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Chapter 10 chapter Ten

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Sadura was standing beside Mulanhua, and he whispered: "Our depth charges are the most powerful. This warship also has missile launching equipment. We have a total of four missiles. If necessary, as long as you give an order, It can be launched at any time." "Well, that's much better than what I expected." Magnolia tried her best to put on a happy smile, but she couldn't.Four missiles are indeed very rare for a small Arab country, but how many super-performance rockets are there in the dozens of rocket fields of the Superman Group? Magnolia looked at the blue water, only a wry smile in her heart.

Life at sea is not very boring, Mulan gets along very well with the officers and soldiers on board, and all the officers and soldiers respect her, so she sometimes deliberately avoids meeting people. She could see that the newspapers of the day, major newspapers around the world, all published the news that the prime minister of an Arab country had suddenly visited New Zealand. "Political commentators" made various speculations. Some said that the trip was about oil supply between New Zealand and the Commonwealth of Great Britain. Whenever Magnolia finished reading the newspaper, she couldn't help but smile wryly!

The real purpose of this trip, even among the people involved in the operation, only she and Sadura knew. And if their entire army is wiped out, then unless Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen are smart enough, no one will ever know about it. The fleet gradually approached the target area that Magnolia had expected, and Magnolia also began to get nervous. Sadura ordered all the officials to be on guard day and night to guard against the enemy's attack at any time, while Magnolia stood by the deep-sea sounding instrument.The detector emits sound waves, and the sound waves hit objects on the bottom of the sea, and they are reflected back. Different objects have different response wave rates, so that Magnolia can clearly see a large number of coral reefs or a large group of algae on the bottom of the seabed. Or a school of sharks swimming.

The fleet was advancing very slowly. For three days in a row, they sailed near the Kirk Islands, and the escort fleet also kept watching the sea and communicating with the ship.But after three days, I found nothing. Magnolia almost suspected that she had misunderstood the place completely. On the third night, in the captain's cabin, Major Fadoll, Sadura, Magnolia, and the commanders of the escort ships were having a meeting to discuss. Except for Mulanhua and Sadura, the rest of the people only knew that the real purpose of the trip was to destroy a huge metal target. As for who the destroyed target belonged to, they didn't know.

After reviewing the various reports, Magnolia raised her head and said, "I think the diving team is going to be dispatched. How many deep-water frogmen are there?" "Twenty-three." Major Fadoll replied immediately. "In addition, I am twenty-four." Magnolia said: "We are divided into four groups. Take advantage of the small boat to spread out, and then dive into the water to explore. I firmly believe that it must be near the sea here!" "Yes!" Major Fardall stood up and immediately walked out of the door. The herald was waiting at the door. The major gave a simple but powerful order, and the herald ran away.

"Everything will be ready in ten minutes." The major reported back. "I also want a set of diving equipment." Magnolia walked towards the door, "We are divided into four groups, and I can only lead one of them. You are on the ship, you still have to be careful." Sadura and several officers nodded solemnly. Mulanhua walked onto the deck. The frogman troops had already lined up. Mulanhua briefly explained the task to them. She also put on the diving suit herself. Boarded the boat that had already been lowered into the water. On this day, the sea was not very calm, and the sea looked very turbid. People who are accustomed to living at sea can tell by the color of the sea that there is a seasonal undercurrent under the sea.And this kind of undercurrent is considered daunting even by the most experienced divers.

However, the expressions on the faces of Magnolia and the twenty-three Arab soldiers were very firm. The four small boats pierced the sea surface like rockets and flew forward. Ten minutes later, Magnolia turned her head. In the twilight, she could no longer see the fleet and the other three small boats. Magnolia stood at the bow of the small boat, which also had small sounding equipment, but the depth it reached was only 120 feet. Magnolia told a frogman to pay attention to the sounding equipment, while she herself Just thinking about countermeasures. All of a sudden, the detector made a crisp "beep" sound, and a small red light attached to the detector kept flashing, and the number of times the light flashed became more and more, which meant that something was coming An indication of rapidly approaching boats in sea.

Magnolia was stunned for a moment. She switched a meter and saw a flashing light at the eighty-foot mark on the distance indicator, but within a second, the flash moved to seventy feet. Then, At sixty...fifty feet. Magnolia couldn't hesitate anymore, she stood up abruptly, and shouted, "Let's jump into the water!" The five frogmen jumped into the water at the fastest speed, and Magnolia was the last to jump into the sea. As soon as she got into the sea water, she felt a great shocking force, rushing over from behind her, straightened her body, and left the sea water. And when her body left the sea, she heard a dull explosion, and then she fell into the sea again. The magnolia flower was in the sea, and when she turned on the light, there were many sinking objects in the place illuminated by the light. metal shards.

That boat has been blown up! Instead of feeling frustrated, Magnolia felt excited! The boat was blown up, and of course it was the "Superman Group" that blew up the boat.From this, I can know that my guess is not wrong, the headquarters of the Superman Group is just on the bottom of the sea here! She kept pressing the deep-sea lamp in her hand, and it emitted a flash of light. After a while, she saw the same light in all directions. The five frogmen jumped into the sea in time and swam away. Go, so no one gets hurt. The six of them quickly gathered together, Magnolia pointed upwards, and the six of them rose together. When they floated to the surface of the sea, they saw a circle of shining green light in the night fog , quickly approaching them.

Magnolia had seen that kind of green light before. It was what she and Mu Xiuzhen saw when they were drifting on the sea after their first contact with the Superman Group.This is the second time. While they were looking at each other in astonishment, the group of green light had moved closer and surrounded them.At this time, the six of them had also seen clearly that the people who surrounded them were also frogmen! It's just that there are a lot of frogmen around, at least thirty people, the green light comes from the hats on their heads, and they all carry underwater propellers on their backs, which means they are in the water. The reason for being able to move so quickly.After the thirty or so people surrounded them, one of them said loudly, "Miss Mulanhua, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Magnolia sank to the bottom of the sea suddenly, and the other five frogmen also sank with her. But just as they were sinking, a few extremely rapid splashes arose in the sea water. They were weapons launched in the water. Magnolia turned somersaults in the water, accelerating its sinking momentum. , but above her right leg, there was also a sudden burning pain. She looked back and saw a stream of blood rising from her leg. And she saw a scene that made her dumbfounded and soul-stirring. The five frogmen did not sink as quickly as Magnolia, so at least four or five streams of blood gushed out of each of them, and their bodies were swaying and sinking. . Magnolia closed her eyes, and she clenched her teeth tightly. She knew that the five excellent Arab soldiers had met with misfortune. When Magnolia closed her eyes and couldn't bear to look at the miserable scene in front of her, she hadn't thought of what method she should use to deal with the difficulties in front of her, but when she found her body, she couldn't swim because of the pain in her legs. When she was sinking, she had an idea, she decided to pretend to be shot and killed, and avoid those people for the time being. She allowed her body to sink down until she reached the bottom of the sea, and then she used the straps on the diving suit to hook a piece of rock, completely relaxed her muscles, and allowed her body to float in the sea water. She first saw the bodies of the five frogmen also sank to the bottom of the sea and landed not far from her. Then, seven or eight people dived into the water holding weapons fired from the bottom. The green light on their hats became very intense once they got into the water. Magnolia still had her eyes wide open, but she looked at these seven or eight people without blinking. These seven or eight people had underwater propellers behind them, and they moved very quickly. They passed every dead person (including Magnolia) and then went up again. This is exactly what Magnolia expected.They fired for a while just now, so they naturally thought that everyone had been shot.Of course, it was hard for them to think that Magnolia was only injured on the side of her leg, but not dead. When they floated to the surface of the sea and drifted away, Mulan remembered the direction of their departure in her heart. Then, she untied her diving suit, tore off the strips of cloth, and tied up the wound on her leg first. stand up.Then.She swam up to the five sacrificed frogmen, pausing for a moment beside each one to express her condolences. She untied the oxygen cylinders on the backs of the five frogmen, which would increase the time she spent submerging in the sea. She would keep submerging in the sea, like a fish, until she found the base where the other frogmen were infested. The action required prodigious physical strength, astonishing resourcefulness and will.Magnolia's right leg has been injured. Although it has been tightly bandaged, the pain is still like a sharp saw sawing through her nerves. Magnolia didn't take this into consideration. She dragged the five oxygen cylinders and swam forward. After using up the oxygen in one oxygen cylinder, she replaced it with another.She didn't know how long she had been swimming.By the time she put on the last pair of oxygen tanks, the sea water had become extremely bright: that is to say, she swam in sea water for a whole night! Magnolia's injured right leg has long been numb, as if it is no longer on her body, and her arms seem to be detached from her body at any time, her forward swimming movement has become mechanical, she tightly Biting her lower lip, she endured unbearable pain. When the sun shines into the sea, the magnolia flower stops abruptly. She stopped for a while, then swam behind a large rock, pulled down a large clump of seaweed, covered herself, and looked ahead.She saw something unbelievable. A large area ahead, the bottom of the sea is as flat as a stadium.In the middle of that flat land.A huge semi-circular metal cover is shining with metal brilliance. On the metal cover, there are many, many bead-shaped objects leading to the sea, and in the open space, there are dozens of flying platforms that look like Magnolia has seen once. The difference from what Magnolia saw last time was that the tops of these flying platforms had extremely high protrusions, as if there was a lamppost inside.Magnolia immediately thought of Rocket!That is the rocket launch site of the "Superman Group"!Of course, these rocket launch sites are not fixed on the seabed.Using the method of wireless transmission, they can leave the sea water, rise into the sky, and fly to every corner of the earth! Magnolia checks the oxygen storage, and the oxygen can still be maintained for about a hour.She spotted a few places with abundant algae and swam forward quickly, stopping every time she reached a place with abundant algae.After half an hour, she was getting closer to the big semi-circular metal cover. She saw a few small submarines shoot out from the metal cover, go up, and disappear in a flash. She tried her best to think about it, but she couldn't think of any way to deal with this huge building. She just estimated that the reason why the deep sea sounder could not detect this huge metal building must be because the "Superman Group" had facilities to change the refractive index of sound waves on the metal cover, so even if the sound waves of the sounder hit it Above, and below, is a large pile of rocks, or a mass of algae. The fleet was still patrolling the sea near here, and the "Superman Group" did not dare to destroy the fleet openly, of course, because they were afraid that it would attract worldwide attention, so they just destroyed the small boat they sent out, and the other three The boat must have been doomed. Of course, they thought they were dead at the bottom of the sea, and they expected the fleet to go back in dismay. They thought nothing happened and they could continue their dream. And if he managed to return to the fleet and make a preparation mark here... Mulanhua suddenly became excited when she thought of this. Things that had been hopeless now became hopeful, as long as she could make a mark here and return to the ship. However, how to mark it?From the surface of the sea, it is absolutely impossible to see any difference between this place and other sea surfaces.And she didn't have an instrument to measure the position by her side. Unless she can float a mark on the sea near here! Magnolia thought quickly, she thought of using seaweed, but what to use to tie the seaweed?She thought of many other ways, and finally, her eyes stopped on the antenna protruding from the huge metal roof. The top of the antenna is not too far from the sea surface. If you can hang an obvious mark on the top of the antenna so that it is easy to find on the sea surface, then you will be successful. As soon as Magnolia thought of this, she immediately swam forward. While swimming, she collected a kind of bright red jellyfish, and when she swam under the metal cover, she followed the semicircular dome and went up. At this moment, her heart was beating very violently. Although her body was still covered with seaweed, it would always make people feel strange that a large group of seaweed was rising. If someone discovered it, all previous efforts would be wasted. The magnolia flower reached the head of the metal cover, and she lay down for a while, the bottom of the sea was still very quiet, only small submarines shot out continuously, but she never noticed the magnolia flower. Magnolia wrapped a large group of red seaweed collected around an antenna, forming a circle, and then let go of her hand. She saw the ring of seaweed slowly float upwards, and after reaching the top of the antenna, , then floated still, everything was just as she had imagined. Magnolia quickly dived down and slid to the bottom of the metal cover, but no one found her. She swam away quickly, and after swimming for dozens of yards, she saw a canyon under the sea. After this canyon, she felt that she was safe, so she floated up. However, she floated to the surface of the sea, and the sea surface was shining with dazzling light due to the sunlight. She looked around, but she couldn't see anything, only the glowing sea water! Magnolia smiled wryly. When she set off with the frogmen in the small boat, she didn't expect that the small boat would be attacked, so she didn't bring any communication equipment. Magnolia knew that Sadura must also be searching because she hadn't returned all night.But what are the chances of spotting her in the vast Pacific Ocean? Magnolia tried her best to expose her body above the surface of the sea. She immersed in the sea all night. At this time, the sun was shining on her mind, making her feel like thousands of thorns, and she had a headache. Cracked, only to feel dizzy for a while. She clenched her teeth tightly and endured all the pain. She couldn't faint. Once she fainted, she would lose even the chance of survival.From time to time she dipped her head in the sea water to keep herself awake.However, every time her head was immersed in the sea water, her dry lips met the salty and bitter sea water. This is something that the bravest people would tremble at the thought of, and Magnolia endured it with her superhuman bravery. At noon, when the sun was in the middle, Magnolia had fallen into a half-joyed state, she only felt her body sinking, she took a few mouthfuls of oxygen, which was the only oxygen left, and then threw it away. The oxygen tank was removed and the diving equipment was discarded. She felt a little lighter on her body, and her spirit was lifted. She was still holding the copper hat in her hand. The reflective effect of the copper hat can be used as a signal for help. She waited for another half an hour, and heard the whistling sound of passing by in the air. Magnolia looked up, and she recognized it. The plane was the escort plane of the fleet, but she didn't make a sound, she just shook the copper diving cap in her hand wearily. She saw the plane deflect its wings and hit her head a few more times before flying away. In Magnolia's heart, hope was born again, has the plane spotted her? Magnolia had no other choice but to wait, the sun was getting brighter and brighter, making her dizzy more and more, and the deadly thirst made her feel like she was in hell. Finally, Magnolia heard the voice she expected, the chugging sound of the helicopter. She opened her eyes forcefully, and the helicopter was already approaching her. In her eyes, the helicopter was just like an angel. After a while, the helicopter had reached above her head, and someone was hoisted from the helicopter. That person was Major Fadoll. When he got to her side, Mulan wanted to speak, but her throat was so dry that she couldn't make any sound. . "Miss, you will return to your original state soon." Major Fadoll comforted Magnolia, put the life-saving snare on Magnolia's body, and then hoisted the helicopter with Magnolia.It took a sip of brandy and a glass of cool water for Magnolia to speak. At this time, Sadura's voice calling Magnolia had lasted for three minutes.Magnolia took a breath and said: "You wait, after I notify you of a location, you will immediately lead the fleet to that location and drop all the depth charges together!" Sadura said loudly: "How are you, are you alright?" Although his voice came through radio waves, Magnolia seemed to be able to see the anxious expression on his face.Mulanhua smiled and said, "Of course I'm fine. If there's something else, can I still talk to you?" She turned around, took the binoculars from the co-pilot's hands, observed the sea surface, and said, "Fly as low as possible, hover, and slowly advance in the direction against the current." The helicopter flew low, only twenty yards from the sea, and Magnolia searched the sea inch by inch. Twenty minutes later, she saw the clump of seaweed! Due to the refraction of the sea water, she couldn't see anything on the bottom of the sea, not even the antenna that was very close to the sea surface, but she could see the mass of red seaweed. Magnolia breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head, and the co-pilot said, "West longitude 174.65, south latitude 22.73." Magnolia asked Major Fadoll: "Notify the fleet of this location, we fly high, how long can the helicopter's fuel last? When will the ship arrive?" "The fuel can support for two hours." The driver turned his head and answered. The major has already spoken to the fleet, and the fleet will arrive within forty minutes. At that moment, Mulan only felt strangely tired, and she could already predict that she would succeed. Although the "Superman Group" already has scientific facilities that can rule all mankind, they still cannot avoid the greatest weakness of mankind, arrogance! Since they were negligent, since they thought their fundamental importance would never be discovered, their arrogance would send them to their grave after forty minutes. The helicopter kept rising, while Magnolia closed her eyes and meditated. Half an hour later, the fleet appeared in sight, and five minutes later, Sadura's voice came over, asking Mulanhua to land on the deck of the ship first, but Mulanhua replied: "No!" After another three minutes, due to the approach of the ship, the mass of red seaweed was swept away by the waves caused by the ship. Thirty seconds later, all the depth charges carried by the ship were dropped into the sea. Water jets stirred up on the sea surface one after another, each taller and thicker, and in the water jets, there were many unbelievable things mixed in, including metal fragments, human bodies, There was a whole round boat, with tables and chairs, and a great many other things that couldn't be named. The continuous explosion lasted for a full hour before it stopped. The sea surface was covered with oily flowers, and the helicopter that Magnolia was on also landed on the ship. Suddenly, she felt fatally tired. She had to be supported by two people to get out of the cabin, and Sadura who came up to greet her yelled: "You still said nothing is wrong, you are injured! You are injured!" Magnolia just closed her eyes and didn't make a sound, she didn't even have the strength to speak out! The fleet arrived four days later than scheduled, but was still warmly welcomed by the New Zealand government. Magnolia has been recuperating on the ship, and she pays attention to all the newspapers, only a few newspapers published news of violent explosions in the Pacific Ocean.The U.S. submarine was ordered to check, "no discovery" and so on. Magnolia knew hundreds of depth charges had wiped everything out. Of course, most members of the "Superman Group" did not die due to the destruction of the headquarters, but snakes can't do without their heads, and for a long time, they will never pose a threat to humans. When Mulan was returning from the fleet, she took a plane instead, and Sadura was reluctant to part with her. On the plane, Magnolia heard the big passengers discussing the news that mysterious objects have crashed from the sky all over the world these days. Magnolia just smiled when she heard it. People don't know what those "mysterious objects" are, but Magnolia does know that they are naturally the floating platforms of the "Superman Group" and their invasion base. Due to the destruction of the power station, the power stored in the floating platform in the air could not be replenished and was exhausted one after another. Naturally, it became a "mysterious object" and fell down. When the plane was grounded to refuel, Mulan sent a telegram to Mu Xiuzhen, stating when she would arrive.The plane was not delayed and arrived on time. To Mulanhua's surprise, Gao Xiang and Director Fang rushed forward to meet her together with Mu Xiuzhen! In Gao Xiang's hands, he was holding a large stack of newspapers. He didn't say a word, but handed the newspapers to Mulanhua.Magnolia took a look, and all the newspapers published the news of her death in a prominent position. And many newspapers still have pictures, and the ones that make Mulan can't help laughing are a few pictures of Mu Xiuzhen's expression that doesn't look like she's crying or smiling! Mulanhua laughed, and Mu Xiuzhen also laughed for no reason. She hadn't laughed out loud in front of people for many days. For her, it was hard work! (full text)
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