Home Categories Thriller Criminal Minds - Season 2

Chapter 39 Chapter 4 Mysterious Number

Criminal Minds - Season 2 刚雪印 2151Words 2018-03-22
After leaving the building material store, Ai Xiaomei asked the driver to take them to the local morning newspaper office. She felt that according to the regulations, the newspaper office should keep a copy of the ID card of the advertiser.However, Gu Feifei said that she was not very optimistic. The so-called private detective is not a legal profession in China at all. It is against the regulations to publish such an advertisement in a newspaper. Can you still expect those advertising salesmen to handle business according to the regulations? Gu Feifei really hit the mark. When she went to the newspaper office, she found the salesman in charge of advertising.He faltered at first and said that he might have lost the copy of his ID card, and then under Ai Xiaomei's severe questioning, he confessed that the customer said he had lost his ID card, and he didn't bother to ask for it anymore.When asked about the appearance of the client, he said that the advertisement had been published a few months ago, and he couldn’t remember the appearance of the client, and the buddy was wearing a hat and big sunglasses, which covered half of his face.

Leaving the newspaper angrily, Gu Feifei thought about Wang Yue's whereabouts, so she called the building materials store again, and the clerk said that the proprietress still hadn't come back.Gu Feifei asked where Wang Yue lived after Su Dong's accident.The clerk told Wang Yue that she had been staying at her natal home for the past few days.Gu Feifei asked for a phone number and dialed it. Wang Yue's mother said that Wang Yue didn't go back last night, so she might have gone back to her home. Gu Feifei and others went to Wang Yue and Su Dong's residence again, and knocked on the door for a while, but no one answered.Fearing that something might go wrong, Gu Feifei hurriedly recruited people from the technical department to open the door, but she still didn't see Wang Yue's shadow.The house was clean and there was no sign of being tampered with. Wang Yue's clothes were also there.

Where is Wang Yue?Was the robbery really about her?Could it be that she has already fled in fear of crime? The special case team has made good progress in investigating the private detective's phone. They found that the communication records showed that they could only get in and out.So they got in touch with the owner of the calling party separately, but maybe they were afraid of being known by their family members to have contacted the private detective. Almost all of them said that the call was just a casual consultation, and they had never met the private detective himself. In the end, there was only one surnamed Yu The woman offered to assist in the investigation.

Ms. Yu went to the police station and told the story of her meeting with the private detective: She also found the private detective through the newspaper a week ago, and also wanted to obtain evidence of her husband's infidelity.She called the private investigator who claimed to be Mr. Zhao, and made an appointment to meet at a cafe near Zhongmin Square.After the meeting, Mr. Zhao asked for some information about her husband, and asked for an advance payment of 500 yuan for handling the case, and Ms. Yu readily agreed.Later, Mr. Zhao said that he would issue a receipt to Ms. Yu, but he had to go to the company to pick it up with him. Ms. Yu said that it didn’t matter if she had a receipt or not because she had other things to do, but Mr. Zhao kept pestering her. , then perfunctory in the past.Ms. Yu finally said that Mr. Zhao looked like he was in his thirties and had a tattoo on the back of his hand, but he couldn't see the pattern clearly.

Later, Ms. Yu was asked to assist the police station's simulated portrait artist to draw a portrait sketch of a private detective, but during the process, she received a call, and then said with a blank face: "Why did the police make a phone call?" Find me?" Drama arises regarding the private eye's mysterious cell phone number. After a woman's dismembered body was found in a septic tank in a shanty town, in order to allow the criminal police team of the city bureau to focus on the bank robbery case, the leaders of the city bureau immediately dispatched criminal investigation backbones from each branch to form a task force to solve the case.After the members of the task force were assembled in place, they quickly got involved in the case.

According to the investigation, the victim is Xue Yan, a housewife, aged 42, with good family conditions, and her husband is the chief financial officer of a large company.About two weeks ago, she lost contact with her family. At that time, the family members went to the police station to report her missing. Then the police station questioned the woman about her relatives and social relations, and checked her mobile phone communication records, but found nothing. What doubts.However, when investigating her financial expenses, it was found that between 2:00 am and 6:00 am on the day after her disappearance, the credit card she carried was withdrawn several times, and the total amount of withdrawals was 19,000 yuan.

After comprehensive information, the police station believes that the disappearance case has three directions: 1. It is possible that the missing woman eloped with her lover; On the verge of death, he suspects that the woman's husband may hire a murderer to kill his wife; third, he may encounter a robber and be silenced. But the reality is that there is no evidence to support the first two possibilities, and the body of the missing woman has not yet appeared, so there is no way to support the third possibility, so the investigation of the case can only be shelved for the time being. However, the police station overlooked a piece of information, that is, the call records of the fixed-line phone at the missing woman's home, and this point was not missed by the newly formed task force.They found that on the day the woman disappeared, she had dialed a number from her fixed phone at home before she left home. The call lasted more than ten minutes, and the dialed number did not belong to any relatives or friends of the victim. The task force believes that this phone number should be very important .Like the task force led by Song Jincheng, they also chose to look for clues from the communication records, but after making a round of phone calls, they called Ms. Yu again.

The same mobile phone number appeared in two vicious cases, the owner of the number - the so-called private detective is very suspicious.But what the support team and the special case team couldn't figure out was that in the corpse case, it was the female party who made the call, and she was killed, and the deposit in the credit card was taken away; The spouse was killed and the cash just withdrawn from the bank was robbed.It seems that the appearance of the phone call is just a coincidence, but in the end it all comes down to the robbery of money, which seems to indicate that there is some unknown connection between the two cases.In short, the logic was extremely chaotic, and it was difficult for the support team and the special case team to clarify the clues. Fortunately, with the help of Ms. Yu, the sketch of the suspect was successfully completed and quickly distributed to various sub-bureaus and police stations.

At the same time, Wang Yue was also included in the list of co-investigators. The police were also at a loss as to her sudden and mysterious disappearance.Comprehensive information from all sources indicated that Wang Yue was aware of her husband's cheating behavior, and was very dissatisfied with her husband's practice of secretly transferring money to his brother's account in the name of borrowing money. From two points of view, she did have the motive to hire a murderer to kill her husband.But as Gu Feifei and Ai Xiaomei discussed, since she finally chose to take the initiative through the investigation of a private detective, why bother to risk the death penalty?

Is Wang Yue the victim or the mastermind?In the face of betrayal, will she choose the sunny road of survival, or the road of destruction leading to hell? "Detective Conan" said that there is always only one truth, but the reality is far from being as simple as a drama. Some truths will never have an answer and will disappear like death!
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