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Chapter 53 Chapter 24 Sacrifice to Heaven Yuzhang

ancient miracle 金万藏 2931Words 2018-03-22
I have already vaguely guessed in my heart what is hidden under the mountain, and I have a general idea of ​​this series of serial phenomena, but I am still not sure.After all, I used to be too impetuous and always screw things up.It took a long time for the vibration of the mountain to stop gradually, but the silent sound hidden in the sound of the wind chimes seemed to intensify.This sound is really strange, although I can't hear it at all, but I can still feel it, and this silent sound is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that my heart is about to jump out. I thought to myself, if I'm not wrong, things are about to happen!So, I said loudly to them: "Let's go quickly to get the colorful stones, time is running out, we have to find a place to escape!"

But at this time, Xianquan hesitated and said coyly: "But... the five-colored stone...it...has..." "What's wrong with the colorful stones, is there no colorful stones here at all?" Xinhong asked uneasily. "Yes, yes... But, I..." Xianquan faltered, which confused us. "What else do you know, just tell us quickly, we are running out of time!" I shouted anxiously. "Just now I saw that the stone bridge was broken. I thought I could go out by myself, but you guys wanted to find the colorful stones, so I ran over from that passage. You can't look for the colorful stones anymore!" Said with some unease, but what he said made me feel very confused.

"Why can't we look for it? Haven't we come all the way now? The five-colored stone is right ahead, how can we just give up like this?" Teacher Ye said stubbornly. "A lot of people have died because of the colorful stone, do you know?" Xianquan said angrily. "There are so many people who died for archeology, but one person died here three years ago!" Teacher Ye's blurted words surprised me and Xinhong, and we all stared at Teacher Ye closely.Teacher Ye realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and looked extremely embarrassed.Everyone sank for a long time, but was finally broken by the muffled noise from the foot of the mountain.It seems that Teacher Ye has indeed concealed a lot of things. What happened to him here three years ago?Xianquan kept telling us not to look for the colorful stones. His words were very strange, as if the colorful stones no longer existed, but why did Teacher Ye and Uncle Zou think that there must be the colorful stones used by Nuwa to mend the sky?

Teacher Ye stepped onto the stone bridge alone without saying a word, and the huge black shadow on the seventh peak gradually became clear before our eyes.It seems to be a big tree as high as the top of the cave, but how can such a big tree grow in the dark underground, it is impossible for spirit trees to grow everywhere, and I have never seen a tree that can make wind chimes.The stone bridge is already very fragile. If the mountain shakes further, the last stone bridge will not be able to hold on.Teacher Ye set foot on the stone bridge anxiously. We didn't dare to go up together, so we waited for Teacher Ye to pass first before walking slowly across the rocking stone bridge one by one.

I was the last one to cross the stone bridge, but when I was about to reach the other end of the stone bridge, a fat sea toad suddenly jumped out of the darkness.I was already very nervous walking on the rickety stone bridge, but now a sea toad suddenly appeared, which scared me enough.The sea toad crazily sprayed out a large amount of black venom from its hardened skin. I was worried that the venom would splash on my body, so I hurriedly walked directly from the stone bridge to the edge of the peak.Although my position is not far from the peak, I still accidentally fell.I was just about to struggle to stand up, but with the light of the flashlight in Xinhong's hand, I saw a small purple flower growing on the top of the mountain.

"Jin Wei, look quickly, there are purple flowers everywhere, they look so strange!" Xinhong exclaimed. I didn't answer Xinhong's words, because when I saw these little purple flowers, I immediately had a very familiar feeling.These small flowers also exist on the island of Java in Indonesia, and they are a kind of primrose unique to the local area, but I didn't expect to have them here.However, a certain feature here just meets the conditions required for the growth of this small purple flower, so it is no wonder that it grows so lush.These purple primroses are in bud, and if and when it's in full bloom, that's going to happen, and we won't be able to escape it!

The mountain shook slightly again, and I looked at the stone bridge that was making a rattling sound, but found something unusual about the stone bridge.This stone bridge is somewhat different from the previous stone bridges. Although the previous stone bridges are dilapidated, they are all blue-black, but this stone bridge is half blue-black and the other half gray-white.The half gray and white part looks like it was added later. Could it be that this stone bridge has collapsed before?I suddenly felt nauseous again, and I was also panicking with boredom.My head hurts badly too.If we don't get out, we'll all die here.

"Jin Wei, come and see, there is a big Yuzhang here!" Teacher Ye said in amazement. "Yuzhang? Why is there such a thing here?" I replied in confusion. I remember that Yuzhang is a kind of ancient jade, shaped like half a gui, it is flat cuboid, with a slanted edge at one end and a perforation at the other end.Zhang was first seen in the late Neolithic period, and three pieces of jade Zhang were unearthed from the Longshan Cultural Site in Shandong, which are the oldest jade Zhangs known so far.The pieces of jade Zhang in front of us are actually one meter long, far exceeding what is said in "Zhou Li · Kao Gong Ji · Jade Man": "Eleven inches for the big Zhang, nine inches for the middle Zhang, and seven inches for the side Zhang." , shoot four inches, and the emperor will watch it." It shows that Yuzhang is still a sacrificial object for mountains and rivers or heaven and earth when the emperor is on a hunting tour.The most important thing is that in 1986, a chestnut-yellow zhang was also unearthed in the No. 1 sacrificial pit of the Sanxingdui site in Guanghan, Sichuan. One side was burned to a white chicken bone, and there were many patterns on it.

I hurried over to take a look, and there were three pieces of jade Zhang among the small purple flowers. There were a few very simple pictures on them, like a set of comic strips, more like recording a certain period of history.These pieces of jade Zhang have obvious burn marks, and the patterns on the Zhang are simple and clear.The first pattern is composed of two big mountains and two circles, the two circles are one big and one small; the second pattern is that there are two "big hands" on the outside of the two big mountains, which are half-clenched, and the thumbs are pressed against the mountains. on the mountainside; the third pattern is that the big circles appear on the water surface, while the small circles disappear into the ground; the fourth pattern makes my heart shake, there are many small circles on it, and there are a few big trees on it , but this piece of jade is much newer than the previous ones. It doesn't seem to be left over from ancient times, and it is only a dozen years old at most.

"Can you see what is said above?" Xinhong asked puzzled. "I think the big circle should refer to the sun, that is, the sun god Xihe, and the smaller circle should refer to the moon, that is, Nuwa, or Changxi, or Chang'e." I thought, "But that What does it mean to put your hands on the two mountains?" "In the ancient books of 'sign language', in the handprints of Buddhist Tantric Buddhism, the hand holding half a fist and sticking out the thumb is called lotus fist, or fetal fist. This gesture reflects the birth of life. Isn't Nuwa the same? Is it the ancestor of human beings?" Teacher Ye explained excitedly, "and the thumbs point to the two mountains, it may mean that life was born on these two mountains, and these two mountains may be Minshan in Sichuan. You must know that Lei, the wife of the Yellow Emperor, Aren't Zu and Changyi's wife, the Shushan clan, descendants of the Nuwa clan, and they all came from Minshan!"

I remember that the "Historical Records" that I read most often said: "The Yellow Emperor married the daughter of Xiling as Lei Zu." Some people said that Xiling was in Xiling Mountain, Yichang City, Hubei Province, while others said: "Out of Yancheng, Sichuan", and others said: "From Rongyang, Henan".However, I also think she is from Sichuan. "So, if the big circle representing Xihe appeared on the water, then she should have gone to the sea. This is what Xianquan said, and the small circle representing Chang'e disappeared underground, which means that she has reached here!" Xinhong said suddenly. "But I don't understand what the last painting means, and this piece of jade seems to be very new!" Teacher Ye said in confusion. I looked at the fourth piece of jade, but I gradually thought of the conditions needed for the growth of Dryad Yunyang. In Xishui Village, I couldn’t find a single Yunyang tree. I found some secrets about this place, but who made these four heaven-sacrificing jade pieces? "The last offering to Tianzhang was made when I was a child!" Xianquan panted, but his complexion was very pale, as if he was very weak.As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fell heavily to the ground! "Xianquan, what's the matter with you?" Xinhong hurriedly ran over to hug Xianquan, and patted him vigorously, trying to make him regain consciousness. I stood there in a daze, looking in horror at Xianquan who had fainted on the ground.He fainted suddenly for no reason, could it be related to that incident again?By the way, he is a descendant of the Quanxian clan!His body structure is different from our real human beings. Their bodies may react more strongly to the thing at the bottom of the mountain than ours. Is this also the reason why the Quanxian people migrated from the ocean to the Chengdu Plain in ancient times? ?
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