Home Categories Thriller Great Qing Dragon Coffin

Chapter 122 Chapter Forty

Great Qing Dragon Coffin 舞马长枪 3245Words 2018-03-22
As soon as these words came out, Da Ya's mouth opened wide enough to hold a fist.He looked at me with distorted facial features, his expression was extremely exaggerated. After a while, Da Ya closed his mouth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cast a strange glance at Liu Ye and Li Chun.This time he stabbed a hornet's nest, and immediately attracted evil eyes, almost gouging him to death. After Li Chun glared at Da Ya, he glanced at me again, and raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean? Brother Lai Liang, if you don't say it sooner or later, you have planned it a long time ago, and you didn't even think about using any yellow leather or Is it a toad or something? It’s nothing serious, but I still have to open the altar, so I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

When Li Chun said this, I also felt hot on my face and felt a little hot. Even if this kind of thing is opened up again, there is still a difference between men and women. It is still a bit embarrassing to talk about it on the stage. And Liu Ye stared at me with a straight eyebrow, but said nothing. Da Ya saw that there was something wrong with this meaning, so he secretly glanced at Liu Ye.Quickly said to Lichun: "Sister Goddess, why don't you show your hand first and help us get two yellow skins out?" Hearing Da Ya say this, Li Chun didn't like it very well, so he gave Da Ya a "pooh" mouthful: "You think it's my pet, you just bark!"

When Da Ya and Li Chun were arguing, Liu Ye stared at me intently, her eyes spewing fire, and she glared at me: "I'll go!" After Liu Ye's sound, the scene suddenly became silent. I looked at Da Ya, Da Ya looked at Li Chun, Li Chun looked at me, and finally they all looked at Liu Ye. At this time, Liu Ye's face was a little red, a little sullen, and she was staring at me with raised eyebrows.Probably Liu Ye was a little angry, thinking that I was deliberately teasing her, and I was also complaining in my heart, but in fact, this is not just me talking nonsense, it is indeed such a thing.

I originally planned to let Lichunju get a yellow leather child, but it is not difficult to think about it.Unexpectedly, this turn of events happened unintentionally. I don’t know how to make the matter of "virgin" rise to such a height. This is beyond my expectation. If I really knew it would happen, I wouldn’t say it ! Probably Liu Ye misunderstood me, thinking that I brought this up on purpose and had other plans. I am really more wronged than Dou E at this time.Quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead.I originally wanted to explain something, but this matter will only get darker and darker, so I don't want to mention this problem, let's bear it!Only at this time did I know what it was to be self-inflicted.

Da Ya also saw that there was something wrong with Liu Ye's mood, so he nodded at Liu Ye and smiled: "Sister, don't be so angry, you can't get along with him, and there's no other purpose in coming to light, you see, it's dark here, you stay here and we Don't worry, pull it down, don't take this risk, let Lichun think of a way." Da Ya also kindly persuaded Liu Ye, he was afraid that Liu Ye would be afraid inside, so he said that, but from Liu Ye's point of view, it seemed that he was doubting what she just said, instead of thanking Da Ya, he rushed to Da Ya Glaring: "Thank you for your kindness, I told you. I'll go."

Just as Da Ya was about to say something more, I quickly pulled Da Ya back, winked my eyes vigorously, and signaled Da Ya not to say any more, the more I said it, the bigger the contradiction would be.He didn't dare to look at Liu Ye again, for fear of meeting her eyes, he quickly lowered his head and pretended to be nonchalant, took out some things from the backpack, handed them to Liu Ye without raising his head, and told her some things. This kind of feng shui formation "dot matrix" takes three days, and after three days, the formation will not be used after it is activated.It doesn't mean that you have to stay inside 24 hours a day, as long as you ensure that the "yang time" is there.

Twenty-four hours are recorded as twelve hours, and each hour is equal to the current two hours. The ancients named each hour according to the time of the animals in the twelve zodiac signs. Second earthly branch. The sky is dark and the earth is chaotic, and the mouse only comes out to move around in the middle of the night, biting the gap between the chaotic state of the sky and the earth. The ancients called it "the mouse bites the sky." When naming children.After the opening of the sky, it is necessary to open up the earth, "the earth is opened up in the ugly", and the cattle plowing the fields are the things that open up the earth, so the next morning from 1:00 to 3:00 is the time of the ugly.By analogy, at last between nine o'clock and eleven o'clock in the evening, the heaven and earth were immersed in a state of chaos, and everything in the world was covered at night.Pigs are chaotic creatures that only know how to eat, so Hai became the name of this hour.

The twelve hours are also divided into yin and yang. Speaking of the twelve zodiac signs, there are various folk stories, but one thing that many people may not know is that the ranking order of these animals is also sorted according to "one yang and one yin". Among the twelve Earthly Branches, those with an odd number match their fingers or hooves with an odd number. Divided into two petals, typical artiodactyla. The number of toes on the front, back, left, and right feet of animals is basically the same, but the mouse is an exception. The reason for the high price is that the location is ranked first, not because the mouse tricked the cat and rode on the old bull's head to rank first.

In fact, rats have four toes on their front feet.Even numbers are yin; hind feet have five toes, and odd numbers are yang.The first half of Zishi is the yin of last night, and the second half is today's yang, so the mouse just happens to symbolize Zishi. Then there is the ox, cloven hoof (even); the tiger, five-toed (odd); the rabbit, four-toed (even); the dragon, five-toed (odd); the snake, no-toed (even); the horse, odd hoof (odd). ; sheep, cloven hooves (even); monkeys.Five-toed (odd); chicken, four-toed (even); dog, five-toed (odd); pig, even-toed (even). After I explained these things clearly, Da Ya snapped his fingers and calculated, then grinned at Liu Ye with a smile on his face: "Sister, you will have to work hard later, a heavy burden is on your shoulders Now, even if my brother wants to help you, there is no way to do it, you should hurry up and rest for a while, and watch the sun go down in a while, when the hour comes, you have to go out."

After hearing what Da Ya had said, Liu Ye pouted at Da Ya, without making a sound, pulled Li Chun to sit beside her, and went to chat on her own. Da Ya spread his hands at me and shrunk his neck. It seems that women are so petty, there is really nothing to do. I hurriedly fled the scene with my big teeth, and it was less than an hour before Youshi, I had to prepare the incense candle bill quickly, and I had to cooperate with the willow leaves to set up the altar. In fact, the method of opening the formation of Fengshui should be the same as Taoism The formations in the book are somewhat similar, and there is also a process similar to raising the altar, but it is not as elaborate as the Taoist formation.

When my grandfather raised the grave back then, he just poured a bowl of wine down, burned some paper, and said a few words as a greeting and etiquette. I don't know if it is useful or not to raise the altar ceremony of this Fengshui formation method, but since it has been passed down like this since ancient times, I still follow it to prevent thousands of miles of long dikes from being destroyed by ant nests. For this small matter to affect the overall situation, some So worthless. Da Ya and I brought some larger stones.Simply pile them up into a table shape, with the seat facing south, put candles and offerings on it, and press three stacks of burnt paper, and look at the sky, basically the sun has completely set now, and the sky has just turned dark. I checked the time, and it was less than ten minutes before You hour, so I went over to remind Liu Ye, telling her not to worry, just sit where I said, and no matter what happens, you can’t leave without authorization, time When we arrive, we will naturally call her. Liu Ye held the prepared things in her hand, looked up at me, and finally managed to force a wry smile. After a simple greeting, she went straight inside, seeing her walk to the place where the branches were placed in the center, After a little hesitation, he stood facing due north and waved to us. At this moment, Li Chun also concentrated her attention, staring here and there, looking left and right, people like her are very sensitive to the surrounding aura, and sometimes their intuition is even more accurate than the compass. I watched the time was almost up, walked to the "altar" and lit two candles.The flame of the candle flickered a few times, jumping erratically, which looked very strange in this wilderness.I clasped my hands together, closed my eyes slightly, and chanted an uncommon mantra in my mouth: "Bullstar, willow ghost essence. Breaking the yang and returning the yin, returning the light to the form. Drive the sun and the moon, and capture thousands of soldiers. The generals of the heavens , obey orders." After I finished reading, I stretched out my arms, grabbed two stacks of papers and lit them on the candles on the left and right respectively, and then waited until the fire was lit, and raised it vigorously to the sky. I feel majestic and majestic. I don't know if it's a coincidence or a real fulfillment. Just after throwing out the burnt paper, a whirlwind rose from the ground, and "suddenly" rolled up the burnt paper that was about to fall into the sky strangely. Seeing this scene, not only It's just the big teeth, even I gasped. I hurriedly lit the burning paper that had been prepared in the ground, and suddenly the fire in the sky and the ground flickered, adding a bit of mystery and weirdness out of thin air to the originally peaceful night.And the whirlwind didn't gradually dissipate until it was burned by the burning paper holding the sky. Although it was only a few tens of seconds, I was really sweating all over my body. Lichun looked at me for a long time, then looked at me and smiled: "Okay, Brother Lailiang, I really didn't see it, you are bluffing people these two times, it seems that this Fengshui metaphysics is very powerful, I have time to teach it. Teach me." I knew that Lichun was joking, and I was about to pat her on the head when I turned around. When she saw me raising her hand, she moved away cleverly, stuck out her tongue at me, and made a grimace. Unknowingly, I found that the sky suddenly became dark. This kind of black seemed to be soaked in ink. It was so thick that I couldn’t even see the willow leaves in the center of the soil bag. Put it, my heart "thumped" all of a sudden, and I felt something was wrong. Just as I was in a daze, Da Ya and Li Chun next to me seemed to be aware of this problem, and they all listened carefully with their ears sideways, and then closed their eyes to take a look. Although there was nothing abnormal on the surface, the speed of Heitian It's really too fast, and it's terrifyingly dark. Unknowingly, there seems to be a wind. This kind of wind is different from the usual wind. It doesn't blow from one direction to another, but blows in a swirl. Dozens of whirlwinds gradually gathered towards the center.
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