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Chapter 2 Chapter two

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At eight o'clock, Gao Xiang came. He brought not only a telescope equipped with infrared rays, but also a remote camera equipped with an infrared camera.Magnolia and he started to get busy. They installed the camera on a window on the second floor, and pointed the lens at the place where the car accident happened during the day. They leaned against the window and observed the place with binoculars. The place was only about sixty yards away from them. From the binoculars, even the small stones on the road could be clearly seen. They waited, and Mu Xiuzhen waited with them at first, but then became impatient.

Because there was nothing on the highway except for a car passing by occasionally, Mu Xiuzhen didn't know what Mulanhua was waiting for, so she went to find entertainment by herself. Gao Xiang didn't know what Mulanhua was waiting for, but he didn't leave. Not only did he not intend to leave, but he also hoped to wait like this forever. At this time, he was squatting beside the magnolia flower, and the fragrance from the magnolia flower penetrated into his lungs, making him a little fanciful. Although his eyes were aimed at the telescope, what happened on the road, to be honest Said he had no idea.

Gao Xiang thought to himself, he has known Mulanhua for a long time, although he did not express his admiration for her, Mulanhua is a very smart person, naturally he shouldn't be ignorant.But she didn't say anything at all! Gao Xiang was originally a veteran in the field of love, but in front of Mulanhua, he looked like a young man who had just entered the field of love. Time passed slowly, and it was twelve o'clock at midnight. Gao Xiang has changed several rolls of film, but Magnolia is still in front of the telescope. Mu Xiuzhen ran up and down and looked at it several times. Finally, she couldn't help but asked loudly, "Sister Lanhua, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for dawn?"

"Go to sleep first!" Mulan Hua's answer was simple and firm, which meant that she would continue to wait. After hearing this, Mu Xiuzhen walked away. At this time, the traffic on the road has become less and less, and the time has gradually reached two o'clock in the morning. Magnolia sighed and said: "I guessed wrong, I thought they would come at night, but now it seems, They've been here in the afternoon." After she said these words, she murmured again: "But this is impossible. The traffic on the road is very dense all day long. I have tried it myself, and I can't find things on the road." .”

"Lanhua," Gao Xiang couldn't help asking, "You mean, they will come back to find things." "yes." "Maybe they come during the day, you know, if what they're looking for is metal, they don't have to bother looking for it at all, with a car with a strong magnet under the car, and a detection instrument , as long as the car is speeding by, it can suck things up from the road surface." "What if it's not metal?" Magnolia asked. "Then they can also use other scientific methods, instead of being stupid enough to use people to find them."

"How do you know they have enough scientific equipment to use?" Magnolia asked further. "This..." Gao Xiang was embarrassed and couldn't answer. Magnolia turned around and leaned over the telescope to watch. Gao Xiang didn't dare to say anything. The sky is gradually getting brighter, and you can see the situation on the road clearly without using infrared equipment. Magnolia sat down on the chair dejectedly, and said, "I'm afraid this mystery will never be solved." Gao Xiang said: "Then shall we continue to follow these two people?"

Mulan put her hands on her forehead, she was silent for a while, then suddenly she raised her head and said, "Who owns that car?" "What car?" "The license plate number of that Thunderbird sports car is 0399." "Ah," Gao Xiang has nothing to do with Magnolia?He expressed his admiration for his careful observation and memory, and said: "That is Ding Pei, a famous playboy in this city. Ding Pei's father is very powerful in the city government. Of course we had to let it go.” "Where does Ding Pei live?" "Him? Maybe, he has three homes, he"

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me quickly, find out where he lives quickly, we may still have time!" Gao Xiang was also nervous by Mulanhua's hasty tone, he hurried downstairs, ready to make a phone call. However, as soon as he got to the phone, the phone rang loudly, waking Mu Xiuzhen who was sitting next to the sofa. Gao Xiang picked up the phone, and someone shouted: "Director Gao? The director is looking for you." Then came Director Fang's voice: "Gao Xiang, there's a serious case. Do you know Ding Pei? Something happened to him." "Ding Pei!" Gao Xiang's hand trembled, he could hardly hold the phone!

"Oh, it's too late!" Magnolia's voice sounded behind Gao Xiang, "What happened to Ding Pei?" "In his residence on Princess Road, he heard a strange noise in the garage. He got up to check, but as soon as he entered the garage, he was hit on the back of the head by a heavy object. Now he is unconscious. His father passed through the city. The important officials of the government put great pressure on the police!" "Hmph, if he doesn't act like a hero, maybe he'll be fine," Gao Xiang said very dissatisfied, "Is that all?" "Also, the front right tire of one of his sports cars has been stolen."

"Ah, what's the reason for this? Could it be that he used the tires to smuggle and cause civil strife?" Gao Xiang asked immediately. Director Fang hadn't answered on the phone, but Mulanhua had already replied, "Of course not. Ding Pei's father's assets are calculated in billions. How could he smuggle them?" "Come back quickly, let's discuss countermeasures. I'm afraid Miss Lanhua won't be interested in this matter!" Chief Fang yelled on the phone, so that Magnolia next to Gao Xiang could also hear his voice. "No!" Magnolia came closer and replied loudly, "I'm very interested and hope to get all the information about this case."

"That's great," Director Fang was very excited, "Please come too." "I didn't sleep yesterday," Magnolia yawned, "so I want to take part in the investigation later." "Oh, then we'll talk when Director Gao is here soon." After Director Fang finished speaking, he closed the line. Gao Xiang put down the phone and rushed out.Mu Xiuzhen looked at Gao Xiang's back and said, "Poor guy, he used to live a life of ease, but now he can't let him!" Magnolia said solemnly: "Originally he was a scum in society, but now he is contributing his strength to the peace of society. How can you say he is a poor person." Mu Xiuzhen never thought that what she said casually would cause Mulanhua to teach her a lesson. She stuck out her tongue and didn't dare to continue. Mulanhua went upstairs to the bedroom and closed the curtains. Head fell asleep. This time, they slept until the afternoon, and then they woke up one after another. By the time they cleaned up, it was evening again.The haggard Gao Xiang rushed to their home and said dejectedly: "There is nothing. Ding Pei is still unconscious. This playboy specializes in playing with women. He has many enemies, I think." Before Gao Xiang finished speaking, Magnolia shook her head and said: "No, the people who went to Princess Lu Dingpei's house were purely for that tire. If Dingpei didn't get up to check after hearing the noise, then what would he do? Things are gone." "For that tire?" "Yes, if I had thought about it for a moment earlier, then perhaps nothing would have happened. Now, there is no clue at all." Magnolia said with a helpless smile. "There are no clues at all." Gao Xiang said suddenly. Magnolia's eyes lit up, and she said, "What clue?" "This, Ding Pei, who is unconscious, has been holding it in his hand, but his family members have recognized that it is not his thing. It may have been caught on the body of the person who beat him after he was hit and before he fell into a coma. .” As Gao Xiang said, he took out something and put it on the marble coffee table. That thing is very ordinary, it is half a key chain, connected to a key ring, and in the ring, there are three keys. This kind of clue, if you have it, you don't have it, because there are thousands of people, there will be such a key chain in their pockets, and there is no way to know what the three keys are used to open. However, when Magnolia saw this thing, she was still very interested, because in the key ring, besides the three keys, there was also a golden ball the size of a longan. This is a decoration in the key ring, which is also a very common thing, but Magnolia can see something unusual.First, she recognized at a glance that it was made of real gold. Moreover, this is not an ordinary ball, but a very detailed model of the earth. Not only are the continents protruding a little, but even the famous mountains and rivers can be seen. Magnolia focused on the small golden globe, picked it up with one hand, and saw two lines of characters engraved on the Pacific part of the globe.But she couldn't understand what the word was. It is composed of a very strange alphabet, which looks a bit like ancient Chinese oracle bone inscriptions, but it is not. Magnolia looked at it over and over for a while, then raised his head, Gao Xiang didn't wait for her to ask, and said: "I went to ask the writing expert, and the writing expert said, this is not a writing at all, there is no such writing on the earth, this one The golden globe can be opened, and its inner wall is even engraved with such weird symbols!" At this moment, Magnolia also discovered that there was a very thin seam in the middle of the golden ball, and she pulled it hard, and the golden ball was split into two halves, and the inner wall of the golden ball was indeed full of that kind of "words". "Hey," Magnolia raised her head, "These people seem to come from other planets, the words they speak do not belong to any corner of the earth, and their writing has never appeared on the earth. " "What did you say?" Gao Xiang was taken aback by Magnolia's words. "I'm sure this key belongs to those two 'legitimate businessmen' from the Philippines. What are their names and where do they live?" Magnolia asked a series of questions. "The two of them live together, both of them are bachelors. One is called Farnando and the other is called Sen Limei. Their names are Filipino names. It's a coincidence that their residences are neighbors with you. Come and see them." Gao Xiang walked In front of the window, pointing to the southeast. There, on the high ground near the cliff (below the cliff is the beach), there are four small bungalows of the same style, which were built by a builder and sold separately, called Haibin New Village.It was more than half a mile from where Magnolia lived.It was dark at this time, and the lights from these four houses could be seen in the past. "Oh, so they live here!" Mu Xiuzhen was very curious. "Does that matter? Of course they live nearby, otherwise how could something happen to their dog here?" "They live in No. 3 Binhai New Village, which is the third house from right to left." Gao Xiang pointed to the front. That house was the least lit of the four houses. Magnolia threw away the keys in her hand and said, "Okay, then, may this bunch of keys be entrusted to me for safekeeping?" "Oh, no," Gao Xiang rejected Mulanhua's request, and at the same time sent a knowing smile to Mulanhua, "It's better to let the police keep it." "Don't forget what these three keys can open, you only know because of my reminder." Mulan refused to let go. "Hey, what are you guys fighting for?" Mu Xiuzhen was impatient. "What are these three keys used for? Can they be used to open King Solomon's treasure? There's nothing wrong with fighting over and over again?" "Mr. Gao," Magnolia said solemnly, "These three keys belong to me. If I fail to achieve anything, I will return them to you. Before I have any results, you must not interfere with my actions." "But, Lan Hua," Gao Xiang hesitated, "I think this matter is very strange, and there is a mysterious atmosphere everywhere, if you go to the risk alone." Before Gao Xiang could finish speaking, Magnolia interrupted him, saying: "This city is an internationally renowned commercial port, and it is also the gathering place for spies, spies, thieves groups, and smuggling groups from all over the world. In such a complicated place, , All kinds of strange things can happen in the first place, what is there to be surprised about, go back quickly, I think you should also rest." The concern in Mulanhua's last sentence prevented Gao Xiang from arguing with her any longer. "Hey, Sister Lanhua has issued an order to evict you, why don't you leave?" Mu Xiuzhen yelled at Gao Xiang honestly.Gao Xiang walked to the door, turned around again, and said, "Lan Hua, be careful, be careful." "As long as you don't foolishly fill the neighborhood with spies, nothing will happen to me." Gao Xiang was stunned by Mulanhua's answer. Judging from Gao Xiang's expression, he was obviously going to order "full spies", but after telling Mulanhua that, he might not. Magnolia smiled and said, "Aren't you going back?" Gao Xiang sighed softly, walked out, and disappeared in the darkness. As soon as Gao Xiang left, Mu Xiuzhen happily came to Magnolia and said, "Sister Lanhua, you are right, Gao Xiang Clumsy, with him, there will only be mistakes, and the two of us go to work together tonight, that would be the best." "Act? What are you doing?" Contrary to Mu Xiuzhen's excited attitude, Mulanhua just asked coldly. "Hey, aren't you going to explore the bandit's lair at night?" "No such thing, go to bed early!" Mulan yawned and returned to the bedroom.Mu Xiuzhen stared at Mulanhua's back in a daze, but after a while, she pointed her finger at her, and finally, she nodded as if she had realized something. Seeing her expression, she seemed to have made a decision. That night, everything seemed to be very peaceful, and Mu Xiuzhen never mentioned "doing things at night" again.After midnight, both of them went to bed, and Mu Xiuzhen pretended to close her eyes. After a while, she even snored lightly. She made a slight snoring sound to indicate to Mulan that she was already asleep. bingo.Magnolia will definitely get up.But Magnolia just glanced at her, smiled, turned over, and after a while, she really fell asleep. Mu Xiuzhen waited and waited until three o'clock in the morning, but Magnolia still hadn't moved at all. She couldn't help but sighed, and finally fell asleep under the attack of exhaustion. Less than half an hour after she fell asleep, Magnolia woke up.Mulan turned over slightly, looked at the clock beside the bed, then at Mu Xiuzhen, and jumped up. There was no sound at all in her actions. One minute later, she was out of the bedroom. Five minutes later, she had changed her clothes, brought enough tools, and left the residence. Mulanhua only thinks of her own actions, and Mu Xiuzhen will never know, because Mu Xiuzhen is a person who does not wake up easily when she is asleep, and Mulanhua is sure that Mu Xiuzhen must be awake when she is asleep. Of course I am very tired now. Magnolia's calculations are very accurate, but people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations.When Mulanhua crossed the highway and was near Binhai New Village, that is, about 20 minutes after she left, Mu Xiuzhen woke up. Mu Xiuzhen didn't wake up by herself, but was woken up by the horns of two chasing cars. She still didn't want to, but when she saw that the magnolia flower on the opposite bed was gone, she lost all sleepiness. Jumping up, five minutes later, she was hurried out the door! At that time, Magnolia was already dozing beside the watchman in Binhaixin Village, and she slid past like a ghost, and arrived in Xinxin Village, under the cover of trees, to the gate of No. 3. There was a lamp in front of the door of the house, and as soon as Magnolia got to the door, she took out the key.She looked around first, the new village was quiet, at this time, of course everyone was asleep. This was originally the best opportunity to act, but Magnolia felt very strange. She looked around and felt that something was wrong, because most people living in the countryside want to keep dogs, why is there no dog here?If there are dogs, why don't they bark? Magnolia just hesitated for a moment. Of course she couldn't just retreat. She took out the keys and inserted the biggest one into the keyhole on the gate. The key happened to go in, and Mulan felt very nervous in her heart.Because at this time, the police did not have any evidence to charge those two people, and those two people were still protected by law. Her actions at this time were illegal. If she was caught on the spot, the police would be very embarrassed. She moved very carefully and turned the key slowly. Finally, with a beep, the lock was opened. Magnolia pushed the door hard, but she still couldn't open it.Magnolia took out a small saw and inserted it in the crack of the door, moving quickly, and sawing vigorously when she encountered an obstacle. Her small saw is made of special alloy steel, with a hardness of 11.2, which can saw through metals commonly used as door bolts. She came across two obstacles and sawed them open, but it only took two or three minutes. And when she sawed the two bolts, she pushed hard, and the door had already been pushed open by her. As soon as Magnolia pushed the door open, she dodged in immediately, and after she had dodged in, she closed the door gently and turned the door lock, so that the door became ajar. That way, if the situation is not good for her, it will be much easier for her to withdraw.She looked ahead, and it was just pitch black.Magnolia took out the small infrared viewer and put it in front of her eyes. A dark red scene appeared in front of my eyes. It was a very spacious room, and the furnishings in the living room were also very particular. It could be seen that every place had been designed with interior decoration facilities. There was no one in the hall, and there was a staircase leading upstairs. Magnolia first opened several doors in the hall with extremely quick movements, and took a look. The door to the kitchen, the door to the hall, and the door to the dining room were empty. Magnolia began to walk upstairs.However, she had just walked six or seven steps on the thick carpet when she suddenly heard a sound like sawing iron in the living room. The sound came so suddenly, so piercing, that Mulan was stunned. She turned her head quickly, and couldn't help being stunned again. In the living room, a crack suddenly appeared on the carpeted floor, and a light came out of that crack, and the crack was gradually expanding. In the eyes of others, this kind of situation may seem inexplicable, but when Magnolia saw it, she immediately knew that there was an extremely delicate mechanism in this room. Now, someone is walking under the floor of the living room. come up! Magnolia looked around, she pressed lightly on the railing of the stairs. She jumped over the railing and down, hiding behind a grand piano. At this time, the sound of sawing iron was no longer as loud as before, but there was still a "squeak" sound. Magnolia was behind the piano, peeking ahead, and saw that the hall was getting brighter and brighter, and a four-foot-square hole had appeared on the floor of the hall. The original floor, together with the carpet, was facing Moved aside, and an elevator rose from the ground. There is an elevator going up!Magnolia couldn't help being completely stunned. When Magnolia found out that the two people lived here, she had already spent a lot of time studying the terrain of Binhai New Village. Each of the four houses in Binhai New Village was on the edge of a cliff. Should be a cliff. When Magnolia saw the floor move just now, she still thought that there was no more than a cellar here. But now, from the ground up, it is an elevator! The elevator is all made of stainless steel, and it is very stable when it goes up, and it is obviously caused by the use of an oil pressure device, or the same principle, because there is no iron chain on the top of the elevator, but a chain from below. Come on top. To use the elevator, it can be seen that there must be an extremely large-scale secret place under this house. What kind of place is that? Magnolia was thinking quickly while looking forward carefully, only to see that the elevator stopped and two people came out. One was a very short man. Although the man was short in stature, he had broad shoulders, an eagle nose and deep eyes. It was obvious at a glance that he was of a Germanic race. And the other one, Magnolia, has seen it before, and that person is either Morimi or Farnando.The two people stepped out of the elevator and stood still, but the elevator retracted, and the floor immediately closed and returned to its original shape. The short fat man reached out and patted the other man, said a few words, and the man answered a few words. Magnolia hid very well. He wanted to hear what the two of them were talking about, which would at least help the trip, but she listened carefully, and she couldn't help being stunned. Unexpectedly, she thought of something she had thought: These people seem to be from other planets, what kind of words are they talking about? What those two people said was beyond the scope of all of Magnolia's language knowledge. As Mulan listened, with her superhuman memory, she almost memorized all the syllables of the few words the two said, but she still couldn't understand what these words meant. She remained hidden behind the piano, and the two walked up the stairs together. Magnolia looked up and saw that the two had already walked halfway up the stairs.Mulanhua thought in her heart, if there was only one person on the other side, then she might be able to pounce immediately. But now there are as many as two people on the other side, if he misses a hit, who knows how many people are there in this house and in the cellar with the elevator? Magnolia endured, waiting for the opportunity. But at this moment, there was a sudden "bang" from a window upstairs, and the sound of glass breaking. The two people who were halfway up the stairs separated immediately when they heard the voice, and stood against the wall.After the sound of broken glass, there was the sound of the window bolt being pulled. It was clear that someone had climbed up the wall from outside the house, trying to break the glass, pull out the bolts, and push open the window to enter the house. Magnolia couldn't help laughing in her heart, wondering how could there be such a stupid thief in the world?Even if people are sleeping soundly, the sound of breaking glass will inevitably wake them up.It's better not to make a sound yourself, let's see how these two people deal with this stupid thief! She saw that after the two men stood against the wall, they both took out a strange thing from their bags and held it in their hands. Magnolia had never seen that thing before.It looks like a gun, but the barrel is very long and soft, it seems that it can be bent at will.The two held it in their hands, of course it was a weapon, but Magnolia, who had such a wealth of knowledge about weapons, couldn't tell what kind of weapon it was. Magnolia couldn't help thinking of the people on the planet again, and she couldn't help but smiled wryly. The two people in front of her, one is an Easterner and the other is a Westerner. Of course they belong to the human beings on the earth, but why everything about them is so different from that on the earth? How far are human beings so far away? Magnolia's gaze slowly moved upwards, and she saw a figure jumping in from the window. As soon as Magnolia saw that figure, her heart couldn't help beating wildly! The person who jumped in from the window was tall and slender, wearing black night clothes, long hair tied with a black ribbon, that, that was Mu Xiuzhen. Although Mulanhua is full of wit, but the "stupid thief" who suddenly appeared was Mu Xiuzhen, which was absolutely unexpected, and Mulanhua couldn't help being stunned! Mu Xiuzhen jumped in and looked around at the stairs, but she was so careless that she didn't see the two people standing against the wall!She's coming down the stairs!The German immediately raised the weapon in his hand, but the Filipino had already seen that it was Mu Xiuzhen, he immediately raised his hand to stop the German's movement, stepped forward, and shouted: "Stop!" Suddenly someone flashed out from the darkness, and Mu Xiuzhen couldn't help being stunned for a moment.
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