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Chapter 6 Chapter Six

plateau 倪匡 11297Words 2018-03-22
Those four people turned their heads and said, "I think, miss, we don't need to go down anymore." Magnolia spread her hands and said, "Okay, Mr. Rice Bucket." The five big men packed Magnolia's small suitcase and embraced Magnolia.Go straight to the police station.Magnolia didn't ask for anything, but just asked for a phone call with the police station in City H. Her request was accepted, and she was regarded as a key prisoner and locked up in a very comfortable small cell. Mulanhua slept comfortably in this detention room. Early the next morning, Mulanhua calculated that she had been detained for twelve hours.Someone opened the door of the detention center.

Magnolia looked up.She first saw the four big men of Xing.Look embarrassed.At a loss, he pushed the four big men away.The one who stepped in was none other than Gao Xiang. "Lanhua!" Gao Xiang shouted, "The misunderstanding has been resolved." "Has the Indian vassal gone yet?" Magnolia asked anxiously. Gao Xiang turned his head away, and a big man said dejectedly: "Let's go. I left early." "Hey," Magnolia sighed, "Where is their next stop?" "It is said that they flew directly to the capital of Venezuela in South America without stopping."

"We failed!" Magnolia said simply, "But we haven't completely failed yet. We will rush to Weijing immediately." Gao Xiang turned his head to look at the four of Xing. The four people said in a panic: "Everything is prepared as soon as possible. The Hawaii police are willing to provide all conveniences. As an apology to Ms. Mulanhua." "Then you don't have to be too polite." Mulanhua smiled, remembering yesterday, one of the four people shouted "Long live the Hawaiian police", she couldn't help laughing. "I want a high-speed training machine."

"Miss Magnolia for the Jets" "I can drive. It'd be nice if you had one." "We can borrow it from the military. Do you two need other helpers?" Magnolia and Gao Xiang looked at each other and said, "No, we are a good partner." At this time, a man in his fifties with a dignified face came in, and the four big men immediately stood at attention and saluted. The man came to Mulanhua and said, "I'm really sorry, Director Fang and I from your city We are good friends, where did this start?" "There is no need to mention it again. If we go here with Mr. Gao, we can subdue the second leader of the Red Shirt Club. I will definitely try to bring him back here to serve his sentence, and take this as your credit." Magnolia said with a smile.

Several people blushed together and said, "How are we qualified to accept this honor?" "You're welcome," Gao Xiang said, "Miss Mulanhua never takes any credit. And you really helped us." The last person who came in was the person in charge of the local police. This time the action was also very fast. In less than two hours, the contact with the military was completed. A small speedboat sent Mulanhua and Gao Xiang to the police station. Arriving at an aircraft carrier, a JN-type small jet fighter has been prepared, and the military and military bases along the way have also been contacted, ready to refuel at any time.If it weren't for the strong efforts of the Hawaii police, Mulanhua and Gao Xiang would not have been able to do this.

The two boarded the jet, with Gao Xiang sitting in the driver's seat. The jet was ejected by a special device on the aircraft carrier. When the jet roared into the air, Gao Xiang switched on the radio monitor, listening to navigation instructions. Gao Xiang has experience in flying jets.But this route is still the first time to fly.For a person who is flying a route for the first time, the seemingly vast sky is actually much more sinister than a crowded road. They took the highest height and went down, the ocean was as calm as a piece of blue jade. They also inquired about the landline of the "Prince of India" along the way, knowing that Bresden was on his way to Venezuela, and sometimes they were far away from it.Still very close.

At this time, Mulan was sure that Ma Chaowen and Mu Xiuzhen were on the plane when they were in Hawaii, and she was very frustrated that she could not rescue them in time.She planned to rush to Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, one step ahead of Brisden, and get in touch with the local police, then as soon as Brisden arrived.It's the end of the day. However, when their plane.When I flew to Panama, it was so far away that it was absolutely unsuitable for small jets to fly in bad weather.According to the Observatory's report, there are more than a dozen small air bags floating in the sky.Large aircraft can easily break through these small air bags.However, these small airbags are powerful enough to sweep the small plane away.

In order to ensure their safety, the officers of the US military base in Panama sent eight guards to guard the plane, so Gao Xiang and Mulanhua had to stay in Panama overnight. And they listened to the broadcast from Caracas. In order to respect the South American god of thunder and lightning, the "Indian lord" had rented a plane with his entourage and set off for the Lima Plateau. Because according to local folklore, the god of thunder and lightning lives on the Lima Plateau. When Mulanhua and Gao Xiang heard the news, they could only smile wryly!Brisden changed his mind immediately when he felt something was wrong in Hawaii, which shows how clever it is to force people!

The two of them waited until the next day when the weather station reported that the airbag had disappeared before flying to Caracas, which was only an hour's flight from Panama to Caracas. Caracas is a city surrounded by mountains. It is not too much to say that it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Venezuela is a country rich in oil and very rich. In Caracas , Indians in costumes can be seen everywhere, and all the disputes in the world seem to have nothing to do with this peaceful city. As soon as Mulanhua and Gao Xiang stopped at the airport in Caracas, since they were flying a military plane, the military attache of the American embassy had already greeted them at the airport. , fly back to Hawaii.

But Mulanhua smiled and said, "Mr. Military Officer, we still need to use this plane to fly to the Lima Plateau." "Lima Plateau? Are you crazy?" The driver yelled, "Where did you land it?" "On the plateau, I think there is a place to land." Magnolia said calmly. "Dreaming, it is absolutely impossible. It is still doubtful whether ordinary planes can land on the plateau. This time, the three planes of the Indian lord were originally going to land on the plateau, but now" "How are you doing now?" "Because I couldn't find a place to land, I gave up my original idea and wanted to climb up the mountain." The pilot said, "If you don't want to climb a thousand-foot cliff, a helicopter is the most ideal."

"How long will the helicopter fly?" "It's 430 miles from Caracas to the plateau. It takes about nine hours for a helicopter to fly at 50 miles per hour." "No, that's too slow. The jets can arrive within an hour. We have to get ahead of them." The military attache and the driver were notified by Hawaii that they were in charge of a secret mission related to Hawaii's reputation, and they didn't know their real purpose, so it was difficult to persuade them. "A lunatic's idea," said the pilot, shaking his head, "this is always a lunatic's idea!" The military officer smiled wryly: "The two of you are about to create a miracle in aviation. I wish you both success." Mulanhua and Gao Xiang, the first-class technician checked the parts, and immediately boarded the plane again.Half an hour later they reached the Osonoko River.The river was rolling, very fast.Irrigate the green plains on both sides of the river. Flying forward, you have already reached the plateau area, looking down, it is all barren and sandy land.Occasionally there is a small piece of green oasis and many houses of native tribes, all of which are very simple. Five minutes later, they saw the Lima Plateau! Standing high in the sky, the Lima Plateau is like a gigantic stone drum placed on the ground. The upper part of the plateau is shrouded in fog.Unrealistic, the waterfalls pouring down from the clouds are like countless luminous ribbons under the sunlight.The cliff is steep up and down, extremely difficult to climb. If they could find a place to land on the plateau, they would be ahead of Brisden. However.Can you find the place where the jet landed on the top of this plateau full of mysterious legends? Anyone with a little knowledge of aviation knows that landing a jet plane is by no means a simple matter, because the speed of a jet plane, even if it is reduced to the lowest speed, is higher than that of a propeller plane.And it would be unthinkable without a long runway. Aircraft landing on an aircraft carrier.The accident rate is particularly high, which is the reason. Is it possible for this plane to land on the mysterious plateau? Both Gao Xiang and Magnolia had the same question in their hearts.Both were silent. As he gradually approached the plateau, Gao Xiang handed over the driving work to Magnolia.The Magnolia minimizes the speed at which the aircraft can fly, which is, in the case of a jet, such a speed.It was already lower than the standard "dangerous speed", so several warning red lights in the cab kept flashing and made a "beep" sound. This indicates the aircraft.It is by no means designed for such low speeds, and taken to fly at such low speeds.is extremely dangerous. Magnolia ignored those warnings, she just firmly grasped the steering wheel, Gao Xiang, who was sitting next to her, looked at those little red lights, with cold sweat constantly breaking out on his forehead. The plane sank several hundred feet steeply as it approached the plateau.Leave the plateau.Only about 400 feet or so, down.I saw that the top of the plateau was lush and green, almost full of tropical plants.On the corner near the southwest, it seems that someone is climbing up the cliff to reach the plateau. "Use a telescope to observe." Magnolia gave a simple order. Gao Xiang quickly turned the telescope.Looking closer, he saw a big waterfall with splashing water.Seeing the rocky rocks, finally.He saw the group of people climbing up the mountainside. That group of people.There are about ten of them.The leader is an Indian native; that is of course a guide, and behind them are three "Indians" with black faces, and behind them, a slender girl, supporting a handsome and thin young man, is walking upwards. climbing. "Xiuzhen! Xiuzhen!" Gao Xiang couldn't help himself.shouted.Of course Mu Xiuzhen couldn't hear his call.Mu Xiuzhen not only couldn't hear his call, but also.I never even heard the jets, because the sound of the nearby waterfall was so loud that it was half a mile wide, and the sound of the water was so deafening that you couldn't hear a gunshot from the opposite side. Magnolia drove the plane, circled twice, and then flew forward, and quickly flew over the entire plateau, but it was on the plateau.Even finding a place for a helicopter to land is difficult. Magnolia flew back and forth twice, Gao Xiang smiled wryly, "Lanhua, we are going back to Caracas!" Magnolia didn't make a sound. She raised the plane, and when it was 800 feet above the plateau, she said, "Gao Xiang, it must be a military plane. It has an escape system for the pilot and the co-pilot." "Yes, just press the button, you and I can jump straight out from the cabin." "Where's the parachute? Get ready." "But that plane" "The plane? We had to let it crash on the plateau. I think the Hawaii police will definitely pay compensation. If Brisden is caught, they will be very happy to pay compensation." Gao Xiang sighed, Magnolia looks like a very delicate woman, but her will is as hard as steel.Gao Xiang pulled up the landing device for Mulanhua first, and then buckled it up for himself. Magnolia lowered the plane. She observed from the instrument that the wind direction was north-northwest. When she flew to 300 feet, she called out: "Press!" Gao Xiang's hand was already on the escape button, and when Magnolia called, he pressed it down hard. Magnolia and Gao Xiang were thrown into the air at a speed of 160 meters per second within one hundredth of a second! Such a high speed, while the human being is completely exposed to the air, the air flowing around the human body forms a huge force, making it difficult for the human to even breathe. That kind of situation is similar to the situation of submerging in the sea and suddenly rising to the surface of the water. If the body is slightly weak or the heart is not healthy, it will die immediately. Shuaishi is a person like Mulanhua and Gao Xiang who has received strict oriental martial arts training, and he also felt dizzy for a while! The characteristic of oriental martial arts is that people who practice martial arts can adapt to various difficult and difficult environments. If they are not well-trained, the two of them must have passed out in mid-air. But the two of them are struggling to hold on now. When they were thrown about 200 meters high, they heard the out-of-control jet crash into the ground with a terrifying sound. on the plateau. When the jet crashed, the room air was also greatly shaken, making the two of them.In mid-air, they were thrown another ten yards, and the two opened their parachutes at the same time. Since Magnolia had already calculated the wind direction with her eyes, when the parachute opened.Following the direction of the wind, they drifted slowly towards the predetermined location. Fifteen minutes later, Gao Xiang landed first.He pulled out a sharp knife about one foot long from the boot bucket, before his feet landed.Then he waved his sharp blade and cut off the thorns on the ground, cutting out a square yard of open space for landing. That kind of thorn not only has sharp thorns like steel, but also emits a black-brown juice after being cut off, which is full of stench and makes people sick when they smell it. Gao Xiang endured the unpleasant smell, Falling among the thorn bushes, he saw that the magnolia had also fallen.Only ten yards away from him, the Magnolia landed on the ground, and suddenly let out an exclamation! Gao Xiang desperately rushed out of the thorns and ran forward. His clothes were pierced by the thorns, and the skin on the back of his hand was scratched by the thorns. Those scars Immediately, the grave was raised, as if someone had whipped him severely. Gao Xiang rushed out of the thorn bushes, and saw the magnolia flower struggling, struggling with an extremely huge plant similar in shape to an agave. At this time, its plump leaves with suckers are twisting, and two of them are already on the shoulders of the magnolia.That is the most terrifying tropical man-eating plant! Gao Xiang took a deep breath, jumped forward, and cut off two leaves that were already on the shoulders of the magnolia flower with a sharp blade. The other leaves of the plant retracted together, and when the leaves shrank, they gave out a sharp sound. , a ghost-like sound came, making one's hair stand on end! Magnolia quickly took two steps forward, got rid of the two broken leaves, and stood side by side with Gao Xiang, and the two slowly looked around.They are all fearless people, but in the current situation.But they also felt a chill, as if they had left the earth and arrived on another planet.They find themselves in an unknowable environment where countless unpredictable crises lurk. Surrounding them are all kinds of tropical plants. As far as they can see, there are as many as seven or eight of the huge man-eating orchids. There are many plants that they have never seen before. .They all have fat, thick leaves, and almost magical colors, and some of them are shining with a little pitiful light.On a big tree, they saw a few long and thick poisonous snakes, hooked the tip of their tails to the branches and hung upside down, and the rotten poisonous snakes with colorful spots stretched out to them just three feet away. Tongues, how many more death traps lurk in unseen places, waiting for them to fall! It is a place that no one has ever been to. The rare animals and plants in the world entrenched in this place may be in danger at every step. It is a beautiful little flower.It could be fatal! If Mulanhua and Gao Xiang were trapped in the siege of a group of bandits, they would definitely be fearless, but in this situation.But very different. The two stood side by side for a long while before Magnolia took a breath and said, "We should do it. When Brisdon climbs to the plateau, we will catch him by surprise." Gao Xiang nodded, and looked forward, and there were all kinds of dense and strange plants in front of him.He said: "I'll open the way!" The sharp blade in his hand swung out, and the two red poison butterfly tons were broken in two.He kept waving the sharp blade, and finally made people move forward. Magnolia had already figured out the direction. They were heading towards the place where they saw Brisden's group climb the mountain in the room. An hour later, they landed on the jet plane. The jet landed right in a swamp, only the tail was exposed out of the swamp, and a dozen alligators were raising their long snouts full of sharp teeth, curiously touching the tail. The two of them carefully skirted the swamp and passed through a large thicket of tall brambles, but suddenly the vegetation disappeared, and there were bare rocks everywhere.Is that a large bush of thorns preventing the plant from spreading, or is there another reason?Neither of them know that on this mysterious plateau, everything is unknowable, because here is a blank spot of human knowledge. Although it is not easy to walk on the strange rocks of Lianqi Tso'e, it is much better than going through thorns and thorns, and there are many less poisonous insects and snakes. After a while, they saw a small stream, The water in the creek must have actually flowed out from the swamp, but at this time, the water in the stream meanders between the rocks, but it is clearer than crystal. The further you go, the more streams will become, and some places have merged into small waterfalls because of the sudden drop of the terrain. Finally, they came to the edge of the cliff. The two of them looked down together and saw that Bresden and his group of seven or eight people were climbing up with difficulty sixty yards from the top of the plateau. Sten's hoarse howl, it is obvious that he has almost exhausted his strength in order to climb up the Lima plateau non-stop! Under such circumstances, Magnolia and Gao Xiang looked at each other.Already feel like I have the upper hand. Gao Xiang gently patted a big rock beside him. There was a very obvious crack between that rock and the cliff, which weighed at least two tons. Although the waterfall did not rush down here, the water flowed through the gap , stone crevices wetted by water.It must be very loose. Both Mulanhua and Gao Xiang knew about this boulder, and they only needed to push it lightly.It can roll down, but when the boulder rolls down, Brisden and his group will naturally have no way out. If it wasn't for Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen who were also with the gangsters, then Gao Xiang must have stretched out his hand to push the boulder down.But now it is impossible! Is there any way to make Mu Xiuzhen go away, or climb up faster? Gao Xiang looked at the magnolia flower, pointed at the big rock, and then sipped at the people below.Magnolia had already fully understood what he meant, and she took out a very small piece of aluminum pipe from her pocket, only half an inch long.in her mouth. The small piece of almost aluminum tube was contained in Magnolia's mouth, Magnolia's mouth.Suddenly, a series of crisp and rhythmic birdsong sounds came out. This was not a surprising thing.All the children in the country would imitate all kinds of bird songs with wheat branches in their mouths, but Magnolia learned it very well, and it was not just bird songs. From the melodious birdsong, the length of the sound can be distinguished. If you pay more attention, you can still hear the length and height.There is a law, that is a code word. Mu Xiuzhen was on the cliff when Magnolia uttered this code word through the sound of birdsong.Support Ma Chaowen to climb up. I don't know how many times, Mu Xiuzhen wanted to fight this gangster desperately, but she finally held back, not because she was afraid of the two gun-wielding gangsters below her, she had already considered it, Most of the stones on the cliff became very loose due to the seepage of water. She could light down two stones and kill the two gunmen who were watching her actions.Unexpectedly smashed to death. But what about Ma Chaowen?Who will take care of Ma Chaowen? Even if the two gangsters were killed, there would still be five more on Brisden's side.They all have weapons. If there is only one of them, of course they dare to fight recklessly, but they have absolutely no certainty of winning. What's more, there is still a Ma Chaowen now! Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen met each other in adversity, and an extremely profound friendship has been established between them.And the friendship between a man and a woman is very wonderful, it will change from friendship to love unconsciously.In Mu Xiuzhen's heart.It didn't even occur to him that he was in love with this brainy, slightly stubborn young scientist. But in fact, because of Ma Chaowen, she had already changed her original behavior and style. She didn't dare to act blindly, suppressed her anger, and listened to the yelling of these gangsters! The yelling of the bandits, amidst the rumbling waterfall, sounded very dull, like a group of mad dogs barking.Because it is close to the big waterfall, there are sometimes small springs flowing out of the rock crevices, and the speed of climbing up is very slow.Also very difficult. Mu Xiuzhen pulled Ma Chaowen up hard, complaining, "Did you climb the plateau along this route last time?" Ma Chaowen nodded and said, "Yes." "Hmph, at that time no one pried you up, how did you get to the plateau?" "We climbed for two days." Ma Chaowen's face turned red, "We didn't climb up all at once, so we don't feel tired like this time." Mu Xiuzhen complained to Ma Chaowen just now, but he immediately felt that what he said was too much, smiled shyly, and pointed upwards: "Look, that fat man, Brisden, is crawling ahead of us. , we have to catch up. Otherwise, it would be shameful!" "You are right!" The two of them worked hard and climbed another five or six feet. Just as they came to Brisden's side, and when Mu Xiuzhen was about to stop laughing at Brisden, he heard the birdsong of the magnolia. Because of the sharpness of the birdsong, the sound of the waterfall did not completely cover it up, and it could still be faintly heard.When Mu Xiuzhen heard the "birdsong", she didn't pay much attention to it. Ma Chaowen spoke first. He looked up, gasped, and said, "It's almost here. Listen, the birdsong on the plateau is also coming!" I can hear you." Mu Xiuzhen listened inadvertently, and when she heard it, her body shook suddenly. She heard the bird song was a secret language, and it was calling her name: "Xiuzhen! Xiuzhen!" Except for the magnolia flower, no one would use the sound of birdsong as a secret language. Is it possible that the magnolia flower is on it?Is Miss Lanhua on top? Mu Xiuzhen was so happy that she almost cried, she grabbed a stone corner.It was just at this time that Brisden was motionless.Turning his head to look at her, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a sneer, "Miss Mu, it's almost here, when you see the large number of diamonds, you will feel that this trip is worthwhile, hurry up and climb up !" But at this time, Mu Xiuzhen never heard what Brisden said, she just listened to the "birdsong" attentively.She intermittently heard Mulan saying: "Xiuzhen, get away, try to get away, stay away!" Mu Xiuzhen was so happy that she shouted: "OK!" Her shout did not arouse Brisden's suspicion.Brisden only thought she was answering his words, but Mu Xiuzhen herself felt guilty. She cried out, stopped quickly, and glanced at Brisden. Her demeanor aroused Brisden's suspicion. At the same time, Brisden also heard the "birdsong" coming down from above.If Bresden was a fool.Then he would not be the second-ranking member of a large-scale bandit organization like the "Red Shirt Club". He immediately felt that something was wrong, so when Mu Xiuzhen lightly touched Ma Chaowen and the two of them climbed a foot sideways, he was startled and he looked up first. But because Magnolia and Gao Xiang hid it very cleverly, he couldn't see anyone above, but that kind of bird song.But it has made his doubts reach their peak. He said coldly, "Miss Mu, where are you going?" "Hey, didn't you climb to the plateau to find diamonds?" "Besides diamonds," Brisden smiled sinisterly, "I'm afraid there are other things on the plateau." Mu Xiuzhen was busy, and thought to herself: "Does this guy understand the secret language between us?" She pretended not to pay attention, and said: "Of course, there are poisonous snakes and monsters." Although Brisden was puzzled, he never imagined that Magnolia was already "waiting" for him on the plateau, because he had been receiving reports that Magnolia was still at home in City H. "Don't leave me too far." Brisden ordered. "Xiuzhen, stay away from them. Stay away!" Mulanhua's secret words ordered. Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen continued to climb out, but Brisden had already drawn his pistol and said: "Don't move, if you want to move again, I will not be polite!" "What is this? With so many of you, are you still afraid of the two of us who are unarmed?" Mu Xiuzhen deliberately teased the other party. "Hey," said Brisden, who was cunning and cunning, and would never be provoked, "I'm afraid there are more than two of you." His fox-like eyes fixed on Mu Xiuzhen closely. Mu Xiuzhen couldn't hold her breath. If she didn't make a sound, then Brisden wouldn't have thought that there was really someone on the plateau to take care of her.But Mu Xiuzhen hastily argued: "No, there is no one above." Brisden immediately knew what was going on.He waved his hand down, and the rest of the people also stopped. They all drew their weapons and faced Ma Chaowen and Mu Xiuzhen. On the plateau, Gao Xiang couldn't hear the conversation between Mu Xiuzhen and Brisden.But he saw two people moving aside, and they were naturally Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen. He clenched his fists and called in a low voice: "Stay away, stay away." Magnolia continued to utter the secret phrase "Bird's Song".But at this time, Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen had been pointed at by Bresden with pistols, and they did not continue to move out of the mountain. Magnolia stopped the "bird singing" and said with a wry smile: "I just happened to be on the other side of the mountain." Clumsy." Gao Xiang was stunned and said, "What? Did they find out?" At this moment, only two gunshots of "Ban" and "Ban" were heard. The two gunshots themselves were not surprising, but an echo sounded from the cliff.But it is extremely astonishing.The echo spread continuously like a thunderbolt, making the whole cliff seem to be trembling. Judging from the gunshots, those two shots were empty guns fired into the air. Then, Brisden's voice came up, saying: "Who is that up there, speak up quickly, otherwise we will be impolite and we will attack." Neither Mulanhua nor Gao Xiang made a sound, if it was Mu Xiuzhen.Ma Chaowen and two people.It would be nice to be a little farther away from the gangsters, then they will push down that big rock without hesitation, but the distance between the two sides is now.But it's too close! "We are condescending, I don't know how he can deal with us?" Gao Xiang whispered.While paying attention to the movement below.I saw a bandit holding a shiny metal cylinder on the rock. "If the people above don't answer, we're going to fire bombs!" It was Brisden's voice again. "What kind of weapon is this?" Gao Xiang asked in confusion. "I don't know either." Magnolia said, "Let's find a place to hide first." They rolled and hid behind a large rock. They just hid. There was a "pass", a shell the size of a grenade.It flew straight up.But after flying about ten yards higher, it immediately fell down, and when it landed, there was a huge explosion! The explosive power of that grenade was so great that the entire cliff was shaken.Gravel flew around.The smoke filled the air.Fortunately, Mulanhua and Gao Xiang had already found a place to hide! When the two of them were about to straighten up after the sound of the explosion slowly passed away, they heard Mu Xiuzhen's crying voice, "Sister Lanhua! Sister Lanhua!" Magnolia smiled and called, "Xiuzhen, I don't have one." Before she could finish her sentence, there was another "pass", and the second grenade flew up again.The place where this grenade landed and exploded was closer to them than the first one. The gravel and thick smoke rushed towards the two of them together.They lay tightly on the ground.In order to avoid damage, when the smoke gradually disappeared, they raised their heads.Suddenly attracted by a thrilling "cracking" sound, Magnolia first saw that the big rock they were about to push down just now was falling down! At the beginning, the cracks expanded very slowly.But in the blink of an eye.It has been added to one inch, two inches.Three inches, Magnolia jumped up.Running towards the cliff, she yelled: "Be careful, the rock has cracked, and those below are careful!" Before she ran to the front of the big rock, she only heard a loud bang.The big rock weighing more than one ton has already rolled down. On the cliff, there was a scream like a scream, and the momentum of the big rock rolling down drove other rocks that were about to collapse.In an instant, apart from the rumbling sound of the rocks cracking, even the exclamation was drowned out and could not be heard anymore. Magnolia stood up abruptly, yelled "remorse", covered her face with her hands, her heart was sinking continuously, like a stone rolling down a cliff! Xiuzhen was still down there, she was with the gangsters, she was about to die with the gangsters, she... Mulanhua thought of the horror of the stone collapse.The legs seemed to be nailed to the ground. Gao Xiang also hurried to her side, shouting: "Lanhua, Lanhua!" Mulanhua ignored him, just pointed to the front, and said: "Gao Xiang, go and see her!" Gao Xiang rushed to the edge of the cliff and looked down. He could hardly believe his eyes, he saw three people, clinging to the stone corner, their bodies still hanging on the cliff, while other gangsters.It has been performed along with the stones. The two on the left, leaning together are Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen, and the fat man on the right is Brisden.As soon as Brisden saw someone above, he yelled like a pig: "Quickly throw the rope down and save me. Hurry up and save me!" Gao Xiang turned his head and shouted to Magnolia: "Zipline, hurry up!" Mulanhua strode forward, and with a "huh", she dropped the zip line, and she threw the zip line towards Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen. Mu Xiuzhen grabbed the hook at one end of the zipline, handed it to Ma Chaowen, and said, "You go up first." "You go up first." Ma Chaowen refused to answer. "Don't let it go!" Magnolia yelled from above: "How long can you hold on to the stone corner?" One word reminded Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen that the stone was already loosening.Mu Xiuzhen stretched out her hand, grabbed Ma Chaowen's arm, and said, "Come on, let's go up together!" The two were hanging on the zipline, and Gao Xiang and Mulanhua pulled it hard.Pull them up.At this time, Brisden kept yelling: "Don't forget me, don't forget me." After Mu Xiuzhen and Ma Chaowen went up the cliff together, Magnolia shook her hand and threw the zip line to Brisden. Brisden was obviously too impatient to throw it with the zip line. He was a fat man, and the corner of the stone he was holding was very loose. As soon as he jumped, the stone came loose, and his outstretched hand was only three inches away from the zipline! But it is the distance of three inches that determines the life and death of a person! With a long, mournful howl, Brisden fell down a cliff two thousand feet, ending his sinful life. Ma Chaowen and Mu Xiuzhen escaped from death.After staying there for a while, Mu Xiuzhen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sister Lanhua, let me introduce you, he is Ma Chaowen." "Mr. Ma," Mulanhua politely shook hands with Ma Chaowen, "Do you accept that Xiuzhen didn't give me a hand?" "No, no!" Ma Chaowen said quickly.But Mu Xiuzhen herself laughed embarrassedly. "Okay," Gao Xiang stretched his arms, "we should go get those diamonds." "You never forget money." Mu Xiuzhen smiled. "Of course, we crashed a plane lent to us by the Hawaiian police. If we can't find the money, what should we do to compensate them?" Gao Xiang spread his hands. Ma Chaowen had already jumped onto a big rock and looked around. "I have an impression of this place, yes, go there!" He pointed to the northeast direction, with an extremely excited look on his face. “秀珍,你可得小心,这个高原上,充满了世上已经罕见的动植物,我估计吃人植物就有十种以上!”高翔指着密密茂茂的神秘高原,警告着穆秀珍。 “我才不怕呢!”穆秀珍一昂头,拉着马超文的手。便向前走去,木兰花和高翔两人,望望他们的背影,又互望了一眼,发出了会心的微笑来,高翔还长长地叹了一口气。 木兰花是知道高翔叹气的意思的,她的芳心也有一些撩乱。她向前急步地走了过去,高翔则默默地跟在她的后面。 顺着他们刚才砍出来的那条路,穿过了荆棘丛,四人小心翼翼地走着,几乎每一步都有着死亡陷阱在等着他们,肥大的热带植物,十之八九是有毒的,盘踞在上面的毒蛇,像魔鬼一样吐着蛇信。 走出了八九十码,马超文侧耳细听,他们一起听到了凉凉的流水声,马超文转过头来,他兴奋得几乎连话也讲不出来了,喘着气,道:“就在这里,就在前面,我们找到了世界上最大的天然钻石的蕴藏地!” 他加快脚步,向前冲去,恨快地便来到了一条小溪旁边,一到了那条小溪旁边,四个人都呆住了。 那是一条普通的小溪,溪水极其清澈,在溪底下,大约是由于沼气的关系。不断有水泡串珠也似地向水面上升来,千千万万,十分好看。可是钻石呢?所谓钻石在哪里呢? 好一会,穆秀珍才最先开口,道:“超文,不在这里,你弄错了!” “不,在这里!”马超文急速地辩着:“我当时虽然是在半昏起的状态之中,但这里的一切,我还是记得十分清楚的,在这道小溪中,全是钻石,发着耀目的光华,世上没有什么别的东西,可以发出这样夺目的光辉来的,那一定是钻石!” 马超文手一直指着前面,突然之间,他像是魔术师一样,他的话实现了,小溪之中,充满了神奇的光辉,耀目生光,像是刹那之间,溪水之中,便涌满了钻石一样。 四人又是一呆,但他们随即明白了。 他们一齐回头看去,太阳正在他们的身后,由于米卧光巧妙的角度,使得在小溪中上升的千千万万水泡,每一个水泡都发出耀目的光华,不要说马超文第一次着到这种景象时是在半昏迷的状态之中,就是现在,四人的神智都十分清醒,看来也像满溪钻石! 四人呆了好一会,穆秀珍才道:“哼,这就是所谓钻石!” 马超玟神色尴尬,慑儒难言。 “秀珍,”木兰花神色庄严。“你错了。这次给我们一个很大的教训。财富本来是虚幻的,真的钻石,和眼前这些水泡未必有什么不同,可笑有人为了追寻虚幻的财富,而不惜丧失了生命。我相信你和马先生都是不处此行的,你们已经找到了比财富更珍贵千百倍的真情,是不是?” 穆秀珍和马超文互望了一眼,都低下头去,他们心中咀嚼着木兰花刚才的话。 太阳光十分强烈。小溪中的光芒,着来也更耀目,但穆秀珍和马超文两人,都觉得郎使是真的一溪钻石和相互之间的真情,任由他们抉择,他们也一定选取后者的了。 (full text)
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