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Chapter 10 chapter Ten

headhunting 倪匡 6372Words 2018-03-22
Anne is disabled. The reason for her disability is polio. The reason for the disability caused by polio is that the spinal cord becomes hardened after inflammation, which makes the nerve center unable to direct certain parts of the body.Annie's legs could be said to be unconscious, but at this moment, she was able to use her own legs to stand upright. Mu Xiuzhen is the person who likes to talk the most, but when she saw such a situation, she just opened her mouth wide, excited, excited, happy, that kind of emotion blocked her throat, so that she couldn't speak a word . It was Annie herself who spoke out first.

She called out in a strange tone, "Can I stand on my own?" She yelled and waved her hands. She was already standing unsteadily, so when she waved her arms, she leaned forward and fell forward. Mu Xiuzhen hurried over and supported her. Annie leaned on Mu Xiuzhen's shoulders, tears poured out of her eyes involuntarily, she kept saying: "Sister Xiuzhen, I can stand now, I'm dreaming, am I? I don't know how many times I dream, I can use my To walk on my own feet, now I must be dreaming, must be." Mu Xiuzhen supported Annie, and Annie stepped out slowly, took a step, and then took another step, her hands were tightly grasping Mu Xiuzhen's arm, refusing to let go.

Although she was supported by Mu Xiuzhen, she was indeed walking by herself! Gao Xiang was standing beside Magnolia, his gaze was always on Anne, and he murmured: "This is impossible, Lanhua, do you believe that is the truth?" Magnolia also looked at Annie, and said, "That's the truth." Yun Sifeng frowned, and said, "In that case, the antidote of the Gangli people has a miraculous effect on the disabled caused by polio?" Magnolia said: "It is possible, it may be the effect of the poison, or it may be the result of her continuous high fever. There are many cases of polio recovering suddenly, and sometimes even the disability can be overcome with faith. The famous The President of the United States, Roosevelt, wrote a book detailing how he overcame polio."

Gao Xiang let out a breath, and said: "Lanhua, we came to the headhunter's forbidden area, and we didn't expect to have such a harvest. Look, Xiuzhen has let her go, and she is walking by herself!" Mu Xiuzhen had let go of Annie. Annie was standing. She looked at Mu Xiuzhen, as if asking Mu Xiuzhen to help her again, but Mu Xiuzhen stepped back and took a few steps back. Annie walked forward slowly, with her arms open, balancing her body, her condition was like the sound of learning to walk, but she finally took her first step in her life! Then, her body swayed and fell to the ground.

But she straightened herself up immediately and took another step forward. Magnolia raised her voice and shouted: "Okay, Anne, you should rest!" Annie turned her head and said, "Sister Lanhua, let me take a few more steps, I have never walked on my own legs, thank you, let me take a few more steps!" Mulanhua's eyes couldn't help but feel a little moist. She didn't say anything, just nodded, and then waved to Mu Xiuzhen, who rushed over. Mulanhua said: "Xiuzhen, you are here, accompany Annie and teach her to walk. Gao Xiang and I are still going to find Wang Kejing. I want to stop him from doing one thing."

Originally, Mu Xiuzhen liked to take part in all kinds of activities, but this time, Mulanhua asked her to stay here and practice walking with Annie, but Mu Xiuzhen agreed without hesitation! Yun Sifeng asked in surprise: "What does Wang Kejing want to do?" Magnolia said: "I believe that in the forbidden area of ​​the Gangli people, there is a very rich uranium mine, some of which are even in the open air!" Gao Xiang and Yun Sifeng were suddenly taken aback.Mu Xiuzhen had already rushed back to Annie's side, so she never heard Mulanhua's words. Gao Xiang immediately remembered the conversation between Wang Kejing and Wang Keli. Wang Kejing said that he would not only become the richest person in the world, but also that some countries would give him a large amount of land and let him build a kingdom!

Gao Xiang really couldn't figure out the reason at the time, but now, he understands that only a person with a rich secret uranium mine in his hands can do that. Uranium is an indispensable raw material for atomic weapons, and there are too many countries in the world that need atomic weapons. As long as there is uranium supply, almost any condition can be agreed. Before Gao Xiang asked again, Yun Sifeng said, "Uranium mine? Sister Lanhua, how do you know?" Magnolia said: "I mentioned the explorer many years ago. He died at the hands of the natives, but his writings were published after his body was discovered."

"Yes, you said it." Gao Xiang said. "In the records of that explorer." Magnolia said: "It is mentioned that among the areas where the Gangli people were active, there is a place where the gods live and no one can approach it. If they approach, the people will die after a few days , blisters will appear all over the body, and then slowly fester and die, that kind of situation is the result of being affected by radioactive elements and absorbing excessive radiation.” Gao Xiang said: "Wang Kejing must have read that book too." "Of course, and his current plan must be to force the Gangli people to collect uranium ore. If he does that, not only will all the Gangli people die of radiation, but if he succeeds, think about it, the world will What kind of chaos will happen?" Mulan paused, "So, we must forbid him to do such a thing."

Yun Sifeng frowned and said, "But the Gangli people are under his command now, and besides, isn't he himself afraid of radiation?" "He came prepared. I think he must have brought detection equipment and clothes to prevent radiation. He himself is not in the way. He will use a special lead box to carry samples and sell them everywhere. He really It's not hard to be the richest man in the world." Gao Xiang took a deep breath and said, "It's terrible!" Mulan said: "Let's rest for a while, Gao Xiang, dealing with Wang Kejing is much more difficult than dealing with the Gangli natives!"

Yun Sifeng immediately said: "So, we should go together!" Magnolia shook her head and said, "No, it's useless if there are too many people." As Magnolia said, she walked over to the chief of the Bika tribe, gesturing to indicate that she wanted to rest. The chief nodded and hurriedly took Magnolia to a hut. Gao Xiang was taken to another thatched hut. The hut was very clean and covered with thick straw mats. Gao Xiang almost fell into a deep sleep within three minutes after lying down. Gao Xiang slept for seventeen or eighteen hours. When he woke up, it was already morning. He couldn't even figure out how long he had slept. He rubbed his eyes and walked out of the hut.

He saw that Mu Xiuzhen and Annie were learning how to dance with a few Bika women. Annie was almost like an ordinary person!Gao Xiang yelled, and Annie immediately walked over to Gao Xiang. She walked up to Gao Xiang and stood up straight. She was tall and thin. After standing up straight, she was only a head behind Gao Xiang. She smiled and said, "Brother Gao Xiang, I seem to grow taller all of a sudden. Much bigger?" Gao Xiang held her hand, shook it, and shared her joy. Magnolia's voice came from the side of the car, calling: "Gao Xiang, our child is leaving, come here quickly, let's prepare together, see what we need to bring?" Gao Xiang held Annie's hand and walked towards the car together. Magnolia said: "We won't drive there, so we must pick the most useful things to bring with us." Gao Xiang discussed with Magnolia, and Annie helped them. Half an hour later, Gao Xiang and Magnolia walked along the Shali River to the upper reaches of the Shali River. They had already walked through it once, and this time they could know where there was danger and where it was safe. By evening they had left the forest. They ate some food at the edge of the forest, and then continued to move forward. When they entered the range of activities of the Gangli people, they held the anesthesia gun in their hands. Because the natives of the Gangli tribe are sensitive and may appear at any time, they must be able to respond in the shortest possible time so as not to suffer! However, they have been walking forward, and the situation is quite different from last time.Last time, they encountered several Gangli hunting teams in a row, but this time, they did not encounter a single Gangli. It wasn't until they came to the fork in the river that they saw a long line of torches moving forward. Magnolia hurriedly raised her binoculars and looked forward. She saw at least 500 Gangli people, all strong men, lined up in several rows, walking forward, Wang Kejing and Wang Keli were at the front, and Wang Keli was riding an elephant. There are also several elephants, carrying many things on their backs. The chief of the Gangli people was also there, and he followed behind Wang Kejing. Four or five hundred people were walking forward together, but they were very silent, without any sound, and, almost without exception, every Gangli person lowered their heads. That procession is reminiscent of a procession leading to the hell of death! Mulanhua handed the binoculars to Gao Xiang. Gao Xiang looked at it for a moment and said, "It must be Wang Kejing who forced the Gangli people to go to the uranium mine. It seems that the Gangli people don't want to go!" Magnolia said: "Yes, that is a place that Gangli people dare not approach for generations. Wang Kejing must have used high-pressure methods, maybe he once slaughtered Gangli people!" Gao Xiang said: "Let's follow and have a look." Magnolia nodded and said: "But remember, we must not approach the uranium mine, it is very dangerous." Gao Xiang said: "Naturally!" The two of them rushed forward quickly, and after a while, they had followed the group of Gangli men, and the distance between them and the last Gangli man was only about five or six yards. When they approached the team of Gangli people, they could even feel the tense atmosphere in the whole team, as if there was an extremely heavy burden weighing on the hearts of every native! It seems that the natives are trying their best to endure. But how long can the patience of the natives last? Both Mulanhua and Gao Xiang didn't make a sound, they just quietly followed behind the native team, and the team kept moving forward, and the team didn't stop until it was almost dawn. Magnolia and Gao Xiang hurriedly left the team, and walked forward under the cover of the bushes. They heard Wang Kejing roaring loudly, as if forcing the Gangli people to move forward. When Magnolia and Gao Xiang climbed up a small hill, they could see that the scenery in front of them was very desolate, except for one or two clusters of weeds, there were almost no plants.Instead, there were piles and piles of bones of all kinds of wild animals everywhere. Both Wang Kejing and Wang Keli had already put on rubber anti-radiation suits. Magnolia looked forward with the binoculars, and she still couldn't see where the uranium mine was, but it was conceivable that if she went forward from here, it must be a dangerous area! If it weren't for that, the natives would not have stopped, and Wang Kejing and his sister would not have been wearing rubber jackets to prevent radiation.At this time, Chief Gangli was also shouting loudly. Mulan guessed that Wang Kejing had already gone to observe alone. At this time, he brought so many Gangli people there, and he must be preparing to mine. At that time, the loud yelling of the Gangli chief must be arguing with Wang Kejing. It seems that Wang Kejing has learned the simple Gangli dialect. Although Wang Kejing and Wang Keli had put on rubber clothes, they hadn't put on their helmets yet. Wang Kejing seemed furious. He suddenly raised the pistol in his hand and let out a strange cry. Following his strange cry, there was a "bang" gunshot. The sound of the gunshot was particularly shocking to hear in the wilderness. The gunshot rang out!From the chief's dark chest, a stream of blood gushed out. The chief looked down at his chest, and then, his body fell to one side. Wang Kejing raised his pistol and shouted loudly. Wang Keli's voice was mixed with his yelling, Wang Keli said: "Brother, don't kill any more people, you've already killed many people, please, don't kill any more!" Wang Kejing shouted: "Shut up, what do you know! I went to see it yesterday, and the uranium ore is under some boulders. As long as they remove those boulders, the entire uranium mine will be open-air!" Wang Keli's voice was very excited, and said: "But, they are all going to die!" Wang Kejing laughed loudly, and said: "Let them die. How can people like them be considered human? Aren't they similar to wild beasts? What does it matter if they are extinct?" Hearing this, Gao Xiang couldn't help cursing, "It's just a beast!" Magnolia said: "Look at the situation, the Gangli natives won't listen to him, it's useless for him to kill people, we have to try to rescue Keli, she is a good girl!" Gao Xiang said: "Shall we shoot Wang Kejing with an anesthetic needle?" Magnolia shook her head in embarrassment, and said: "I don't think so. When Wang Kejing falls, the natives don't know how they will react. They may run away, or they may vent their anger on Keli, which will make it too late for us to save her." While Mulanhua and Gao Xiang were talking, Wang Kejing yelled at the Gangli native again. He obviously wanted the Gangli tribe to continue walking forward, but the legs of the Gangli tribe seemed to be nailed to the ground, and they could no longer move forward. Refuse to move. Suddenly, the gunshot rang out again, five times in succession, and five more Gangli men fell down. Gao Xiang couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Lanhua, I can't watch him carry out that kind of useless attack again. The massacre of humanity!" Magnolia also raised her gun, but at this moment, something happened suddenly. Wang Keli suddenly jumped down from the elephant's back and rushed towards Wang Kejing. Wang Kejing obviously didn't expect his sister to deal with him like that. Wang Keli was wearing a rubber coat, which was very heavy, and her whole body was pressed on him, causing him to fall to the ground. Wang Keli tried her best to snatch the gun from Wang Kejing's hand, she screamed at the same time, saying: "You can't kill anymore, brother, you can't kill any more, give me the gun, don't hurt them!" Wang Kejing said angrily: "Get lost!" But Wang Keli still held onto Wang Kejing's hand, and Mulanhua already leaned over and rushed forward.However, it was already too late, only to hear another gunshot, and Wang Keli's body immediately turned outwards. She was lying on her back, with her hands resting on her chest, and pools of blood flowed out from between her fingers. She struggled to get up, but she immediately fell down again, and the hand covering the wound also dropped down. Magnolia stopped abruptly, with a look of extreme resentment on her face, while Wang Kejing jumped up from the ground, climbed onto the back of the elephant, and yelled loudly again. He was so inhumane that he killed his own younger sister. It was really Gao Xiang and Mulanhua. Unexpectedly, Gao Xiang quickly came to Mulanhua's side. Magnolia slowly raised the gun and pulled the trigger. The gunshot rang out suddenly, and Wang Kejing suddenly turned around from the elephant's back, but when he turned around, the bullet fired by Magnolia had already hit the elephant's thigh. The elephant let out a strange cry, shrugged, and ran forward suddenly.It moves very slowly like usual, but when it is running, its momentum is also extremely astonishing. Wang Kejing leaned on the elephant's back, and the elephant ran forward quickly, towards the forbidden area, and ran farther and farther. Wang Kejing was unable to jump off the elephant's back while the elephant was galloping. If he fell off the elephant's back, even if he didn't fall to his death, he would definitely be trampled to death by the elephant, so he had to lie on the elephant's back and try his best to keep him from falling, and in that case, there was absolutely nothing he could do. , free your hands, and put on the rubber helmet that prevents radiation! And he was carried by an elephant and ran to the uranium mine! The moment the elephant ran out suddenly, the natives still stood there in a daze. However, that was a very short thing, and then, only four or five hundred gangli people uttered a earth-shattering cry. With a sound, he turned around and rushed forward. They had a chance to escape, and they walked in such a hurry that they didn't even bother to carry the corpse of their chief. They ran as fast as an antelope, and within three minutes, the slowest person couldn't see . But when the Gangli people ran so fast that none of them could be seen, Mulanhua had to use binoculars to see Wang Kejing. Wang Kejing was still lying on the elephant's back, and the elephant was still running forward. Gao Xiang stood up and asked, "What will happen to him?" Magnolia put down the binoculars, stood up as well, and said, "Him? He will die beside the uranium mine he discovered, in his dream of being the richest man in the world!" Gao Xiang said: "He has no chance to come out?" "I don't think so," Magnolia said. "The elephant is approaching the uranium mine. He has no chance to put on the helmet. The excessive radiation will make him dizzy. He will fall down with the elephant." At this point, Magnolia sighed and said, "I don't know if it's right for me to do that." Gao Xiang hurriedly said: "Lanhua, after seeing him shoot and kill Keli, anyone would do that!" Magnolia lowered her head and didn't make a sound. She and Gao Xiang walked forward silently and came to Keli's side. The sun just rose at this moment and shone on Keli's face. Although Keli's eyes were half open, she couldn't see the lovely sunshine anymore. That shot was right at her heart. It was a fatal shot! She was so worried that her brother would have an accident, and it was because of that that she came here. When they set off here, if someone said that Keli would die under her brother's gun, then everyone People who say this will definitely think that people who say such things are crazy! However, now, such a thing has become a fact! Magnolia and Gao Xiang felt unspeakable sadness in their hearts! Magnolia bent down and closed Keli's eyelids. She sighed again and said, "I told her not to come. This is an extremely dangerous place!" Gao Xiang smiled wryly, and said, "But, she died not at the hands of the headhunters, but at the gun of Wang Kejing!" Magnolia sighed again, and said: "Yes, when civilized people are crazy about money and power, they are more terrifying than any barbaric headhunters." Gao Xiang said, "Should we transport Keli's body back?" Magnolia shook her head and said, "No, the weather is so hot that we can't carry the body, so we can bury her here. Poor Keli, she finally found her brother!" Tears welled up in Magnolia's eyes. The two of them worked together to dig a pit on the ground, buried Keli, and then moved a few big rocks and pressed them on the pit, before Mulan said, "Let's go back, we don't need to tell others that Keli is dead." Gao Xiang was stunned by Magnolia's words, and said, "How do you say it?" "We can say that we have convinced Wang Kejing that he has given up his plan to mine the uranium mine, and that he and Keli live in the village of the Gangli tribe, that's all." Gao Xiang didn't say anything more, and Mulanhua added: "They were just happy because of Annie's recovery, why bother to put the news of Keli's death on their hearts?" Gao Xiang finally nodded and said, "You are right, we should go back!" The return journey is always faster. Mulanhua and Gao Xiang returned to the Bika tribe's village in the evening of the same day, and then they gave all the practical things that were no longer needed to the Bika tribe. They boarded the car and drove out of the forest under the guidance of the Bika people. Mulanhua and Gao Xiang told Annie, Yun Sifeng and Mu Xiuzhen according to what they had discussed. Annie said regretfully: "It's a pity, she can't see that I can walk." When their car returned to Fort Archambeau along the Shali River, the whole city was a sensation, and the road was warmly welcomed. Forty to fifty thousand people in the city held a carnival for two consecutive nights. On the third day, they left Fort Archambault by special plane. Five days later, they returned to the city. Their whereabouts were secret, and Yun Wufeng was the only one who came to meet him. Annie got off the plane with a cane, and she also came to Yun Wufeng with a cane. When she came to Yun Wufeng's body, she suddenly let go of her crutches, Yun Wufeng rushed to help her, but she took two steps back, Yun Wufeng helped her, and was stunned . His surprised expression made everyone laugh, and the one who laughed the loudest, almost out of breath, was naturally Mu Xiuzhen! (full text)
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