Home Categories Thriller Criminal Minds - Season 2

Chapter 20 Chapter 6 Corpse Specimen

Criminal Minds - Season 2 刚雪印 3315Words 2018-03-22
Regarding psychological motivation, you can study it slowly in the future, and now you have to return to reality. Although Yu Mingyuan had a good memory and explained the details of the case clearly, evidence was needed to confirm it in the end.The forensic and technical departments have to clean up the bones first, then classify them, and then extract samples from all the immediate family members of the missing persons for DNA comparison. The workload is unprecedentedly huge.Even if the provincial department urgently deploys forensic personnel to provide assistance, even if the forensic department of the local municipal bureau can operate efficiently 24 hours a day, the final result will have to wait ten and a half months to come out.

At this point in the case, the work of the support team is basically over. Except for the children rescued in the black brick kiln, there are still 5 missing persons whose whereabouts are still unknown.However, the current evidence cannot combine the five disappearance cases into a joint investigation, and it is impossible for the support team to stay here for a long time. There is still a lot of work waiting for them to do in the support department.But there is one thing that makes them very entangled, and it is very regrettable to go back home. According to Yu Mingyuan's confession, the disappearance of college student Xu Jian has nothing to do with him.However, the reason why the entire special case was able to attract the attention of all parties and the case was filed for investigation was entirely based on Xu Jian's case as an opportunity.If the truth is not solved in the end, all parties will feel that they cannot let go, and the case cannot be said to be truly closed.As a result, the support team considered again and again, and after discussion among the members, coupled with the local police's efforts to retain them, the support team was able to stay for a few more days with the approval of their superiors.

Without effective clues to guide, it can only cast a wide net.The support team hopes that the special case team can count the disappearance cases that occurred in the local counties, urban areas and townships in recent years, and then rule them out one by one to find the biggest possibility of Xu Jian's disappearance. According to relevant statistics, there are several main reasons for the cracked disappearance cases in this area: First, some illegal pyramid schemes forcibly abducted the victims for the purpose of blackmailing their families or brainwashing them to confuse the victims to defraud them of money and goods. Xu Jian He was penniless when he was taken away, and no phone calls were made to his parents asking for money for such a long time, so this motive can be ruled out.Secondly, it is the evil act of black intermediary kidnapping the victim mentioned above and reselling them to black brick kilns as coolies. However, since reporter Song Jiliang risked his life undercover to obtain first-hand information, the local public security department not only destroyed his testimony in time The black brick kilns were deployed, and a part of the police force was deployed to carry out a concentrated attack on the black brick kilns hidden in remote towns around the area. Among the rescued workers, there is no information related to the serial disappearances.Finally, due to the superstitious mentality of some wealthy families in southern my country, they are unwilling to cremate their family members after their death in accordance with the national funeral management regulations. This has led to the secret transaction of reselling corpses, changing posts, and cremating the real body instead.Among them, some families buy and sell corpses through individual funeral staff who are devoid of conscience, while others buy and sell corpses from criminal groups that specialize in killing and selling corpses.In a town not far from Puning Town, there was a case where a gang killed local villagers and sold their corpses.The support group believes that Xu Jian's disappearance may be related to such a motive.In view of the fact that most of the criminal gangs in such cases are fleeing and committing crimes, the support team is now actively contacting the surrounding provinces and cities in the area, hoping to find similar cases that have occurred recently and find an entry point from them.

In addition, the investigation of Du Yingxiong's car accident has not yet made much progress.Judging from the brake marks on the tires, the vehicle involved in the accident should be a medium-sized truck, and it is certain that the vehicle was damaged to a certain extent. The traffic police department is actively visiting nearby towns and vehicle repair factories, hoping to find the vehicle involved in the accident.However, the road where the accident occurred is not only the path for the local township to enter the urban area, but also one of the paths for the surrounding provinces and cities to enter and exit the city. Therefore, if it is the latter, it may be difficult to find a vehicle for a while.

There is one more thing that worries the support team.There is evidence that Yu Mingyuan used the dead body to train the big wolf dog he raised, and that big wolf dog was probably as bloodthirsty as his master.But since it ran away that day, it has never been seen. The local police station is also trying its best to find it, but there is no news.Han Yin and Gu Feifei have been hanging on their hearts, for fear that it will hurt innocent villagers.So in the evenings of the past few days, the two will take Du Yingxiong and Ai Xiaomei to patrol the village, paying special attention to the vicinity of Mingyuan's residence, maybe the big wolf dog will sneak back to his lair.For this reason, Du Yingxiong also specially borrowed an anesthesia gun from the epidemic prevention department. He is not polite when he sees the big wolf dog, and he must be knocked down.

At around 10 o'clock that night, several people patrolled around Yu Mingyuan's house as usual.From a long distance, I heard the sound of "humming, humming" coming from the courtyard, and when I got closer, I heard some sounds of tearing and dragging objects.Everyone walked quickly to the gate of the courtyard, and found that the big iron lock on the gate was still hanging on it, but there was a gap between the two wooden doors, and there were still rotten wood residues on the ground. Han Yin used a flashlight to walk along the crack of the door. In such a photo inside, it is the big wolf dog standing in the courtyard.Hearing the sound, the big wolf dog shuddered, its dark blue eyes gleamed fiercely, and looked at the flashlight beam vigilantly. It had a human leg in its mouth.

It was too late and then too fast, Du Yingxiong kicked open the wooden door suddenly, raised his hand and fired a shot, and it really hit the bullet, the big wolf dog staggered a few steps, and then slowly fell to the ground, still biting his mouth tightly. Thighs do not let go. Everyone entered the courtyard, walked up to the wolf dog, and found a ragged corpse not far away, lying prone on the ground, the back was bitten to varying degrees, especially the lower body, two legs were basically bitten off by the wolf dog , one leg is still slightly attached to the flesh, and the other leg has been completely separated from the body, and has been bitten to pieces.

Du Yingxiong carefully turned the corpse over, and shone several flashlights on his face. Everyone saw that the deceased was a man with extremely pale complexion, obvious muscle atrophy, and his whole body looked extremely thin.Han Yin took out the photos he carried with him for comparison, and it was the missing college student Xu Jian. Gu Feifei squatted in front of the corpse, looked it over carefully for a while, then poked lightly with her hand, and said: "There is no blood circulation at the broken part of the corpse, the degree of blood coagulation is relatively high, the temperature of the corpse is extremely low, and there are signs of being frozen. Xu Jian had been dead for a long time before the corpse was found."

"How did he die?" Han Yin asked anxiously. "I didn't see a fatal injury, but judging from the signs..." Gu Feifei pursed her lips lightly, shook her head regretfully, and said, "He may have starved to death!" "He died of starvation?" This was beyond everyone's expectations. Du Yingxiong hurriedly took a flashlight to look around the yard, and shouted, "Isn't there a secret room here?" "What nonsense to say is just a matter of thinking. Sister Gu said that Xu Jian has been dead for a long time. Even if there is a secret room in Yu Mingyuan, how could the dead man crawl out by himself!" Ai Xiaomei said with a white look at Du Yingxiong.

"Yes, what Xiaomei said is right, this issue deserves our careful analysis." Han Yin said with concentration, "How could a person who starved to death and was frozen for a period of time appear in this small courtyard?" Where is it? Also, who is it and why did he transfer the corpse here? What would be his motive for imprisoning and starving Xu Jian to death?" "This case is really weird." Gu Feifei frowned and said, "There were no traces of restraint on the body's limbs or wrists. Xu Jianruo was really starved to death. I feel that the murderer wanted him to die, but also didn't want to kill him." Leave any signs of homicide."

"Maybe our previous thinking was correct, and maybe another gang of killing and selling corpses appeared, but this gang should be smarter and more cautious, willing to waste time covering up the real source of the corpse." Du Yingxiong continued. "Not necessarily. If that's the case, how can we explain the transfer of the corpse here?" Gu Feifei shook her head and said. "Yeah, the motive is too hard to figure out. I have a feeling that the murderer who kidnapped Xu Jian should be someone from the village." Han Yin paused and said hesitantly, "But how can such a big village What about quietly starving to death?" "This may give us some hints after the autopsy. Usually, people who starve to death will leave some environmental evidence in their stomachs." Gu Feifei took out her mobile phone and said, "Let's hurry up and notify the special case team to collect the body for autopsy!" About half an hour later, the team leader led the police to arrive. Gu Feifei briefly introduced the situation. The team leader said in a negotiating tone: "Officer Gu, let me tell you something. You also agree with the current situation of our forensic department." I know, everyone's energy is focused on Yu Mingyuan's case, and the manpower is too tight. I know you are a famous forensic doctor, can I trouble you to do an autopsy on Xu Jian yourself?" "No problem." Gu Feifei replied happily.In fact, even if the team leader didn't speak, she would ask for it. She knew very well that this was an uncomplicated but extremely critical autopsy. After the corpse was transported away, Han Yin and others, together with the investigators, set up lights and continued to search in the farm house. Although it was unlikely to find physical evidence, the team continued until dawn. In the morning, Niu Guihua, the mother of Fool Feng Feng Gen, had to go to the fields to do farm work after making breakfast. After her husband disappeared, there was no news, and her only son was a fool. The burden of supporting the family must fall on her shoulders.Niu Guihua is also in her fifties. She is busy all day, and she has to take care of the fool's clothes and meals. She is too tired to pay attention to the fool's activities. She just knows that he will fill the village when he eats and sleeps. Wander around to find his dad.Fortunately, the folks in the village helped her keep an eye on it from time to time, so the fool would not get lost. Today, for some reason, Niu Guihua panicked all the time, and felt that she had to take a look at her silly son before going out to feel at ease.So, she yelled that the rice is in the pot, don't forget to eat after getting up, and pushed open the door of the fool's sleeping room.But it didn't matter, she was so frightened that she sat down on the ground and yelled like crazy - the fool was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, with a skinned person in his arms that seemed to be skinned! When the village director, Han Yin and others came after hearing the news, Niu Guihua was crying and persuading her son to throw away the scary thing he was holding in his arms, but the idiot huddled against the wall and hugged him tighter, muttering in a low voice : "Dad...Dad..." The father that Feng Fool talked about looks like a mannequin carved out of wood. The epidermis has been peeled off from the whole body, revealing brown-red blood vessels and muscle tissue. There is no skin in the pelvic area, only the skeleton, male reproductive organs and testicles. Impressively naked, holding a "mask" in his left hand, and a long dagger in his right hand... Han Yin took a closer look and found that it was actually a human specimen made from a real human body through "biological plastination" in the legend.But how could Fool Feng own a human specimen?
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