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Chapter 16 Chapter Fifteen The Last Clue

ring of seven 青丘 10835Words 2018-03-22
With difficulty they stepped over the coffins and finally came to the door.The stone tablet is already covered with moss, and the carved texture can be vaguely seen on it, but it is too blurry and looks too laborious. The material of the stone is very strong, and it feels bitingly cold to the touch with your hands. Standing beside it, you can feel the chill emanating from the stone. The thin monkey said: "I don't know what kind of material this stone is. Why is it so cold? Can these corpses rest in peace around it?" Ye Wei said: "This kind of stele looks like the natural stone in front of the gate of the mausoleum. It is a kind of anti-theft mechanism used to withstand the gate."

Chen Hao touched the surface of the stele with his hands, and suddenly opened his eyes wide as if he touched something, and said to Zhou Jue, "Give me the lighter." Zhou Jue lit the lighter, and the faint light shone on the stele.Chen Hao patted the dust on the stele and said, "Do you think this pattern is familiar?" Zhou Jue stared, trying his best to find the similarities among the sparse and blurred abstract patterns, but he couldn't make the right fit. Chen Hao said: "The pattern on this is very similar to the pattern on our clay tablet, and it seems that it can be connected... Ye Wei, the clay tablet in your hand is actually connected with the one we have, and can be formed. A larger pattern. On this stele is another piece."

The flame from the lighter was very faint, and the pattern on the stele was unrecognizable at all.Zhou Jue couldn't confirm whether it was true or not, but whenever Chen Hao had time, he would stare at those clay tablets in a daze. These clay tablets entered his brain processor as if entering a scanner. Chen Hao closed his eyes, stroked the stele with both hands, his eyelids kept twitching, he wanted to remember these patterns as much as possible.After closing his eyes, his brain showed the stone carving traces touched by his hands, and these traces formed a set of specific graphics in his brain.As the pattern became more detailed and clearer, Chen Hao felt that his body was getting heavier, and he kept thinking about his sister's figure in his mind, as if besides the pattern, other information poured into his mind.He didn't know what it was, but it was more than he could accept, something inside him was guiding him and something was repelling him.

"Xiaohao...be careful..." He suddenly opened his eyes, and the last image in his mind was a strange woman.This woman is not his sister, she looks very downcast with disheveled hair, and that voice belongs to Chen Rulan.The woman's eyes were very cold, and there was an indescribable strangeness projected in the dark eyes. "Brother Chen?" Chen Hao shook his head, closed his eyes, and wanted to remember the pattern on the last clay tablet.When he put his hand on the stele again, he suddenly felt like touching human skin.He opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the woman's face: pale cheeks, messy hair, lifeless eyes staring straight at him.At some point, that woman just appeared in front of him.

He gasped, and Zhou Jue quickly supported his arm: "What's going on?" Chen Hao went again and found that the stele was still just a stele, and there was no one there.However, he was absolutely unmistakable in seeing those sinister eyes, and he was even more unmistakable in the touch of his hands. What he touched just now was a woman's face. Ye Wei quietly asked: "Do you remember?" Chen Hao nodded, his eyes were very confused.Zhou Jue asked, "Brother Chen, did you feel something?" Chen Hao rubbed his temples, he looked at the stele and said, "I remember it all."

The thin monkey said: "It's strange, why is this stone poked at the door? If according to what that guy said, the stone was originally poked at the door of the tomb passage to support the door, then aren't we equal to being in a tomb?" As soon as the thin monkey finished speaking, Chen Hao was immediately enlightened. He said, "This place actually imitates the layout of an ancient mausoleum. We entered a small open tomb." Zhou Jue looked around and said, "Then these corpses are actually the burials of the past? If so..." He turned and looked at the big room in front of the compound, and continued, "This is the main tomb? These are Xiangtang?"

Ye Wei looked at the stele and said: "We climbed over the wall and entered this small 'tomb', so it is not so easy to get out. I feel that this place is isolated from the outside world, this is a very powerful spell, even I I haven't seen it before. The humanity of using this spell is quite good, above me! Sure enough, I came right this time! Maybe Fat Three is still waiting for us outside, and we can't get out, the real danger It's the four of us." Just as Ye Wei finished speaking, they clearly felt a gust of wind blowing from outside the high wall.At this time, they noticed that everything here was terribly quiet, as if everything was still and lifeless.

Chen Hao looked around, decaying coffins, weird stone tablets, and a courtyard with the same layout as an ancient tomb. All of these seemed very deliberate. Someone deliberately arranged all of this. Maybe they were waiting for the arrival of them, especially the stone tablet. On that pattern—the secret about the clay tablet. Chen Hao looked at the surrounding environment without any doubts.He took a firm step, and first walked towards the main room of the compound. His expression seemed to have finally made up his mind, and his expression was very decisive.Zhou Jue and Shouhou looked at each other, Ye Wei had already followed Chen Hao, and Shouhou said anxiously, "Do you trust them?"

Zhou Jue smiled wryly, "Is there any other way now?" The thin monkey shook his head helplessly, and followed Ye Wei.Zhou Jue looked back at the stele and sighed.Just when he was about to keep up with the crowd, he found that the textures on the stele suddenly became clear, as if it was purposely made for him to see clearly.Zhou Jue saw a strange character engraved on it. This character was neither in seal script nor italic script. This character... seemed to appear suddenly on the stone tablet, appearing up like a ghost.Zhou Jue silently memorized the appearance of this word in his heart, and then followed Chen Hao and the others into the hall.

The door of the hall was symbolically closed, and when Chen Hao pushed hard, the door creaked and opened in response.There was a lot of dust falling on the gate.The hall was completely arranged like a mourning hall, with a maroon coffin in the middle, painted like blood, which was incomparable with the old coffins outside.The coffin was only half closed, and there were paper dummies around it. These dummies couldn't even distinguish their eyes and noses, and they just fell on the side symbolically.There are many boxes on the side, and there seem to be many funerary objects made of paper piled inside.In front of the coffin was an altar with a spirit tablet on it, surrounded by a white cloth so rotten that it was almost untouchable.Chen Hao didn't move on, he stopped, staring at the memorial tablet, his mouth could not help moving slightly, as if he was saying something, but even Zhou Jue, who was closest to him, couldn't hear clearly.Zhou Jue walked over slowly, picked up the tablet, on which it was written: The seat of Cuiniang.

The four people could not help but be surprised when they read the name at the same time.Cuiniang was originally just a character that appeared in the story, but unexpectedly there was such a person, and she was also connected with this strange compound.Could it be that Cuiniang died here in the end?So, who set up the spiritual seat for her? The doubts in everyone's minds were rising, and Zhou Jue said: "Could it be that Lin Xu set up a spiritual seat for her? No, Lin Xu doesn't know any magic. He didn't make this weird tomb space." The thin monkey said: "Have you forgotten? Cui Niang disappeared in the end, maybe one of the seven of them did it." Ye Wei didn't speak, he finally stopped smirking, but concentrated on looking at the surrounding arrangement.Chen Hao didn't speak all the time, his eyes fixed on the coffin, as if he wanted to see a hole in the coffin. The four of them were breathing more and more heavily, and they walked slowly to the side of the coffin, and there was indeed a female corpse lying in the coffin.When Zhou Jue saw the corpse, his eyeballs were about to protrude. He grumbled for a long time, then grabbed his hair and said, "There really is a corpse!" The thin monkey looked at the corpse suspiciously, and asked, "This is... Cuiniang?" Chen Hao pursed his lips and said nothing, he moved the coffin away at once, and tremblingly lifted off the moon-white shroud of the female corpse, and found that there was a steel bar on the bone of the corpse.Chen Hao's face suddenly paled like a dead man. The thin monkey said: "That's not right... people at that time used steel bars? Cuiniang was from the Republic of China, right?" Zhou Jue felt something, he asked softly: "This...maybe it's not Cuiniang..." At this time, Chen Hao spoke dryly, his voice was not like his own, it was so hoarse that it made people uncomfortable to listen to.He replied: "She is Rulan, my sister Chen Rulan." Zhou Jue looked at the female corpse lying in the coffin, the corpse was shrunk so small that it felt unreal.Zhou Jue looked at Chen Hao, while Chen Hao just looked at the corpse. He lowered his head and stroked the hair of the corpse. Zhou Jue couldn't see his expression clearly, but Chen Hao's hands were shaking very badly. The thin monkey wanted to say something, but Zhou Jue held him back and shook his head at him, meaning don't say a word now. After combing the corpse's hair, Chen Hao looked back at the crowd and said, "Now that's all Rulan can help us with. This is the last mystery she left us." Zhou Jue looked at the coffin, wanting to say something comforting.Chen Hao understood what he meant, waved his hand and said: "I'm fine, this matter is actually doomed, she died five years ago, but I never want to admit it." Zhou Jue finally said, "Let's go out first, Brother Chen, don't be sad." Chen Hao looked at Zhou Jue in astonishment. He touched his forehead and said with a bitter smile: "Well, now that we have reached this point, I will tell you the true origin of this book. But you have to understand one thing, I It was only through investigation that we came to the current conclusion..." Chen Hao sat on the edge of the coffin and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, but there was no lighter. He clasped his fists with both hands and rested his chin in frustration.He stared around, as if he was no stranger here, the coffin was the sister he had been looking for, and this was his sister's grave. He began to narrate Chen Rulan's past, and these things were actually the hidden content in the diary that Chen Hao hid and the results of Chen Hao's five-year investigation.Chen Hao was finally willing to talk about all this, with a hint of sadness in his calmness. As a woman, Chen Rulan is considered to be a very perfect type with strong abilities. She is the only girl in the university expedition team.Everything was peaceful at first, but one night five years ago, Chen Rulan accidentally got a book and a clay tablet, and she was far more passionate about the clay tablet than the book.Because Chen Rulan discovered that there are many crisscross figures on this clay tablet, and there are many characters around the figures, and these figures are not like words, it can only be said that they are patterns similar to mantras.It was the first time for Chen Rulan to see this kind of pattern, but she always felt that she had seen similar patterns somewhere. After research, she was sure that this thing was at least 1,700 years ago, and it should be a cultural relic from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.The clay tablet is only a partial pattern, that is to say, there are other patterns, which are only a small part of the complete pattern, and there is no way to find out any decent clues just by relying on one piece. She vaguely discovered that this clay tablet hides a very long-standing secret, and she has no way or reason to give up such a temptation.She focused her eyes on that book, she thought that the mysterious package that appeared in this book was that clay tablet, and the whole book was equivalent to telling her the origin of this clay tablet.In the following month, apart from going to school, Chen Rulan kept studying everything that could be derived from this book. Finally, she discovered that there should actually be seven clay tablets of this kind, each of which can be a single pattern, and the pattern should be a long-lost Han Dynasty talisman.As we all know, Taoism is a native religion in China, and its evolution process is very complicated, and its origin history is even more difficult to give an accurate time definition.Among the early Taoist sects, only the "Fuzhuan School" and "Danding School" are known.It was not until the late Eastern Han Dynasty that the theoretical scriptures in the true sense of Taoism appeared: "Taiping Jing" and "Zhouyi Cantongqi".During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Taoism had developed greatly, and the Tao of Laozhuang and Zhuangzi also began to become another important source of Taoism, and became an important attachment for the ruling class to integrate nature and man, and to grant imperial power to God.In the Tang Dynasty, Taoism entered its heyday. Similarly, as one of the earliest sects of Taoism, Fuzhuan has also undergone an extremely complicated evolution process, and many of the secret arts can only be continued through single transmission from the same family.War, plague, any disaster can lead to the loss of many mysterious talismans. Even today, there are only four forms of talismans left. These four forms are: Fuwen, Yunzhuan, Lingfu, and Futu.And these are actually the shallowest forms.This clay tablet is a side branch of the talisman. Even if they find a few of them, they still cannot know the information of the whole talisman.Even if you get all of them, each splicing can also have different patterns, which will form another meaning of talisman seal.It's like a jigsaw puzzle with possibilities. In addition, this clay tablet is two thousand years old, and the earliest may be dated back to the late Eastern Han Dynasty.Among the clues known today, only similar talisman seals have been unearthed from the tomb of Emperor Jin and Yuan, but the patterns are completely different.Experts and scholars believe that the talisman seal in the tomb of Emperor Jin and Yuan is most likely from the hand of Guo Pu, a master of Taoism.And its meaning has been unable to be deciphered by the present world, as if it is an ancient graphic cipher, and no one may be able to solve this cipher today. It was impossible for Chen Rulan to decipher this talisman code, but during the whole process, Chen Rulan felt as if she had seen something similar somewhere, but she couldn't remember it. When she continued to read the book, he found that things in reality were affected by that book, and it would disappear anytime and anywhere. When it reappeared, strange things would definitely happen.At the beginning, she would rely on external forces, but later, even the police suggested that she go for a mental diagnosis, and her normal contact with the outside world was completely severed by this book and the clay tablet. In the following days, Chen Rulan didn't dare to talk about the clay tablets and the ring of seven anymore, because the people around her were already looking at her with strange eyes.She can only continue to work in the library, and then go to school, and becomes unwilling to talk to others, because she is not sure whether the people and things she contacts are real.She was terrified that when she woke up, she herself would disappear. Several months passed like this, and the situation got worse and worse.She began to be unable to extricate herself, she doubted all the people around her, even on the verge of collapse, she did not give up studying the clay tablet.She began to investigate these things in a real sense, and tried everything, but she found that she was starting to feel a little abnormal.Some memories that did not belong to her began to appear in her brain, and these memories seemed to match the contents of the book.These memories can help her use the mysterious and unpredictable formations in the story, but these memories are sometimes very vague, as if they are all a kind of imagination. In the process of reading the book, Chen Rulan discovered that this book is not fictional. Many things recorded in it seem absurd, but they have their origins. She has always been attracted by an inexplicable emotion. An overwhelming feeling.Without telling her family and classmates, she began to investigate the origin of the book and the clay tablet alone, but there were too many questions, and she was alone, so she urgently needed a helper. She was the first to think of her brother, but she dismissed the idea the next second.She vaguely felt that this matter was very dangerous, she couldn't help herself, she couldn't harm her younger brother.What happened next was so weird that she had no chance to choose a teammate at all. First, Lao Zhao read the book inexplicably, then Gu Lao, and then Gao Zhiyou who loves to collect knives, his neighbor Uncle Yin, and himself. Ye Ting... Chen Rulan put her own assumptions and experiments in every reading process, and soon she knew that the route of the mysterious ancient tomb in the story was true, but it was deliberately blurred by the author.Only by finding the real line can we understand what they encountered before the story began, which is the source of everything. When Chen Hao said this, he stopped talking. He looked up at Zhou Jue and said, "I want to go to that ancient tomb." Zhou Jue was silent for a long time, but did not answer Chen Hao's words.At this time, the thin monkey said: "I don't think there is anything worth hiding about what you said, why didn't you say it from the beginning?" Chen Hao rubbed his forehead and said with a dry smile: "Everyone still remember that apprentice doctor named Gazi, he was the first to die among the seven, and his successor, Qi'er. Qi'er's real name was Chen Jing, and Qi'er was Her nickname. In terms of seniority, she should be the aunt of Rulan and me, and the elder sister of our grandma. Therefore, our Chen family and Qirenhuan are inextricably linked." Everyone couldn't believe it, they looked at Chen Hao at the same time.And Chen Hao just smiled wryly, and he continued: "Don't look at me like this, Ru Lan only found out about this at the end. Because the beggar, that is, Chen Jing died a long time ago, and after my grandma After marrying out of town, she almost lost contact with her family. Afterwards, she actually found the other six clay tablets in the beggar's hometown. The next thing was that Rulan brought the previous group of people to Nanjing to search for the ancient tomb. gone." Chen Hao paused, then sighed and said, "Actually, our family didn't pay attention to Rulan when she first became ill. We thought she was under a lot of pressure from studying, so we sent her back to her hometown to recuperate. People in her hometown took good care of her. I locked myself in the old house there, and didn’t go out. I think there is an inevitable arrangement in the dark. Rulan found a lot of information in her hometown, which is why Rulan knows so many follow-up stories. matter." Just as Chen Hao was about to continue speaking, a very exaggerated loud noise suddenly erupted behind him.They looked back, and at some point, the rock-solid natural stone began to shake uncomfortably, and a biting cold wind gushed in from outside the door. Ye Wei's face became uneasy, and he said: "The formation has been destroyed from the outside, we have to find a way to get out at this time, otherwise the formation will be distorted, we will never be able to get out, and we can only be buried here Already!" Chen Hao propped up his body and jumped up. He took a last look at the corpse in the coffin, and said nothing more.From his neck, he gently put the demon pestle into the coffin.He ran to the door, regained his original expression, and scolded as he walked: "This formation is evolved according to the eight transformation techniques in Qimen Dunjia. I have never understood why Rulan is mixed up in the data. With the theory of Qimen Dunjia, it seems that this is the formula to open this place. You guys follow!" Zhou Jue watched the surroundings begin to shake, and asked anxiously, "You know how to hide armor?" Chen Hao glanced at Zhou Jue and did not answer. He pointed to the room on the east side and said, "Three is anger and five is death. The victory lies in three and the failure lies in five. When you can know how to travel, three avoid and five times, you must remember the true mechanism of good fortune." .There is Shumen, which can avoid death." After speaking, Ye Wei took the lead and rushed there, Ye Wei chuckled, but quickly followed Chen Hao.The thin monkey pulled Zhou Jue and said, "Quick, why are you still poking here? Are you waiting to be a human pillar? This place is about to collapse." Zhou Jue pulled the thin monkey and said, "Do you feel that our Teacher Chen's face is finally no longer bitter?" The thin monkey covered the top of his head with his arms, and said like he was looking at an idiot: "He is not a literary youth! Go away!" Zhou Jue sighed, followed Chen Hao's back and quickly left the mourning hall. Chen Hao led them into an ear room, which contained nothing but a large number of damaged coffin boards.Looking at these, the thin monkey couldn't help but said anxiously: "Oops, there's no way out!" Ye Wei looked at the door and said, "Listen, what's the noise outside?" The four of them pricked up their ears, and sure enough they heard a strange sound outside. It felt like a woman moaning, but when they listened carefully, it sounded like Chen Hao's name was being called.When Chen Hao heard that voice, he wanted to go back like a conditioned reflex, but before he took a step, he backed away.He closed his eyes, and the first thing he saw when he opened them was Zhou Jue, and Zhou Jue felt as if something had been pulled out of his heart suddenly, and there was an indescribable pain.Chen Hao said calmly: "If the canopy reaches Tianying, you must know that it is the Anti-Yin Palace. The eight gates are like this, life is life, death is death..." After finishing speaking, he rushed to the east of the room , where coffin slabs were piled up.He roughly dragged the vertical boards to the side, and then a vertical vermilion coffin board appeared in front of everyone.Chen Hao vigorously moved it to the left, but the coffin board did not move as if it was nailed to the wall.He looked behind him and said, "Why are you still standing there? Help me!" Zhou Jue was the first to react, he hurried to the coffin board, and pushed the coffin board with all his strength together with Chen Hao.As soon as he pushed hard, he found that the coffin board was not horizontal to the wall, but stuck in a groove under the wall.This is the same structure as the Japanese-style sliding door, but it is blocked by something, so it is very laborious to push. Zhou Jue hurriedly said: "This is a mechanism, come on, Slender Monkey helps! Lift the coffin a little bit." Where does the thin monkey need him to say, he has already pulled his head on the other side.It's just that Ye Wei was still standing at the door, and he stood behind them with his eyes closed, muttering something in his mouth, with beads of sweat oozing from his forehead. Skinny Monkey wanted to call him to help, but Chen Hao stopped him: "Don't call, that kid is defending us against the master outside the door. We must have a talent like him, otherwise we will be out of luck." At this time, the woman's voice at the door became more and more shrill, and then it was like the roar of a wild animal, and it was completely unrecognizable as a human voice.Chen Hao bit his lip, as if he had made a very painful decision, he murmured: "Sister, I'll take the next step...you can go with confidence..." Gradually, the howling outside turned into whimpering, and finally disappeared outside the house without a sound.But at the moment when the sound completely disappeared, a strong smell of blood suddenly came out from the door. The smell could not be described in words. Anyway, these four people probably never want to eat Maoxuewang again.That smell is like the smell of blood fermented and volatilized in a blood bank for thousands of years. The smell can no longer be described, and it can only be barely called a top-level stench. Ye Wei's body began to tremble, as if he would lose his support anytime and anywhere.He obviously didn't expect that such blood would seep into the outside suddenly, and he began to make a sound like dry gurgling. Finally the coffin boards began to move slowly, making a rattling sound like an old door being opened.Just as the three of them were pushing the coffin board, a woman in white clothes suddenly appeared behind the coffin board. She stood upright in front of everyone with her eyes closed, her pale face without a trace of blood, like a dead body The same, standing upright in front of the four of them. The thin monkey's eyes were straightened, and he couldn't help shouting: "Damn it! Zombie!" Everyone was startled by the scene in front of them, and unconsciously stepped back.Chen Hao grabbed them and said, "No! It's not a zombie. Look, it's a painting! Skinny monkey, don't scream, Ye Wei will be distracted!" Ye Wei snorted and continued to recite the mantra silently. Zhou Jue held his breath and looked at the woman again, he really couldn't think of why such a woman was drawn behind the coffin board.Judging from the woman's attire, she should be an ancient person, but it is really very difficult to tell which dynasty she is from just from the unadorned white single clothes.The woman closed her eyes, looking very peaceful.The hair on her chest was black and long, and Zhou Jue suddenly felt very familiar with such hair, such hair... that's right!It was the first time I met that book, the woman who flashed by in the library!Yes, that's her! Zhou Jue quickly said, "I've seen this woman before!" Chen Hao looked at Zhou Jue and said, "Where is it?" Zhou Jue stared at the painting and said, "Library, although it's just a back view, I'm sure it's her. This hair, yes! It's because of this woman that I met that book. I remember when she turned into ashes, She is the one who left me the book." The thin monkey stared at the painting with fascination, and said in a low voice, "Tell me, who is this woman? Chen Rulan?" Chen Hao shook his head and said, "She's not Rulan, it's just...she looks like a person." Others asked, "Who?" Zhou Jue said, "Cui Niang?" The thin monkey nodded, and Zhou Jue licked his lips and said, "You think, this tomb wasn't built for Chen Rulan in the first place. The spirit tablet on it was written with Cuiniang's name, and Cuiniang's life and death are uncertain in the story. In the novel, , Cuiniang is missing and shed a lot of blood. If she died here, it is very likely that she will be buried here. If this assumption is true, then there must be some secrets in Cuiniang, otherwise why would Chen Rulan choose this place? As her final destination. In other words, what Chen Rulan found out at the end should be about Cuiniang, this is the last clue Chen Rulan left for us." As soon as Zhou Jue finished speaking, Chen Hao added, "There is another possibility. Ru Lan didn't find out here, but some kind of force led Ru Lan here. How did Ru Lan die? Also, what if This tomb was really used to bury Cuiniang, so what about Cuiniang's body? Where did her body go?" After Chen Hao finished speaking, Zhou Jue felt an unexplained chill all over his body, and the image became more spooky and eerie. The thin monkey stammered: "Yes... indeed. You still remember that in the story, Lin Xu saw Cuiniang appear strange twice, and she seemed to change her face. Could it be that something happened to her when she entered the tomb? ...Is she a ghost?" Suddenly, Ye Wei looked at the wall and shouted in a low voice: "Not good! It's coming!" Everyone found that the portrait, which was originally beautiful as a fairy, suddenly began to wrinkle, as if suddenly aging, and the skin also began to slow down. Peel off slowly.Black and red blood began to ooze from behind the originally snow-white wall, and the three of them were so frightened that they took several steps back at the same time. Chen Hao turned his head and glanced at Ye Wei, Ye Wei obviously couldn't hold on any longer.Black and red blood began to ooze from the walls around them, and the smell of blood became more intense and pungent.Chen Hao hurriedly picked up a wooden stick and smashed it hard against the wall. A hole was smashed into the woman's face in an instant. It was originally a painting of a beautiful woman, but now it is a broken wall. Chen Hao said to Ye Wei: "Hold on for another three minutes." Ye Wei nodded his head with difficulty, blood was already overflowing from the corner of his mouth.The wall was very thin, and a hole was soon punched out by Chen Hao.Chen Hao said to Zhou Jue and Shouhou: "Quick, go in!" Zhou Jue didn't want to use his life to be a curious baby at this time, although he was full of doubts, he got in without saying a word. Chen Hao immediately got short and followed in. The thin monkey looked at Ye Wei and said, "Hey! Come in quickly." Ye Wei finally opened his eyes, and the thin monkey almost bit his tongue when he saw his eyes. At this moment, Ye Wei's eyes were so red that it was about to bleed.Ye Wei stretched out his hand to go over, but the thin monkey found that he seemed to be invisible. The thin monkey let out a hey, rushed out of the hole and grabbed Ye Wei's hand.He found that the veins in Ye Wei's hands were bulging, and the heat in his hands was simply beyond the reach of a normal person. His whole body seemed to have the possibility of bursting blood vessels anytime, anywhere. He was so frightened that he subconsciously wanted to shake off Ye Wei's hand, but he still didn't do that. Instead, he grabbed Ye Wei and said, "Are you okay? You won't die from cerebral hemorrhage!" Ye Wei closed his eyes and said lightly: "It's okay, it will recover after a while. Go! The thing in the clay tablet activated that guy and pushed me to this level. This is the first time I have encountered it." Lead the thin monkey to drill into the hole.The thin monkey was speechless, did this kid never distinguish between time and occasion when he was handsome?This is the first time, and there is only one death, and no one has a second time.The cave is very narrow, and the four of them can only walk around stooping.Ye Wei said: "The blood curse has no effect on it at all, that thing seems to be maintained by blood itself." Ye Wei gradually recovered the body temperature of a normal person, and said: "It is a very strange thing. It is neither a ghost nor a crime, but a living thing. It has a soul." Chen Hao heard the words, and said to himself: "The living things are not evil spirits, soul-fixing amber, and... blood curses..." Zhou Jue said, "What did you think of?" A trace of hesitation flashed across Chen Hao's eyes.Zhou Jue stared, saying that it's this time, what are you still hiding and waiting for? !Chen Hao said helplessly to Zhou Jue: "It's not that I don't want to say, I'm just not sure, and I can't tell you what I'm not sure of, so as to lead you astray. Anyway, what is probably certain is that in the beggar's suicide note, I mentioned one thing, in the end, the seven of them were not killed by some evil spirits, but were betrayed." The thin monkey said: "That is to say, the reason for the failure of these seven people is not because of some evil spirits, but because of people?" Chen Hao's eyes flickered for a moment, and Zhou Jue suddenly understood something, as if a needle had been pricked in his heart.Maybe Chen Hao has doubts about him or others, but it's hard to say clearly because of his feelings.Everyone stopped talking, and this mistrust was like an annoying curtain, wrapping them all in it. Zhou Jue glanced at Chen Hao with complicated emotions, and then tried his best not to care about Chen Hao's reaction, and continued to deduce: "Could it be that the book tells us not only the power, but also the power, is it Who betrayed them in the end? The book said at the beginning that this is a journey about redemption and finding answers. In other words, the book told us from the beginning that there are two secrets in this book?" Chen Hao nodded: "It should be true. The author should be one of the last surviving people, otherwise he would not be able to write these things. However, he didn't say who betrayed them, he just came up with it in the end. A deduction, there will be a betrayer among the seven people in each generation, and the mysterious power is attached to this betrayer, so there is a hint that one of the so-called seven people is a ghost. And Rulan is I came here through the two-pronged approach of the letter from home and the content of the novel I read, and the clues are completely broken here. I think that the clues of Qier and Rulan are incomplete, and the most critical parts have been artificially cut off. gone." Ye Wei continued: "Judging from Chen Rulan's state, she learned from Ye Ting how to keep her soul in a space, just like what we encountered on the train. She kept leaving us clues , and in order to prevent the so-called betrayers, two sets of true and false versions were adopted. It is really hard to imagine under what circumstances this woman made these preparations." Chen Hao looked at the three of them in pain: "In a situation where death is inevitable, Ru Lan knows that she will definitely die." Ye Wei didn't continue talking.Zhou Jue rubbed his forehead, trying to clear his mind, but Chen Hao urged: "Go, get out of here first." Of course Zhou Jue knew that fleeing for his life was the right way, so he put those restless thoughts to the back of his mind first.Chen Hao led the crowd to the depths of the tunnel. This is the air-raid shelter dug during the past war, but it has been abandoned for many years.Ye Wei was so hot that he couldn't move forward by himself. The thin monkey kept supporting him with difficulty, and Ye Wei simply put his weight on the thin monkey's shoulders.While the thin monkey was greeting Ye Wei's family in his heart, he still had to hurry along the wall.Although Shouhou doesn't like this person very much and has ten thousand distrusts for him, but if he is abandoned at this time, it will not be Shouhou's style.He carried Ye Wei and followed behind, turning his head to look at the situation behind him from time to time. Ye Wei smiled and said, "You don't need to look at it, once you see it, you will definitely not be able to escape." The thin monkey asked in a low voice, "Do you know what that is?" Ye Wei smiled mysteriously and said, "Why should I tell you?" The thin monkey ignored Ye Wei with a cold face, and dragged him forward. Chen Hao led them for about 20 minutes. There was no light in the tunnel at all, and he could only find the way by touching the edge.Chen Hao said that there is only one exit on this road, so as long as you walk in this direction, you can definitely get out, because this is the only life gate among the eight metamorphosis gates. However, the air quality here is really not good. Everyone feels that it is very difficult to breathe, and the feeling of terror has not diminished in the slightest, as if whipping them, making them unable to slow down and take a breath.Until the end, when the four of them almost thought they were going to suffocate in the corridor, Chen Hao, who was walking in the front, saw a little dazzling white light in front of him.The four of them immediately became energetic and quickened their pace excitedly.When they got out of the hole, they found a wild forest in front of them. Just when everyone thought they were time-traveling again, a few familiar meows came from the depths of the forest, followed by rustling sounds in the forest.那只黑猫突然从林子里蹿了出来,直奔叶炜,随后探出了那个周玦、瘦猴二人熟悉得不能再熟悉的胖脑袋。最滑稽的是,这胖脑袋上插满了树枝,脸上都是树枝的划痕。如果不是情况真的很紧张,所有人当场都会笑瘫。 瘦猴大叫道:“胖三!你怎么会在这里?” 胖三见地道里出来的是周玦几人,大大地松了一口气说:“吓死我了!你们几个傻大胆儿太鲁莽了,怎么说跳就跳?也不打探下再行动,害得我倒霉成这模样。” 周玦说:“我没想那么多,是我欠考虑了。先不说这个,你怎么会在这里?” 胖三噘着嘴,一脸委屈,后怕地说:“这只猫呗,它忽然跑了,总不能弄丢它,它一直往这里蹿。” 陈昊看着四周,插嘴道:“这里好像离那个村不是很远,这个地方和故事里林旭他们来的地方很像。” 胖三点头说:“没错,应该就是这里。” 周玦抚着额头,他们这一路上,正常的事情遇到得不多,就鬼事最多!现在怕这个还有什么意义? 陈昊看着众人,接着又说:“好像我们现在和故事中的人物保持同步了。” 周玦愣了一下,瘦猴马上说:“我们的外挂消失了?难道是陈茹兰的牵引力到此结束的原因?” 说完,他回头看着叶炜,想要得到这个专业神棍的解释。 专业神棍反倒嘲讽地看着瘦猴,说:“这是很自然的情况,叶珽和陈茹兰在我们到来之前保存的信息就是他们最后的存在。我们得知所有的消息之后,他们就彻底死亡了,于是那个东西,也就是刚才的那种恐怖血气就会把所有矛头转向我们,现在轮到我们了。” 叶炜的语调非常冷淡,好像死的那个只不过是一个外人,而非自己的亲弟弟。
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