Home Categories Thriller headhunting

Chapter 2 Chapter two

headhunting 倪匡 6266Words 2018-03-22
Annie let out a cheer. Mu Xiuzhen said: "According to your method, let's go to that fort, but don't meet her first. When she starts to explore, we will follow her. When we meet her, we will all be in the original In the forest, even if she gets angry, there is nothing she can do." Annie clapped her hands and said, "Good! Good!" She turned around and said, "Ke Li, look, didn't I tell you already? Sister Xiuzhen is the most willing to help us, she is not afraid of any headhunters, she is not afraid of anything!" Mu Xiuzhen laughed and said, "I'm only afraid of you, little devil, because you have too many weird ideas. You have to remember, let me prepare everything, and don't let the wind leak!"

Anne replied loudly: "Yes!" Mu Xiuzhen took Wang Keli's hand, comforted Wang Keli a few words, and then went back.That day, Mulan didn't come back until dark, and she was immersed in those reference books as soon as she came back. For two days in a row, Wang Keli came after school every day, but Mulanhua hardly spoke to her, but Annie and Wang Keli became really good friends. On the morning of the third day, Mulan woke Annie up. When Annie rubbed her eyes and sat up, Mulan said, "I'm leaving. If Xiuzhen asks, you can't tell her where I went!" Annie had something wrong in her heart, she didn't dare to look at the magnolia, but just nodded her head.She knew that Mulanhua was leaving by plane at 9:30 this morning, and it was Mu Xiuzhen who came to investigate.

As for her, Mu Xiuzhen and Wang Keli, they left the city by plane at eleven o'clock. Annie lowered her head and said, "Sister Lanhua, what if brother Gao Xiang asks?" Magnolia frowned and said, "You might as well say, I went to Africa, and he's in a meeting in another city. I'm afraid he won't be back in a few days. You and Keri, don't come up with any weird ideas." Annie lowered her head even lower, and she didn't say anything. Magnolia carried a suitcase that she had prepared downstairs, and Annie sent her to the car. Annie really didn't want to hide it from Magnolia, she wanted to tell Magnolia her plan.

But when she was still hesitating, Mulan got into the car, drove the car immediately, and left.Annie sighed, went back to the house, and immediately made a phone call with Mu Xiuzhen and Wang Keli. At nine o'clock, Wang Keli and Mu Xiuzhen all arrived. There was also a box behind Mu Xiuzhen's car. When she got out of the car, she said, "Our flight route is different from that of Sister Lanhua. We may arrive at the class before her. Ji. Bangui is the capital of the Central African Republic. Fort Archambeau is a small place. I asked the people there, and he said that there are small planes flying to Bangui, and the journey may be very hard. Don’t regret it! "

"I will never regret it!" Annie and Wang Keli said together. "Then let's go!" Mu Xiuzhen yelled grandly, as if she was a leader. To Wang Keli and Annie, she was naturally the real leader. The three of them got into the car together, and the car drove away to the airport!
Although the speed of modern transportation is so high that the ancients could not believe it, the long-distance flight still makes people sleepy. They passed through the Indochina Peninsula, flew over India, passed through Arabia, and arrived in Africa.They stopped for a few hours in Cairo. From flying over Arabia, Magnolia's flight route was different from the three of them. Magnolia did not arrive in Cairo, but flew to Athens first, and then from Athens to Africa.

Taking off again from Egypt, they stopped in Sudan and flew straight to Bangui.Although the Central African Republic is a very backward newly independent country, Bangui is a beautiful city. The plane landed at the airport in the sunset. The sunset in Africa seems to be more red than anywhere else. When they got off the plane, although they looked up and saw all modern buildings, they also naturally smelled the smell of the forest. While getting off the plane, Mu Xiuzhen reminded her, "Be careful, Sister Lanhua may be arriving soon, let's leave the airport immediately and go to the hotel, it will be bad if she finds out!"

After passing through the customs inspection, they walked across the broad street and came to the hotel. The buildings in Bangui are very modern. If they didn't see black people walking all over the street, they would never have imagined that they were in Africa. As soon as they arrived at the hotel, they inquired when the plane would fly to Fort Archambault. The answer they got was that there was one flight every day, departing at 7:00 am. Mu Xiuzhen, Annie and Wang Keli hid in the hotel room and dared not go out for fear of running into Mulanhua. They knew that Mulanhua might also stay in this hotel because it was the best hotel in the city.

Magnolia did live in that hotel, but she came late. Two hours later, she walked into the grocery store. The tall black waiter was busy carrying the suitcase for her. When Magnolia came to the cabinet, the manager of the hotel greeted her with a friendly smile. Magnolia asked: "Does the plane to Fort Archambault take off every day?" "To Château de Archambault, madam, you must be on the same road as those three ladies!" said the steward courteously. "They arrived about two hours ago." Magnolia was stunned for a moment, and said, "Three ladies?" "Yes, you are very similar to one of them. Are you sisters?" The hotel steward said again, "There is also a young lady with a cane, but she moves very quickly."

There is no need for the hotel steward to go on, Mulan already understands! She immediately said: "Yes, so they have already arrived, so you don't need to find another room for me. Please tell me which room they live in." "Okay, they're on the sixth floor, room 625!" Magnolia left the counter and took the elevator to the sixth floor. When she stood in front of the door of Room 625, she felt very angry in her heart. Mu Xiuzhen was really messing around, but Annie must have called Mu Xiuzhen here. While thinking about how to deal with the three of them, she reached out to knock on the door.

She immediately heard Mu Xiuzhen's voice, "Come in." Mulan pushed the door open and went in, Mu Xiuzhen was immediately dumbfounded.Annie and Wang Keli haven't noticed Mu Xiuzhen's stupidity yet, and they don't know that Magnolia is coming, because they are on the balcony, looking down at the street view. Mulanhua glanced at Mu Xiuzhen, gave the black waiter a tip, and the black waiter withdrew. It was only then that Mu Xiuzhen woke up from her shock. She smiled awkwardly and said, "Annie, Keli, look who's coming!" Annie and Keli turned their heads, and naturally they saw Magnolia immediately. They were both stunned, not knowing whether to go into the room or stay on the balcony.

Magnolia sat down with a sullen face, and called, "Xiuzhen!" Mu Xiuzhen turned her head and smiled wryly at Annie, and said, "It was my idea, Sister Lanhua, think about it, how can we rest assured that you are taking risks alone? And Wang Keli is also very anxious!" Annie took Wang Keli's hand and walked in. She lowered her head and said, "Sister Lanhua, it's my idea." Magnolia still had a gloomy face, she said: "No matter whose idea it is, you go immediately!" Mu Xiuzhen, Annie and Wang Keli looked at each other in blank dismay. Wang Keli bit her lip and said, "Sister Lanhua, they might be willing to go back, but I must be different. I'm going to find my brother, if he's still alive." Magnolia fixed her eyes on Wang Keli, and said, "If you have such determination, you should have come by yourself. Why write to me?" The expression on Wang Keli's face was very determined, but she was still young after all, tears rolled in her eyes, and she said: "Because I can't do this alone, so I need someone to help!" After she said that, she paused for a while, and immediately said: "But, what I need is help, and it's not that you will completely replace me to imitate this matter!" Magnolia sighed and said, "You three, how much do you know about the Shali River Basin? Do you know what will happen to us if we walk on the east bank, and what will happen to us if we walk on the west bank?" Wang Keli lowered her head and said, "I don't know." Magnolia said again: "Do you know what the terrain is like traveling upstream along the Shali River? Do you know what tribe the natives you met for the first time? Do you know how to deal with them?" Mu Xiuzhen said, "We don't know anything about it." "Then how do you go?" "You are leading us!" Mu Xiuzhen's eyes widened. Magnolia was angry and funny at the same time. She shook her head and said, "I can't take you to take this risk. We have taken many risks before, but they were all against civilized people. Now we are facing It’s a native who can’t understand the language and has a fierce nature, maybe we haven’t even seen the shadow of the native, and we have already died under the poisonous arrows!” Annie pleaded: "Sister Lanhua, we...we have arrived in Bangui—" "Go back, if you don't go back, I will cancel this operation." Magnolia replied resolutely. Wang Keli shed tears and said, "Sister Lanhua, it's my fault to bother you with this kind of thing. I... take back my request and let me go alone." Magnolia was also in a dilemma. Naturally, she would not let Wang Keli go alone along the Shali River and go deep into the wilderness to find her brother. However, if four people go together—— Magnolia frowned, and after a while, she said, "Xiuzhen, you've come to Africa, does Sifeng know?" "I didn't tell him the details." "Call him now and tell him!" Magnolia said. Mu Xiuzhen was stunned for a moment, and said, "This..." Magnolia's voice became very severe, she called out: "Xiuzhen, you are his wife, what did you say in church? How could you do such a dangerous thing without telling him?" Mu Xiuzhen sighed and said, "Okay, okay, I'll talk to him on the phone." Annie and Wang Keli looked at Magnolia again, and Magnolia beckoned to them. Annie and Wang Keli hurried forward, one on each side, and sat down on the armrest beside the sofa. Magnolia said: "Ke Li, don't think that I am ruthless. In fact, I spent a lot of time to understand the situation there, and I came to the conclusion that once anyone goes there, the chance of surviving is very small. I believe that your brother must have understood this beforehand, and he still went resolutely, this kind of spirit is really admirable." Wang Keli nodded and said, "He is a man with a great spirit of adventure." Magnolia said: "You and Annie, it is really inappropriate for the two of you to go to such a dangerous place. There are countless natural enemies alone. There are places where man-eating flies gather. There are vines full of man-eating trees, and there are many poisonous insects that even biologists can't name, why do you take risks?" Wang Keli said slowly: "Then, Sister Lanhua, why do you take risks? If you have a reason to go, I have even more reason to go, don't you agree? But Annie, you can—" Before Wang Keli could finish speaking, Annie yelled loudly, "Keli, if you dare to continue, I'll punch your head with a cane!" Wang Keli stopped talking, and the three of them fell silent. Mu Xiuzhen's long-distance call hadn't been connected yet, and it took another ten minutes before Mu Xiuzhen spoke. Not long after Mu Xiuzhen spoke, she yelled, "What? Tell us to wait for you? No, you don't have to come. Really, ah, you must come. Let me ask Sister Lanhua!" Mu Xiuzhen turned around and glanced at Mulanhua. Magnolia spread her hands, and said: "Look at you, you are going to such a dangerous place, one by one, it's like taking advantage of the ruins, well, if he comes, he will come, we will wait for him here." Mu Xiuzhen said: "Okay, you come."
Magnolia and the other four waited in Bangui for two days. Yun Sifeng came, Yun Sifeng didn't come alone, Gao Xiang came with him, everyone was stunned when they saw Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang smiled coquettishly, and said: "I just arrived! " As he spoke, he raised a flat box in his hand, and said: "Besides, I also brought something very useful. This box contains the serum of 30 cc poisonous snakes, which were obtained from the study of poisonous snakes in Calcutta when I was passing through India. The professor of the college gave it to me, he told me that these serums can save almost any acidic or alkaline poison!" Magnolia said happily: "That's much more useful than the medicine I prepared!" She looked at everyone and said, "Originally, I planned to go alone, but now, there are six people, so it can be said to be a formal expedition team!" Mu Xiuzhen shouted: "Long live the expedition team!" Magnolia glared at her, and said: "We will set off tomorrow morning and fly to Fort Archambault, where we will purchase the necessary items. We have no experience in expeditions, so we must be careful!" Everyone nodded. Although they all volunteered to participate in this expedition, each of them knew that it was definitely not a fun thing. They might never look back and never return to the civilized world! Magnolia looked at them for a while, then said: "Tonight, let's take a good rest. I heard that you can see the dance of the warrior natives nearby. How about going to visit?" The first to applaud, of course, is Mu Xiuzhen. They had a great time that night, and early the next morning, they arrived at the airport, boarded a very dilapidated four-engine plane, and flew a distance of 300 kilometers. In the afternoon, they arrived at Fort Archambault. This city is not as crude as they imagined. You can see a lot of strangely dressed natives on the street, which naturally come from the jungle near the city. After they settled down in the hotel, Mulanhua immediately assigned tasks. Gao Xiang, Yun Sifeng, Mu Xiuzhen and Annie were responsible for shopping, while Mulanhua and Wang Keli went to visit the elder brother of the dead guide. The person Mulanhua and Wang Keli wanted to visit lived quite far from the city. Mulanhua drove a rented jeep and searched for a long time before they came to a brick house. The brick house was among two big trees. When the two of them got out of the car and looked up, they saw a large boa constrictor covered in piebald spots standing on the tree. Seeing someone walking by, the big boa constrictor suddenly lowered itself from the tree, stuck out its bright red tongue, and stretched out its big python head toward Mulanhua and Wang Keli. Wang Keli was so frightened that she let out an "ah" and cried out. Magnolia pulled her back a step!In the brick house, a person was whispering, pushed open the door, and walked out. Even Magnolia didn't understand what he was talking about. The man came out and whistled, the big boa constrictor immediately shrank back and was still coiled on the tree, obviously it was raised by the man. And when the man raised his head and saw Mulanhua and Wang Keli, he couldn't help being stunned. Then, he walked forward and said in stiff French: "The two are—" The Central African Republic is one of the countries in the French-speaking part of Africa. It is not surprising that the person talks in French.Magnolia hurriedly said, "We want to meet Mr. Mao De." "I am." The man looked Magnolia and Wang Keli up and down, put on a smile, and said, "You two are tourists? If you want to visit the rare birds and beasts in Africa, I can be the guide!" He rubbed his hands, showing a very happy look. Magnolia smiled and said: "If you are willing to be our guide, then we are very happy, but we want to go up the Shali River and go deep into the upper reaches of the Shali River." The smile on Mao De's face suddenly froze. His voice was even a little trembling, but also mixed with a bit of anger, he said: "Miss, are you joking?" "Never, Mr. Mao, we really want to do that, but we will never force you to be a guide. We are going to find a man who, about twenty days ago, was guided by your brother to the Shali River. went upstream." Mao De smiled wryly, nodded his head, and said, "Yes, I remember him, that Chinese who didn't listen to advice, I advised him not to go, the dense forests along the banks of the Shali River are all forbidden places for headhunters!" Magnolia said calmly: "I know, and the way they shrink the human head is different for each ethnic group. People of the Lanwen tribe can shrink their heads to the size of a walnut, while the Xinbuya tribe can only shrink the skin, and the Gangli tribe can shrink their heads to the size of a walnut Flay the head and stuff it into a stone, and as for the Pika—” Magnolia had just finished talking, and Mao Deji said sharply, "Stop talking!" Magnolia waved to Wang Keli and said, "This lady is that gentleman's younger sister. We are going to find her brother. Please provide us with some clues." Mao De turned around and walked into the house. Magnolia and Wang Keli followed behind him. As soon as he entered the house, he heard a squeaking sound, and a chimpanzee jumped on Mao De. Mao De must be a person who loves animals very much, because in his room, besides the chimpanzee, there is also a big parrot with unbelievably beautiful feathers, and in the corner of the room, lying lazily, is A seven-foot-long crocodile, besides that, there was a small monkey scurrying around in the room. Mao De came to the table, reached out to pick up a bottle, uncorked the bottle, a strong aroma of wine filled the room immediately, he took three sips before wiping his mouth, and turned his head. Magnolia put a stack of banknotes on the table and said: "Mr. Mao De, as long as you tell me the situation at that time, the money is yours, and you don't have to take us to take risks." Mao De pointed to Wang Keli and said, "I have a telegram to call her. It was entrusted to me by Mr. Wang before he left. Mr. Wang said that if something unfortunate happens, please send her a telegram. I did so, but I did not explain in the telegram that the four people who have been found, including my younger brother, are all headless corpses!" Mao De's expression was full of terror, and Magnolia couldn't help but feel a chill.Mao De took another sip of the wine and said, "Their heads have all been cut off, or peeled off, or shrunk to the size of a walnut!" Magnolia smiled wryly, and said: "Mr. Wang's body has not been found, so it cannot be concluded that he is dead. How much chance do you think he has of surviving?" "Chance of survival?" Mao De suddenly laughed wildly. His laughter made the parrot spread its wings and fly around the room, making a "quack" sound, while the group of little monkeys mingled together in surprise. Mao De laughed for a while before saying: "Miss, let me tell you, he must be dead, or because he is not black, he was cooked and eaten!" Mulan stayed for a while, Mao De waved his hand, and said: "Go, go back to Paris, go back to China, don't make fun of yourself here, I am from the Shajin tribe, there are tens of thousands of people in our tribe, all Living on the plains in the lower reaches of the Shali River, for generations, since our ancestors, no one has dared to step into the forest." Magnolia took a breath and said, "Not one?" "Only those who violated the family rules were expelled into the forest. They either never returned, or their headless corpses came back in the water of the Shali River." Mulanhua smiled bitterly, and said: "Then your younger brother must be a great warrior, he dared to take Mr. Wang to the upper reaches of the Shali River." "He is an idiot. He fell in love with a beautiful woman in the city. He has no money to marry her. He wants to fight with his life. Those three poor natives are murderers!" Mao De replied. Mulanhua was stunned for a long while before she said, "Then, you don't know anything about the situation there?" "No one knows." Mao De grabbed his curly hair, "There is no one who went in and came back. More than ten years ago, many white people went in, and none of them came back." Magnolia sighed and said, "We still have to go, what can you do for us?" Mao De spread his hands and said, "What I can do for you is to fish up your corpses from the river, and then send a telegram to inform your families!" When Magnolia was told by him, a chill came from his heart. She stayed for a while, and said, "Do you know their route that day?" "They walked up the river along the east bank. In my opinion, they would never have traveled more than five hundred miles. The headhunters they encountered were probably the most ferocious natives of the Xinbuya tribe."
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