Home Categories Thriller I Ching Code 2·The Source of All Souls

Chapter 2 second quarter

The moment Jin Kun saw the note, he recognized it was Mumiko's handwriting, and immediately froze in place like a statue. "Kimiko is really alive!" The note slipped from his hand, his body trembled a few times, and the figure of Kumiko appeared in front of his eyes.Mu Meizi came to this room just now and left this note, but why didn't she wait for me here, but instead led me to No. 13 Wansheng Road? Jin Kun didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed out of the hotel, hailed a taxi and got in.After he told the destination, the driver looked at him for ten seconds before starting the car.Jin Kun felt very strange, so he asked the driver, and he learned that No. 13 Wansheng Road was a mental hospital that had been abandoned for many years.

After the car drove for a while, the driver added nervously: "When you hear the name of the road, you will immediately think of the western ghost festival—Halloween. It is said that there are often haunted places, and it is a famous ghost building in Xizhou City. " Jin Kun had never heard that there was a ghost building in Xizhou, but the driver didn't look like he was lying, so he couldn't help but get nervous, but in order to meet Mumiko and find out the truth of the matter, he could only choose to go forward bravely.He touched the dagger stuck in his waist, took a few deep breaths, and the nervousness gradually dissipated.

At this time, the car drove off the viaduct and headed for the desolate countryside. Looking at the dark scene outside the window, Jin Kun recalled the scene of the fire. The charred corpse had two obvious features—the birthmark and the jade pendant. He judged the deceased to be Mumiko based on these two points.But now that I think about it, there are many doubts. Why did Kumiko ask me to rush to the gas station before nine o'clock that morning?And why is the arm with the birthmark pressed under the shelf?Apparently, she knew me well enough to guess that I would be there on time, and would be desperate to rush into the gas station and see her ingenious deception.

But what exactly is the purpose of Kumiko's deception?Is it to escape me, to escape the police investigation, or is there some more terrible purpose? Suddenly, the words Liu Xie said in Shennongjia, "Be careful of the women around you", could not help shaking his body a few times, and secretly said: "It seems that the woman Uncle Slanting Eyes is referring to is Mumiko, and he has figured it out a long time ago." Kumiko is still alive!" At this time, the taxi suddenly bumped up, as if it was driving into an unhardened road.Jin Kun looked to both sides, and the low and dilapidated houses almost wiped the car windows. Some houses were only two meters high, and they were made of mud. ", presumably it drove into a shanty town in the suburbs that was about to be demolished.

Jin Kun grew up in Xizhou, but he has never been to such a remote place. He never thought that the country is so developed that there are people still living in houses like pig's nests. The taxi turned a few turns and finally stopped.Jin Kun looked outside, and there were only three or four street lights on both sides of the road, casting a lifeless dim light.With the dim light, a small four-story building can be seen sandwiched between low folk houses. There is a high courtyard wall around the building, and a big dilapidated iron gate is half-opened. The courtyard is pitch black, unlike It looks like someone lives there.It seems that the driver is right, this place has long been abandoned.

Jin Kun got out of the car, closed the door, and heard the driver shout "be careful", then stepped on the accelerator and drove away in a hurry.After the taxi drove away, the light suddenly dimmed, and the surrounding area was eerily quiet.Looking at the four-story building again, all the windows were dark, exuding a gloomy atmosphere. "It's really like a haunted house." Jin Kun took a deep breath, drew out his dagger, and walked into the yard.The wild grass in the yard was almost knee-deep, and there was a mess of waste products among the grass, and the light was extremely dim.In order to prevent being tripped, he took out his newly bought mobile phone for lighting, but found that the mobile phone had no signal.So, he cursed, "This damn place is so remote," and walked carefully to the front of the building.

The door of the building was open, and it seemed that Kumiko was waiting for him inside. Jin Kun walked in, walked through a small square hall, and stopped to take pictures with his mobile phone. Directly opposite was a row of stairs, with dark corridors on both sides. Suddenly, a faint fragrance floated in the darkness.His heart was shocked, the scent was so familiar, it was definitely the breath of Mumiko's body.He quickly twitched his nostrils a few times, but it was difficult to judge the direction from which the fragrance came. He even had the illusion that Mumiko was standing in the darkness beside him.

With unspeakable complex emotions surging in Jin Kun's heart, he held up his mobile phone to take pictures around, and at the same time called out Kumiko's name.His shout was transmitted straight out in the dark corridor, and bounced back as a strange echo, as if a ghost was standing in the darkness shouting at him. He yelled more than a dozen times, but there was still no response. He was hesitating whether to go upstairs or look for it on the first floor, when he heard a series of "cracking" sounds from upstairs, as if someone had knocked something off. Jin Kun hurried up the stairs and ran up to the second floor in one breath.He felt that the noise just now came from the second floor, so he held the phone in one hand and the dagger in the other, and walked to the depths of the corridor on the left.

Suddenly, a white figure jumped out of the darkness ahead. He was startled, and shouted loudly: "Meiko, is that you?" But the figure didn't stop, but disappeared in a flash, at an extremely fast speed, like a ghost. Jin Kun vaguely saw that the white shadow had long hair like a waterfall when he was running just now, and he was much taller than Mumiko. Could it be that the white shadow was not Mumiko, but the ghost in this madhouse? There was a chill on his back, and cold sweat "brushed" out, but when he remembered the terrible experience in the "Mountain Ghost Corpse Valley", it was much more terrifying than this, so he gritted his teeth and accelerated to catch up.

He quickly ran to the end of the corridor, and found that there was also a narrow staircase here. He thought that the white figure just slipped into this staircase and disappeared.He climbed the stairs without hesitation and came to the third floor.He took a photo with his mobile phone, and there was a black figure standing not far in front of him. The black figure was motionless, as if looking at him. Jin Kun's scalp was numb, and he cursed in his heart: "This ghost building is really a fucking evil door, there are black and white evil spirits." He clenched his dagger and walked over, and when he approached the shadow, he finally saw that it was not a ghost at all, but a ghost. It's an open door.

He kicked the door and let out a long breath, but suddenly felt very strange, all the doors in the corridor were closed, why was this door open?Is there someone in this room?Could it be Kumiko, or the ghost in white? Jin Kun took a picture of the room with his mobile phone. The space is large, with several rows of tables and chairs and a single bed, which looks like a doctor's office, but there is no one in sight.He walked in carefully, only to find that there was another door on the right wall, which was a suite.The door was ajar, he pushed it hard, and heard a "creak", and then the door opened. He thought there must be a room behind the door, and there was a very high possibility that there was a person hiding there, but when he took a picture with his mobile phone, it was completely different from what he had imagined, and Jin Kun couldn't help being taken aback. Behind the door is neither a room nor a person hidden, but a concrete step leading straight down, with no end in sight.He took a photo on the steps. The steps were built very rough, with uneven surfaces, and some cement particles were still stained on the walls on both sides. Obviously, they were built after the madhouse was abandoned. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew up from below, and there seemed to be a strange aura mixed in it. Jin Kun shivered, looking at the bottomless steps, a series of questions popped up in his mind: "Where does this step lead to? Is Mumiko just below? What did she want to tell me by bringing me here? " "The answer is at the end of the stone steps!" Jin Kun took a deep breath, heaved his heart, and walked down holding the phone.The steps were not narrow, no different from ordinary stairs, except that there were no handrails, so he could only walk down by holding on to one side of the wall.The steps were longer than expected. He walked for two minutes before the steps under his feet disappeared.His walking speed was not slow. Calculated, he should have walked into the basement of the madhouse. The display screen of the mobile phone can only clearly see things within a few meters. Jin Kun can only vaguely distinguish a corridor in front of him, and there seem to be rooms on both sides of the corridor. shooting scene. Mumiko is very courageous, she dared to hide in such a gloomy place alone, this is different from the Mumiko I know, Jin Kun thought so. Suddenly, there was a "creak" sound from the depths of the corridor, as if someone pushed a certain door open, and then a faint light came on again. Jin Kun shouted "Mumiko" and rushed towards Guangliang as fast as he could.As he ran over, he finally saw that the light was coming from a room on the left.He looked into the room and saw a round table inside, a desk lamp was on, and an LCD TV hung on the wall opposite the door. But strangely, there was no one in the room. "Someone must have been in the room just now, otherwise, who made the light and the sound of the door opening? But where did he go? Could it be that white-clothed ghost again?" Jin Kun wiped off his cold sweat and walked in quickly, only to see a remote control placed on the round table with a note under it.He quickly picked it up, only to see four words written on the paper: Turn on the TV.
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