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Chapter 32 Chapter 31 Mangurtai

Great Qing Dragon Coffin 舞马长枪 3291Words 2018-03-22
I received a call from Liu Ye early in the morning, and only then did I know that she had arrived in Changchun and was driving to find us. Da Ya and I reckoned that it was almost time, so we went to meet Liu Ye on the country road. Although she was not familiar with this place, there was only one country road in the town that went south, so there was no need to worry about going the wrong way. Just after noon, I saw that Volvo off-road vehicle speeding up from a distance. Da Ya and I stood on the side of the road and waved our hands. The car stopped close to us.Maybe it was because of the long-distance travel or the poor sleep these days, Liu Ye looked a little haggard and sluggish. When she saw us, she stretched her eyes and brows, and smiled happily.

When the old man first saw a car entering his yard, he was also a little surprised, so he went out of the house, stood at the door and looked out, and was a little surprised when he saw Da Ya and I getting out of the car.Da Ya and I could only make up a lie, saying that Liu Ye was our colleague who came from the city to pick us up. After Da Ya and Lao Gu Tou said a few more polite words, we took Liu Ye back to the house to rest. Fortunately, the West House is a suite with two rooms, and the willow leaves are arranged in the inner room.The fire in the house was not cut off during the day, the kang was burning hot, and the room was very warm. After the old man left, the three of us sat around and began to chat about our respective situations in the past few days.

Da Ya and I first told Liu Ye the things recorded in the appendix of the old man's genealogy, and then shared some relevant historical materials we found on the Internet.Liu Ye listened carefully and asked some questions from time to time.When Da Ya and I finished talking, Liu Ye nodded, then looked at us both and said, "I have studied this period of history for a while, and I know some little-known things, so let me tell you about it. Maybe it helps." Then, Liu Ye also generously took off her shoes and got on the kang, sitting cross-legged at the head of the pit, warming her body while talking.

In fact, the greater role of Nurhachi's awarding of the four major Baylors at that time was as a subordinate of the prince Chu Ying, both as an auxiliary and a check and balance force.It's just that the crown prince Chu Ying was also a master who couldn't be supported by mud. He made mistakes repeatedly and was finally executed. Dabeile Daishan was born to Nurhachi's first wife, Tong Jia, who was Nurhachi's wife who shared the same hardships.Daishan was very brave and good at fighting when he was young. After Nurhachi executed the prince Chu Ying, he became a popular candidate for succession.It is said that Huang Taiji "envoyed" Nurhachi's little concubine to frame the concubine Ulanarashi Abahai, who is Dorgon's biological mother, and attacked Daishan, saying that there was an affair between them, killing two birds with one stone , Forced to pull down the big Baylor who was originally the most hopeful successor.

Erbeile Amin is the son of Shuerhaqi, Nurhachi's younger brother, and also Huang Taiji's cousin.Although he was active in combat and had great military exploits, he couldn't be compared with the other three Baylors after all. And these three Belemangurtai are very mysterious, not because of the mysterious person, but because there are very few relevant historical records, and most of them were destroyed at that time.He is the fifth son of Nurhachi, and his mother is Fucha Gundai, one of the great concubines. He is beautiful, lively, and straightforward. Nurhachi also likes it very much. He has been favored for a long time. The ambiguous matter was killed by Mang Gurtai in a rage.

Manggu Ertai was reused very early on, and he made many military exploits, surpassing other brothers, and he stood alone on the battlefield.But Mang Gurtai has a bad temper, brave but not scheming, he is a martial artist, he had many fierce quarrels with Huang Taiji, sang against Huang Taiji, and repeatedly made things difficult for Huang Taiji. Sibeile Huang Taiji is the only son of Nurhachi's beloved wife Yehenala's Menggu. As Menggu's only son, he is deeply loved by Nurhachi, but his performance on the battlefield is mediocre, and he has always been in charge of money and food. , Welcome to welcome, very scheming, and later became the emperor.

After Da Ya finished listening, he blinked his small eyes, and curled his lips: "So these people have never played Huang Taiji, old boy, Huang Taiji's tricks are sinister, I didn't expect Mang Gurtai to be like that." Crazy, probably lighting up lanterns in the hut, purely looking for death (photographing shit)." Liu Ye also smiled helplessly, and continued: "There are many tit-for-tat incidents between Mang Gurtai and Huang Taiji in the historical records. Offending the emperor naturally has no good end. In 1632, Mang Gurtai died of a sudden illness. What is even more unfortunate is that a few years later, a subordinate reported that their brother and sister had burned their oaths in an attempt to usurp the throne, and found sixteen wooden plaques at home, all of which were written with the seal of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and were convicted of treason Later, the tomb of Mang Gurtai was demolished by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Qing Dynasty, and the bones that had already been cold were thrown into a mess, and all the gold and silver utensils buried in the funeral were also taken out. Until more than 70 years later, Kangxi ordered Mang Gu Ertai's descendants resumed their clan status and re-entered the clan's mansion."

Listening to Liu Ye's talk about this little-known history, it's like a treasure, just like my own family's affairs, she just opened her mouth and came in an orderly manner. After listening to Liu Ye's words, Da Ya couldn't help sighing: "You said that old man Nurhachi is the same, so you can just say clearly who is the emperor, and doing so many things makes your children fight each other. Massacre. What secret is more important than passing on the throne, and if you have time to gather seven people to protect a secret, it is better to find a group of people, make a decree, and specify the successor."

In fact, I thought of this just now, and only now do I understand how complicated and mysterious the matter we are going to investigate is, and its importance even surpasses that of Xia Zhao, who passed on the throne before he died. Or Nurhachi didn't expect that he died so quickly and didn't have time to pass on the throne.Of course, there is also a possibility that Nurhachi had a will, but for some reason it was suppressed before it was announced. However, I think the biggest possibility is that Nurhachi didn't want to clarify who will inherit the Khan position. It is estimated that he already knows in his heart who has the ability to inherit his Khan position.And the thing that was explained before he died should be as important as or even more important than the handing over of Khan's throne.

The three of us were all sitting on the kang, talking about the old things of the Qing Dynasty, but most of them can only be speculated, because the historical materials seem to be broken at that time, there are not many records left, and there is no old man. What is recorded in this family tree of the family is shocking. When Da Ya heard Liu Ye talk about Mang Gurtai's accusation of usurping the throne, he was a little puzzled: "Are these brothers and sisters out of their minds? Burning oaths and plotting to usurp the throne? Just in a dark room, burning a few sticks of incense, carving a few Just a brand will work? Does this idiot know it’s useless? I really don’t understand what these people are thinking. If you have that skill, you might as well do something serious.”

After hearing what Da Ya said, I also have this feeling, no matter how reckless Mang Gurtai is, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing, would he? Liu Ye stared at us like a mirror: "I have indeed doubted this point. I have checked a lot of historical materials, but they are only a few words and vague. Thinking of the death of Nurhachi, Chu Ying, and Huang Taiji, I have some doubts." Another view." "Usa?" Da Ya and I looked at Liu Ye and said in unison. Liu Ye nodded: "Yes, I think they don't seem to be burning incense and worshiping Buddha, but more like launching the witch curse technique in Usa, and the sixteen so-called gold seals may not be engraved The emperor of the Great Jin Kingdom is so simple. If it is only because of this, it will be fine if you die and kill the whole family, and you will not be opened up and brutally corpsed many years after your death. treated like this." Hearing what Liu Ye said, I suddenly thought of something: "I remember the historical record that after Prince Chu Ying was abolished, he secretly wrote the names of his father Nurhachi and his younger brothers on a piece of paper, and cast a curse on them. They were put to death after they found out. These two brothers are not stupid enough to have nothing to do with their imaginations, right? So I am sure that the curse of burning incense recorded in the historical data is the witch curse of 'Usa', but because Some reasons, but not recorded truthfully, just passed by.” After listening to the results of our analysis, Da Ya murmured: "Dragon begets dragons, phoenix begets phoenixes, and the son of a mouse can make holes. There is a father who pretends to be a ghost every day, and makes some sons Wuwuxuanxuan, so he does these side-by-side tricks the other way around." Cannibalism, the family tradition is ruined!" Although this statement is a bit unserious, but the words are not rough, and there is indeed a reason for this. Liu Ye suddenly asked again: "Do you know Dorgon?" Da Ya and I looked at each other, the name was familiar, but we couldn't tell it exactly. Liu Ye took a look at both of us and told us that in the seventh year of Shunzhi, Dorgon went hunting outside Gubeikou, and accidentally fell off a horse and injured himself. It was only a bone injury, but later it was said that the treatment was useless. He took the wrong medicine and died violently in Kara City at the age of 39. After Liu Ye finished speaking, Da Ya and I both understood what she was going to say. These great figures who founded the Qing Dynasty all died violently, and such a way of death is too strange. After I heard Liu Ye finished speaking, I slowly said: "Nurhachi, it is said that he died of poisonous gangrene. Mang Gurtai died violently for unknown reasons. Huang Taiji died of a sudden illness in the palace. Dorgon was originally fractured, and he could use it wrongly." Drugs, sudden death. I won’t talk about a lot of Ago Gege. These people seem to have died a little unclearly, and the historical data dare not clearly record it. I think only abnormal and bizarre deaths will be labeled as "violent death" ' way of death." Liu Ye nodded: "I believe they were cursed by a witch from Usa, which is similar to a curse, so they died suddenly. As for who cast the curse, we can't think of it, but the history of the Qing Dynasty is the most chaotic. But it was during this period, I think the ultimate source should be Nurhachi, perhaps only he knows where these witch curses come from, and it may also be related to the secrets kept by the 'Xingdi Qigong'." Hearing what Liu Ye said, Da Ya and I were a little stunned. It's not that we haven't thought about it, but we dare not think about it. We don't want ourselves to be caught in the grievances of this royal family. There are too many unknowns and There are too many unbelievable things, if you don't pay attention, your life will be lost, and in the end, you don't know how you died. Da Ya rubbed his hands, lit a cigarette, and took a puff: "Sister, Lai Liang, I think about it this way. The most precious thing in the world is life. We can do anything under the premise of life guarantee. , if my life is gone, we can’t do anything. We’ve been busy with beads for almost a month, and it’s almost Chinese New Year. Everyone has to come up with an idea on how to do this next step. I’m not afraid Death, I just want to say, is it worthwhile for us to continue to investigate this matter."
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