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Chapter 48 Chapter two

life and death river 蔡骏 2433Words 2018-03-22
Poisonous sun. The Sahara-like sweltering heat and harshness, the ground temperature of the playground was at least 40 degrees Celsius, and the heat waves surrounded the boys and girls.Many girls withdrew from the queue on the grounds of menstruation, and some boys pretended to faint and were sent away.Only he stood upright under the sun, watching the instructor of the armed police.The originally pale skin has been tanned long ago, and two layers can be lifted with a light pinch. This is why the girls are most afraid, even though they all put sunscreen on their faces. The military training lasted for five days and ended before Qiuhu came. The instructor praised him as the student with the most tenacious willpower, with a dark complexion. From then on, no one in Nanming Middle School dared to bully him.

Before the start of school, the freshmen moved into the dormitory, and He Qingying finally followed to help his son move the quilt and pillow.He received a new school uniform, which was very cool in black, which attracted the attention of girls from time to time.The mother kept nagging, after all, in the sixteen years since her son was born, she has never left herself. There are more adults than students in the dormitory, and they are all making beds and luggage.After He Qingying packed everything up, she reluctantly left, telling her son that she must call home. "Mom, Wang'er has grown up and will take care of herself."

Si Wang kissed her on the forehead as if no one was watching, and the students around him laughed, but he didn't seem to care. For the first time in his life at a school sleepover, he doesn't talk much to his peers.Nanming Middle School is all residential students. In order to facilitate contact with their families, students are allowed to bring their mobile phones to the school, but they are not allowed to bring them into the classroom.Si Wang's counterfeit phone has already been laughed at by his roommates in the lower bunk. They use an iPhone, and the two opposite each have IPADs, and are immersed in Plants vs. Zombies.

Carefully observe the wooden window sill of the dormitory—covered with various nicks for more than 20 years, many names intertwined, and various symbols such as pentagrams and skulls.In the most inconspicuous corner, the words "Dead Poets Society" are vaguely engraved. The sound of crickets sounded one after another outside the window, and the breeze with the fragrance of phlox came in, slightly dispelling the sweltering heat.Across the large playground without lights, he tried his best to look into the night, and could vaguely make out the outline of the school library. Suddenly, a light came on in the small attic.

On the window sill of the dormitory on the fourth floor, Si Wang stared wide-eyed, but unfortunately he didn't have a telescope at hand. "Hey, classmate, go to bed early." When the lights were turned off, the roommate on the lower bunk yawned as a reminder.Another roommate came over and drew the curtains tightly without saying hello.Si Wang has been lying on the window sill for two hours, and everyone regards him as a monster. At this moment, Mali, who was far away in Guangzhou, received a text message: "I'm back in Nanming High School, sleeping on the upper bunk in your former dormitory."

In the early morning of the next day, Si Wang received a call from his mother, and He Qingying excitedly asked questions, fearing that his son would not be able to eat or sleep well, but he replied that everything was fine, and asked her how she slept last night?She said that Wang'er was not at home and did not fall asleep all night. First day of class. The classroom of Class 1 (2) is on the third floor of the white teaching building. There are 32 students in the class, 17 boys and 15 girls.Siwang is considered high, and the seats are arranged in the fifth row, more than ten meters away from the podium and blackboard, which is very suitable for deserting or doing small movements.The deskmate is an active man

Live, talk to other people non-stop.There are two girls in the front row, one with short hair and one with a ponytail, both of whom can only be regarded as average-looking.The two of them were very friendly to Si Wang, but he always answered each sentence and never took the initiative to speak. A male teacher in his forties walked into the classroom, carrying a heavy folder, wearing a crisp white shirt, with a gold pen in his breast pocket.He maintains the figure of a young man, but his hair is thinner. His sharp gaze sweeps across the classroom, and every student can feel his confidence and pride.

"Hi students, I am your head teacher, and my name is Zhang Mingsong." He turned around and wrote his name on the blackboard. Although he was a math teacher, he had beautiful chalk characters.The students below whispered, it turns out that Teacher Zhang has a very good reputation, has appeared on various educational TV programs, and is the first teacher brand of Nanming High School. "I haven't been a class teacher for ten years. Last month, the new school leader begged me to take on the burden of the class teacher and bring a class to the third year of senior high school. I agreed to the school after careful consideration, and specially selected you two class."

Unexpectedly, someone below applauded. A few nerds wearing thick glasses thought that having Zhang Mingsong as the class teacher was like a pie in the sky-he hired the top tutor in the city for free, and was admitted to a key university. Zhang Mingsong was numb to any compliments, so he didn't say any more nonsense, and went directly to the first math class.The most boring math class in the past made many girls concentrate on it like listening to heaven, and almost no one was distracted.When class was over, he received a lot of applause, and he scanned the entire classroom seriously until he met Si Wang's eyes.

He frowned slightly, as if frightened by the young man's gaze.Amid the cheerful bell, Zhang Mingsong walked out of the classroom of Class One (2) without saying goodbye to the students. During the break between classes, Si Wang sat without moving. When the class bell rang, Zhang Mingsong had already appointed the class monitor, a fat girl wearing glasses, and she asked everyone to stand up and say "Hello, teacher." This section is a Chinese class, and the teacher is Ouyang Xiaozhi. "Hello students!" She also bowed deeply to everyone, wearing a white dress, light makeup, black long hair shawl, and white sandals. She walked onto the podium, raised her hands, smiled, and she was really friendly.Someone in the audience paid attention to her hands, and there were no rings on her left and right fingers.She writes her name on the blackboard.

The girl in the front row read it softly, and immediately whispered to her deskmate: "Wow, her name is Ouyang Xiaozhi too! Have you read those books?" Her smile in the classroom keeps all the students' attention without distracting them. "Everyone can call me Teacher Ouyang, or Teacher Xiaozhi—do you know why I'm called Xiaozhi? That's the name of a flute." She tossed her hair back from her shoulders, still dignified, "It's an honor to be the Your Chinese teacher, this is also the first time for me to take classes at Nanming High School. I graduated from a normal university in this city and have been a Chinese teacher for twelve years. You're showing your age!" These words made the classroom atmosphere more harmonious, and the girl in front whispered again: "My God, I can't tell at all! I thought she was only in her twenties!" However, Ouyang Xiaozhi didn't tell the students - she also graduated from Nanming High School. "Now, please open the first text - "Qinyuanchun·Changsha", written by Mao Zedong." The teacher began to recite the poem, his voice was still as soft as before, watching the reactions of the students in the audience from time to time, of course it also swept Si Wang's face. The corner of her mouth raised slightly, no one noticed this detail, she went on to read: "Classmate Qia is a young man, he is in full bloom; scholarly spirit, scolding Fang Qiu..." 45 minutes later, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Xiaozhi announced tomorrow's text and said goodbye to everyone politely. It seemed that the first class was a success, and she walked out of the classroom full of confidence. Xiaozhi returned to the teacher's office, where there were more than a dozen large tables. She got along very well with other teachers and shared snacks like Huamei. In the evening, she was carrying a large light-colored handbag full of lesson preparation materials and walking out of the school gate, just in time to bump into the boy, who shyly retreated to the side. "Hello, classmate!" She took the initiative to speak, the wind lifted her long hair, and her face became clearer. The boy hesitated for a long time before uttering: "Hello, teacher." "I remember you, the day freshmen registered was also my first day to register at Nanming Middle School, and we carpooled here together." "It doesn't matter." His voice was so low that he couldn't even hear himself. "I remember your name in the freshman roster—Si Wang?" "yes." "Thank you!" The road ahead was still under construction, and excavators kept driving across the road, and she walked alone to the distant subway station. Suddenly, Ouyang Xiaozhi turned around, and he was nowhere to be seen.
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