Home Categories Thriller Fourteen Days of Cry · 1/14 Season 5

Chapter 24 Chapter One

A woman was kidnapped to the murderer's cave, where there were all dismembered corpses. He tried his best to avoid the attack of the murderer and escaped.But in the end, she regretted it—she should have stayed there. Why is this?From now on, you will play this unfortunate woman, and all her choices will be completely up to you.You have to put yourself in your shoes to imagine all kinds of horrible situations you are about to face, and make a calm judgment.Remember, you will encounter several forks and choices, but there is only one way to escape. When the woman woke up, she found herself lying on the floor in a strange room.

It was dark, damp, and there was a foul stench in the air. What is this place?She opened her eyes wide and looked around in horror—a dim incandescent lamp hung above her head, behind her was a large wooden cabinet, and directly in front of her was an iron table covered with a white cloth—like a hospital operating table, extending to the upper floor and told her it was a basement. The woman supported her body with her hands and stood up with difficulty.The horror of this place terrified her.She didn't know why she was here, and she couldn't remember what happened before, and she couldn't even remember her own name.Her head was throbbing with pain, and when she touched the top of her head—it was sticky—it was blood that hadn’t dried up before her eyes.

The woman's stomach tightened.At this moment, she felt the stench was all around her.After a few seconds of hesitation, she bent down and glanced under the table. This glance scared her out of her wits—under the table were two huge metal containers, which contained human residual arms, internal organs and heads!The woman covered her mouth in horror and almost vomited.She turned her head quickly, closed her eyes, and covered the white cloth back. God... how could I be in such a horrible place? !The woman shivered.Will my fate be the same as the owner of these stumps?While she was terrified, something even more terrifying happened—slow footsteps came from the wooden floor above, and the footsteps were approaching the basement stairs step by step.

My God, is the killer coming?I... what should I do? !The woman's heart was beating wildly. She looked around nervously, saw the cabinet and the wooden stairs, and realized that there were only two choices now—— (plot sub-text) Route A: take a knife and hide under the cabinet, and wait and see what happens; Route B: Hide behind the stairs with a knife and sneak up on the killer from behind.Chris stopped here and said: "Everyone, do you understand what I mean by 'interaction' just now? During the progress of this story, there will be several branch options. You need to choose according to your own Judgment to make choices. What I want to remind is that your choices will lead to several Bad endings (bad endings) in the story, and there is only one Good ending (good ending). Can make correct choices among several options The choice, the person who goes to the end is bound to have an IQ and luck beyond ordinary people. This is how the game is played, do you understand?"

"It's so interesting!" Beidou said excitedly, "It's like playing a word decryption game!" "That's pretty much what it means." Chris smiled. "This method can test out the sponsor?" Lake was very concerned about this. "Don't worry about the organizers or anything, just make choices according to your wishes. I will let you know what conclusions will be drawn in the end," Chris said. "Okay, then I'll choose." Sajia looked very interested, "Well... But the two branches you mentioned don't seem to have much difference."

"Yes, the first choice is not particularly critical." Chris said, "Route A is more conservative; route B should be more risky—you should choose according to your intuition. Ah, yes—" Chris Say to Ryoma, "Ryoma, aren't you recording? Could you please record every choice everyone makes?" "OK." "Thank you." Chris nodded, "Then please choose the route. After you choose, I will tell the story of each branch, and you will naturally know whether your choice is correct." The 11 suspense novel writers expressed their choices respectively, and Ryoma carefully recorded them in the notebook.

(first choice): Route A: Moby Whale, Araki Boat, Ryoma, Dark Fire, Chiaki, Gothic Route B: Xia Houshen, Lake, Sajia, Beidou, Nantian Chris continued on. (First choice) Route A (hide under the cabinet) The footsteps came closer, and the woman realized she had no time to hesitate.She glanced under the big cabinet, which could fit just one person.She picked up a sharp knife on the table and quickly got under the cabinet. The reason why she chose to hide and wait and see what happened was because she didn't want to take risks, and the other reason was that she considered a possibility—the thing that came down the stairs wasn't the murderer, but the police or someone else?If he hid behind the stairs and attacked indiscriminately, would he kill innocent people by mistake?

The floor of the basement was lifted, and a dull and slow footstep came down the stairs.The woman could tell that it was the footsteps of a man wearing thick leather shoes.Soon, the pair of shoes appeared in her field of vision—the man had already stepped off.The woman was lying on the ground, just in time to see his feet. There was a muffled sound.The sound of something heavy being thrown onto an iron table.The woman was terrified, and realized how naive and stupid her fear of killing innocent people was just now—this person could not be anyone else, but a terrifying murderer.The one he threw on the table was probably another kidnapped person!After the killer put down his "prey", he walked around the room.The woman thought in horror, oh no, he found me missing!

Now that there is no other choice, the woman holds the sharp knife tightly and is ready to fight desperately at any time.But what is strange is that the pair of shoes turned around in the house for a while, and then stopped looking, and returned to the "operating table" to start dealing with new prey. The woman felt very strange—in this room, the only place where people could hide was probably under the cabinet—this was almost obvious.But this murderer gave up searching? Perhaps this perverted murderer is not a normal person at all, and does not possess normal logic.the woman thought.At this time, she heard the sound of various metal instruments colliding, as well as the sound of struggling and the sound of a girl being gagged.The woman's heart was beating wildly - this devil wants to dismember people alive?

She wanted to jump out and save the girl, but I'm afraid it was suicide.But if she saw this girl being killed, she couldn't bear it.When she was struggling with conflicts, she suddenly heard a "click"—then, a chubby object fell to the ground and rolled in front of her.The head of a young girl with open eyes.The severed head was still alive. After looking at the person hiding under the cabinet, it opened its mouth and moved. This kind of horror is unbearable for normal people.The woman was frightened out of her wits. Before she screamed, she tightly covered her mouth with both hands, but still let out a "uh—" sound.

Oops, did he hear that?The woman secretly screamed that something was wrong.At this time, she saw the pair of big leather shoes walking towards the cabinet, and almost stopped in front of her eyes.Then, the murderer knelt down and poked his head under the cabinet to look around. It's over!exposed!The woman cried out in despair. At this time, a terrifying wolf face appeared in front of her eyes - sticking to the ground, looking at her. The woman finally can't take it anymore, it's really horrible!She yelled hoarsely, and stabbed the wolf's face with the sharp knife tightly in her hand! With a scream of "Ah!", "Wolf" screamed in pain and fell down covering his face.The woman knew that the blow could not be fatal, she got out from under the cabinet in panic, trying to use this opportunity to escape.But "Wolf" suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her foot when she passed by her.The woman screamed and turned her head, only to see that the wolf's face was actually a mask.She made up her mind and stabbed the hand holding her with a sharp knife.The murderer screamed again and let go of his hand.The woman seized the opportunity and rushed upstairs frantically. Coming up from the basement, what the woman saw was a log cabin.She didn't have time to care about what was in the house, and ran to the door desperately.After going out, she saw a dark forest outside. What to do... If you fled rashly into this gloomy forest, you might get lost, or you might be caught by that murderer.However, you can't wait to die here, can you?The woman gritted her teeth and rushed into the dark forest. (First choice) Route B (hide behind the stairs) The woman took a sharp knife from the table and hid in the backlight behind the stairs.The upper floor opened, and a man in thick leather shoes came down slowly.The woman held her breath and hid in the dark watching his back. After the man got down, he didn't notice that there was a person hiding behind him.The woman hiding in the dark was horrified to see a bruised girl of around twenty years old on his shoulders.No one thought that this was another "prey" of his. There is no time to hesitate!Opportunity is at hand - when he turns his back on himself!The woman plucked up her courage and flashed out from a dark corner, holding a sharp knife tightly, planning to sneak attack.However, something unexpected happened. The murderer didn't see the woman who was about to attack him, but the girl on his shoulder suddenly opened her eyes at this moment.When she saw the woman holding a sharp knife, she screamed out of fright. The murderer turned his head fiercely, and the woman saw it impressively.He wears a scary mask like a wolf face on his face! "Ah—" The woman trembled with fright.The masked man threw the girl on his shoulders to the ground and walked towards the woman.Just when he was about to get close, the woman suddenly mustered up her courage and raised a sharp knife to stab him in the face! This knife probably stabbed the murderer in the forehead, he let out a scream, covered his head with his hands and stepped back.The woman seized this opportunity and quickly rushed upstairs to the cabin above.She didn't dare to stay, and ran out, only to find that there was a dark forest outside. what to do?Fleeing into this dark forest alone?The woman's heart was beating wildly.However, there is still a girl in that devil's den!If you leave her alone, she will die! (Story branch) Route A: Hide near the wooden house, wait for the murderer to go out, go back to save the girl and go together: (very risky) Route B: Escape into the woods alone. (It is possible to get lost, and it is dangerous to be alone) (second choice) Route A: Beidou, Saka, Lake, Xia Houshen, Qianqiu Route B: Araki Boat, Moby Dick, Ryoma, Dark Fire, Gothic, Nantian (Second choice) Route A (save the girl and walk together) The murderer would definitely think that I would run away, but he probably didn't expect that I would hide behind the house.The woman hesitated for a moment, and decided to take a risk to save the girl.She quietly went around to hide behind the house. Sure enough, half a minute later, the murderer came out with a boning knife.He stood watching the door for a moment, then rushed into the forest. Here's your chance!The woman had already run away from the murderer, so she hurried back to the house.The basement was locked and the key was on the wall.She took the key, opened the basement door, and walked cautiously down the wooden stairs.Suddenly, she felt an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart—did I... Overlook something? By the time she realized what was wrong, it was too late.Just like what she did at the beginning, the girl hid in the dark place of the stairs. When the woman came down, the nervous and frightened girl didn't even see who was coming down, so she struck with an axe!The sharp ax blade pierced into the back of the woman's head.She heard the girl's panicked and regretful screams before she died.But it was too late... (Bad ending) "Ah, this woman died in vain..." Qianqiu opened her eyes wide and said, "Does this mean that those of us who chose route A have failed?" "Only failed this time, it doesn't matter, there are still several choices later." Chris said. The white whale said somewhat proudly: "I guess that route A will lead to this kind of result." "Do you mean we are stupid?" Qianqiu raised his eyebrows and asked. "It doesn't mean that. Maybe you just didn't think carefully, and didn't realize that the girl who stayed in the basement would also become a dangerous factor." Qianqiu let out a "hum". Chris said: "I reminded you before that when you make a choice, you have to put yourself in your shoes to consider and judge, and try to consider all possibilities, so that you can increase the probability of choosing the right one." "Okay, let's continue talking, little genius." Qianqiu urged. "Okay, I will continue with route B." (Second choice) Route B (escape into the forest alone) (The plot coincides with the first choice of route A) What should I do?A person who fled rashly into this gloomy forest might get lost or be caught by that murderer.However, you can't wait to die here!The woman gritted her teeth and rushed into the pitch-black forest. This is an undeveloped virgin forest, like a vast black wasteland.The woman ran away in a panic, the brittle branches creaking under her feet.She didn't know how long and how far she ran.She didn't bother to identify the direction, she was running forward in one go - getting lost was no longer important, she just wanted to escape from the clutches of that murderer! Finally, she felt exhausted.The head injury, combined with fatigue and panic, made her almost faint.At this time, she vaguely heard the sound of chasing footsteps behind her.God, the murderer is coming!what should I do? (Story branch:) Route A: Continue running desperately. (possibly collapsed from exhaustion and thus caught) Route B: Hide somewhere. (Being found is also a dead end) (third choice): Route A: Araki Boat, Lake, Ryoma, Beidou, Nantian, Xia Houshen, Beluga Route B: Dark Fire, Saka, Gothic, Chiaki (This time, Chris starts with Route B.) (Third choice) Route B (Hiding somewhere) The woman sees dense trees and bushes next to it.It was pitch black here, and if she hid here, the murderer wouldn't be able to find herself... She quickly hid in a hidden place in the bushes. After a while, the terrifying murderer came after him with a sharp knife.The woman watched him nervously from the gap in the bushes, not daring to take a breath.
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