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Chapter 35 Chapter 35: The Burial Pit (Part 1)

Seven Star Evocation Banner 冬雪晚晴 3089Words 2018-03-22
As far as I know, generally speaking, the sacrificial pit has to be buried with soil anyway. How can it be placed like this, like an open-air cesspit, with the mouth open?Questions are questions. I have to find a way out quickly. When I fell just now, it should have been from top to bottom. I don’t know how Xu Xu is doing now?That zombie guy is not easy to mess with. I have a hundred worries in my heart, Xu Xu and the bodyguard are fine, but Mu Mu is my friend, Da Zhuang entered the tomb because of us, but now they are all separated, I don't know how they are alive or dead? There are small edges on three sides of this sacrificial pit, but the other side is tightly supported by the stone wall. What's more, it is more than twice as large as the stone chamber above. Most of them have decayed, and the age cannot be seen, but they can be distinguished to some extent. This is not a modern product, but it does not look like the martyrdom that existed when the tomb was built, because if it is a corpse left over from the construction of the tomb, I am afraid that the corpse will be early. It rots until only the bones are left, where are the rotting corpses?

I walked around the edge of the pit, looking for a way out as I walked, but there were stone walls on all sides. I patted it with my hands, and it was extremely hard. Unless I used explosives, I couldn't even think about opening it. I sighed, it seems that I am not a material for tomb robbing, the first time I entered the tomb, I encountered such an accident, two people in Chenjia Village had already lost their lives, and I was imprisoned here for no reason, with a bunch of people The rotting corpses are locked together, a living person, a pile of corpses, and countless corpse insects.

really strange?I should have dropped the long sword in my hand just now, why can't I find it now?Also, how could the corpse I tore off just now be embedded in the stone wall?That's a stone wall, not a mound... Thinking of this question, I looked at the corpse that fell into the burial pit again—I was in a hurry just now, and I was disgusted with those corpses, and I didn’t look at the corpse carefully. Now I saw it, and I couldn’t help but startled me , this person... a head was completely crushed, although most of it was covered by corpse insects, but it could still be seen that this person's head, teeth, bones, blood and flesh were entangled indistinctly, forming a flat piece.

Have you ever seen a kitten or a dog toad that was crushed to death on the road?It’s just a flat piece like that, but I used to feel sick when I saw dead animals, but now I suddenly saw the dead bodies of the same kind, my stomach churns, and I almost vomited out on the spot. Suddenly my heart moved, where did I seem to have seen such a disgusting corpse before?By the way, when I saw Ning Hui for the first time, he was hiding in the mortuary, and he used a corpse crushed to death by a car to scare me. That corpse also seemed to be a piece of bloody flesh with its head crushed ... Thinking of this, I forcibly suppressed the fear and panic in my heart, and turned my eyes to the burial pit again. Countless corpse insects climbed up on the corpses that had just fallen into the pit, and were busy moving in and out of the rotting, fuzzy flesh and blood. A fat black corpse worm crawled out from the original ear of the corpse.

Involuntarily, I couldn't help reaching out to touch my ears, could it be that - I can only die here, and finally become delicious food for these corpse insects? Thinking of this, my heart sank suddenly, I can't - I have to find a way out quickly, since I can come in here, then there must be a way out. Thinking of this, I hurriedly beat on the stone wall desperately, hoping to find a mechanism to get out, but after about half an hour, I was completely disappointed. The stone wall here is very thick and smooth, and there is no way out at all... I squatted decadently by the side of the burial pit, my eyes fell on the burial pit again, my heart was at a loss, am I going to die?Surrounded by death-like silence, layers upon layers of rotting corpses exude a rotten and disgusting stench, but the strange thing is that there is no corpse poison. I half-closed my eyes and looked at it several times, but I didn't find any corpse poison.

"Hey..." A sigh sounded clearly in my ears. "Who?" I jumped up on the spot. In this dead and quiet space, someone actually sighed?However, this stone room is not small, but it is also clear at a glance. Apart from me, there are layers of rotten corpses in the sacrificial pit?Where is anyone else? Did I hear wrong?I thought suspiciously, it is said that people often have illusions in an extremely quiet environment, maybe I have illusions too?I thought to myself comfortingly.But at this moment—— "Hey..." There was another sigh, which sounded clearly. This time I paid attention, and it felt—as if—as if the sighs were coming from the burial pit.

"Ah..." I exclaimed, but hurriedly covered my mouth, calmed down, and shouted sternly, "Who is playing tricks here..." My voice was bounced back by the surrounding stone walls, and the echo dragged on for a long time. In an instant, the entire stone room could only hear the echo of ghosts... ghosts... ghosts. All the corpse worms in the burial pit seemed to be uneasy, raising their heads with scarlet hooks, and crawling ugly among the corpses. no one!I am the only living person in this stone room, and the rest are rotting corpses!I was busy comforting myself, although those two sighs were still echoing deep in my heart, but I had to be calm, calm, if I wanted to get back the seven-star summoning flag of the Yuan family, and if I wanted to get out of here alive, I had to calm down think about it...

While thinking about how I fell here, while holding up the wolf-eyed flashlight, I glanced back and forth among the corpses aimlessly, and suddenly my eyes lit up——Sword! That should be my sword, but only a small part of the hilt fell outside, and the rest was inserted into the corpses—it must be when I fell in, I was in a hurry, and the long sword fell into the burial pit. The long sword with a hilt was extremely sharp, with the blade pointing downwards, directly piercing through the carrion inside, resulting in only one hilt remaining outside. No wonder I couldn't find it just now, such a small sword hilt is in the dark, and it is placed among the carrion corpses, so it is entirely possible for me to ignore it.

Thinking of this, I was relieved immediately, and immediately took the rope from the backpack, made a loose buckle, and threw it at the hilt of the sword. , I don’t know if it’s because of my nervousness or other reasons, my rope was thrown empty, and the loop caught the wrist of a half-decomposed corpse next to me. I shook the rope a few times, but I couldn’t break the corpse away. . Instead, I pulled the loose button tightly, and the half-rotten corpse moved left and right under the control of the rope... My hands were almost trembling, but I couldn't get rid of the corpse. In desperation, I gritted my teeth, pulled the rope, and pulled the corpse near the burial pit. I squatted on the edge of the pit, tried Try it, it should be enough...

Damn—isn't it just a corpse?What am I afraid of?When he is alive, he is my kind, and I will become a corpse in the future. I use everything he has, am I afraid of a fart?As soon as I was rampant, I squatted on the edge of the pit and reached out to untie the ropes that bound the carrion's wrists. But because the corpse is already half-decomposed, the whole corpse is covered with red, yellow, and rotting corpse water, which emits a stench, and the clothes on the body can't tell what color it is, and I can't even tell whether the corpse is a man or a woman. , I feel like the pork I bought, rotten and smelly...

I don’t have a gas mask, I can’t help feeling sick, and I feel ruthless. Although I comfort myself, I still can’t help shaking my hands and feet. I keep holding the wolf-eye flashlight, so I can only use one hand to untie the rope. It took a long time. Able to untie the rope.In desperation, I put the wolf-eye flashlight by the side of the pit, and untied the rope with both hands... But I never thought that at this moment, the wolf-eyed flashlight that had been working fine all the time made a light "snap", and then my eyes were plunged into darkness... "Not good!" I instinctively wanted to stand up, but at such an instant, a pair of cold hands stretched out from the pit and grabbed my wrists fiercely... I was so terrified that I almost didn't scream out loud, but my survival instinct made me use all my strength to struggle desperately... My eyes were dark, and I couldn't see anything clearly. In a trance, it seemed that something was pulled out of the ground by me. The pit was pulled up, and I didn't care so much. I kicked that thing into the burial pit again based on my feeling. I instinctively took two steps back, leaning against the stone wall behind me, panting heavily—what should I do?I asked myself in fear in the dark. Flashlight, miner's lamp... As soon as I thought about it, I squatted down on the ground to touch the flashlight, but after touching the boss on the ground for a while, I couldn't touch the flashlight. The miner's lamp on the head, although this thing is very convenient, but since I fell here, it seems to be like the ears of the cage, and it has become a decoration... Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable... Amitabha... Amen... I was thinking in my heart, no matter which country's gods, please bless me, there is no lighting tool in such a place, life is definitely worse than death! I don't know if some god passing by heard my devout prayer. After I fumbled and fiddled with the miner's lamp on my head for a while, the miner's lamp flickered first, and then slowly lit up.I instinctively closed my eyes, and opened them after a while—— But the moment I opened my eyes, a disheveled figure stood unsteadily in front of me, less than a foot away... "Ah..." I exclaimed, and instinctively retreated quickly, but I was already standing in front of the stone wall. With such a push, my back hit the stone wall hard, almost breaking my back. I grunted in pain, and at the same time I was angry from the bottom of my heart. I have been frightened by this disheveled ghost several times, and now I can't care about my fear, and pushed it out with a heavy palm.
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