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Chapter 6 Chapter Six

beheaded 倪匡 6344Words 2018-03-22
"I see, he is in the basement below," Magnolia said immediately, "and died, he bit the poison sac himself to death, who is he, is he a very important person?" "It can be said to be, but after the Second World War, he has long since declined. The Germans once occupied our country. At that time, he was the head of a consortium that cooperated with the Germans. After the defeat of the Nazis, he Escaping trial and traveling to South America, our agents have been trying to catch him and bring him back for trial, but he is so cunning that we have never succeeded." Magnolia had long expected that Hess was not a simple character, but she also didn't expect that there would be such a twists and turns in it!She thought quickly in her heart, although Hess is dead, he must have played a very important role in this operation. A person of his status, if he didn't have extremely huge benefits, he would never Dare to return to the motherland that he once betrayed!

It seems that he returned to Denmark only for the head of the mermaid. Why is the head of the mermaid sculpture so attractive to him? Magnolia was also in a daze at that moment, unable to figure out why. And Ludas said already: "Let's go down and have a look. I have also participated in the work of arresting the Miss Case of Hess. I have seen various pictures of him and I am very impressed with him. If he dies here If so, it is indeed an unusual thing, why should he come back? What attracted him to come back?" Magnolia almost wanted to tell Lu Dasi that the reason why He Si came back was to sculpt the head of the mermaid, and Yun Sifeng's disappearance and what happened at the airport were all related to the mermaid's head!

But Magnolia did not speak out. She herself had a hard time explaining why she didn't mention the six pictures of the mermaid's head taken from different angles to Rudas.She thought about it at the time, or just wanted to conduct a separate investigation. Lu Dasi had already walked towards the row of pig troughs, he held a gun in his hand, and Magnolia followed behind him, Mu Xiuzhen saw Lu Dasi's expression was very nervous, and said: "Don't worry, the people below, They are either dead or unconscious, and it will take at least a few hours before they can move again!"

But Lu Dasi still held the pistol and said: "Who knows? Maybe there will be an accident. There is always nothing wrong with being careful, isn't it?" Mu Xiuzhen looked very disapproving, but Mulanhua immediately stopped her with a wink, not letting her argue with Ludas. They went to the basement together, and first saw the four gunmen on the ground and the farm owner, Ludas came. When he came to those unconscious people, he carefully looked at them. Magnolia said: "He Si is inside, he—" As soon as Mulanhua spoke, she stopped suddenly, and at the same time, a look of astonishment and inexplicable surprise appeared on Mulanhua's face.

Not only Magnolia, but also Mu Xiuzhen, only to hear Mu Xiuzhen suck in a breath of cool air, her face changed drastically, and she couldn't make a sound. Ludas continued to walk forward, stepped over the retractable wall, and went to another basement. Looking around, he asked, "Where is Hess? Where is it?" Mu Xiuzhen couldn't bear it anymore, she yelled strangely, and said, "He's gone! He...he was still here just now, he...his corpse..." Mu Xiuzhen looked at Magnolia and couldn't continue talking. Lu Dasi was also taken aback, and said, "What's going on? There's no one here, Miss, are you sure that he is indeed dead? Or—"

At this time, the basement was empty, and there was no body of Hosse Paulz.Not only was there no body, even the suit jacket that Mulanhua had searched was gone! When Mulanhua suddenly found out about this accident, she was naturally extremely surprised, but she quickly calmed down from her shock. She said slowly: "I think we were tricked by him, he wasn't dead, but we treated him as dead, and he ran away when we left!" "How is that possible?" Mu Xiuzhen immediately said, "We saw that his complexion has become so ugly, and the smell of poisonous cyanide, he... is indeed dead."

"Xiuzhen," Mulanhua said very seriously, "when we thought he was dead, did we check his heartbeat and pulse to prove that he was indeed dead?" "No, but—" Mu Xiuzhen still argued. But Magnolia waved her hand and said: "That proves our negligence, he may have taken a kind of medicine, that kind of medicine can make people in a state that looks like death, but In fact, it is just a coma, and within a few minutes, it will wake up, but we were tricked by him!" Luda Siqi said: "Miss, why do you think that way, don't you think that someone else came and removed his body?"

Magnolia said in a deep voice: "Of course I thought that too, but it's impossible, because we only came out after hearing the sound of the helicopter, and at least two people are required to take away a corpse. Two people go into the basement and come out with a dead body, there's no way we're not aware of it." Mulanhua paused for a while before she said: "And if he wakes up a few minutes after 'death sinking' and sees that he has a chance to escape, it will be easy for him to sneak out alone. There are too many." Mu Xiuzhen hurriedly said: "Then, he must not be able to escape far!"

Magnolia looked at Lu Dasi, Lu Dasi waved his hand, tapped his thumb and middle finger, and said "Of course, what are we waiting for? Let's search nearby!" Magnolia nodded and said: "Yes, if he hasn't gone far, then we may catch him. Please order your subordinates to search. Be careful, Hess is a very cunning person!" Lu Dasi rushed out without waiting for Mulanhua to finish speaking. Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen were still in the basement, but they could also hear Lu Dasi's yelling and the sound of police cars driving, obviously the search had already started.

Mulanhua paced back and forth for a few steps, and then sat down on the sofa. She held her head in her hands and her brows were knotted. Mu Xiuzhen was walking back and forth in front of her, and Mulanhua suddenly said, "Xiuzhen, sit down and relax." it is good?" Mu Xiuzhen was stunned for a while, and Mulanhua had already sighed, and said: "Xiuzhen, don't blame me, there are too many clues in this matter, and I haven't been able to figure out a clue so far, I can't grasp it." The core of this matter, so I can't further understand the essence of this matter, Hess made me suffer a setback—"

"That's not a big deal," Mu Xiuzhen said, "We still have eight captives. When they wake up, we can ask some confessions from them." Magnolia nodded and said, "This is our only—" She just stopped talking here, and then stopped. Because she saw that Lu Dasi looked strange, and walked in with two police officers.As soon as he came in, Lu Dasi said: "Miss, you said that the few people outside just passed out?" In this sentence of questioning, Mulanhua already sensed that another accident had happened, and she hurriedly said, "That's right, they now—" "They're all dead," Ludas replied. Magnolia took another deep breath. Once again she was thwarted! If her guess is correct, then the death of the four gunmen and the owner of the farm must have been done by Hess, which made it impossible for them to get any confessions! After being stunned for a while, Magnolia immediately asked again: "The five in the basement are all dead, so what about the three in the wooden house? They—" Lu Dasi shook his head, and said: "They are also dead. .” Magnolia was stunned again, for a split second, she opened her mouth wide, but she didn't say anything, obviously she wanted to say something, but changed her mind temporarily. She asked again: "What is the cause of their death?" "Miss," Ludas said somewhat dissatisfied in his tone, "the weapon you used to attack them—" "That's just an anesthesia injection, which can only stun people, but will never take their lives. Officer Ludas, do you think I'm a bloodthirsty person who will kill so many people at once?" Magnolia asked back. Lu Dake said: "I didn't mean that. I... think, if they didn't die under your weapon, then their cause of death will not be known until after the autopsy." Mulan only felt that the matter was getting more and more complicated. She knew that there must be a very important key point, which she had never understood.Now, she can speculate that the cause of the five deaths in the basement was the murder of He Si when he left. However, why did the three people in the wooden house also die? His own anesthesia injection will never kill anyone, and even if Hess leaves, he can only kill five people in the basement at most, and it is absolutely impossible to kill three people in the wooden house. Because if he wanted to kill those three people, he would have to walk in front of many policemen and himself. Unless he knew the invisibility method, otherwise, that would be absolutely impossible. So, how did the three people in the wooden house die? Magnolia didn't say anything more, but from Ludas's expression, it was obvious that he was quite dissatisfied with Magnolia.Turning around, he said, "I'm going to continue searching, goodbye." He said the word "goodbye" very loudly, which meant that he did not want to see Magnolia again from now on.Magnolia smiled wryly, but didn't make a sound. After Lu Dasi left, Mu Xiuzhen asked in bewilderment, "Sister Lanhua, how did those three people in the wooden house die?" Mulanhua didn't answer, she stood there blankly for about half a minute before she said, "Xiuzhen, didn't you shoot a wolfhound with an anesthetic needle?" "Yeah, I just shot the dog, and there's someone behind me." "Let's go and see that dog!" Magnolia walked out. At this time, the five people in the basement were being carried out on a stretcher, Mulanhua didn't even look at them, she quickly came up to the top and rushed into the wooden house. The wolf dog was placed under a square table, and Magnolia immediately pushed the square table away.She didn't have to bend over to know that the wolfhound was not dead, but passed out. Because although the wolfhound was lying still, its chest and abdomen were rising and falling, which proved that it was not dead.That also proved that all the people were killed later, and the reason was to silence them! The three people were also carried out. When Magnolia exited the cabin, the black box car had already driven away. Magnolia also saw that the police car was gathering towards the farm. The team is closed!" Mu Xiuzhen asked anxiously, "Then what shall we do?" "Us? We are going to act independently without a clue!" Mulanhua replied slowly to Mu Xiuzhen's question. "So, we can't rescue Sifeng for the time being?" Magnolia sighed again, and said: "Not for the time being, because we are at a disadvantage, Xiuzhen, it can be said that it is an extreme disadvantage. We just made some discoveries, but all the clues have been cut off!" Mu Xiuzhen's eyes were red with anxiety. Although she didn't say anything, the anxious look on her face was enough to represent everything!Magnolia thought for a while before saying, "We should leave too." She walked out of the cabin first, and met Ludas head-on. Lu Dasi's thick eyebrows were also knotted, and he said, "Miss, I really hope you can tell me how I should write a report to my superior about the deaths of these eight people!" In Lu Dasi's words, it seemed that one could hear a considerable degree of dissatisfaction. This attitude was quite different from when he first received Magnolia. But Magnolia replied very calmly: "Naturally, you should state in the report that they were killed by one or more murderers. The purpose of the killing was to silence them. I don't want them to fall into the hands of the police and have a confession." Come out. Officer Rudas, this is something that can only be done by an extremely strict criminal organization." Lu Dasi immediately said: "Miss, your proposal is just a speculation without any factual basis. If my report is full of such speculation, how will the boss think of me?" Mulan Hua still maintained a polite smile, but Mu Xiuzhen could no longer hold her breath. She said: "Officer, how to write the report is your business, right?" "Yes, but don't forget that the troubles here are caused by you!" Ludas replied unceremoniously. Magnolia said: "I'm sorry, Officer Ludas, if you think this is troublesome." While Mulan said, she pulled Mu Xiuzhen away, and Lu Dasi hurriedly said, "You two, may I know what your next move will be?" "I wish I knew too!" Magnolia replied coldly. They strode out of the farm. Mu Xiuzhen hummed and said, "Sister Lanhua, I think Lu Dasi is very suspicious. Maybe he is not a good person!" "Stop talking nonsense, Xiuzhen!" "Why not?" Mu Xiuzhen was still not convinced. "I thought about that too," Mulan said, "Because he could have enough chances to kill those eight people, but if you think about it further, you will know that it is impossible, because the two of us came together, Ludas knows it, if Ludas is their accomplice, why would they mistake you for me?" Mu Xiuzhen thought about it, and Mulanhua's analysis was very reasonable, so she didn't say anything, and the two of them arrived at their car ten minutes after leaving the farm. Their car was parked by the side of the road. When they came to the car, they saw several police cars speeding past on the road, and Ludas' helicopter had already taken off. Mu Xiuzhen opened the car door, and Mulanhua had already grasped the door handle, but she immediately said, "Xiuzhen, why didn't I think that there might be another passage in the basement?" Mu Xiuzhen was dumbfounded and said, "From the middle of the wooden house to the basement?" "Yes, and there may be more than one. Not only can it lead from the basement to the wooden house, but it can also lead to other places from the wooden house? Why didn't we think of this?" "That's because we were led to go in and out of the basement twice, so that we created the illusion that the pig house and the pig trough were the only secret passages!" Mu Xiuzhen replied immediately. "You're right, let's go back to the farm and try to inform Ludas to come back, so he doesn't have to worry about how to write his report!" Magnolia hurried out. However, she had only taken two steps when suddenly, in the dark bushes, there was a sneer, and then a gloomy voice said: "There are four guns pointed at you, don't move! " Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen suddenly turned around. Their infrared glasses had been removed, and it was too late to put them on at this time. Therefore, when they turned around, they only saw a pitch-black mass, and they couldn't tell where the sound came from. Mulanhua immediately signaled Mu Xiuzhen not to act rashly, and she said in a deep voice, "He Si, you only have one gun." Hess laughed: "Maybe you are willing to take the risk?" Magnolia said: "I can take risks, you only have one gun, and we have two—" Before Magnolia finished speaking, He Si had already burst into laughter, and said, "Miss, don't make me laugh, you are all within my range, there is no problem for me to shoot you!" Mu Xiuzhen said, "But you can't shoot both of us at the same time!" "That's right," Hess smiled strangely, "but are you willing to sacrifice one? Tell me, which one of you is willing to die, then you don't have to obey my orders!" Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen looked at each other, but it was difficult to say anything.Hess continued to sneer and said, "Mulanhua, Mu Xiuzhen, you are all extraordinary, but I, Hess Pots, am not easy to get along with. If I am a crook, think about it, a Danish spy , Will you try your best for twenty years and still not find me? They always thought I was in South America, but in fact I never left Denmark! You two, put your hands on your heads!" Mu Xiuzhen glanced at Mulanhua, and Mulanhua nodded. The two of them put their hands on their heads together, and Mulanhua said, "But this time, you've given yourself away." "Maybe," Hess replied, "but I am going to leave Denmark now, and you two will help me leave. You must continue to do things for me. You will not know your friend's whereabouts until I am safe!" Mu Xiuzhen raised her eyebrows angrily, but Mulanhua smiled instead: "It seems that this will take a long time, doesn't it?" "If you work hard, you can shorten the time!" Hess said, he had already walked out of the bushes, holding a double-barreled shotgun in his hand. This kind of shotgun naturally belongs to the farm, but it is also a highly effective killing weapon. Fei Si pointed the gun at Yun Xiuzhen and said, "Mulanhua, you get in the car first! You will drive." Magnolia stopped for a while, came to the side of the car, opened the door, and sat in the driver's seat.He Si said again: "And then you, Miss Mu, I will never be stingy with bullets." Mu Xiuzhen also walked over and sat beside Mulanhua. He Si also sat down on the back seat with a very quick movement, and the barrel of the gun was still aimed at the back of Mu Xiuzhen's neck. Mu Xiuzhen glanced at Mulanhua, and then at the seat next to her. Magnolia naturally understood what she meant. There were four buttons next to their seats. If they pressed one of them, the two of them would immediately jump out of the car! Feith naturally couldn't shoot them the moment they popped out, Mu Xiuzhen's intention was to ask Mulanhua to press the button.However, Magnolia has other plans. Yes, Magnolia shook her head. Mu Xiuzhen didn't understand why Mulanhua didn't use the button that could make them out of Hess' control, but as before, she always obeyed Mulanhua's decision. But at this moment, what made her sad was that she couldn't argue loudly with Mulanhua, so she let out a long sigh. Although He Si, who was sitting in the back seat, was extremely shrewd, he didn't know that the two of them had exchanged opinions in an instant.He said in a deep voice: "Mulanhua, you have to follow my command, and drive wherever I want you to go, otherwise, Miss Mu will have two more blood holes on the back of her neck!" He touched the barrel of the gun to the back of Mu Xiuzhen's neck. The cold barrel made Mu Xiuzhen uneasy.Magnolia immediately said: "This car is borrowed from the police, aren't you afraid that the police will have radio tracers in the car?" "Haha," Hess laughed, "Of course not. If there was a radio tracer on the car, Rudas would have known where you were, so there's no need for you to call and tell him!" Magnolia took a deep breath. This short Hess is a shrewd guy, and he must not be underestimated. She has always been at a disadvantage. When will she gain the upper hand? The more Mulan knows that her opponent is strong, the stronger her confidence will be.She disagreed with Mu Xiuzhen's escape method just now, that is, she didn't want to leave He Si. Not only did she want to rescue Yun Sifeng, but she also wanted to know what He Si was up to. what! Therefore, at this moment, He Si couldn't help admiring her calmness.Magnolia smiled and said, "Okay then, may I ask, where do you want me to sail now?" Hess said: "Go out from this side road, turn left when you reach the main road, and I will notify you when you need to turn again!" Magnolia stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped forward. At this time, the police car had already driven away, and there was a light coming from the farm. It might be that there were still a few police officers staying behind.Not to mention that Magnolia couldn't contact them, even if she could, Magnolia wouldn't contact them.Because now, although she is at a disadvantage, she is with Hess. That is her only clue to understand the truth of the matter, and she is not willing to give up so easily.
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