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Chapter 3 third chapter

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At this time, she was walking down the stairs, panicked, her foot fell to the ground, she fell down, and bumped into the Filipino. Mu Xiuzhen's action was extremely unexpected. The Filipino was stunned for a moment, and with a "bang", he had been hit by Mu Xiuzhen. Immediately, he punched the man's jaw hard, and the two of them rolled down the stairs together. Magnolia hides behind the piano, seeing such a good opportunity, how can she let it go?She jumped up suddenly and jumped out from behind the piano. At this time, the German was walking down the stairs in a hurry. Judging by his appearance, he was about to separate Mu Xiuzhen from the Filipino. opened.But he had only gone down a few steps before the magnolia flitted past the railing.

The German suddenly raised the weapon in his hand. Magnolia fell down and lay down on the stairs. She grabbed the German's right foot with both hands and trembled violently. The German let out a strange cry, The whole person jumped over the railing and fell onto the piano. His heavy body pressed against the piano cover, crushing the piano, the keys of the piano were under heavy pressure, and a series of musical sounds came out.Mulanhua ignored him, and jumped down the stairs in two steps, and Mu Xiuzhen also jumped up, calling: "Sister Lanhua!" At this moment, the sound of sawing iron rang again in the living room.Mulan pulled Mu Xiuzhen, rushed to the door, opened the door, and walked out.

Mu Xiuzhen shouted: "Sister Lanhua, look, the floor of this house can move!" Mulanhua pulled Mu Xiuzhen and rushed out. She heard a few "chi chi" sounds from behind, and a few flashes of fire flew past them. Mulanhua pulled Mu Xiuzhen until she reached the corner of another building, then stopped and took a breath. However, Magnolia immediately heard the sound of the window of that house being pushed open, and someone shouted in the window, and that person yelled a sentence that Magnolia could not understand at all! Magnolia was stunned for a moment, and when she turned around, she clearly saw that the house was Binhai New Village No. 2.

But No. 2 and No. 3 are the same under the current situation, because Magnolia understands that the entire Binhai New Village may be these people who speak strange languages, use strange words, and do strange things What people occupy.Who are these people and what are they doing? At this moment, Mulan has no way to think about it. She just hurriedly pulled Mu Xiuzhen forward again, and after running for about ten yards, she reached the edge of the cliff.There are railings on the edge of the cliff, Magnolia whispered: "Quick, jump over!" The two climbed over the railing together, and just as their hands left the railing, there was a "chi" sound, and a stream of burning white flames hit the railing and exploded.

And where the railing was shot by the sparks, a section of four or five inches in length disappeared! Mu Xiuzhen stuck out her tongue, and the two quickly climbed up the cliff. When a figure appeared on the cliff, they let go, fell into the sea water from the cliff four or five yards high, and swam forward quickly. go. After swimming for more than forty yards, they floated up from the sea, only to see seven or eight people climbing down the cliff, Magnolia hurriedly said: "Quickly, dive in again, you don't know what's going on at the bottom of the sea here." Are you familiar?"

At this time, Mu Xiuzhen also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she nodded quickly. "We must file the case as soon as possible, and you will lead the way." Magnolia said. The two sank into the water again, and swam forward quickly in the dark, icy water. Mu Xiuzhen is very familiar with the seabed in this area, but at this time the seabed is completely dark and nothing can be seen. After all, human beings are animals on land. easy thing. Not only in the sea, but also on land, it is not easy to keep moving forward in a straight line. The two of them were swimming in the sea, poking their heads out from time to time. It was almost sudden, and they felt that they were in the dark sea. Among them, the basis for identifying the direction is gone.

"Xiuzhen, where are we?" "I... can't be sure." "Hey, didn't you say you are familiar with this place?" "Hey," Xiuzhen smiled embarrassingly, "I think it's almost dawn, we wait until dawn, won't we be able to discern the direction?" "Of course, but at dawn, people will find us!" Magnolia said very unhappy. "I don't think they will be so bold!" "Not so bold? Do you know what weapons they used?" "I don't know." Mu Xiuzhen remembered the scorching flame and the melted iron railing just now, and couldn't help sticking out her tongue again.

At this moment, on the seashore, in front of them, a string of light spots suddenly appeared. The string of green light spots, with equal distances between each point, formed a string, estimated to be half a mile long.Moreover, the string of light spots was moving rapidly, and when Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen swam a little closer, the string of light spots had already formed a circular ring. Mu Xiuzhen felt strange and asked, "Sister Lanhua, what kind of strange thing do you think this is?" Mulanhua didn't make a sound, she just raised her hand to signal Mu Xiuzhen not to swim any further.After a while, she whispered: "Did you see that there are two small boats moving with the string of light spots!"

Mu Xiuzhen tried her best to look forward, and she saw the shadows of two small boats at the end of the light spot.She laughed and said, "Sister Lanhua, don't we shout loudly? I think it must be a fishing boat at night, they are casting nets." "I don't think so." "Then what is it?" "I see it as a signal." "Signal?" Mu Xiuzhen was puzzled, "Who is the signal to? There are no other ships on the sea." "If you keep reading, you will understand." Magnolia looked up at the dark sky, she pointed upwards suddenly, and said, "Look, this kind of green string of lights has also appeared in the sky!"

Mu Xiuzhen quickly raised her head and looked up. Sure enough, there was also a circle of green light in the sky moving rapidly, which looked like an airplane flying at night. However, when the string of light moved in mid-air, there was no sound at all, which made the atmosphere in front of him extremely strange and terrifying. Mu Xiuzhen involuntarily held Magnolia's arm tightly.They saw the green light spot in the sky approaching the green light on the sea surface and descending rapidly. After a while, they saw a huge monster. Mu Lanhua and Mu Xiuzhen had never seen the huge monster descending from the sky to the sea.It is hexagonal, and each side of the hexagon is about ten feet long.

On one side, an extremely complex rotating antenna protrudes, like a tail, so that the huge monster looks like a devil fish in the deep sea. If it weren't for the string of green lights shining, then the color of the behemoth would be almost exactly the same as the dark sky and the dark sea water, and it would be impossible to see it at all. And when the huge monster descended lower and lower, the two of them could see that on the hexagonal flat plate, there was a device like a cabin, and antennas like antennae were everywhere. , that huge monster is actually an airship! Mu Xiuzhen opened her mouth wide and couldn't close it. She didn't let out a low cry until the airship stopped on the sea, all the lights went out, and the existence of the spaceship could hardly be seen, and said: " God, Sister Lanhua, what is this? Are we witnessing planetary beings coming to Earth?" Magnolia didn't make a sound, and after a while, she said, "It's a pity we don't have a telescope around us." "Sister Lanhua, do you think this spaceship belongs to a planetary person?" "of course not." "How can you be so sure?" "The so-called other planets also have advanced creatures. These are just characters in science fiction novels. Have you seen that someone came out of the spaceship, and their form is the same as ours." "Can't people from planets be the same as people from Earth?" Mu Xiuzhen was still unconvinced. "Of course it's not the same. Humans on the earth have evolved to what they are today. It is the result of tens of thousands of factors. Any one of the factors is different, and the appearance of the advanced creatures produced is also different. Think about it. , in space, is there a planet with exactly the same natural conditions as the earth? Of course not, then, even if there are 'people' on other planets, they will never be the same as the earth people." "Then who are they?" "I don't know." Magnolia shook her head, "I've never heard of such a group of people." Magnolia stared at the front, thinking.From the spaceship, a person with a plan stepped out, as if he was on a small boat, and then the spaceship went up again, the speed of rising was very fast, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye, while the two speedboats, Speeding toward the surface of the sea where she was floating. "I've never heard of such a group of people!" Magnolia repeated: "They don't seem to belong to the earth, their language is different from all earth people, and the weapons they use are also things I have never seen before. Yes, as for the use of electricity to launch such a spaceship, that is even more unheard of!" "Use electricity to start? Sister Lanhua, how do you know?" "Of course we know that the spaceship makes absolutely no sound when it's going up and down. Only when it's powered by electricity can it have this kind of superiority. Alas, who are they?" "Sister Lanhua, look, those two speedboats are coming towards us." Mu Xiuzhen stretched out her hand and pointed forward. At this time, the two speedboats were only sixty or seventy yards away from them. The speedboat runs with the lights off. In the dark night, there are two people floating on the sea surface, so naturally they will not be found on the speedboat. Magnolia looked at the approaching speedboat, and suddenly said: "Xiuzhen, try to go back alone, it's best not to stay at home, go to the city to find a hotel to stay, or entrust Gao Xiang to find a reliable temporary place for you." Where to live." "Sister Lanhua, what about you?" Mu Xiuzhen asked in a panic, but she hadn't finished speaking, so she had no choice but to continue. At the same time, she didn't need to ask any questions, and she knew what Mulanhua wanted to do! Because at this time, there happened to be a speedboat passing by three yards beside them, and Magnolia threw out a rope with a vibration of her arm, and a hook tied to the top of the rope made an extremely loud sound. With a slight sound, the speedboat was hooked to the side, and a splash of water passed by, and the Mulan flower figure had disappeared. Mu Xiuzhen wanted to call out loudly, but another speedboat came after her. Both Mu Xiuzhen and Mulanhua came out in night clothes. The long rope with hooks is an indispensable tool for night travelers. Mu Xiuzhen naturally has the same long rope by her side. At this time, she also hastily shook the long rope, but her movements were not as fast as Magnolia's. When she shook the long rope, a wave surged over and pushed her four or five yards away. She took hold of the rope with both hands, hoping that she would be dragged forward. But her body was still floating on the sea, and when she regained her composure, the two speedboats had already disappeared in the dark sea, and Magnolia had disappeared. Mu Xiuzhen held the rope, wanting to cry, she screamed a few times, although she had opened her throat, but her voice was pitifully weak when heard on the boundless sea. It wasn't until dawn that Mu Xiuzhen encountered a fishing boat. Three hours later, she was already at Gao Xiang's home, wrapped in a thick blanket, wiping her nose constantly. "According to you," Gao Xiang paced back and forth in the room, "Magnolia was taken away by the speedboat?" "Yes, she told me to come to you, and give me a place to live, but where has she been?" At this moment, the phone rang. Gao Xiang picked up the phone, listened for a while, and said, "Oh, there is no one in the whole Binhai New Village? I found a cellar passing through the rock and leading to the cape. What is in the cellar?" No, I don’t understand what it’s useful for, okay, okay, continue to send people to monitor.” He hung up the phone, turned around, smiled wryly at Mu Xiuzhen, and said, "Everyone is gone, who are these people?" "I said they came from another planet!" Mu Xiuzhen said seriously. "That is impossible!" "Hmph, Sister Lanhua says it's impossible, so you say it's impossible!" Mu Xiuzhen was still unconvinced. "Xiuzhen, now is not the time to fight. I think you should rest. You can sleep well with me. I will go to work at the police station." Gao Xiang patted Mu Xiuzhen on the shoulder. Mu Xiuzhen wanted to say something, but she had been immersed in the sea for so long and suffered from the wind and cold. As soon as she opened her mouth, she "yawned" and sneezed loudly, and was unable to say anything.After Gao Xiang left, she fell into a deep sleep. It was not until it was dark that she was woken up by Gao Xiang. Gao Xiang sat down beside the bed without saying a word. Mu Xiuzhen screamed, "Go away!" Gao Xiang was startled by Mu Xiuzhen's scream, jumped up quickly, and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot you were here." "Hmph, I'm such a big person, and I'm not a mouse, how can you not see me?" Mu Xiuzhen said with a pretty face, "Where is Sister Lanhua, has there been any news about her?" The worried expression on Gao Xiang's face became even worse. He shook his head and said, "I've been busy all day today. Not only did I have no news about Lanhua, but I couldn't even find out who those people were!" "Hmph, that's why you're useless!" "Xiuzhen," Gao Xiang argued with a blushing face, "they handled things too neatly and neatly. Our people almost turned the entire Binhai New Village upside down, but they didn't leave any clues, while ours When we checked the information about Fanando and Morimi, we found that their entry documents were all forged. We contacted the intelligence headquarters again, hoping to get some information, but according to the information of the intelligence headquarters, there have been no international spies recently. They have no idea that there is such a group of people in this city, and they also said that this group of people must be imagined by us!" Mu Xiuzhen's complexion couldn't help turning pale, and she lost her voice: "Could it be that they really came from another planet?" She jumped up and pushed open the window. It was dark and the stars in the sky had already appeared. Mu Xiuzhen looked at the stars inlaid on the dark blue Cangxiong and said with a mournful face, "Sister Lanhua, which planet are you on now?" What about up there?" "Xiuzhen, don't be stupid. Of course, this group of people did not come from other planets. My inference is that they are a group of gangsters with ulterior motives. They must have existed for a long time, but they have been unknown , until this time, one of their dogs was run over by a car, and their existence was not noticed by us!" Mu Xiuzhen turned around, she couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart, and said, "In this way, our situation, ah... sneeze..." She sneezed again when she was talking about this. As soon as she sneezed, her body bent down naturally, and when she bent down and hadn't straightened up, there was a "ping-pong", a shard of glass, a "hey", a bullet Go through the window and embed it in the opposite wall! "Lie down!" Gao Xiang pulled Mu Xiuzhen violently, and the two fell to the ground together.It was very quiet outside the window, there was almost no sound at all, and there was no second bullet fired. Gao Xiang crawled on the ground, reached the side of the light switch, jumped up suddenly, and turned off the light.Seeing that the lights were off, Mu Xiuzhen quickly climbed to the window and slowly poked her head out to have a look. "Xiuzhen, be careful!" Gao Xiang warned Mu Xiuzhen while moving towards the window. The two looked out at the same time, and there was a look of bewilderment on their faces. Gao Xiang's residence is a building, he lives on the twelfth floor, and this building is facing the park.That park is the largest in the city, and there is only another house on the opposite side of the park, about half a mile away. Half a mile is nothing to a long-range shooter. However, Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen are both people who have studied shooting. From the whistling sound of the bullets just now, they could tell that it was definitely not a long-range rifle, but an ordinary rifle. pistol.Here comes the question: ordinary pistols can never be shot here from the house across the park, so where did the shooter shoot? The two looked at each other with the same question in their hearts.They still lay still, but after a long time, there was still no sound, they retreated slowly, Mu Xiuzhen kicked something, she picked it up and saw it was a bullet. Mu Xiuzhen handed the bullet to Gao Xiang. Gao Xiang took a closer look, and found that it was indeed a pistol bullet, the one that narrowly missed Mu Xiuzhen just now. However, where the bullet came from, they couldn't understand!Gao Xiang put the bullet in his bag and said in a low voice, "It's not safe here anymore, let's leave soon." Mu Xiuzhen said awkwardly: "But, I'm still wearing your pajamas!" Gao Xiang shook his head, and said: "There is no other way, so I have to make do with it. Anyway, my car is in the garage below, so I don't think it has anything to do with it." He pulled Mu Xiuzhen, and the two went out together. After waiting for less than half a minute, the elevator door opened, and they stepped in quickly. The elevator door closed, but it did not descend. Gao Xiang pressed the button hard, the elevator still didn't move, but the elevator door opened instead, two men in black came in, Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen knew something was wrong, Gao Xiang immediately took out the gun Come on, but the two men in black moved faster, one of them quickly grabbed Mu Xiuzhen's arm, and the other hit Gao Xiang's abdomen heavily, and that punch hit Gao Xiang's body Gao Xiang groaned, and the gun in his hand hit the back of the big man's head. At this moment, Mu Xiuzhen also turned around, hooked her toes, and her arm shook. Throw that big man straight out of the elevator. Gao Xiang's knock did not succeed, and the big man turned his head to avoid it, but Gao Xiang's right knee also suddenly lifted up, and hit the big man's lower cheek heavily. The big man leaned back and bumped into Mu Xiuzhen. On Mu Xiuzhen's side, the sweaty man also fell out of the elevator and landed on another person. Mu Xiuzhen turned around, and when she was about to step out, the elevator doors closed again suddenly, and the lights went out. The elevator was pitch black, and they felt that the elevator was descending rapidly. The speed of the elevator descending was so fast, and the whole elevator was shaking unusually, Mu Xiuzhen immediately screamed: "We are falling!" "It doesn't matter," Gao Xiang reluctantly said, "New elevators all have safety springs, so it doesn't matter if the steel cable breaks." "You... said no..." Before Mu Xiuzhen finished speaking, she felt that the elevator had hit something with great force. That collision made Mu Xiuzhen think?During that time, all the blood in her body was concentrated in her head, almost as if it would explode. Immediately afterwards, the elevator bounced up again, bringing Mu Xiuzhen and others into the bounce. Mu Xiuzhen bumped into someone, of course Gao Xiang, and then they hit the top of the elevator together. The two of them, like astronauts in a state of weightlessness, kept rolling in the elevator as the elevator jumped until the elevator came to a complete stop. At that time, the two of them fell together in the elevator, as if the whole world was constantly beating, rolling, and spinning. Mu Xiuzhen still felt a cramping pain in her left ankle, and she moaned involuntarily. Gao Xiang was the first to speak, and said, "Xiuzhen, are you injured?" Mu Xiuzhen stretched out her hand slowly, and felt that her left ankle was already swollen. She smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid the bone is broken." "I'm fine," Gao Xiang said, standing up and lighting up the elevator with a lighter. He went to ring the alarm, but there was no sound at all. Gao Xiang couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart. This is a newly built building with very few residents. An elevator is broken, so it may not attract people's attention at all! He turned off the lighter, supported Mu Xiuzhen to stand up, and said, "Xiuzhen, we have to climb out. There should be a small door on the top of the elevator. Can you crawl?" "Crawl!" Mu Xiuzhen clenched her teeth. Gao Xiang raised his hand and hit the top of the elevator vigorously. After a few strokes, he knocked a small person on the top of the elevator away. To his surprise, as soon as he knocked open the small door, there was A bright light shot straight down. That glare came so abruptly and so intensely, right?During that time, the two of them couldn't even open their eyes. Along with that strong light, a cold voice said, "You two, are you still alive?" "Who are you?" Gao Xiang snapped, "Who are you?" As he spoke, he covered his forehead with his hand and wanted to look up, but the light was too strong, just like you can't see anything if you face the sun, he still couldn't see anything. The cold voice came again, saying: "We are the ones you want to know, but you will never know!" Mu Xiuzhen spoke almost at the same time as that person, and she called out, "Where is my sister Lanhua?" As soon as the man finished speaking, he heard a "click", the sound of the pistol's safety being pulled. However, when Mu Xiuzhen asked that sentence, no other voices could be heard. After a few seconds, those few seconds really seemed as long as years, before I heard the voice ask: "Who is Sister Lanhua?" "Hmph, my sister Lanhua is the famous Magnolia, the nemesis of all monsters and goblins, she is now..." Mu Xiuzhen felt that she had made a slip of the tongue when she said this. She should not have revealed Mulanhua's whereabouts to them. She stopped immediately and stopped talking. The voice forced to ask: "How is she now?" Mu Xiuzhen sneered, and said, "Of course there is something going on, and it's enough to bring you down!" She heard above that two people were talking in a strange language, which she could not understand at all! Mu Xiuzhen said loudly, "Hey, what are you talking about? Where are you from?" She only yelled twice, when her eyes suddenly went dark, the strong light had already disappeared, and at the same time, there was only a "beat" sound, as if something was thrown down from the small door on the top of the elevator . Both Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen were stunned. Judging from the sound of the thing falling, it looked like a grenade, and if it was a grenade...they didn't dare to think about it, Mu Xiuzhen?At that time, he tightly held Gao Xiang's hand. Then, there was a "beat" sound, and the two of them saw a flash of light, and then, a cloud of thick smoke burst out, filling the entire elevator. But they didn't feel that the thick smoke brought them any cough, they just felt that they suddenly fell asleep. Mu Xiuzhen hurriedly said: "It's a drug, it's a fan..." She only said a few words, and her body slowly softened. Gao Xiang suddenly stood up, trying to stand up straight, but he couldn't. The two of them, one in front and the other behind, almost lost their She lost consciousness... On the surface of the sea, within a few minutes after Magnolia threw the rope and hooked the side of the boat with a hook, she was dragged by the speedboat in the sea at high speed. It was poured into her mouth at an astonishing speed, making her as sad as if she was being tortured. She immediately closed her mouth, held her breath, and tried her best to submerge her head into the water.Then, she moved her hands forward slowly, making her body step by step into the speedboat.
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