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Chapter 3 third chapter

hell gate 倪匡 10707Words 2018-03-22
Then, Mu Xiuzhen heard the sound of the door opening and closing.She had hoped that someone with a toothache would bump in.She was untied, but she heard the sound of the door lock again, and she knew that even this hope was lost. She had to struggle violently, and the thin man said she only had about an hour.She must try to get out during this time! She twisted her body violently, and the more she twisted, the harder she worked.finally.She fell to the ground together with the chair. Panting for breath, she lay down on the ground for a while, and then moved her body.Until her head could touch a hook on the foot of the door, she opened her mouth to the hook, and the hook caught the cloth ball.Then he shrank his head back and pulled out the cloth ball in his mouth.

"Help! Help!" Mu Xiuzhen was able to speak.He immediately yelled loudly.But she was hoarse from screaming, and she didn't respond. She squinted at the clock, and she was even more surprised when she found that she had screamed for more than ten minutes, but still got nothing!How much time does she have?Could she completely waste the rest of her time calling for help? She tried her best to calm down and straightened herself up abruptly.She straightened up.The dentist's chair hit a cabinet. "Bingbing" There was a loud noise, and many dental instruments fell down.Mu Xiuzhen saw a sharp knife in it!That sharp knife.

Originally used by dentists to cut gums, but of course it can also be used to cut rope. Mu Xiuzhen managed to hold the knife in her mouth, turned her head sideways, and sawed the rope on the back of her hand with the knife. It was only with all her strength that the rope was cut. Mu Xiuzhen struggled with the back of her hand, and the rope that bound her body was gradually loosened. When one of her hands was free, everything became much easier! She tore off the rope, jumped up, and rushed to the waiting room, only to see that the waiting room was very messy, the door was locked, and she couldn't open the door, and at this moment, an explosion happened!

The explosion happened in the consulting room, and the air wave from the explosion made the door open almost as soon as the sound of the explosion came out.Then flew out, Mu Xiuzhen at this time.Holding the door handle and pushing it, the whole door flew out, even taking her people out! If Mu Xiuzhen turned around and looked for something to open the door at this moment.Then under such a strong explosion, she must have been smashed to pieces.But she happened to be stuck in front of the door.Her hand remained on the doorknob due to the sudden expansion of the air. Even the person bounced off, and when she hit the corridor of the building, everything in the clinic began to shatter, and Mu Xiuzhen was not damaged at all.

She immediately rolled a few times on the ground and stood up. And at this time, a big hole appeared on the wall of the consulting room, and the violent shock made the whole building seem to be shaking, and everyone in the corridor was shocked by the air wave generated by the explosion. , Some died immediately, some were injured, and some passed out. The chaos in that moment made no one pay attention to Mu Xiuzhen running down the stairs.By the time Mu Xiuzhen rushed downstairs, almost all the vehicles on the road had stopped, and pedestrians gathered at the entrance of the building, each with a startled expression, trying to find out what happened.The police officers who arrived first were already maintaining order.

Mu Xiuzhen passed through the crowd and ran towards the side alley where she parked. She ran to the side of the car and breathed a sigh of relief. , she couldn't help trembling slightly. Mu Xiuzhen opened the car door with slightly trembling hands, but as soon as the door was opened, she couldn't help being stunned again. In her car, there is already a person sitting! That was also a thin man, but it wasn't the one he saw in the clinic just now.The thin man in front of him had a gloomy face and looked quite young, but the lines of his mouth and his eyes were full of cruel and vicious expressions.

Mu Xiuzhen only took a while, but the man had already said: "Hello, Miss Mu, I already expected that you would be out of danger, please get in the car." Mu Xiuzhen hesitated for a while, and finally got into the car and sat in the driver's seat superior. Mu Xiuzhen is definitely not someone who is willing to give in easily and listen to other people's orders.But under the current circumstances, she has no room to object.For on the man's lap lay a pistol with a silencer. There was a big explosion in 〦 Street, which attracted everyone's attention. In this quiet side street, if there was another sound that was not louder than the clapping of palms, who would pay attention?

So Mu Xiuzhen had no choice but to obediently get into the car and close the door. "You drive," the man ordered: "Drive forward, and continue to listen to my instructions along the way." Mu Xiuzhen had no choice but to obey, she drove the car out of the side street, and drove forward under the order of the man. "My subordinates are idiots. Ms. Mu, please don't laugh at me. They think that by tying you to a chair, they can kill you and our stronghold. That would be too small for the two heroines of the Mu family." "Hmph," Mu Xiuzhen sneered, "You know how good we are, that's good!"

"Hahahaha!" The man laughed, "Besides, that guy dared to openly disobey my order and leave an important thing in that stronghold without bringing it out, Miss Mu, you may not believe it, the four of them , has been executed by me!" Mu Xiuzhen naturally knew that the "the four of them" that the man said was referring to the two big men in the clinic, the thin man and the female nurse! This person's methods are so cruel!Mu Xiuzhen couldn't help shivering, and said, "Who are you?" "It's meaningless to say my alias. I treat you as a friend, so I tell you my real name. I am Katsuzaburo."

The man spoke extremely fluent Chinese, but the name he uttered was a Japanese name. Mu Xiuzhen was taken aback for a moment. Katsusaburo's name was by no means unfamiliar to him, and she immediately blurted out Out, said: "Katsuzaburo from Okinawa?" Katsusaburo was quite proud and said, "It's me." "It turned out to be a habitual drug smuggler, disrespect, disrespect." Mu Xiuzhen scolded him unceremoniously: "How long have you been here for activities? Why did you choose Zhongben City as your burial place?" Katsusaburo just smiled sarcastically, and said: "Turn left, then turn right, go straight forward, yes, stop here."

Mu Xiuzhen stepped on the sharp brake, and the car stopped. This is an extremely deserted road leading to the suburbs, and there is not even a car on the road.As soon as Mu Xiuzhen stopped the car, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, feeling that Katsusaburo had malicious intentions. Sure enough, as soon as she stopped the car, she turned her head and saw the gun in Katsusaburo's hand, which was already aimed at her face.Mu Xiuzhen lowered her head and slammed forward, but at the same time, Katsusaburo's finger had already pulled the trigger. What shot out from the long silencer tube was not a bullet, but a strong-smelling liquid. The liquid hit Mu Xiuzhen's face, and Mu Xiuzhen froze suddenly, her body went limp.That pistol looked like a pistol equipped with a silencer, but it was specially made and could fire a strong anesthetic. The anesthetic would take effect within 21 seconds, and Mu Xiuzhen fainted In the car, personnel and affairs are unknown. Katsusaburo smiled triumphantly, and stuffed Mu Xiuzhen's body under the back seat of the car. He continued to drive the car and drove forward at a fast speed.At this time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon.That's when Magnolia was looking for Mu Xiuzhen everywhere!
When Mu Xiuzhen gradually regained consciousness, she opened her eyes, and saw that she was in a comfortably furnished room and she was lying on the ground. She felt that her limbs were weak, her head was heavy, and she had no strength in her whole body. She finally supported her body and sat down on a sofa.There was a pot of coffee on the tea table next to the sofa. She poured a cup and drank it. She refreshed a bit, but she still slumped on the sofa, not wanting to move. Mu Xiuzhen had never felt so tired before. She tried her best to cheer up, but to no avail. She sat on the sofa for a long time before she heard the door handle turn and the door was pushed open. Katsusaburo walked in and sat down opposite her. As soon as Ji Xiuzhen saw Katsujiichiro, she wanted to curse, but she couldn't even bring up the spirit of cursing, she just looked at Katsuzaburo with disdain to express her anger. Sheng Saburo sat down opposite Mu Xiuzhen and said, "Miss Mu, the first thing I want to tell you is that we gave you a special injection when you were unconscious. We injected you The injection will cause your body to produce a large amount of lactic acid. The oxygenation in the blood will decrease, so although your mind is clear, your body is more tired than just after running a marathon. Under such circumstances, you There is absolutely no room for resistance, do you understand?" Mu Xiuzhen rolled her eyes, of course she believed Katsusaburo's words.Because not only did she not have the strength to resist, but she couldn't even raise the energy to scold Katsusaburo a few words.She had no choice but to say weakly: "What do you want?" Katsusaburo leaned over, showed his white teeth to Mu Xiuzhen, smiled, and said, "Miss Mu, where are those two teeth?" Mu Xiuzhen was stunned for a moment, and said, "What? Teeth?" Katsusaburo said: "Yes. Teeth." Mu Xiuzhen sighed and said, "You must be dreaming, what teeth?" Katsusaburo grinned again, the way Katsusaburo grinned.It made Mu Xiuzhen feel that what she was facing was a wolf, not a person!Sheng Saburo said: "Miss Mu, you have absolutely no room to resist, don't forget this!" Mu Xiuzhen simply ignored him, she was thinking in her heart: what kind of teeth, it's a joke, two teeth, hmph, what kind of talk is this? When she began to think about those "two teeth", she only regarded Katsuzaburo as a lunatic, talking nonsense.But after she sneered a few times in her heart.He couldn't help but make a sudden move! Two teeth! What's the matter with the two teeth?It's Qian Yiqing Dental Office. The teeth are of course related to dentists, but the two teeth... Mu Xiuzhen's heart suddenly brightened, and she remembered that what was related to the two teeth was not Qian Yiqing's clinic, but a public mortuary under the jurisdiction of the police station! By the way, in the public mortuary, that night, the guard Wu Fu died, Du Guilian died, a body in the No. 37 corpse box disappeared, and a corpse in the No. 14 corpse box disappeared. Two teeth were pulled out, two teeth! When Mu Xiuzhen thought of this, she suddenly opened her eyes.Although she was reckless and impatient, she was by no means stupid. She already had an idea of ​​the whole thing, at least she was sure of it.The focus of a series of strange things lies in those two teeth! As soon as she opened her eyes, she met Katsusaburo's gloomy gaze. Katsusaburo said: "How, you remembered? But has your attitude changed?" Mu Xiuzhen couldn't move her body. She knew that in the current situation, if she didn't use her wisdom, she would suffer a big loss. Seeing that Sesaburo was looking at her, there was nothing but gloomy.It seems that there is a lot of obscenity in it! When Mu Xiuzhen thought of this, she panicked even more!She smiled wryly and said, "Teeth, you mean two teeth?" "That's right, where are they now?" Katsusaburo said as he approached, his two rows of white teeth shining with a cold light. "These two teeth were pulled out from the dead man's mouth in the public mortuary?" Mu Xiuzhen asked. "Of course." Sheng Saburo answered in vain, "Where are they?" Where are those two teeth, who knows!Mu Xiuzhen cursed secretly in her heart.She said again: "Du Guilian died in the public house picking, why? How could another one go missing?" "Du Guilian was sent by us." Katsusaburo only finished halfway through the sentence, and suddenly realized that he had absolutely no need to answer the other party's question, so he immediately retracted the following words. But even though he hadn't finished that sentence, Mu Xiuzhen knew something more, that is: Du Ghost Face was sent by them.What did they send Du Guilian to the public face room for?For two teeth, of course. Why would they pull the teeth out of the mouths of dead people? Why did Du Guilian die again? Why did another person disappear again? Mu Xiuzhen hadn't heard about this series of questions. "Du Guilian was sent by you, why did he die again?" Mu Xiuzhen asked immediately. "Miss," Katsusaburo suddenly had a sly smile on his face, "Where are those two teeth, and has anyone discovered the secret, do you want to tell me?" At this time, Mu Xiuzhen really had no way to procrastinate. She smiled wryly, and said, "To tell you the truth, I really don't know anything." Katsusaburo smiled sideways, pushed a button, and a middle-aged man entered in response. "Get my camera equipment ready." Katsusaburo ordered. The middle-aged man agreed and withdrew.After a while, he brought in strong lights and a camera mounted on a tripod. Mu Xiuzhen sat on the sofa, unable to move at all, and had no thoughts of running away. Seeing Katsusaburo playing with the camera, she thought to herself, what the hell is this guy doing again.Is this camera a new type of confession-extracting device?He didn't know how to make himself tell the whereabouts of those two teeth? Where are those two teeth, I really don't know anything, what will happen to Magnolia when she is in the same situation as me? She was thinking wildly when Katsusaburo had come to her and said, "Miss Mu, do you know what my hobby is?" "who knows?" "My hobby is body photography. Whenever I encounter a beautiful body, I will not let it go." "Human body...photographing?" Mu Xiuzhen was already trembling slightly, because she felt that the other party had serious intentions. "That's right, Miss Mu, my special anesthetic is immobilizing your whole body, and I can easily take off your clothes" When he said this, he deliberately paused. "No!" Mu Xiuzhen screamed. "Hahaha!" Sheng Saburo smiled triumphantly, and suddenly reached out, grabbed the collar of Mu Xiuzhen's shirt, and tore it down. With a sound of "chi", one side of the shirt was torn off, revealing a white , with round shoulders, Mu Xiuzhen turned pale and said, "You...you..." Katsusaburo laughed again, and said: "You have no way to resist, can you? When your beautiful body is completely naked, I can start taking pictures. I believe that there will be many places that will appreciate my masterpiece. I'm interested. Because you are Mulanhua's younger sister, and you are such a beautiful young lady..." "Stop talking!" Mu Xiuzhen screamed as sweat dripped from her forehead. "Not only do I want to say, but I also want to put it into action." Katsuzaburo turned his backhand, slapped the ground, and turned on the strong light. The light was concentrated on Mu Xiuzhen's body, making her almost unable to open her eyes.Mu Xiuzhen was almost desperate, she exposed her wonderful body in front of this beast, and took pictures of him... This is something that I never have the courage to imagine. "Hey," Katsuzaburo smiled triumphantly, "but I can give you five minutes. Five minutes, tell me where those two teeth are. I have to remind you that I am by no means a sensualist. But You must know that you yourself are a very beautiful and attractive young lady!" "Five minutes..." Mu Xiuzhen was almost moaning. "That's right, five minutes." Seizaburo sat down opposite her, his eyes showed admiration for Mu Xiuzhen's panic, it was obvious that he was a very abnormal person. Mu Xiuzhen looked at her bare shoulders, and her thoughts quickly turned in her mind. She thought, those two teeth must contain a big secret.If he talks nonsense about a place, will this guy leave immediately? If he can leave, then he can delay for some time.but.He will definitely know that he is tricking him, and at that time, he will be doomed. Her mind was in a mess, and she could only hear the voice of Desheng Saburo counting: "Two minutes...three minutes...four minutes..." When Katsusaburo counted to the word "four minutes", he stood up again and walked towards Mu Xiuzhen. His skinny and pitiful hand pressed Mu Xiuzhen's shoulder mercilessly. Mu Xiuzhen felt a convulsion. In such a situation, she had almost no room for further consideration. She hurriedly shouted: "Okay, I said?" Katsuzaburo withdrew his hand and said, "Just five minutes." Mu Xiuzhen took a breath and said, "If you want to catch up with those two teeth, you have to find a way soon. As far as I know about those two teeth" When Mu Xiuzhen said this, she had to pause for a while, because she had no idea where those two teeth were, so she had to make up nonsensical but not absurd stories to win Yu Shengsaburo's trust. "Those two teeth... fell into the hands of a man with great powers after Du Guilian's death..." Mu Xiuzhen said indiscriminately: "This man, with his teeth, took advantage of a light blue yacht called ...the Blue Bird... is heading for the South China Sea. If you are chasing it with a fairly powerful ship, you can catch it, because the Blue Bird will stop seventy miles from the shore, waiting for another person Come and meet him." After Mu Xiuzhen finished speaking in one breath, she couldn't help feeling very nervous. Because if Katsuzaburo didn't believe what she said, then there would be no chance of her rebirth. Sheng Saburo put on a cold face, was silent for a moment, and said, "Who is that supernatural power you mentioned?" Mu Xiuzhen was overjoyed.I thought to myself, I'm afraid that if you don't ask, if you ask, you will be caught. She hurriedly said: "It's a friend of my cousin's. I don't know who he is. I only know that he is connected with the Italian Mafia and the American underworld. He has connections with several large organizations." Katsusaburo's thick eyebrows became even tighter, and he took a few steps together.He muttered, "Could it be Dun Er?" Mu Xiuzhen blinked her eyes, and she remembered another name: "Deng Er". Sheng Saburo raised his head abruptly, and said: "Ms. Mu, you have no chance to escape. If you are talking nonsense, then you should accept your words as soon as possible, otherwise, you will regret it too late." Mu Xiuzhen's heart was beating wildly. She naturally knew what terrible consequences would follow after Katsusaburo slew through her lies. However, if Katsusaburo left, he would sail seventy nautical miles and be on the sea of ​​Liaopu again.It will take at least several hours to find the nonexistent "Blue Bird". Could it be that he didn't even grasp a chance for several hours? So, she gritted her teeth and said, "Of course it's true, am I still qualified to lie to you?" Sheng Saburo stared at Mu Xiuzhen for a while, and then said sharply: "Okay!" He turned around and walked away.Mu Xiuzhen was slightly relieved when she heard the sound of "" closing the door. How much time can she have?Mu Xiuzhen thought to herself, she was struggling hard, but her strength could not reach any part of her body, she had no choice but to slump on the sofa and sweat.There is an electric clock hanging on the wall where she can do it independently, and she can feel the time passing by quickly. She is an impatient person, and before that, she had never seen how the minute hand of the clock moved.But at this moment, even the hour hand seems to be jumping forward, passing one frame at once. That is to say, an hour has passed! The more anxious and worried Mu Xiuzhen was, the more she couldn't think of a way out. She tried to fall to the ground first, and then rolled out, but all her muscles were anesthetized, and she couldn't move at all! The hour hand jumped another frame very quickly, and Mu Xiuzhen began to despair. She thought of the bad luck she would suffer after Katsuzaburo came together, and her scalp became numb, and it was hard to think about it. At this moment, there was a ring on the door handle, and there was a "ha".Mu Xiuzhen's heart sank, and she cried secretly: "It's over!" She had been illuminated by strong light, the door was in the shadows, she walked forward and could not see very clearly.All she saw was that the door opened quickly, a person walked in, and then closed the door immediately. Mu Xiuzhen still heard that person.After exhaling heavily, Mu Xiuzhen was startled, and said sharply, "Who?" The man walked forward step by step, and waited until he came within the range of the strong light.Mu Xiuzhen had already seen who he was, it was a middle-aged man, the one Katsusaburo told him to come in with a camera just now. The middle-aged man came to Mu Xiuzhen and looked at Mu Xiuzhen with a very strange look.Then, he looked around again, as if he was afraid that his actions would be discovered. Mu Xiuzhen couldn't help being taken aback in her heart, thinking what is this guy going to do? While she was in surprise, the man had already come straight in front of her, and whispered: "Are you Miss Mu?" "Yes." Mu Xiuzhen had no choice but to answer. "Miss Mu Lanhua?" the man asked again. "No, I'm her cousin." "Same," said the middle-aged man.You He glanced behind him, and suddenly took out a Yiji syringe. "What... are you doing?" Mu Xiuzhen was even more embarrassed.Because she didn't know what the middle-aged man meant by "the same" just now.Magnolia is doing justice, hoeing the strong and helping the weak, although she has offended many bad guys and good people, so is the middle-aged man Mulanhua's enemy?And find yourself a substitute for the dead ghost? The middle-aged man didn't answer, grabbed Mu Xiuzhen's right arm, and shot the transparent medicine in the syringe into Mu Xiuzhen's arm.He took a step back.The expression on his face was very pale, and he hurriedly said: "Miss Mu, my surname is Lu, you must not talk about what happened just now, you said you never saw me, if there is anything, you must not drag me down, me……" This man is obviously a very timid person.And had just done something more than his guts could afford.He did it with sudden courage, and when the thing was done and the courage was gone, he trembled with fear. Mu Xiuzhen had no idea who that surnamed Lu was, what he meant by injecting an injection into the back of his hand, and why he was speaking incoherently. She just watched the middle-aged man tremble.With an extremely horrified look on his face, he quickly backed out. Mu Xiuzhen was stunned for a while, thinking that at least that guy didn't seem to have any malicious intentions towards her, so she broke out in a sweat from fright.As she thought about it, she unconsciously reached out and wiped the sweat on her forehead. She had only wiped half of it with her hand, then she froze abruptly and stopped her movements. She couldn't move just now, how could she reach out to wipe the sweat now?At that moment, Mu Xiuzhen could hardly believe the sudden luck. She froze for a while, then waved her hand again, and then she stood up again.Jump hard a few times. Her body is fully able to move freely! Mu Xiuzhen took a few steps forward and kicked in the air.Kick that camera to the ground.She went straight to the door, and at this moment, she remembered what the middle-aged man said before leaving. It seemed incoherent to her at the time, but now that she thought about it, it was very meaningful! The man's surname was Lu, and of course it was the one Mulanhua had saved him, so when he knew that he was Mulanhua's cousin, he said, "It's the same", because he wanted to save himself too. And the injection he injected for himself, of course, eliminated the performance of the anesthetic.And this person is extremely cowardly, all he has done is that, whether he can escape or not depends on his own efforts, and if he can't escape.If it falls into the hands of Sheng Saburo again, then it is absolutely impossible to tell him and implicate him. Mu Xiuzhen thought about it and figured it out, but she didn't know what kind of benefits the person surnamed Lu had received from Magnolia. She gently turned the handle of the door, opened the door a crack, and looked outside, only to realize that it was the second floor of a bungalow, with a corridor outside the door, a railing on one side, and a A magnificently furnished hall.Just down the corridor.There was a person standing there, leaning against the railing, if he opened the door and went out, he would definitely be spotted by that person. Mu Xiuzhen hastily closed the door gently again, retreated into the house, and pulled up the thick curtains, hoping to escape through the window, but the window was full of steel branches, allowing her to escape. Mu Xiuzhen was able to move freely, but she was still trapped indoors.Difficult to get out. Mu Xiuzhen thought for a while, then opened the door and looked outside. There was still only one person guarding the corridor. Looking at the situation of that person, he didn't seem to mind at all, while puffing smoke.While yawning, he obviously thought that there was absolutely no way for Mu Xiuzhen to escape.Mu Xiuzhen thought for a moment.People hide behind doors.But she slowly opened the door, and when the door was opened about a foot, she pointed at the door again, and knocked twice with "bubu". The people outside the corridor were stunned.Turning around, the door has been opened.He murmured, not knowing what he was talking about.He walked forward lazily, reached the door, grabbed the door handle, and pulled it out. But at this time, Mu Xiuzhen also pulled the handle of the door. The man pulled it, but the door didn't move. The man cursed again and put his head in to take a look. Mu Xiuzhen just wanted him to probe in.As soon as the head came in, Mu Xiuzhen pushed the door wolfishly.The gatekeeper held the man's neck tightly, and the man's eyes protruded with anger.Like a goldfish out of water.Couldn't even yell. Mu Xiuzhen raised her palm and hit the man hard on the back of the head. When she opened the door again, the man fell into the room like a man made of flour.Because the room is covered with carpet.When the man fell in, he didn't make any sound. Mu Xiuzhen dragged the man in, on top of him.After a search, they found a pistol and a very sharp dagger.Mu Xiuzhen walked out the door with the gun in her hand, and stood against the wall for a while.The whole house was very silent, it seemed that there was no one else except her.At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, and there were no lights in the hall. It was very dark, and Mu Xiuzhen walked down quickly. When she reached the hall, she only heard a door that said "ah". Mu Xiuzhen quickly crouched down and hid behind a sofa.I saw that the door was opened, and light shot out from the door, and then. With a sound of "pat", the whole hall was also brightly lit.Mu Xiuzhen's heart was beating wildly, and she secretly looked forward. She saw that two people came out from that door. The one walking in front was a tall European with a ruddy complexion, and he was already bald. He was wearing extremely expensive clothes, and he was clearly a person of great status. Mu Xiuzhen also looked very familiar with that person's appearance. After thinking about it for a while, she realized that he was the president of a large local bank, a giant in the financial world. And following the giants in the financial world was a Japanese man in his fifties with a bloody face and a murderous look. What he was wearing was actually an old uniform of a general of the Japanese Imperial Army.The two walked through the hall, one after the other, and arrived at the gate. It seemed that the financial giant was about to leave, and the Japanese general was escorting him out of the gate. Mu Xiuzhen didn't know who those two were. At this moment, she just wanted to get out quickly, meet Mulanhua, and tell Mulanhua what happened to her that day in detail, so she didn't want to cause trouble. When the two arrived at the door, the financial tycoon turned around and said in a very calm voice: "Your Excellency's lack of sincerity makes me very disappointed, and I am only entrusted by others. It is already quite generous, and they can declare that this batch of banknotes cannot be circulated." "Hey..." The Japanese general smiled slyly, "Mr. President, if they don't want to take back the banknotes, the country that is against them is interested in buying them... I don't think they will go to court with them in the international court." Wouldn't have thought of that." The financial tycoon's expression was very ugly, and he said, "Then I'll convey your opinion to them." "It's easy to talk, easy to talk, walk slowly." The Japanese general actually bowed at the door and saw off the guests.Then, there was a sound of a car motor at the door, and the financial giant left.Mu Xiuzhen was thinking about how she should deal with the Japanese general, when she heard a Japanese swearing at the gate.Mu Xiuzhen was taken aback.It's just that the Japanese generals of Bang are suddenly cursing to themselves. However, when she raised her head and looked forward, she saw only one person rushing in like a whirlwind. That person's face was livid and angry, and it was Katsusaburo. He rushed in.While still cursing, the Japanese general glared at him and asked, "What's the matter? Did you catch him back?" Sheng Saburo said angrily: "This bitch is talking nonsense!" He rushed up the stairs while talking.Seeing his ferocious appearance, Mu Xiuzhen couldn't help being terrified, thinking that if she couldn't move her body, there would be terrible consequences. She saw that the Japanese general followed, but there was no one in the hall, so she quickly took this opportunity to stand up and rushed towards the door.But she only took a few steps.Then he saw figures of people, and it seemed that many people were rushing forward. Mu Xiuzhen was taken aback and did not dare to move forward.a turn around.Flashed into a horizontal hall inside the horizontal door.The furnishings in the horizontal hall are antique and full of huge furniture. Mu Xiuzhen just entered the horizontal hall.Then I heard the noise of people at the door, and the strange cry of De Sheng Saburo. In less than a minute, the hall was full of people.Mu Xiuzhen looked around.Knowing that she had no chance to rush out, she hid behind a huge bookcase and flicked the safety catch of her pistol.She was planning that if someone came in to search for her, then she would have no choice but to fight the enemy head-on! There were many voices in the hall, but the horizontal hall seemed to be a very important place. Although the door was half closed, no one came in.After a while, I saw the Japanese general and Katsusaburo walking in, and closed the door with a "" sound. The Japanese general was full of anger, and said: "If we can't get back, it's useless. We don't have the trump card in our hands, so how can we make conditions with others? Hmph, none of your plans will work. The people you use are all Bastard, useless guy." Sheng Saburo's face was livid, and he said: "Don't forget that this is my first thought." The Japanese general suddenly waved his hand, and Katsusaburo Katsushi hit him in the face, but Katsusaburo immediately stretched out his hand, grabbed the wrist of the Japanese general, and threw it hard.Throwing the Japanese general to the ground, Katsusaburo quickly pulled out a dagger from a secret pocket at the bottom of his trousers, and said loudly: "From today onwards, I will be in charge of everything!" The dagger stabbed downwards, but the Japanese general didn't make a sound, blood was flowing from his throat, and he had already passed away.Sheng Saburo raised his head, the vicious look on his face made Mu Xiuzhen unforgettable for the rest of his life! Just now, there were two people who came in. Mu Xiuzhen was afraid that she would be difficult to deal with alone. Now that one of them has died under Katsuzaburo's knife, Mu Xiuzhen's hips suddenly became stronger. He raised his gun and said, "Hands up!" Katsusaburo was originally staring at his boss who died on the ground, but when Mu Xiuzhen's words came out, he suddenly raised his head. "Hands up!" Mu Xiuzhen stopped drinking again. Katsuzaburo slowly raised his hand, and suddenly, there was a dagger in his hand. With a "swipe", it flew forward, and as soon as Mu Xiuzhen lowered her head, the dagger flew past her head. While she was in a daze, Katsusaburo's body rushed forward.For a moment, Mu Xiuzhen forgot that she had a weapon that could kill Katsusaburo instantly. Fortunately, this is the case, so Mu Xiuzhen will not suffer misfortune! Because at this time, even if Mu Xiuzhen shot and killed Katsuzaburo, the sound of her gunshot would definitely alarm others.She is alone, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of her body. then.When she saw a figure flash in front of her, Katsusaburo had already rushed forward, and she swung forward violently with her right hand holding the gun. Since she was holding a gun in her hand, her fists became extraordinarily hard.With a "scale" sound, she hit Katsusaburo in the abdomen. After receiving such a heavy blow, Katsusaburo let out a muffled grunt, then bent down immediately, and Mu Xiuzhen raised her leg.膝盖又重重地撞在胜三郎的下颌上,胜三郎仰天跌倒。 穆秀珍得意洋洋,道:“站起来!” 胜三郎挣扎着玷了起来,穆秀珍又道:“转过身去,你要驾车送我出去,若是你再敢和我作对的话,我绝不会放过你的。” 胜三郎的面色铁青,望着穆秀珍手中的枪,一拐一拐地走到了门口,打开了门。门才打开。穆秀珍也不禁大为紧张起来。 在大厅中的大汉,不下七八人之多! 他们每一个人的视线,都集中在穆秀珍的身上。穆秀珍吸了一口气,手中的枪向前伸了一伸,道:“走!”她枪口离胜三郎的背部,只有寸许。 胜三郎一声不出,向前走着,大鹏中所有的人,全都和石像一样,一动也不动。 穆秀珍来到了大门口,才辆过头来,道:“胜三郎是你们的首领了,你们若是乱动,那你们将失去了首领,你们可明白么?” 大厅中没有人回答她。她押着胜三郎,出了大门,走下石阶,来到了黑暗的花园中。 如果穆秀珍有着未卜先知的本领,那么她这时一定不会只求离去的,但是她却绝无法知道未发生的事情,所以她在押着胜三郎上了一辆车子,驶出了里许之后,便将胜三郎推出了车子之外! 穆秀珍驾着车,风驰电掣地向前而去,她的心中,实是觉得难以形容。
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