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Chapter 53 Chapter 53 Multiple Choice Questions

A translator's adventure 金万藏 3306Words 2018-03-22
When killing snapping turtles with boulder balls in the cave, Huang Qianshan saw several groups of gold-eating ants, which are very rare and rarely live in places without gold mines.Huang Qianshan felt strange at the time, why gold-eating ants built their nests in caves, did they appear out of thin air, or lived in Wangwu Mountain for thousands of years?Gold-eating ants have only been found in Africa, South America, the Middle East, and the Xinjiang desert of China. No one has seen gold-eating ants in an environment with beautiful mountains and rivers. "So, you think the ceramic jar Lu Wangqing stole contained gold-eating ants?" Hao Dali was skeptical.

"I think this is the only possibility, otherwise it can't explain why there are so many gold-eating ants in Wangwu Mountain?" Huang Qianshan explained, "You think, if there were already there, the gold mine might have been eaten up long ago. Back then Lu Wangqing The number of gold-eating ants that sneaked into the mountain was not many, and it took decades to multiply to a certain scale, so the caves and gold mines were not all eaten up. Just now you shouted so loudly, the gold mine full of holes will It collapsed immediately. The hollow stone wall you touched in the inner hall, and the stone statue of the Queen Mother of the West were shaken down, all because the inside of the gold mine has collapsed and disintegrated on its own."

Hao Dali always felt dizzy and dizzy. Usually he doesn't like to think deeply. Now that he listened to so much, he just nodded mechanically, not understanding what Huang Qianshan was talking about.He thought for a while, and asked in a deliberative manner: "Brother Huang, I think I'm going to die soon. It seems that the end is coming, can I ask you something?" "It's about this time, as long as you don't let me promise you with your body, I will promise you anything." Huang Qianshan said happily. "You also saw that Gu Changtian died so badly, I don't want to suffer like this. If I'm really dying, can you wipe my neck with a knife?" Hao Dali asked earnestly.

"You are confused. Throughout the ages, only people seek to survive, so how can anyone seek to die?" Huang Qianshan replied, waving his hands. "Of course I am willing to live, but you see we are buried under the gold mine, and the heavens and the earth are not working, who will come to save us?" Hao Dali said dejectedly, "The poisonous fruit of miasma mother is really powerful. I've been feeling very uncomfortable, if I hadn't been gritting my teeth and persevering, I'm afraid Gu Changtian would have gone to report to King Yan long ago." "Then just keep going." Huang Qianshan persuaded weakly.

"You think I don't want to, but manpower may not win the sky, let's just accept our fate! Fortunately, there are gold mines around, which can be regarded as treasures of geomantic omen." Hao Dali smiled wryly. "Don't be discouraged, I'm not the same as you, I killed you, who will kill me, it's too unfair!" Huang Qianshan refused. Hao Dali pretended not to hear Huang Qianshan's answer, and he said to himself: "When you wipe my neck later, you have to strike harder, faster, and don't hesitate. If you want to kill me with a knife, cut off the artery, if you don't If you are not dead, just stab me a few times!"

"Stop talking, it makes me flustered!" Huang Qianshan scolded, "You have some ambition, okay? We won't die!" Hao Dali didn't speak any more, he felt that his physical strength was exhausted, and he felt tired even when he slumped on the ground.Huang Qianshan leaned against Hao Dali by the side of the gold mine, he was also very distressed, although he did not agree to Hao Dali's request, but if that time really came, how could he bear to see Hao Dali die in pain.Hao Dali was right. The collapsed gold mine buried them underground. No one knew they were here. Even if they knew, it would be too late to rescue them.They were poisoned by miasma, and they would soon come to the end of their lives. Even if they didn't die from the poison, they would die of hunger and thirst.

In one night, three of the six people died. Huang Qianshan always felt like a dream, but he didn't want to give up the idea of ​​survival. As long as he still had breath, he would find a way to escape.At this time, Hao Dali's face turned black quickly, and his closed mouth suddenly opened, spitting out a mouthful of black blood.Then, a large piece of Hao Dali's skin peeled off, and Huang Qianshan looked at him with wide eyes, only to realize that the piece of skin had fallen from Hao Dali's neck. Hao Dali suddenly lost the ability to speak. He leaned against a piece of gold and twitched non-stop, his hands and feet curled up in the shape of animal claws.Huang Qianshan could see clearly that the blood on Hao Dali's neck splashed onto the opposite stone, and his artery was still throbbing, but Huang Qianshan was helpless, he couldn't do anything, he could only watch Hao Dali slowly die.Hao Dali still wanted to say something, he hesitated to open his mouth, but when he opened his mouth, blood gushed up from his throat, and he couldn't speak at all.Huang Qianshan wanted to say something nice, but no amount of nice words could comfort a person who was dying and would die, so he didn't say a word.

How uncomfortable it is to watch a person die slowly, Hao Dali stared at Huang Qianshan desperately, he grabbed Huang Qianshan's hand vigorously, his eyes seemed to say that he didn't want to die yet.Huang Qianshan's hand was stinging unbearably, but he tried not to show it, no matter how Hao Dali grabbed him, he would not yell.I don't know if it's because Hao Dali's vitality is too strong. After struggling for a long time, he still hasn't died, and he is still gasping for breath. "Brother Hao, I know you want me to kill you, but I really can't do it." Huang Qianshan wondered, he understood that Hao Dali's slow death like this is painful, but killing people and watching others die, this kind of multiple-choice question he I don't know how to choose.

At this time, Hao Dali's eyes turned from despair to panic, and Huang Qianshan soon discovered that several rows of gold-eating ants had crawled in.As soon as they came in, they immediately devoured Hao Dali's body. He wanted to shout and drive away the gold-eating ants, but he couldn't make a sound or move.Huang Qianshan helped to trample some gold-eating ants to death, but the smell of blood attracted a large number of gold-eating ants, and he couldn't handle it even with a thousand legs. This was the first time Huang Qianshan saw gold-eating ants devouring humans. Hao Dali's painful, desperate, and terrified eyes made him feel the horror of gold-eating ants.Huang Qianshan looked at Hao Dali who couldn't struggle, he was in a dilemma and didn't know what choice to make.Hao Dali's eyes were filled with flickering tears, as if he was begging the other party to kill him so that he would not suffer so much.Seeing Hao Dali being tortured into a shapeless shape, Huang Qianshan grabbed the Swiss Army Knife in his heart. After closing his eyes, he wiped the knife across Hao Dali's skinless neck.

"I'm sorry." Huang Qianshan said in his heart. This was his first time killing people, and he didn't want to do that, but he had to make a choice for this kind of multiple-choice question, and he couldn't watch Hao Dali die in such pain.Huang Qianshan took the lamp cap from Hao Dali's head, curled up, and bowed three times facing Hao Dali who was surrounded by a large number of gold-eating ants.It took only a few minutes for the dead Hao Dali to be devoured by the gold-eating ants until only a red and white skeleton remained. After they finished eating, each of them became extremely fat, like a golden bee.It is said that gold-eating ants do not eat bones, and there is no convincing conclusion as to why they do not.Huang Qianshan had the same thought as Hao Dali, he didn't want to be eaten alive by perverted ants, since no one would kill him, he would rather commit suicide.

Huang Qianshan could understand Hao Dali's despair. If he were Hao Dali, he would also ask others to kill him instead of going through this cruel torture before he died.When faced with two multiple-choice questions about death, everyone will choose the less painful one, but it is difficult to make a choice with this kind of multiple-choice question if you want to choose for others.After the gold-eating ants devoured Hao Dali, they began to change directions. Huang Qianshan chose a choice from the multiple-choice questions on the method of death. He planned to wipe his neck and kill himself, but a strange thing happened. "Damn it, is the gold-eating ants also doing multiple-choice questions?" Huang Qianshan guessed confusedly. The gold-eating ants ignored Huang Qianshan. After they ate Hao Dali, they got out of several cracks like an army.Huang Qianshan suppressed his beating heart, and stared at the yellow gold-eating ants lying in front of him. They passed under his feet, but none of them violated him.Huang Qianshan thought to himself, am I so unpalatable that even a little ant looks down on me.Thinking about it, Huang Qianshan was very happy that the gold-eating ants didn't treat him as supper. After all, it takes courage to commit suicide. Facing the fishy smelling skeleton, Huang Qianshan said, "Brother Gu, I'm sorry, but the current conditions do not allow me to give you a grand burial. However, it is also your dream to die in the pile of money. I hope you have a good journey." Suddenly, Huang Qianshan smelled a burning smell, and Lao Yue, who was separated by the gold ore, was also attacked by groups of gold-eating ants. She burned all her clothes to protect herself.A whole gold mine is full of gold-eating ants, and they are like sheep falling into the jaws of a tiger, and they can only choose between committing suicide or being eaten.Huang Qianshan wanted to tell Lao Yue that Hao Dali was dead, but he couldn't say it.Lao Yue asked him if he was okay, but Huang Qianshan didn't make a sound. The gold-eating ants probably thought he was ugly and didn't want to eat him. "Mr. Huang, are you joking or..." Lao Yue asked loudly in disbelief, "Did Dali already..." "It's true, and I don't know why." Huang Qianshan replied with a headache, "As for Brother Hao, he has already left. I hope he left without such pain." "We will definitely get out alive!" Lao Yue encouraged, "Mr. Huang, you can't give up!" "I didn't give up." After Huang Qianshan finished speaking, he stabbed a piece of grass-yellow gold ore in front of him with a Swiss army knife. Unexpectedly, the inside of this gold ore had been eaten up by gold-eating ants, and piles of gold ore poured out with one stab. Gold-eating ants. Huang Qianshan didn't expect gold and stone to be so ingenious, he was submerged in the gold-eating ants all at once, and his breathing was blocked.He thought it must be over this time, he was literally bitten by a myriad of ghosts, and he was probably the most terrifying death in the world.Unexpectedly, the colony of gold-eating ants dispersed at the fastest speed, and they all got out of the space squeezed by the gold and stone, leaving only Huang Qianshan sitting on the ground in a daze.Lao Yue hurriedly asked how Huang Qianshan was doing on the other end, and when she heard Huang Qianshan's voice, she felt relieved and stopped yelling. "Mr. Huang, were you really surrounded by gold-eating ants just now?" Lao Yue asked. "Yeah, they didn't bite me. Could it be that ants also have tooth decay, and they have toothaches, so they don't want to eat me?" Huang Qianshan said nonsense. "Impossible, did you do something special?" Lao Yue asked, "Think about it, otherwise it would be impossible for the golden ants not to attack you." Huang Qianshan was dumbfounded by the question, he didn't remember doing anything special, he didn't take Liang Xiaoyu's panacea, and he didn't apply any medicine.If there is a special thing, he has eaten a lot of herbs, which is why he has not died and can persist until now.But these can only delay death, not really detoxify, not to mention that detoxification has no direct connection with being eaten by gold-eating ants.Huang Qianshan was dizzy thinking about it, but his eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered a very special thing - something only he had done!
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