Home Categories Thriller Criminal Minds - Season 2

Chapter 6 Chapter 4 Killing Experience

Criminal Minds - Season 2 刚雪印 3054Words 2018-03-22
The two original cases of imitating crimes are very famous cases in the history of perverted crimes.The reason why they are famous, on the one hand, is because the murderer's method of committing the crime is extremely cruel; on the other hand, it is because they are still unsolved cases.This gives them a mysterious color. For decades, people have been obsessed with the research of these two unsolved cases, hoping to dig out the truth.So what is the murderer's purpose in this case?Is it because he is obsessed with digging out the truth, leading to madness?Or is it a kind of worship and tribute to the murderer?Or a desire to learn and experience the thrill of perverted crime?In short, with the emergence of the second imitation case, the murderer's motive became more elusive.

At first, Han Yin thought that the target of the murderer was mainly prostitutes, but now it seems that whether it is a "stage lady" or a "dance hall singer", they are just props for the murderer to imitate the crime. Not much research value.Of course, if there are clues to prove that there is an intersection between them, it will be a different matter. Unfortunately, so far, the task force has not found any connection between the two victims in their lives. Similarly, the performance of the murderer in committing the crime this time is the same as his first crime, imitating the details of the unsolved case very accurately.Also, as Han Yin analyzed earlier, this was a well-premeditated crime.The murderer must have been around the two victims, and the close proximity of the crime scenes suggested that the murderer was very familiar with Yushan Street and might even have lived there.Then, the focus of the next work is to concentrate the police force on the vicinity of the two crime scenes and the workplace of the deceased, looking for potential witnesses, and asking whether any suspicious people appeared before the crime.

After an in-depth and meticulous investigation of Yushan Street, the results can be said to be good and bad. The bad side is that there is really no connection between the two deceased; the good side is that there is a "lady" who solicits customers on the street, saying that she saw someone wandering around the scene of the first case in the middle of the night, and she kept dancing Comparing, but the time is not before the incident, but recently. Could it be that the murderer returned to the scene to review the pleasure?If yes, will he return to the second scene?In response to the clues provided by "Miss Station Street", Han Yin suggested that the task force closely monitor the circular square, but to his surprise, that figure appeared that night.

At around 11:00 p.m., when people and vehicles on the street gradually became scarce, a man in black sportswear and a gray sports cap entered the surveillance range.He got out of an alley next to the square, with the brim of his hat lowered, stood on the side of the street and looked around for a while, then pretended to be very casual, and slowly approached the flower bed in the middle of the square. He stopped by the flower bed, staring blankly at the weeds in the flower bed, as if he was in deep thought. After a while, he started to wander around the flower bed, talking plausibly, and gesticulating with his hands...

At Wu Bin's order, several police officers jumped off the surveillance vehicles and quickly approached the center of the square.Seeing a few strong men running towards him, the man hurriedly turned around and ran towards the residential area on the other side of the square... The residential area is very large, and there are several alleys intersecting in the middle. The inside is dark, the terrain is bumpy and uneven. The police officers who chased in did not dare to let go, they could only feel their way forward, and the target soon disappeared. gone. Several police officers were feeling depressed when they suddenly heard small groans not far away.Following the sound, a policeman lit up the screen of his mobile phone and took a picture. He saw the target man lying on the ground with blood on his face. I dare say this guy is unfamiliar with the road, so he panicked and knocked himself down.It is true that "there is nowhere to find it if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it." The police officer immediately took out the handcuffs, handcuffed the man's hands, and dragged him from the ground.

The man captured in the square was quickly brought back to the criminal police team.The injuries on his face were not serious, and after simple treatment, he was sent to the interrogation room for interrogation. "Name?" "Zhang Songlin." "age?" "43 years old." "Profession?" "writer." A set of routine questions, the man didn't have the slightest resistance, and the answers were quite cooperative.Gu Feifei continued to ask with a cold face: "Why don't you stay at home in the middle of the night and wander around in the square? Do you know that is the scene of a murder?"

"I know, I know, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble." Zhang Songlin nodded vigorously, and explained with an apologetic gesture, "I'm currently writing a crime novel, and when I heard about the case, I thought of the real murder Feel the atmosphere at the scene and look for some creative inspiration. I didn’t expect to be regarded as a suspect by you, and I mistakenly regarded you as robbers, so I ran away... Really... It was a complete misunderstanding." "So, the person who appeared in the 'alley' a few days ago is also you?" Gu Feifei asked.

"Yes, it's me." Zhang Songlin replied simply. "How did you know about the murder?" Gu Feifei asked again. "In a place as big as Yushan Street, things like this have spread before long." Zhang Songlin followed up and explained, "In order to create with peace of mind, I temporarily rented a private house on Yushan Street." "In the early morning of April 7th, and..." Before Gu Feifei could finish her question, Zhang Songlin interrupted her, and continued: "You want to ask about my whereabouts when the two cases happened, right? Frankly speaking, I must have been writing during that time, but I have no way to prove it. "

Probably because he often writes crime novels, Zhang Songlin seems to be familiar with interrogation routines, and has always been very calm, and there is no flaw in his speech.Gu Feifei stared at him while organizing her thoughts, but she didn't expect Zhang Songlin to start asking back. "Officer, do you mind if I ask you two questions?" "Tell me." Gu Feifei nodded hesitantly, she wanted to see what tricks this pine forest had to play. "I heard rumors that in the case in the square, the deceased was split in half, and the corners of both mouths were cut into smiles. Is it true?" Zhang Songlin asked the first question, seeing Gu Feifei pondering for a while. , nodded slightly, and then asked, "Currently, your police judged that the two cases were committed by one person, or did they come from two different murderers?"

"We tend to have only one murderer." Gu Feifei tentatively responded. After Gu Feifei finished speaking, Zhang Songlin suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, and immediately shrank back on the chair, with a flash of panic in his eyes.After a moment of silence, he said in a low voice: "I venture to speculate that you must already know that the two cases imitate the killing method of 'Jack the Ripper' and the famous 'Black Dahlia Murder' respectively, right? " "How do you know?" Gu Feifei looked surprised, then became vigilant. Zhang Songlin ignored Gu Feifei and murmured in a daze, "It seems that it really has something to do with me..."

"What's related to you? How do you know it's a copycat?" "Oh, don't worry, don't worry, listen to me slowly." Zhang Songlin said slowly, "Crime novels like us usually pay attention to collecting cases as materials. I know a little about it. So when I saw a post on a forum by someone claiming to be a murderer, I felt like he was imitating 'Jack the Ripper', but I didn't expect him to follow up with 'Dahlia', which made me Think of someone..." "Who do you remember?" Wu Bin beside Gu Feifei couldn't help interjecting, "Can you stop talking so much? Get to the point!" "Okay, let me keep it simple." Under Wu Bin's urging, Zhang Songlin sped up his speech appropriately, "I usually communicate with netizens on forums, mainly to collect material, and occasionally answer some netizens' questions. I remember that about three months ago, that is, in mid-January this year, I met a netizen on the forum. He claimed to be my loyal fan and was particularly interested in serial killer cases. He asked me about the most perverted person in the world. , Which are the most sensational cases. I remember that the ones I introduced to him were 'Jack the Ripper' and 'Black Dahlia', and I also told him which websites to go to to see more detailed introductions about these two cases .Now it seems that I may have become the mentor of a serial killer invisibly, and I seriously doubt that this person is the murderer you are looking for!" "It's possible, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?" Wu Bin paused, then asked, "Can you still find the records of your chat?" "Yes." Zhang Songlin nodded. "That's great, maybe we can trace his IP address." Gu Feifei thumped the table vigorously with her fists excitedly. Through the one-way glass in the interrogation room, Han Yin witnessed the entire interrogation process of Zhang Songlin, and he was also very excited.In his opinion, the murderer may not be particularly cautious when he is in the stage of preparing for a crime, and he may not deliberately conceal his IP address, so that he can be caught by following the clues.He told Ai Xiaomei to start cracking it immediately, the network is her strong point. However, when Han Yin calmed down, he suddenly realized that the information provided by Zhang Songlin complicated the case again, and he had to revise his criminal profile again.Originally, he had always emphasized that the murderer was fully premeditated, and he believed that the murderer would be like the perverted killer "Liu Chao", who was extremely obsessed with crime novels and film and television works, and had a pathological admiration for certain perverted criminals. Psychology, especially for those brutal murder cases.But judging from the current information, the murderer's behavior seems to be a bit "cramping".This overturned Han Yin's previous assumptions about the motives of the crime. It seems that the reason why the murderer wanted to imitate the two perverted cases was because of their sensational effect.Han Yin had a vague feeling that these two cases were just two "bricks" thrown by the murderer, so what kind of "jade" would they lead to?
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