Home Categories Thriller Code of Changes 1 Ancient Jade Corpse Cloak

Chapter 12 fourth quarter

The sun rises every day, which is one of the basic laws of nature.Our ancestors summed up countless experiences from such natural laws, and passed down these experiences unreservedly, leaving us a wealth of valuable experiences. This is more evident in .Beginning with Fu Xi's drawing of gossip eight thousand years ago, countless wise men have emerged in Chinese history. They spent their lives summarizing and integrating their valuable experiences, thus infinitely magnifying their divination and prediction, humanistic philosophy and other ideas.Therefore, it is the most extensive and profound work that has accumulated the wisdom of the Chinese people for eight thousand years.As the "Siku Quanshu" said: "Yidao is vast and all-encompassing."

However, for such a great work, some Chinese people only pay attention to its divination function, ignoring its profound and profound connotation, and even refer to the divination as superstition, how terrible and arbitrary it is! Jin Kun is one of these people.In his opinion, the "Lianshanyi" and "Guizangyi" mentioned by his grandfather in his suicide note are nothing more than deceptive divination books.If it wasn't for fulfilling the family mission, he wouldn't have searched for some scriptures that had been handed down for thousands of years. "But why does my family have to undertake such a difficult task?"

Jin Kun looked at the rising sun outside the window, puzzled.But he knows that only by completing the family mission can all the mysteries be solved and he can be worthy of his ancestors.Moreover, the place where the scriptures are buried is also hidden with treasures that are incomparably rich, which is definitely a tempting "feast".From the moment he finds the treasure, he will transform from poor boy to super rich and become the center of attention.Perhaps in a sense, this is the biggest motivation for his conviction. At this time, a white mobile phone placed on the bedside table suddenly rang.Jin Kun glanced at it. It was Yi Xiaotian who left here last night. He walked over and answered the phone. As expected, it was Yi Xiaotian calling.When Yi Xiaotian woke up in the morning, she found that her mobile phone was missing, so she borrowed a phone and dialed her mobile number.

Jin Kun asked her about her head injury, chatted briefly, and then asked her to come to the apartment at eight o'clock to pick up her mobile phone, but she insisted on meeting in the lobby on the first floor of the apartment. The scene is still haunting. At eight o'clock, Jin Kun came to the lobby on the first floor on time.He stood at the elevator entrance and looked around the hall. There were only a few passers-by in the hall, and Yi Xiaotian was not among them.He looked at the big wall clock hanging on the west wall, then went straight to the chair under the wall clock and sat down.

After waiting for a long time, Yi Xiaotian did not arrive. When he was bored, he took out the white mobile phone and played with it in the palm of his hand.The background pattern of the mobile phone display is Yi Xiaotian's big head portrait. She is pouting, one eye is half closed, and the other eye is wide open, with a funny expression. Jin Kun was amused by her funny expression. He thought Yi Xiaotian on this big profile picture was completely different from the simple and serious girl last night. Perhaps, people have two sides. Jin Kun closed the phone, but suddenly remembered something, so he turned on the phone again, stared at Yi Xiaotian's half-closed eyes, and his heartbeat quickened little by little.

"Hey! Why are you peeking at other people's mobile phones?" Before he finished speaking, a hand suddenly reached out and snatched the mobile phone from Jin Kun. Jin Kun looked up and saw a young man wearing glasses standing in front of him, he immediately recognized the person - the code breaker who came to the gas station with Yi Xiaotian yesterday.As soon as Jin Kun remembered what happened yesterday, he became furious. He stood up abruptly, pointed at the other person's nose and said angrily, "What's wrong with looking at the phone? It's none of your business?"

Zuo Chunlu took half a step back, blushing and retorted: "This phone belongs to me...my girlfriend, of course it's none of my business." Jin Kun was taken aback for a moment, and then scolded jokingly: "Yo! She's your girlfriend, haha, then it's really none of your business." "Why are you scolding people?" Zuo Chunlu's face was as red as a ripe persimmon, he really wanted to beat him up.But first, Yi Xiaotian is coming soon, so she can't let her see her fighting, and second, she can't beat the opponent.He shook his arm vigorously, and said angrily, "You're so unqualified! I don't want to care about people like you who have no quality."

Jin Kun snorted coldly, looked at him with contempt and said, "Being unqualified is better than pretending to understand and talking nonsense!" Zuo Chunlu was about to refute a few words, but saw Yi Xiaotian coming from the direction of the revolving door, he glared at Jin Kun, and then greeted Yi Xiaotian with a flattering smile. "What's the matter? What are you arguing about?" Yi Xiaotian walked over, first smiled apologetically at Jin Kun, apologized for being late, then looked sideways at Zuo Chunlu and asked, "Why are you here? No Would you like to wait for me at school?"

"I was afraid that you would be bullied by hooligans, so I came here to protect you." Zuo Chunlu took a step closer to her, as if he had become a flower protector. "You are the fucking hooligan!" Jin Kun couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, stepped forward and grabbed his collar. "Okay, you two stop arguing." Yi Xiaotian quickly pulled the two of them away, and said loudly, "This is a public place, don't you see so many people looking at you?" Jin Kun took a few steps back and saw that there were indeed a few people looking towards this side near the revolving door, thinking that those people would think that I was jealous of this idiot, wouldn't it be a laughing stock if it spread out?So he pointed to Zuo Chunlu, and said to Yi Xiaotian: "He has the phone, if there is nothing else, I'll go back first." After that, he turned and walked towards the elevator.

"Wait a minute." Yi Xiaotian chased after him, grabbed him and said, "It's my colleague who is wrong, don't mind too much." "Hmph! How could I be as knowledgeable as an idiot?" Jin Kun said coldly. She glanced at Zuo Chunlu a few meters away, then shifted her gaze to Jin Kun's face, and said softly, "Thank you for what happened last night." Jin Kun stared at her blankly, and when he saw a faint imprint on her temple, he immediately understood why she wanted to thank him, and said, "I can't just leave you in the stairwell, no need to say thank you!" ,that's what I should do."

When Yi Xiaotian met his eyes, her heartbeat quickened inexplicably, she lowered her head in panic, biting her lips, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, sirens sounded from outside the apartment. Jin Kun's face changed, and an ominous premonition burst out from the bottom of his heart.He clenched his fists hard, comforting himself in his heart not to think wildly. Zuo Chunlu, who was standing a few meters away, saw them sticking very close together, as if they were whispering something, which made him very angry, and really wanted to rush over to take Yi Xiaotian away, but he was afraid that she would blame him, so he could only stare viciously. Looking at Jin Kun. The sound of the siren reminded Yi Xiaotian of something, and she took a step closer and lowered her voice, "By the way, I overheard a news at the police station yesterday. The police seem to be checking your DNA." Jin Kun knew about this a long time ago, and shrugged his shoulders pretending to be indifferent: "The police are really at their wit's end, and they even regarded me as the number one suspect." The siren sounded more and more piercing, and it seemed that a police car was coming this way.Jin Kun took a deep breath, but the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, so that his palms were covered with sweat. "Are you okay?" Yi Xiaotian found that his complexion was very bad, so she comforted her, "I don't think it is a bad thing for the police to check the DNA, so that you can completely remove the suspicion." Jin Kun nodded noncommittally, turned his hands behind his back, and quickly wiped his palms on his back a few times.After about half a minute, the sirens stopped abruptly.He looked sideways at the revolving door and saw Lu Yihang and two policemen walking towards him through the revolving door. Jin Kun's heart sank, but his face remained calm. He walked forward a few steps and asked calmly, "Old classmate, how is my grandfather's case going?" After exchanging glances with the two policemen beside him, Lu Yihang stared into Jin Kun's eyes and said, "You should still remember that our police found a lock of hair in the hands of the corpse, and we analyzed that it was torn off from the murderer before he died. Yes." Seeing that Jin Kun remained silent, he continued, "We tested the DNA of the hair and made a detailed comparison with several suspects." "Well, it's a good way. The DNA of each individual is never the same. It is known as the ultimate identity card of human beings." Jin Kun met his gaze and asked, "How is the result of the comparison?" Lu Yihang examined his expression, and said coldly: "Our police have confirmed the real culprit!" Jin Kun's heart skipped a beat, but his face remained calm: "Who is the murderer?" Lu Yihang quickly unfolded the paper in his hand, held it up in front of him, and said in a very businesslike tone: "Please come with us." Although Jin Kun had a premonition, when he saw the words "arrest warrant" on the paper, his brain buzzed, as if he had been hit hard by a wooden stick on the head. Everything that happened yesterday, Chaos poured out of the brain like fragmented movie footage.Jin Kun slightly closed his eyes uneasily. Although it was difficult to sort out the clues for a while, he knew that this must be a trap set by the mysterious organization. Who is that evil mysterious organization? Jin Kun suddenly felt a chill in his wrist. He lowered his head and saw the shiny handcuffs on his left wrist. The cold metal texture caused him to resist instinctively. Just as he was about to withdraw his arm, the other hand was also caught. Handcuffed. "Why did you arrest him?" Yi Xiaotian ran over, stopped in front of them and said, "Do you police have any common sense? He is the grandson of the deceased, and he has no motive for killing!" "We will investigate the motive of the murder." Lu Yihang recognized her, shook the arrest warrant in his hand and said calmly, "Ms. Yi, please don't hinder us from handling the case." Yi Xiaotian had no choice but to step back and look at Jin Kun's profile with concern. There was no expression of fear on that face, which instead made her feel uneasy.Suddenly her heart moved, and she thought to herself: "I just met him, we are not even friends, why should I worry about him?" At this time, the policeman pushed Jin Kun on the back and escorted him to the outside of the revolving door.Jin Kun walked forward with his head bowed, but his brain was spinning rapidly: "The problem lies in the lock of hair found in the hands of the corpse, but now that hair has become mine! There is no doubt that the murderer must have planted it after killing Grandpa. Framed, but where did the murderer get my hair?" When Zuo Chunlu saw Jin Kun being arrested, he couldn't help laughing out loud, not to mention how happy he was.Yi Xiaotian gave him a hard look, and said angrily, "Bring it!" "what?" Yi Xiaotian snatched the mobile phone from his hand, turned around, and quickly chased outside the revolving door.Zuo Chunlu stared blankly at her running out of the revolving door, and muttered to himself, "Is she crazy?"
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