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Chapter 26 Chapter 25 Bone City

death course 金万藏 2989Words 2018-03-22
The snow leopard that got in from nowhere wanted to attack us, but when the golden-red light flashed, its head was severed from its body.Previously, a snow leopard died in the snow valley, and we didn't see who killed it.This was the first time I saw a snow leopard being killed, but I couldn't see the murderer, except for the golden red light that suddenly appeared. When Kuhn saw that the snow leopard was dead, he put down his gun and turned around to continue making the fire.I sighed and looked at Kuhn's back, such a good young man was ruined.Now that the Soviet Union and Germany are at war, whoever has time to go to the Himalayas to catch him can go back to Germany.Nine years have passed, and the Soviet Union must have given up the pursuit long ago.But Kuhn’s trauma is too great, and he can’t explain it for a while. It may not be a good thing to ask him to go back to Germany now. How many people in the world want to avoid the flames of war, and they probably would rather stay on the snow-capped mountains without people.

Hu Liang saw a snow leopard dead in the cave hall, and whispered to me: "Since a leopard broke in, there must be a way out. Why don't I stabilize Kuhn first, and you and Zhang Yicheng go to fetch Han Xiaoqiang and the others. Here It's better than the cave." I nodded and agreed: "Then you stay with this lunatic first. I'll find a way around here. If you haven't come back in a few hours, you can find a way to bring Yang Ning and the others over." Zhang Yicheng said disapprovingly: "Don't make it like a parting of life and death, how unlucky it is, isn't it just taking two people into the cave, how dangerous can it be?"

I was too lazy to make a sound, Zhang Yicheng pretended to be aggressive, but in fact he knew it all in his heart.The snow leopard died right in front of us. Everyone saw it with their own eyes. If it wasn't danger, what else could it be?But Kuhn has been hiding in the unmanned camp, relatively speaking, this place should be regarded as a relatively safe place.As for how the head of the snow leopard was torn off, with our level of cognition at that time, we couldn't figure it out all at once.Everyone trembled with fear every step they took, for fear that their heads would fall to the ground, and they would end up with the snow leopard.

Because he had to go back to the cave hall, Zhang Yicheng didn't drag the snow leopard's body back right away, and roasted it when he planned to turn back.During the mating period, snow leopards often do not appear alone, and sometimes the male and female live together in a den, or even a few of them live together.Zhang Yicheng told me this and told me to keep it safe at all times, otherwise the snow leopard would jump out and bite people, and I would consider myself unlucky.On the snow mountain, there is nothing wrong with listening to Zhang Yicheng about how to deal with wild beasts.I nodded, took two guns with me, and set off quietly with him.Kuhn and Hu Liang were communicating in German, and they didn't know what to say. Anyway, Hu Liang managed to draw Kuhn's attention away.

The cave hall is full of smooth stones, black, green, and red, and when illuminated with a flashlight in the dark, it reflects a beautiful luster.I picked up a stone and took a look. It turned out that those stones were covered with ice film, no wonder they looked slippery and reflected the light of the flashlight.Zhang Yicheng saw that I was distracted, so he urged me to follow him closely, don't get lost for a few broken rocks. We all walked along the edge of the cave, and never set foot in the center of the cave. Firstly, the exit should be on the stone wall, and secondly, the snow leopard died tragically there. I am afraid that there is hidden danger that cannot be detected by the naked eye.Walk around the edge of the cave, estimated to be several miles long, and take at least ten minutes.It's not that we walk slowly, but the terrain. The inside of the cave is not flat, and the edge area alone often has a large ups and downs.Coupled with the need to be alert to the ambushes around and the lack of light, ten minutes is considered fast.

The problem is, Zhang Yicheng and I went around in a circle, but we didn't see the big crack in the butthole, and there was no exit at all. Hu Liang was still talking to Kuhn, and I became more and more anxious when I saw the fire in the camp over there.Yang Ning is still having a fever. It is very dangerous to have a fever in the plateau. Can Han Xiaoqiang take care of her?Zhang Yicheng was also in a hurry. He knocked on the angular stone walls with the handle of his gun, thinking that there was a trick.I let out a breath, looked at the darkness in the center of the cave, and found that there were two blue eyes again——another snow leopard appeared!

Zhang Yicheng heard me call him softly, and immediately told him to shoot the snow leopard to prevent that ferocious beast from biting us to death.I came up with a plan, quickly stopped Zhang Yicheng, and then turned off all the lights.Zhang Yicheng quickly understood what I was thinking, as long as he followed the snow leopard, he might be able to find the exit, these beasts would never appear out of thin air.Fortunately, the snow leopard didn't look this way, turned to stare at the fire in the camp, and didn't notice us standing on the edge of the cave. For a long time, the snow leopard stood still, because there was no light, we could only vaguely see the two glowing eyes.If the fire on the other side of the camp is also out, it may be invisible to glowing eyes.I tend to turn off the light so I don't irritate the snow leopard with the light.The snow leopard stood silently for a long time, then walked up to the dead snow leopard, licked its companion's body, and stood with its head bowed, refusing to leave.

Zhang Yicheng was impatient, and couldn't wait any longer, so he wanted to kill the snow leopard who didn't know what to do.I told Zhang Yicheng not to worry, the keen snow leopard finally spotted the human in the dark, and it immediately turned around and ran into the darkness behind it.When I saw this, I hurried over, the opportunity was rare, as long as we followed the snow leopard, we could find a way out.These noises also alarmed Kuhn. Hu Liang kept distracting him, but Kuhn still yelled madly, which startled us all.I recognized this cry, it was the scream from the plane and the cracks earlier, it turned out that Kuhn was shouting madly, I thought I saw a ghost.

Seeing that we were chasing the leopard, Hu Liang tried his best to appease Kuhn and told him to turn his head away from the place where the snow leopard appeared.Zhang Yicheng and I stomped on the rocks, and the snow leopard ran so fast that it disappeared immediately.When I reached the center of the cave, I couldn't help but stop and take a breath. Running on the plateau and snow-capped mountains is really killing me.Zhang Yicheng's hunting prey in Qilian Mountains is commonplace, and when he saw me stop to rest, he scolded me for being worthless.I didn't have the energy to explain, I bent over and panted for a while, but I heard Zhang Yicheng running forward again.

This is already the center of the cave, and the fire from the camp cannot reach this side. We didn't even turn on the flashlights, and we ran like blind men.I was afraid of some kind of trap, so I immediately turned on the flashlight in my hand, only to see that Zhang Yicheng didn't run away, but slipped into a small pit of stones.I just wanted to pull Zhang Yicheng up, but found that the situation in front of me was not quite right. I straightened up and looked at the front, and was immediately stunned. It turned out that the center of the cave was not empty. There was a thick natural stone pillar there, which formed an oblique angle of about 50 to 60 degrees from the ground and connected to the dome of the cave.It is said to be a pillar, but it is not. It should be said to be a huge ladder.On the side of the big stone steps, there are vivid colorful murals.But this stone step seems to have been frozen with ice, so the murals have been sealed in clear ice, unlike the previous murals that have faded.

I held up the TV and watched obsessively. There were no humans or animals in those murals, only cities made of bones.Those bones include animal and human, not to mention human and other skulls.Kuhn always said that he came from hell, probably because he saw this mural and thought it was the so-called hell.But the strange thing is that there are a lot of black clouds painted in the sky above the Bone City in that mural, and there is a faint golden red in the clouds.In the long mural, the bone city occupies the side of the stone steps, and above the black clouds, there is a golden light that grows to cover the entire city. What exactly are the black clouds and the golden red light? I was obsessed with watching it, wanting to know the secrets of the frozen murals, until Zhang Yicheng crawled out cursingly, and I woke up.When Zhang Yicheng saw the murals, he was not at all curious, and said that such ancient murals also existed in Qilian Mountains.He heard from his father that the paints of that kind of murals have special materials in them. If they are ordinary paints, they will fade or even change their shape in ice cubes.I am more and more curious about who painted the mysterious murals on the snowy mountains, and what historical events they want to record. Does this have something to do with the frequent plane crashes on the Hump route? "Don't look at it, you're not an artist, you're just a vulgar person!" Zhang Yicheng wasn't interested at all, "If you look at this thing, why don't you go and see Yang Ning!" When I heard Yang Ning's name, my heart beat faster, so I looked away and walked to the bottom of the big stone steps.When we looked up, neither Zhang Yicheng nor I could see that there was free time above. This is normal, it might still be night in Snow Valley.The stone steps should be formed naturally, except that there are traces of modification on both sides, but the surface is pitted, just like the peel of a lychee.The snow leopard should have run up from here, so I summoned up my courage, stopped worrying about the frozen mural, and walked up the steep stone steps with Zhang Yicheng. The stone steps are tens of meters long, from which we can see how high and wide the cave is. Walking to the top to see the fire in the camp, it is almost like a spark.I turned my head anxiously, and felt a strong cold wind blowing down from the front, and there was indeed an exit at the end.Zhang Yicheng and I speeded up and ran across the last short distance of the stone steps in one breath, and immediately saw a hole the size of a stone screen.Outside the entrance of the cave is full of wind and snow, and the snow-capped mountains are raging at night. Judging from the situation, it should be a corner in the snow valley. I was thinking happily that I could go pick up Yang Ning, when I saw two figures suddenly appear at the entrance of the cave.Those two figures shouted a few times into the cave. Although Zhang Yicheng and I couldn't understand, we knew that it was Japanese.I walked up with a flashlight just now, and the light passed through the cave and was reflected in the snow valley. It is estimated that the devils discovered us.As soon as they saw someone coming out of the stone cave, the devils raised their guns and fired twice when we were not prepared. boom!boom!
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