Home Categories Thriller I Ching Code 2·The Source of All Souls

Chapter 46 first quarter

Jin Kun had a dream, a long dream. In the dream, he came to the gas station, saw the corpse of his grandfather, and saw the "corpse code"; in the dream, he came to Shennongjia, entered the "Mountain Ghost Corpse Valley", saw a huge ancient aircraft, and saw the "copper jade" In the dream, he came to the Taklamakan Desert, entered the "Desert Magic City", saw the reliefs of "God's Negative Book" and "Dragon Horse's Negative Picture", and saw the boss of the mysterious organization—Ms. Zhu being killed by a centipede A scene surrounded by...

In the end, a frozen ship-shaped building was frozen in his dream for a long time.The door of the building opened slowly, and a vague shadow came out, saying: Welcome to the "Holy City of Glacier"... This sentence was like an ancient spell, slowly awakening his sleeping consciousness.Jin Kun tried to open his eyes, but the eyelids seemed to be hung with heavy lead weights, and it took a lot of effort to barely open a crack. A white light flashed past his eyes, stinging his eyes. The pupils contracted rapidly in pain, and he found that the ship-shaped buildings and blurred shadows had disappeared, and there was only a vague white light in front of his eyes.He held his breath and listened, but the incantation-like voice was no longer heard, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

"Where am I? Isn't this the 'Holy City of Glaciers'?" Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in my ear: "Brother, you are awake!" "Who is talking to me? It seems to be... Xie Hu!" An inexplicable force gushed out from the bottom of his heart, instantly filled his whole body, and at the same time completely awakened his consciousness.After Jin Kun took a few deep breaths, he turned his head with difficulty and saw that very familiar face.His lips trembled for a long time before he uttered two words: "Huzi..." Xie Hu held his hand tightly and shouted excitedly: "Wake up! The doctor is coming, he's awake..."

Only then did Jin Kun realize that he was lying on a hospital bed. Two hours later. After Jin Kun's infusion, he had no other discomfort except a little pain in his buttocks.So, with Xie Hu's support, he sat up and leaned against the head of the bed.During the infusion just now, Jin Kun recalled the scene when the "Desert Magic City" collapsed, but he didn't know why he suddenly passed out and his butt was injured. Xie Hu sat back on the chair beside the hospital bed, with a worried expression on his face: "Brother, you have been in a coma for a whole week, talking nonsense in your dreams every day, but it scared me to death."

"I... have been in a coma for a week?" Jin Kun didn't expect that he had been in a coma for so long, but after thinking about it carefully, it would take five days to escape from the Taklamakan Desert.He raised his hands and rubbed his face a few times, trying to recall the moment before he passed out. He remembered that there were waves of numbness in his buttocks and dizziness in front of his eyes, which seemed like a sign of poisoning.He suddenly thought of something, and asked loudly: "Damn centipede bit my ass?" "It's more than just a bite! The big centipede bit a hole in your buttocks, and then got in. I'm thinking, it wants to make a home on your buttocks."

Jin Kun's expression changed drastically when he heard the words, and he quickly touched his buttocks. The wound was not too big, it was stitched up, and the pain was not obvious.He let out a breath and said, "It's not as mysterious as what you said! Are you trying to scare me, kid?" "Why did I scare you? The situation was extremely critical at that time, and half of the big centipede got in." Xie Hu said while gesturing with his hands, "At that moment, everyone was shocked. Fortunately, I was in danger. Don't mess around, raise the knife and drop it, and just hear a 'pop', and I will cut off a piece of meat from your ass..."

Jin Kun frowned when he heard this, and asked: "And then?" "Then the big centipede fell to the ground, and a stream of thick black blood gushed from the wound on your butt." "Thick black blood?" Jin Kun gasped and asked anxiously, "Then how did you deal with it?" "At this critical moment, when life was hanging by a thread, Teacher Xiaotian rushed up..." Xie Hu suddenly stopped talking, and a smirk flashed across his face. Jin Kun was taken aback for a moment, then guessed that it was Yi Xiaotian who sucked out the poisonous blood for him, and couldn't help showing an embarrassing expression on his face.

Xie Hu patted him on the shoulder and said with emotion: "Oh, such a beautiful face is almost disfigured!" "Ah? How is Xiaotian now? Take me to see her." Jin Kun said, and was about to get off the bed. Xie Hu was afraid that he would stretch the wound, so he stretched out his hand to hold him down: "Don't worry, Teacher Xiaotian has already recovered." Xie Hu paused, and couldn't help laughing, "Hehe, it was because the lips were so thick at the time, I'm almost catching up with Ouyang Feng in "East and West". "Is it that funny?!"

Jin Kun scolded, and asked very seriously: "Where are the others now? Has the 'Silver Jade Corpse Cloak' been brought back safely?" Xie Hu closed his smile and told the details of what happened after he walked out of the desert. It turned out that after they left the desert and returned to Ruoqiang County, they immediately sent the unconscious Jin Kun to the hospital.However, the level of medical care in the county is limited, and the doctor issued a transfer notice, so they had to rush to the nearest central city - Urumqi. In this hospital in Urumqi, Jin Kun's condition has been effectively controlled and there are signs of improvement.The attending doctor told them that Jin Kun would definitely fall into a coma for a few days before waking up.

After discussing with several people, they decided to split up.Xie Hu was in charge of taking care of the unconscious Jin Kun in the hospital; Zhong Weiguo, Liu Xie and Yi Xiaotian brought "Return to Tibet" and "Silver Jade Corpse Clothes" to the hotel and were responsible for putting together ancient maps.In order to put together the map faster and better, Liu Xie first studied "Gui Zang Yi".On the left side of the bamboo slips, he found more than a dozen incomplete and small symbols, all of which could be found on the "Silver Jade Corpse Clothes", and even the order of arrangement was the same.From this, it can be deduced that "Guitang Yi" is the same as "Lian Shan Yi" in which the map of the "Holy City of Glacier" was engraved on it. This is the ultimate secret hidden in the two ancient books!

In the next few days, the three of them put all their efforts into researching the "Silver Jade Corpse Clothes", and finally put together the ancient map yesterday evening.They were surprised to find that this ancient map started from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, went through Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces, crossed the Loess Plateau, and finally pointed to a snow-covered mountain range at the source of the Yellow River.At first they thought it was on a certain snow peak in the Bayan Har Mountains, but after careful research, they finally locked on the eastern branch of the Kunlun Mountains - Animaqing Mountain. Zhong Weiguo checked the relevant information. Animaqing Mountain is located in Maqin County, Qinghai Province. In Tibetan, it means the largest mountain peak at the source of the Yellow River. Wo is also known as the "Four Great Mountains" of Tibetan Buddhism.Its main peak is 28 kilometers long, and the upper reaches of the Yellow River go around the mountain.The main peak is called Maqing Gangri, with an altitude of 6,282 meters, surrounded by 13 peaks with an average altitude of nearly 6,000 meters. Looking down from the sky, Animaqing Mountain looks like countless sawtooths overlapping each other. , the mountaintop glaciers cover an area of ​​up to 126 square kilometers, and there are 57 glaciers. It is the longest and largest glacier in the Yellow River Basin. Now, a new problem arises.Among the five of them, only Zhong Weiguo, Jin Kun and Xie Hu had climbing experience, while Liu Xie and Yi Xiaotian had never climbed a mountain at all.Climbing a steep mountain with an altitude of more than 6,000 meters is simply an impossible task for three amateur mountaineering team members and two "rookies"! Zhong Weiguo believes that it is absolutely impossible to reach the "Holy City of Glacier" with the strength of the five of them alone. Moreover, the "Holy City of Glacier" not only involves the mystery of its origin, but also has a connection with the entire Chinese nation, even all human beings, and all creatures in the world. closely related.Therefore, after careful consideration, he decided to fly back to Beijing overnight to seek help from the National Archaeological Team. This morning, Zhong Weiguo called back and said that the national archaeological team attached great importance to the "Holy City of Glaciers" and asked the relevant government departments for instructions. A large scientific expedition team is expected to set off for the "Holy City of Glacier" in a week. After hearing his story, Jin Kun was so excited that he almost jumped out of bed: "It's great! We will be able to enter the 'Holy City of Glaciers' in a week..." Before he finished speaking, Jin Kun suddenly realized something, and his face darkened: "No, it seems that there is nothing wrong with us after talking for a long time. Oops! That old man Zhong Weiguo might want to get rid of us and go alone with the national archaeological team. How about going to the 'Holy City of Glacier'?" Xie Hu shook his head again and again, and said, "I'm sorry I didn't explain clearly. Professor Zhong specifically emphasized on the phone that after you wake up, the four of us will go directly to Maqin County, Qinghai Province, which is where Anima Qingshan is located, and wait for the meeting with you." The national archaeological team will meet." "So that's the case. Let me just say, Professor Zhong is not so black-hearted." Jin Kun put his hands on the bed, got off the bed and said, "Let's go! Find Uncle Slant Eye and Xiao Tian, ​​and then we will go to Qinghai together." Xie Hu quickly supported him: "Don't move around! Your wound hasn't healed yet, and the doctor said that you will have to rest for at least a few days before you can leave the hospital." "I'm not made of paper, am I that fragile?" Jin Kun shook off his hand and walked a few steps in the ward, "Look, can't I walk freely?" "That won't work either!" Xie Hu didn't back down at all, "What if the wound is stretched? Brother, there is still a week to go! You can rest in the hospital and recuperate, and we will set off together when you recover." Jin Kun pinched his waist with both hands, and stared at him: "Hey! Huzi, when did you become a mother-in-law, like a woman." While the two were arguing, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Yi Xiaotian and Liu Xie walked in.Yi Xiaotian heard Jin Kun's words and reprimanded loudly: "Don't insult women!" Jin Kun said apologetically "I dare not", and after turning around, I saw Yi Xiaotian took out two bank cards from his bag and handed them to Jin Kun and Xie Hu: "I discussed with Uncle Slanted Eyes, we will take out the bank cards from' The gold, silver and jade wares brought back by the Demon City of the Desert were sold and divided into five shares, one for each person." Xie Hu stuffed the UnionPay card into his pocket and said with a smile, "Hey, the off-road vehicle lost in Shennongjia is back." "It's more than an off-road vehicle!" Yi Xiaotian said mysteriously, "You can see how huge the number in this card is after reading it." Xie Hu was really taken aback, opened his mouth wide and said, "Ah? How valuable is your half bag of broken gold and silver?" Jin Kun held the card and hesitated for a long time, then pulled Yi Xiaotian to the wall, put the card to her, and whispered in his ear: "You will keep this card of mine." Yi Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, then two red clouds floated on his face, and a sweet warmth rose in his heart.
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