Home Categories Thriller I Ching Code 2·The Source of All Souls

Chapter 16 Section five

The light from the bonfire penetrated through the gaps in the tent. Zhong Weiguo was lying in his sleeping bag. Although his eyes were closed, he seemed to see a red butterfly flying around in front of him. The butterfly tore a hole in the dim space, bringing his thoughts back to twenty-five years ago. Twenty-five years ago, Zhong Weiguo and his wife worked at the Institute of Archeology of China.Although archaeological work is arduous, boring, and life-threatening, they love this profession very much and are willing to devote their entire lives to the cause of archaeology. One early morning in late autumn, he and his wife suddenly received a call saying that the archaeological team was about to leave and asked them to arrive at the unit as soon as possible.After careful questioning, it turned out that an ancient tomb was discovered in Mancheng County, Hebei Province. Local archaeologists discovered a large number of cultural relics of great archaeological value in the tomb.

Zhong Weiguo didn't plan to let his wife go to Hebei because she was pregnant with twins and was about to give birth in one month.However, the wife insisted on going.Zhong Weiguo couldn't hold back against her, so he had to tell her not to go down to the tomb. In the afternoon, the archaeological team arrived at the archaeological site on the outskirts of Mancheng County. After a busy day, the archaeological team unearthed hundreds of cultural relics from the tomb, including a complete "gold and jade corpse garment" and two The incomplete "Bronze Jade Shroud". That night, the complete "Golden Jade Corpse Clothes" was sent to the Institute of Archeology of China as a major cultural relic, and Zhong Weiguo and his wife also returned to Beijing.On that late autumn night, the two of them and several colleagues conducted careful research around the shroud, and preliminarily concluded from the inscriptions on the shroud that the owner of the tomb was probably in the early Western Han Dynasty and should be a prince.

In the next few days, the archaeological team combined the unearthed cultural relics and determined that the owner of the tomb was in the early Western Han Dynasty.However, they consulted a large amount of historical materials, but they were still unable to determine the specific identity of the owner of the tomb. The unearthing of the "Golden Jade Corpse Clothes" caused a great sensation at that time, and many media in China and even the world reported the results of this archaeological excavation.However, the mystery of the identity of the owner of the "Golden Jade Corpse Clothes" has become a huge mystery that has not been solved. It seems that such a prince did not exist in the history of the Western Han Dynasty.

Ten days later, in the middle of the night, Zhong Weiguo had a bizarre nightmare. He first dreamed that he traveled to ancient times and witnessed the burial ceremony of a prince.He walked to the wooden coffin curiously, and found that the coffin lid was open, and there lay a princely king wearing a "gold and jade shroud".Unbelievably, however, the dead prince's eyes suddenly opened, and he stared at him with two mournful gazes, and said in a gloomy tone: "You shouldn't dig my grave, let alone dig my grave." You should take off the shroud, I curse you all to die!"

Just when he was overwhelmed with fright, everything in front of him suddenly disappeared, replaced by a dark hall.This hall is very familiar, it is the shared hall of the Institute of Archeology.Just as he was feeling strange, he heard the crisp sound of leather shoes hitting the ground in the dark space. Following the sound, he saw a person wearing a "gold and jade shroud" walking from the depths of the hall. When the man came closer, he finally saw that it was his wife.As if she didn't see him, she lowered her head and circled him mechanically like a dead body.The speed of his wife was getting faster and faster. After walking about a hundred laps, she fell to the ground and he rushed her to the hospital.

The wife was pushed into the operating room, and soon the door of the operating room opened, and the nurse brought out two "quilts".He took it over and took a look, only to find that what was wrapped in the quilt was not a baby, but a huge red butterfly and a bright red heart. After waking up from the nightmare, he found that his wife who was lying beside him before going to sleep was gone, so he hurriedly got out of bed to look for him, but he searched the whole house, but he couldn't find his wife. At this moment, the phone at home suddenly rang, and it was a call from a colleague on duty in the unit.A colleague told him a very strange thing, saying that his wife was wearing a "golden jade shroud" and was walking around in the hall of the institute, and she walked in a standard circle.

Is the nightmare about to come true? Zhong Weiguo's scalp was about to explode, he grabbed his clothes and rushed to the research institute.However, after he ran to the research institute, he got the same horrible result as in the nightmare: his wife passed out and was sent to the hospital. Zhong Weiguo almost collapsed, his mind went blank, and he couldn't remember how he got to the hospital.When he walked into the hospital, he saw doctors and the leaders of the research institute greet him and lead him into a ward. The bed in the ward was empty, but there were two baby girls lying on the two cribs next to it.The doctor told him that his wife gave birth early due to the impact when she fell, but she died during childbirth due to dystocia.However, both baby girls are healthy.

Zhong Weiguo mechanically walked to the bedside and stared at the newly born daughters. They looked nothing alike, they seemed to be fraternal twins.Suddenly, he was surprised to see a blood-red heart-shaped birthmark on the back of one of the babies' hands! The blood-red birthmark stared at him like a devil's eyes. He shook violently, and immediately recalled the scene from his nightmare, so he hurried to check on another baby. On the back of another baby, a red butterfly-shaped birthmark was imprinted extremely clearly! Nightmare come true! Zhong Weiguo completely collapsed. However, the real nightmare has just begun.

Colleagues who participated in that archaeological excavation died one after another, and the causes of death were very strange. A week later, two baby girls mysteriously disappeared in the hospital.The reason why the word "bizarre" is used to describe it is because after the police intervened in the investigation, they found that no stranger had entered the ward on the day the baby girl disappeared. Did the two baby girls walk out of the ward by themselves? Zhong Weiguo looked at the empty crib, closed his eyes in pain, and heard the curse of the ancient princes and kings again: "You should not dig my grave, let alone take off the shroud. die!"

Is everything really just a curse? A gust of cold wind blew in, and he shivered. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was not in a ward, but a dimly lit tent.His thoughts returned to the desolate desert twenty-five years ago. More than an hour ago, he saw the blood-red butterfly-shaped birthmark again, and he firmly believed that the birthmark was unique. "Yi Xiaotian must be my daughter." Zhong Weiguo let out a heavy breath, wiped off the cold sweat or tears from his face, and muttered to himself: "I finally found my daughter, but where is the other daughter now?"

At this time, people returned to their tents to rest. The bonfire outside was extinguished, the tent was pitch black, and the entire desert fell into deathly silence!
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