Home Categories Thriller Tomb Robber·Southern Snake Palace
Tomb Robber·Southern Snake Palace

Tomb Robber·Southern Snake Palace


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 205428

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Chapter 1 Wedge Southern Snake Palace

In the vast land of China, in the long river of time, how many unknown corners exist mysteriously and truly? The Snake Palace is such a mysterious place.It hides at the bottom of the mountains on the China-Myanmar border and exists silently, showing off its miracles and showing its mysterious horror to people. Even so, people's fanatical pursuit of it has not diminished in the slightest. In order to pursue the eternity and the power that can be proud of everything, people have stepped forward bravely.And the Snake Palace has always shown no mercy to those who dare to challenge its authority, taking away everything they have without mercy.The strange rituals of the Snake Emperor, the terrifying underground giant snake, the ghost eyes of the blood slave... all the terrifying killing tools that exist beyond human perception.

Human beings are the spirit of all things, and snakes are also spiritual creatures. The combination of the two is contrary to the laws of heaven and natural rules, and naturally cannot be established.But there is a mode of existence in the world called supernatural. Numerous examples have proved that things that people intuitively think do not exist exist in this mode.They are extremely powerful, powerful to the point of frightening. Once the door of disaster is opened, it cannot be stopped, and the road of exploration begins, which is infinitely exciting and exciting!
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