Home Categories Thriller The Curse of the Conspiracy Notes

Chapter 2 first quarter

Many people gathered in the solemn and solemn church, and everyone was whispering and whispering, but I didn’t. I just stood quietly, looking through the gap between the high and low heads in front of me, looking at the solemn cross. Swear solemnly before the priest! In fact, Chinese wedding customs are very different from those in the West.Orientals like to be lively and festive, just like in the old villages, the groom will use a red sedan chair to marry the bride through the door. In front of the sedan chair is a suona team playing the music "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" to clear the way, and firecrackers will be set off when entering the door. Sprinkle happy candies, worship heaven and earth, and enter the bridal chamber, many young people make trouble in the bridal chamber—although young people in the city are getting married differently than before, the festive atmosphere has not changed.What Westerners want is solemnity, because in their view, marriage is a very sacred thing, and it would be undignified if it is too noisy, and it is disrespectful to God.Therefore, Chinese people don't like this deserted wedding scene very much. Even many devout Christians in China still choose traditional wedding methods when they get married, but Cai Feng has become an exception.

Cai Feng is a good friend of mine. He has helped me a lot in the process of investigating the case many times, especially this time. Without him, the catastrophe would not have been eliminated so easily, and the result would have been unimaginable ( Note from the author: For details, please refer to "City of Destruction"), he also won a new starting point in his career, which can be regarded as something to be proud of.And getting married is always a great event, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a double happiness, but I never thought that Cai Feng would choose such a westernized wedding method!

I can be sure that Cai Feng is not a Christian, neither is Bai Xiaojuan, and City S is only a prefecture-level city, which can barely be regarded as a second-level city. In this kind of city, people who choose Western-style weddings are very rare, let alone in Cai. The happiest moment in Feng's life. The bride and groom had already exchanged wedding rings, Cai Feng embraced Bai Xiaojuan lovingly, and kissed deeply on her flawless forehead.There was a burst of applause from the crowd, and someone shouted: "Xiao Cai, come one more!" Everyone burst into laughter. The pastor frowned slightly. I can understand that it is not appropriate to yell in front of God, let alone on such a solemn occasion.But this is China, and it is really not easy to make everyone as reserved as Westerners.

Bai Feng, who had been standing quietly watching the ceremony, suddenly leaned into my ear and said softly, "Doctor Cai looks a little unhappy?" Yes, although Cai Feng had a smile on his face, there seemed to be a layer of worry covering his brows. It was the worry that came from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it! "Perhaps, Lao Cai is still having trouble letting go of what happened just now." I replied in a low voice. Bai Feng's voice was also very deep: "That's right, Professor Li's sudden death is something that no one could have imagined. We all thought it was over, but Professor Li still chose..."

Not only Professor Li, didn't Lu Hua get out of his own psychological shadow?I thought so in my heart, but I just said "um", because I didn't want Bai Feng, who had just come out of the shadow of sadness, to think of Lu Hua's sad departure again. "Have you noticed? It seems that only Xiaojuan's parents came, but Dr. Cai's parents didn't come?" Bai Feng asked again puzzled. I smiled and explained to her: "You don't know, Lao Cai was born in a very remote village. It is a mountainous area and the transportation is very underdeveloped, so I couldn't come here!" I told Cai Feng about this - because as a friend, if his parents come, I can't justify not going to visit, this is Chinese etiquette!

She muttered softly: "That can't be..." Before finishing this sentence, He Ping, the director of the Central Hospital, invited everyone to have dinner at the hotel.After Professor Li committed suicide, He Ping, the original vice president, was promoted to the president of the Central Hospital, and Cai Feng also became the vice president from a small doctor in the emergency department. That hotel is one of the few four-star hotels in S City. Cai Feng, Bai Xiaojuan and I booked it together, because many important people attended their wedding, except for the cadres from all bureaus in the city. , the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor also became guests - of course, the reasons I have mentioned many times above.Therefore, when choosing a hotel, you can't be as casual as a general wedding.But to my surprise, what Cai Feng chose was not a traditional dinner, but a buffet. Although the dishes are definitely not lower than the standard of any dinner, Bai Xiaojuan and I feel that the buffet is not suitable for holding a wedding banquet. Cai Feng quarreled.Cai Feng didn't give in at all, my persuasion didn't work, I could only smile - on this matter, I only have the right to make suggestions, as to whether the suggestions are effective or not, it can only depend on the owner's will.

It can also be seen from this point that Professor Li is right, Cai Feng is indeed a very confident person, a bit paranoid about his self-confidence. Cai Feng and Bai Xiaojuan walked up to me with wine glasses, and I picked up the wine too: "I'm going back tomorrow, and I'm very happy to be able to attend your wedding, I wish you a long life together, forever together!" up the wine glass. Bai Xiaojuan raised her glass and clinked with me, but Cai Feng stared blankly at a little girl not far from us holding a piece of cream cake on her plate with a fork.Bai Xiaojuan pulled him down several times with her hands before he came to his senses and looked around as if he had been greatly frightened, as if he hadn't heard what I said.

Bai Xiaojuan said slightly reproachfully: "Brother Yi is toasting us!" Only then did Cai Feng come to his senses, he raised his glass hastily, and touched my glass vigorously, the red wine in the glass overflowed immediately and spilled on his fingers. Bai Xiaojuan looked at his panic-stricken look, frowned slightly, and smiled at me: "Don't be surprised, brother Yi, he's always been absent-minded these two days, I don't know if he's exhausted his mind a few days ago?" I glanced at the little girl, and seemed to understand in my heart. I couldn't help but smiled and leaned into Cai Feng's ear and said, "Lao Cai, work hard, it depends on your kung fu!"

Cai Feng blushed slightly, and asked, "Brother Yi, are you leaving tomorrow?" I smiled and said: "Yeah, I've been away for a long time, and there are still some things waiting for me to go back in the company. However, I will visit you often!" After speaking, I lightly clinked glasses with the two of them , gulp it down. Bai Xiaojuan said, "Bon voyage, brother Yi!" She took a sip lightly. Cai Feng saw that I drank it up, raised his head and drank it up, and said thoughtfully: "It's so fast, I don't know when we will meet again?" The two held hands and toasted to other guests.Looking at Cai Feng's back, I suddenly felt that he was really a little strange today, as if he was absent-minded in everything he did, maybe what happened just now really touched him a lot.

Bai Feng came over and touched me with a wine glass: "Mr. Yi, thank you for saving me twice. I don't know when we will meet again next time. I wish you the best of luck!" I raised my head and drank the wine in the glass: "Yes, I think we will meet again soon!" When I said this, I paused, some words rushed into my throat, but I still swallowed them. In fact, it was a word of apology, because Lu Hua had entrusted me to take care of Bai Feng more than once, but I couldn't fulfill the contract.I have my own things to do, and Bai Feng will continue to be her policeman.Although, this cannot be the reason to cut off our continued contact, but we are still just friends, far from being developed into couples in different places.Although I have a crush on her, it's just a crush.The reason why I thought about whether to say that sentence of apology was because I didn't want to mention Lu Hua to make her sad, and I didn't want to make her think that my words were implying something, and there were no intentions.

I drank a lot of wine that day, because there were many people who had to say goodbye. In the end, Bai Feng drove me back to the hotel. I was already so drunk that I fell asleep in bed.
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