Home Categories Thriller I Ching Code 2·The Source of All Souls

Chapter 23 first quarter

The "Desert Magic City" has been buried by yellow sand for more than two thousand years. Jin Kun is worried that the oxygen inside has been exhausted, and it will be very dangerous if people go down.Tsering Danba told everyone that when he entered the ancient city ten years ago, there was plenty of oxygen inside, and there must have been vents. Although Tsering Danba firmly insisted that there was a hidden vent, Jin Kun still made an experiment cautiously.He found a rag, wrapped it in sand, lit it, and threw it into the tunnel.The flames rolled into the depths of the tunnel, burning vigorously and showing no signs of extinguishing.

Only then did Jin Kun nod in reassurance, turned on the powerful flashlight, and was the first to get into the dark tunnel.Others got in one after another, and Xie Hu held the rifle in the rear. Zhong Weiguo, who was walking in the middle of the team, sighed. He never expected that his old friends for many years were members of a mysterious organization. If Xie Hu hadn't discovered the corpses swept by the black storm, they would be buried in the sand now. .He felt very guilty and apologized to everyone repeatedly. "The mysterious organization is too cunning! Professor, don't blame yourself."

Jin Kun's comforting voice came from below the tunnel.His voice sounded like a strange noise, like the sound of a magnet near a radio. In the dark tunnel full of unknowns, this strange noise is quite strange, as if there is some kind of terrible foreign object hidden in the darkness that cannot be illuminated by the flashlight. Everyone immediately became nervous, and from time to time they used flashlights to shine deep into the tunnel.Jin Kun also found that his voice was very strange, and even felt that it did not come from his own mouth.His heart was in suspense, and he hurriedly took out his pistol, his eyes fixed on the light circle of the flashlight, for fear that something strange would suddenly jump out of the darkness.

Everyone's nerves were tense, they stopped talking to each other, and walked down the stone steps carefully.The dark tunnel was so quiet that they could even hear their own "pounding" heartbeats. At this time, a sharp turn suddenly appeared ahead. Jin Kun, who was walking in the front, slowed down and carefully turned the corner. He took a photo with his flashlight and saw nothing suspicious, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance and remained highly focused. Ever since he entered the tunnel, Jin Kun's mind reverberated with those unsolvable questions: According to the records of "Decryption Key", "Silver Jade Corpse Clothes" has a significant connection with Xiang Yu.But Xiang Yu was in the Central Plains, why did he travel tens of thousands of kilometers and hide him in such a desolate desert?Also, why is this ancient city called "Desert Magic City"?Is it really a devilish city?What kind of weird things and killing mechanisms are hidden in it?

Just when he was disturbed by these questions, Yi Xiaotian suddenly said, "Huh?" Her voice was very soft, but it was so quiet in the tunnel that it sounded harsh at first.Everyone was taken aback, they all stopped and shone a flashlight on Yi Xiaotian. Yi Xiaotian stretched out her hand to block the incoming light, and pointed to the left stone wall: "Look, there seems to be something carved on it." Everyone gathered around and saw a mural carved on the dark gray stone wall.The murals are fuzzy and messy, with no traces of paint, and the lines are very blunt, as if they were unintentionally scratched repeatedly by sharp objects.

Most people think that this is the most primitive graffiti, without any research significance.But when Liu Xie saw the mural, he showed an extremely surprised expression.He pushed away Yi Xiaotian who was standing in front of him, walked to the mural, squinted at the mural for a full minute, and then faintly uttered three words: "Tiantian Pagoda!" "Tiantian Tower?" Jin Kun looked at him in confusion. Yi Xiaotian was also at a loss, and asked anxiously, "What is Tongtian Pagoda?" Liu Xie didn't answer directly, but pointed to the center of the mural: "Look carefully, everyone, there is a symbol here, which is the most primitive representative symbol of Zhongqian Hexagram."

Everyone quickly looked towards the center of the mural, and saw three sunken traces on the gray stone wall, in the shape of a triangle. Each trace was the size of a small finger, like an equilateral triangle with three corners erased. Seeing these three traces, Yi Xiaotian immediately thought of the Qian Gua symbol engraved on the tortoise shell. She thought that the ancients did not draw the divinatory symbols as rigidly as today's people. Sometimes they drew three solid dots, and sometimes It will be drawn as three vertical lines. It seems that Uncle Slanting Eyes is right, this is indeed the most primitive representative symbol of Qian Gua.

"Let's look at the notches around the Qian Gua symbols." Liu Xie pointed to the densely packed notches around, and said, "These seemingly chaotic notches are actually scattered around the Qian Gua symbols, and the farther away Qian Gua, the denser the engravings, the poorer the clarity. But if you look carefully, you will find that these engravings are very similar to the outlines of pavilions, temples, and houses..." "I see, this is a mural with a three-dimensional effect overlooking the ancient city from the top of the tower!" Yi Xiaotian interrupted him and said, "Because the top of the tower is very high, the view of the ancient city can only be a blur."

"You're right. I told everyone before that the Qian hexagram symbolizes the sky." Liu Xie paused, and then said solemnly, "It's precisely because the symbol of the Qian hexagram is engraved in this pagoda, and it is quite tall, so I think it's a Babel!" Yi Xiaotian looked at the murals and asked in confusion, "Why did the owner of this ancient city build a Tongtian Pagoda?" "It's hard to say. Maybe it's for observing the weather, maybe it's for military operations..." Jin Kun suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed: "My God! The Tongtian Pagoda was buried by the yellow sand to a height of only three meters, so...how deep must the ancient city be buried?" Turning to look at Tsering Danba, he asked, "In the desert, how many meters can the yellow sand cover be?"

Tsering Danba thought for a while and replied, "As far as I know, the thickness of the yellow sand in the Taklamakan Desert does not exceed 200 meters." "Two hundred meters?" Jin Kun looked at the time, "We've been walking for five minutes, so we have to go three or four hundred meters deep into the tower. Could it be that this ancient city was buried in the earth's crust under the yellow sand?" "It must be so." Liu Xie stared at the mural in silence for a moment, and speculated: "I guess, this is either an underground city in the first place; or it is an underground city formed by the sinking of the ancient city due to the subsidence of the earth's crust! I think the latter is more likely. "

"Is this an underground city?" Jin Kun suddenly thought of something, raised his voice and said: "No wonder there is a huge space inside the 'Desert Demon City', it turns out this is an underground city!" Xie Hu's short-tempered problem was committed, and he yelled loudly: "Whether it is a dungeon or not, don't waste time, let's go down and find the 'Silver Jade Corpse Clothes'!" Only then did Jin Kun realize that time was running out, so he called everyone to continue down.Everyone left the mural one after another and walked deep into the tunnel along the ancient stone steps. Liu Xie was the last one to leave. The moment he turned around, he suddenly had a strange feeling, as if something invisible to the naked eye had leaked out of the mural, and they were quietly getting into his body. This strange feeling made him very uncomfortable. He turned around abruptly, glanced at the mural uneasily, but saw that the symbol of the Qian hexagram had changed into a Kan hexagram with two dotted lines sandwiching a solid line. "A hurdle is a danger, a bad omen!" Liu Xie's heart jumped into his throat at once, adrenaline was secreted rapidly, and a huge fear shrouded from the top of his head. He didn't dare to look at whether it was a hallucination, or it really turned into Kan Gua, and accelerated to the front. people chase after.
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