was indeed invented earlier than the match. It is only the reader who is confused by the appearance and finds it incredible.If you think about it carefully and know its essence, you can understand that this sentence is actually very common-the "lighter" used by primitive people to make fire by drilling wood was invented earlier than matches.

Therefore, it is actually very simple to obtain supernatural powers, as long as you think carefully, there is no need to indulge in some strange things.It's a pity that Lei Aoyang didn't understand this truth, otherwise he wouldn't risk summoning Die Xian. After wandering around the school for a long time, apart from learning that similar incidents happened seventeen years ago and that Lei Aoyang was addicted to supernatural powers, he found nothing special, so we still have to start with the tragedy seventeen years ago.Through the person in charge of the school, we approached Xie Weiguo, the Chinese teacher with the longest working experience in the school, and asked him if he knew about the tragedy seventeen years ago, and we got this answer: "How can this happen, I have been here for more than 20 years. , I have never heard of any skeleton monsters."

If the school blocked the news like this, it would not be surprising that Mr. Xie didn't know about it, but since the school newspaper can publish it, it means that everyone must know about it.In order to prevent him from forgetting this matter due to his old age and memory loss, I took out a copy of the school newspaper and showed it to him. "This school newspaper is fake!" He put on his glasses and read it carefully and gave us an amazing answer. "How do you know?" I asked puzzled. "Look here..." He drew a circle on the copy with a red pen, circling a word in the tragedy report-sturdy.

"Is there any problem?" Zhen Zhen interrupted, scratching her head. "If this school newspaper was compiled now, there would be no problem. If it was 17 years ago, there would be a big problem, because there is no word 'sturdy' in "Ci Hai". , but will never write 'sturdy'." Teacher Xie wrote these four words on a piece of white paper with iron and silver hooks, and gave us a Chinese lesson. He is a Chinese teacher, and he can be said to be an occupational disease by chewing on words, but I am puzzled why he believes that the school newspaper is forged based on just one word.Moreover, the word "sturdy" is also very common on the Internet.I expressed my doubts, and he smiled and said, "Young man, let me tell you how 'sturdy' came about..." When a young writer surnamed Guo was interviewed, his book fans dedicated him the phrase "a tough life needs no explanation".This phrase comes from Luo Yonghao's quotations. The original sentence is "Piao Huan's life does not need to be explained." "Plagiarism" has the same pronunciation, which is the most taboo word for this writer. However, the good intentions of the book fans turned out to be counterproductive, and the word "sturdy" has since become a hit and a slightly ironic word.Later, more and more people used this term, and instead, many young people used it instead of the original "Huan".Now, "sturdy" and "sturdy" are basically regarded as common, but strictly speaking "sturdy" is not a word. After listening to Mr. Xie's teaching, my cultural knowledge has improved a little, but I still don't understand why he thinks the school newspaper is fake.He smiled and said, "Young man, this incident happened in recent years. How could people use this word seventeen years ago? Even if it is a temporary mistake, the proofreading teacher will correct it." One word awakened the dreamer. Although the word "sturdy" is very common now, it did not exist seventeen years ago, which means that this school newspaper was compiled in recent years, not seventeen years ago.And the writer is likely to be the one who stole the school newspaper. He first stole the real school newspaper, then forged a copy of the fake school newspaper of the same period, and then destroyed the real school newspaper, so it would be difficult for Lei Aoyang to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.But why would he do it?Is it to lead the thunder to the basement to summon Die Xian?Perhaps, I should investigate from the direction of vendetta. Although I already knew that the school newspaper was forged, I suddenly became very interested in the word "sturdy", so I asked Mr. Xie why book fans changed "Biao" to "Biao". He said that the details were not very clear. , but it is not difficult to find, ask me to search the Internet and I should be able to find the answer.If you can find the answer on the Internet, just ask Viagra for help. I called Viagra and asked him to look it up for me.Sure enough, he quickly replied to me: "This is a young writer surnamed Guo who was interviewed a few years ago, and his book fans dedicated it to him, because he was once suspected of plagiarizing other people's works, and 'Biao' and The homonym of "plagiarism" is his most taboo word, so the book fan changed it. However, this book fan really did bad things with good intentions. Words. However, there are not many people who know this allusion now, and it took me a long time to find it, so it’s hard to say whether it’s true or not.” After hanging up on Viagra, I continued to chat with Mr. Xie, asking about the basement, as it seemed to have been vacant for a long time.He told me that there used to be sundries there, but about ten years ago a male student raped a female student there, and then the school locked the basement, and it has not been used until now. Five years ago, when the new Science Museum was built, the old Science Museum was completely vacant.Originally, the school leaders planned to demolish it and build a teaching building on the original site, but after doing some calculations, they felt that it would be more cost-effective to build it in other idle places on campus, so they did not demolish it, and it has been delayed until now. "Is the old science museum still managed?" I asked. "It's been idle for several years, and the location is far away from the current teaching area and dormitory area. Usually, no one will go in except for the guard who occasionally goes in to inspect." Teacher Xie's answer is the truth, otherwise yesterday Five people died late, and the school will not until now, and only some guards and senior leaders know about it. In this way, another question can't help appearing in my mind-why is the door lock in the basement new?Brand new door locks don't come out of nowhere, of course, someone must have broken the old door lock before and then replaced it with a new one.However, since Lei Aoyang and others wanted to pick the door lock, they must not have replaced it. It seems that someone deliberately set a trap for Lei Aoyang. When we finished chatting with Teacher Xie, the sky had already started to darken. The guy in the school infirmary called and told the three survivors that they had woken up, but the situation of Lei Aoyang and Mai Xiaoqiao was still the same as in the morning. Come is really crazy.Fortunately, Hun Sen's situation has improved slightly, which may provide us with some information. "Skull monster, it's the skeleton monster who killed everyone, it's the skeleton monster..." Hun Sen, who weighed no less than 80 kilograms, was sitting on the hospital bed, hugging the quilt tightly like a little girl, his body shaking endlessly, Repeating similar words over and over again. I wanted to lead him to talk about the situation last night, but it seemed that it was not the time, and he was so scared that he covered his head with a quilt when he mentioned it.I had no choice but to induce him to tell something about the eight of them.
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