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Chapter 9 Chapter nine

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A girl with long hair, round face and big eyes came bouncing over to Sadura and Magnolia, looked at Magnolia suspiciously, and Magnolia called out: "Amina !" She picked up Amina, and Amina hooked Magnolia's boobs as hard as she could. Sadhu pulled her aside, and suddenly felt her eyes moist.He is a man of steel.How can we shed tears?He hurriedly turned his head away in embarrassment and rubbed his eyes. "Aunt Lanhua, why are you dressed like this?" Amina asked innocently. "There are bad people who want to harm Auntie, that's why Auntie dresses up like this." Mulan also replied solemnly.

"No, it's not good for you to dress up like this. How can you be as good-looking and attractive as daddy said? Dad won't say that you can be mine." Amina had only reached this point when Sadura shouted loudly: "Aminna, shut up!" Amina stopped abruptly, and Mulanhua turned her head to look, only to see that this man who was as strong as steel and shouldered the heavy responsibility of a country showed a very shy expression like a child who has been caught doing something wrong. exist?At that moment, Mulan fully understood what Amina hadn't finished speaking, she couldn't help blushing, and immediately turned her head away, while her heart was beating wildly.

A young girl can be loved, whether she loves that person or not, there is always a sweet feeling in her heart.Magnolia's situation at this time is like that. "Aunt Lanhua, come home with me, I'll dress you up." Amina whispered into Magnolia's ear. Magnolia had already decided to refuse the dinner, but she didn't want to hurt Amina's little heart, so she nodded and agreed. The atmosphere of the dinner was very good, and Sadura laughed generously from time to time, and after dinner, Mulanhua told Sadura everything about the "Superman Group". After hearing this, Sadura couldn't help being stunned for a while, before saying, "According to what you said, carrying out this matter with our naval power is like Andorra going to attack Germany in its heyday."

"It can be said," Magnolia paced back and forth, "so I say this is an extremely dangerous thing, but it is also a beneficial thing for all mankind!" Sadura took a deep breath and said, "Okay, we will proceed with the original plan." The two reached out their hands at the same time and held them tightly. The strange thing is that Mulan did not dare to meet Sadura's piercing eyes, and at the same time, her heart was beating violently! She herself didn't know what the reason was, she had suffered with Sadura, lived and died together, but she had never felt like this before, now, she felt that Sadura's eyes were full of masculine brilliance, That's what made her heart skip a beat.

The silence between them lasted for a long time before Sadura sighed and said, "Orchid" As if she knew what he was going to say, Magnolia quickly changed the subject and said, "I want to rest. Please let me know when the fleet will be ready." Sadura sighed softly again, and said, "Okay, I will inform you when the time comes." Mulan followed Sadula's footsteps and entered the bedroom specially prepared for her with him, but she was afraid that he would say anything to her again, so she hurriedly opened the door and walked in.And when he closed the door, she felt a little regretful in her heart, because she also had a desire to hear the heart of this man who was as strong as steel.

But she was very contradictory in her heart, because this was something she didn't expect, she was in a very disturbed mood, leaning her back against the door, meditating for a moment, until she heard Sadura's heavy footsteps moving away, she Just fell on the bed. After a long time, she fell asleep. She was awakened by a sudden knock on the door. Mulanhua jumped up quickly and opened the door. There was a young officer in navy uniform standing at the door. When she saw Mulanhua, she gave a military salute and said: " Everything is ready, the prime minister is waiting for you on board."

Magnolia brushed her hair with her hands, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you right away, you are" "I am the executive officer for this operation, Lieutenant Commander Fadour." The officer "patted" to attention. "Miss, your help to our country is mentioned by the Prime Minister from time to time." "Oh, this is too much!" Magnolia smiled apologetically, "I actually didn't do anything!" She followed the officer and boarded a military jeep. Two hours later, her long hair was blown wildly by the sea wind. She was already standing on the deck of a large warship, watching The waves started.

In the sky above the large warship, there were nine jet planes lined up in a row, roaring past. Around the big warship, there are four smaller warships, which are escort ships.
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