Home Categories Thriller Take the watch

Chapter 6 Chapter Four

Take the watch 倪匡 5954Words 2018-03-22
The lame man waited for her eeriely. "In this city, there are too many people who take risks for money. Why do you think He Tianxiong is the only one? Didn't you receive the news that He Tianxiong is dead?" "Dead?" The lame man seemed to shake! "He's dead," Mulan shrugged, "but your plans don't have to stop because I can take his place." "You? Why should we trust you?" "You must trust me!" "why?" "He Tianxiong died in an assassination. Your plan to smuggle death ray weapons to this city and then transfer them out is not a secret, and has been learned from many parties. You must find a replacement for He Tianxiong in the shortest possible time. Take the samples and patterns of the Death Ray weapon and hand them over to the submarine stationed on the high seas, the spies of your country!"

The lame man took several deep breaths. "What do you have to prove that you are good enough for this important task?" "First", Mulan smiled, she knew that she was close to success. "First," she repeated, "without my file in any police station, I will not be followed or suspected. I'm under surveillance, and I'm free to move about." The lame man nodded. "Second, I have enough courage. Just now, you must have seen how cleanly I subdued another enemy of mine? I want the same reward as He Tianxiong." The car circled and had already driven down the mountain.

On a deserted road, the car stopped suddenly. "You can get out of the car." The lame man ordered coldly. "Was my request accepted?" "Give me your phone number." "One three nine seven seven." "At 8 o'clock in the evening, you will accept our further instructions and get out of the car!" Magnolia took a breath, opened the door and got out of the car, the crippled car sped forward! In less than a minute, another car stopped beside Mulanhua. A solemn middle-aged man in the car waved to Mulanhua. Magnolia got into the car again, and the car turned a corner. Headed for another road.

The lame man was behind his car, which had been following him with a long-range radar tracker. But Magnolia also has something she doesn't know. When Magnolia got out of the car, the lame man let out a long sigh of relief. "Okay, this person can act as a scapegoat and divert the police's target, don't you think so?" He was clearly speaking to the driver. The driver, who had kept his singing down, raised his hat, turned his head, and nodded. That driver was He Tianxiong, the dead He Tianxiong! "What is the origin of this young man?" "I ordered my subordinates to investigate. I just think they are a little familiar. Such a novice is the best." He Tianxiong replied.

The lame man laughed strangely. His laughter was like that of a night owl. The castration of the car accelerated abruptly! After Mulan got into another car, the solemn middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "How is it going?" "Director Fang, until now, things are still concerned about profit." "Miss Mu, the heavy responsibility on your shoulders is too great, do you know that? Although our superficial position is non-interference, we only prohibit such transactions from being carried out in this city, but in fact, we want to make death Light weapons do not fall among aggressive nations!"

"I know, Director Fang." Mulanhua suddenly smiled and said, "Director Fang, what you said is exactly the same as what Inspector Chen Jiali said to Gao Xiang in your bureau!" "Miss Mu, don't make fun of me. We have already found out that Inspector Chen Jiali's real identity is the person in charge of the Far East Region of a certain international ambition group, but we have never exposed him. This time we just happened to use him." "Use him?" "It's Tian, ​​he asked Gao Xiang to work for him under the guise of the police, but Gao Xiang didn't know Chen Jiali's background, he only thought that he was working for the police, even Gao Xiang thought so, of course outsiders thought it was Gao Xiang who worked for the police , but I don’t know that the one who really helped the police is you, Miss Mu!”

"Director Fang, this is the first time we have cooperated. I have caused you too much trouble before!" "Where, Miss Mu, you are a modern hero, and we have always admired you very much." "Okay, Director Fang!" Mulan smiled, "I should get out of the car." The car stopped suddenly, and Mulan jumped out of the car and flashed into a side alley. Only when there was no one following behind him did he continue walking forward. In less than twenty minutes, she was already on her way to the top of the mountain. When she reached the top of the mountain again, Gao Xiang was still sitting blankly.

"Mr. Gao, I've wronged you!" Magnolia said with a smile behind his back. Gao Xiang muffled. "Xiuzhen, keep him under surveillance until 8:30 and 9:00. I'll wait for you at home. Come back on time." Mu Xiuzhen nodded and said, "Understood!" Gao Xiang didn't say a word, he just looked at his watch, it's five o'clock now, until half past eight, there are still three and a half hours, in these three and a half hours, can he turn defeat into victory? He saw Mulanhua walking out with light steps, while Mu Xiuzhen was still pointing the lipstick gun at him.

Gao Xiang's mind was spinning quickly, but his mind was extremely chaotic, and he couldn't think of any ideas for a moment. "Mr. Gao, you're going against your will against Sister Mulan, you're really beyond your control!" Mu Xiuzhen said triumphantly. "Really?" Gao Xiang was weak. "Of course it is. You see, Miss Mulan has the upper hand in everything, but you are like a defeated rooster!" Mu Xiuzhen said with a childish smile. "This..." Gao Xiang turned around slightly, "It can be said that it is all due to you." "Mine?" Mu Xiuzhen asked in surprise.

"Of course it's yours. Think about it, if it wasn't for you to be the internal responder, how could she know that the information fell into my pocket, and come after her and snatch it away?" Gao Xiang was very anxious. "It makes sense." Mu Xiuzhen nodded. She didn't realize that at this moment, Gao Xiang's body had already moved away by an inch or two, only an inch or two, and he was moving outward at a very slow speed, so Mu Biaozhen couldn't notice it. "If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't even know the time and place of today's meeting, so how could she beat me? It turns out that the famous Magnolia is just living up to its name!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" "Isn't it? Actually, you are the one who can do it!" Gao Xiang moved a few more inches, but Mu Xiuzhen still didn't notice it. "Me? I'm just doing her a little favor." Mu Xiuzhen's face was already very excited, and she was much less guarded against Gao Xiang. Gao Xiang's body was a little short. Mu Xiuzhen said, "Don't move!" But Gao Xiang's body, after moving again and again, had already reached the end of the bench. Just when Mu Xiuzhen felt something was wrong, Gao Xiang's body slid down suddenly! As soon as he fell to the ground, he rolled out. The end of the bench happened to be a hillside, and he sank into the grass in less than ten seconds. Mu Xiuzhen screamed, stood up, her face paled in panic, and she looked around.At this time, it was already dusk, and there was no one in the open space on the top of the mountain, and Mu Xiuzhen had no way to find Gao Xiang. She stamped her feet resentfully, and walked forward quickly. However, when she passed a dark corner, a hard object protruded from her back and pushed against it. At the same time, Lu Xi, who was so proud of Gaoxiang, also passed it on. "Miss Mu, give me your murderous lipstick!" Mu Xiuzhen hesitated for a moment, and Gao Xiang's voice sounded again: "If I were you, I would never resist, because the pistol with a silencer on your waist, and there is no one around!" Mu Xiuzhen sighed, picked up the lipstick in her hand, threw it on the ground, Shang Xiang took a step forward, and picked it up in her hand. "Haha! What you thought was a silent pistol just now is actually just a branch!" Mu Xiuzhen turned around abruptly and said, "You—" She only uttered one word, Gao Xiang took a step forward and held her arm. "I thought it was better for you not to resist!" "You...you, what are you going to do to me?" Mu Xiuzhen's face turned pale. At the same time, she was extremely annoyed, because she ruined Mulanhua's important affairs in a moment of carelessness! "I won't do anything to you, Miss Mu," Gao Xiang suddenly became polite, "as long as you are willing to cooperate with me." "Cooperate with you?" "Haha." At this time, it was Gao Xiang who was proud and Mu Xiuzhen who was downcast, "What I call harmony is to invite you to my villa on the top of the mountain to stay for a few days!" "How long do you stay here temporarily?" "Yes, after I get the sample crystal of the death ray weapon and its manufacturing pattern, you will no longer be my guest. Is this fair? I think Miss Mulanhua will definitely think about your safety, And work with me!" After Gao Xiang finished speaking, he laughed again "haha".He seemed to have seen a 20,000 pound note, flying his nose between his fingers! Just now, for a full two or three hours, under Mu Xiuzhen's intimidation, he was sweating and dared not move. At this time, Mu Xiuzhen lost her weapon, so naturally it wasn't Gao Xiang who was proficient in boxing and judo. Gao Xiang thought that he could not only subdue Mu Xiuzhen, but also, through Mu Xiuzhen, make Mulanhua submissive to the extreme, he couldn't help laughing! "You... where is your villa?" "It's not too far. It's only a ten-minute walk. On the way, Ms. Mu had better not play any tricks. I don't want to use rough methods to deal with a beautiful lady like you!" Mu Xiuzhen glared at him fiercely, and walked forward helplessly. She hoped to meet some people on the road and ask for help, but her wish came to nothing. At this time, the sky was dark, the spring was cold, and there was a drizzle of rain, and there was no one on the top of the mountain, and Ji Xiuzhen could not ask anyone for help. About ten minutes later, the two of them arrived at the door of a small villa together. "It's here!" Li Xiang stretched comfortably. There are many residences for Gao Xiang, and this is one of them. Moreover, in this Tong villa, he also has a capable subordinate.He could indeed stretch himself. He could confine Mu Xiuzhen in the room and use his subordinates to guard her strictly. As for himself, he can sleep comfortably and arrive at Magnolia's home by nine o'clock. Magnolia is at home, sitting by the telephone. She has changed back into women's clothes, and she is flipping through the evening paper of that day. Under the light, she is not only beautiful, but also very dignified. Apart from her beautiful eyes, she has a somewhat charming handsomeness, but she really cannot be seen She is the famous female black hero Mulanhua! Although Magnolia's reputation is prominent, there are not many people who have seen her true face.Moreover, even if they faced her face to face, who would believe that such a gentle and beautiful girl would be Magnolia? Magnolia looked at the electric clock on the wall. It was the short hand pointing to seven fifty-nine, she leaned forward and put her hand on Jane on the phone. The seconds of the electric clock moved quickly, and it made a full circle very quickly. Just when the long hand pointed to twelve, the phone rang, and Magnolia immediately picked up the receiver. "The sun." There came a deep voice. "The sun." Magnolia replied. "In forty minutes, at the Green Window Club, you will meet a beautiful woman, and she will hand you an envelope. You follow the instructions in the envelope, and you will get the reward you deserve." "I—" Magnolia wanted to say something else. With a "ding", the line has been closed over there. Magnolia looked at the clock, forty minutes.She would have enough time to get to the Green Window Club. She entered the room, and when she came out, she was a handsome and handsome young man in a brilliant suit. She drove the car all the way to the Green Window Fear Club. The Green Window Club is a place that is open 24 hours a day and is full of smog. When Magnolia pushed open the revolving whispering door and walked in, she saw thick smoke, writhing figures, piercing music, and a shrill singing voice. Magnolia squeezed in among the crowd, found a high stool in front of the bar, and sat down. Singing is a singer with a snake-like slender waist, and the dance floor is full of men and women dancing the most popular "monkey dance". What they have in common is that they all have an air of drunkenness, as if what is writhing and jumping is not a living person, but a moving corpse. Magnolia ordered a glass of brandy and drank it slowly. In twelve minutes, many coquettish women twisted to her side and teased her, but she managed them all. Through the heavy smoke, she saw that the clock on the wall was pointing to 8:30, and she leaned slightly. "sun?" Behind her, a delicate and weak woman's voice sounded. Mulan turned her head, and beside her, there was already a woman in her twenties sitting, holding a long cigarette holder, looking at her with drunken eyes. "The sun." Magnolia replied in a low voice. The girl turned her head towards the dance floor, got up and walked. Mulanhua was originally unwilling to stand sideways in the smoky crowd, but in order to get further good news, she immediately followed, twisting, jumping, and squeezing with the girl. Five minutes later, the lights suddenly dimmed, and a series of erotic screams sounded in the darkness. Magnolia only felt a "slap" on the palm of her hand, and something was handed over. Magnolia quickly tightened her fingers, it was an envelope. She retreated quickly, but the girl dancing with her was close to her again. The lights were very dim, coupled with heavy smoke, the dance floor was crowded with people, and Mulan could not retreat even if she wanted to, so she had to let the girl approach her. Suddenly, the girl took a step back, her eyes widened, and the drunkenness in her eyes suddenly disappeared, showing that she was a person who had been doing secret work for a long time. "You are a woman—" She only said three words, and immediately stepped back! Magnolia immediately grabbed her hand and dragged her to his side. The girl screamed. But no one paid attention, because this is already a crazy place full of sharp voices! Magnolia held the girl's wrist tightly, not letting her break free, her heart was extremely anxious! Because she was too close to the girl just now, she has already realized that she is a woman. That girl is of course a subordinate of the crippled man, if this is revealed, all plans will go bankrupt! Magnolia remembered the heavy responsibility on her shoulders and couldn't help sweating! She is absolutely unwilling to harm other people's lives. When she was learning Jiu-Jitsu and traditional Chinese martial arts, several of her masters had told her that she must never hurt others arbitrarily. But now, she felt that she had to do something to hurt someone! Because, if that woman doesn't die, her secret will be exposed, and she has such an important task on her shoulders, and what's more important is that she has her own plans, how can she fail! Magnolia's inner struggle was extremely fierce. The girl who was held by her kept screaming and struggling.Mulanhua finally pulled hard, dragged the girl past her, and shouted in a deep voice: "Shut up!" The girl said: "You are Magnolia!" Mulanhua was taken aback, she couldn't hesitate any longer, but fortunately the surrounding environment was extremely noisy, and no one else heard the girl's cry. Magnolia raised her hand and hit the girl on the back of the neck. She wanted to knock the girl unconscious and then drag her out of the Green Window Club and confine her in a storage room. But just as she raised her hand, suddenly seven or eight people rushed over, shouting loudly. They were drunk dancers. Magnolia rushed them and let go of her hand, and the girl immediately lost her place. It was impossible for Magnolia to find her in this noisy crowd. With sweaty palms, Mulan squeezed her way out of the crowd, went to the telephone booth, and opened the envelope under the dim light. There was only a small piece of white cardboard in the envelope, on which was written: "On February 18th, seventeen miles south of the city, on the left side of the turtle-shaped island, the delivery was made on a white yacht, and after picking up the goods, return to the city. Mission accomplished." Magnolia smashed the white cardboard into pieces, and she dialed the phone dial. "Director Fang?" "yes." "There was an accident: my identity was recognized by a courier under the other party." There was silence for a while. "Do they know that you are helping the police at work?" The other party finally asked her. "That's not yet known." "I don't think I should be tired for the time being, because the female black hero Mulanhua, doing such a thing seems not enough to cause the other party to die." Mulanhua wiped off her sweat, Director Fang's words reassured her a lot. She left the phone booth, exited the Green Window Fear Club, and drove home. Along the way, she was still worried, not knowing what the consequences would be. And when Magnolia was driving home, in the cellar of the Green Window Club, a girl had already pressed a button, a secret door opened, and the girl slipped in. That girl was the one who handed over the order to Mulan just now. She ran in a dark corridor, climbed up a dozen or so stone steps, and finally reached a door. Hao stopped in front of the door, panted, and pressed another button. Inside the door is a very well-furnished living room, with one person sitting on each of the two single sofas. One is a lame man and the other is He Tianxiong. A bell rang in the room, He Tianxiong leaned forward, and with a "clap", he switched on the two TVs in front of him, and the girl's anxious face immediately appeared on the TV screen. He Tianxiong pressed another button, the door slowly moved away, and the girl walked away. "Brother He... that person... is..." She was so out of breath that she couldn't speak. "We already knew." He Tianxiong's face was blank and expressionless, "She is the female black hero Mulanhua." The girl was stunned for a moment, then said: "Then...then..." He Tianxiong waved his hand and shouted, "Get out!" The girl had no choice but to back out. The lame man and He Tianxiong looked at each other and laughed. He Tianxiong slapped his thigh and stood up. "We can complete the task safely!" "This is all your trick!" "Haha, everyone has been hidden from us, at least no one knows that I am not dead!" The lame man tapped him on the shoulder. "This time the task is completed, and your bank's deposit figure can be greatly increased again." "Each, each other." The two held hands tightly. Suddenly, the expression on the lame man's face changed drastically, and his body wobbled unsteadily.And He Tianxiong still held his hand tightly. The lame man's eyes protruded more and more, his complexion turned blue, He Tianxiong moved his hand, and the lame man's body fell to the ground with a "bang". He Tianxiong grimaced and raised his hand. On the ring of his middle finger protruded a spike that was only half a cent long, and on the palm of the lame man, there was a black dot.The needle, dyed with the most potent poison, pricked the palm of the lame man, and within half a minute the lame man died. "I'm very sorry." He Tianxiong looked coldly at the crippled man's body, "I want two copies, I won't be afraid of too much money!" His grinning laughter sounded again!
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