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  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 Chapter One

headhunting 倪匡 6083Words 2018-03-22
Mulanhua's address is not public, but it is not a secret either, so she often receives letters from people she doesn't know, and Mulanhua takes every letter very seriously. That morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the postman delivered a large stack of letters early in the morning. Annie took the letters, opened them one by one, and clamped the letter paper and envelopes together so that Magnolia could read the letters. Save time, when she opened a light green envelope, she frowned, raised her head, and said, "Sister Lanhua, the girl surnamed Wang has another letter!"

Magnolia stood on the balcony, looking at the calm sea shining dazzlingly under the sun, she smiled and said, "This is her fourth letter, isn't it?" Annie nodded, and said: "Yes, Sister Lanhua, each of her letters is more anxious than the last, don't you think you should see her? It seems that she has really encountered great difficulties! " Magnolia turned around slowly and came to Anne's side. Annie hurriedly handed the letter to Magnolia. The handwriting on the letter is very complete and beautiful. You can tell at a glance that it is a girl's handwriting, and the letter is also well written: "Sister Lanhua, you should have received my three previous letters. Why haven't I been able to get you?" The echo? My heart is very confused, I think, there is no one else in the world who can help me except you, I want your help, I really need your help, why do you ignore me? If you If you don’t answer me again, then I will be in despair, Sister Lanhua, you won’t make me despair, will you? Enter Wang Keli.”

Annie waited until Mulanhua finished reading the letter, her expression was somewhat agitated, and she said, "Sister Lanhua, are you really ignoring her? She might really need help!" Magnolia stayed for a moment, then sighed, and said, "Annie, didn't her first letter contain her phone number? You can call her and ask her to come and talk to us." Immediately, Annie cried out happily. She pressed the button on the crutch, and the tip of the crutch stretched a few feet, and she had "stand up". She immediately came to the phone, turned her head and smiled at Mulanhua, and said, "I've been waiting for your order for a long time, Sister Lanhua, I think Wang Keli must be a very cute little girl!"

Magnolia smiled and said: "From your tone, it seems that you are a big girl!" Annie dialed the phone number happily, but Mulanhua walked away. If she hadn't seen Annie's eagerness to contact Wang Keli, she would not have planned to meet Wang Keli. From the first letter, Mulan concluded that Miss Wang Keli would not be over sixteen years old. Girls of this age have many weird fantasies. A trivial thing, in the eyes of a girl of this age, In the future, it may become very important, so although the tone of the letter was very anxious from the first letter, Magnolia just laughed it off.

At this time, the reason why she decided to meet the young girl was probably because of Anne.Because, after three consecutive letters, although Magnolia did not express anything, Anne was already very disturbed. Annie took the opportunity to bring up this matter from time to time. Mulan knew that Annie had a very good heart and was eager to help someone she had never met before. Although Mulan was extremely strict in supervising Annie's education, she was also very strict with Annie in her heart. Loving and loving. Mulanhua thought to herself, even if there was nothing serious, it would be good for Annie to have one more friend.

While thinking about it, Magnolia has come to the garden. At that moment, she heard Annie yelling from the balcony, saying, "Sister Lanhua, Wang Keli said, she will be here soon, where do you think she is? It's in the light blue building on the hill over there." In the bungalow!" Magnolia looked up at the house and said, "Then, are you not ready to come down to welcome the guests?" "I'm coming!" Annie promised. She suddenly controlled her crutches, and from the tip of her crutches, there was a "chi chi" sound, and she flew over the balcony railing in a pretentious manner.Falling on Magnolia's side.

Magnolia shook her head and said, "Annie, Wufeng said that the flying power stored in the crutches is not too much, and it should not be used unless necessary. Why did you forget?" Annie stuck out her tongue and said, "Sister Lanhua, I'm so happy!" Mulanhua couldn't bear to blame her too much, just smiled and said: "Annie, you are so happy when you have the opportunity to help others. This is really rare. Helping others is happier than receiving help!" Annie laughed happily again, but she immediately frowned and said, "Sister Lanhua, do you think Wang Keli has any difficulties, can we help her?"

Magnolia said: "That depends on whether you are willing to try your best!" "Me?" Annie asked in surprise. "Of course it's you. You already consider her your friend, don't you?" "Oh!" Annie cried, "Sister Lanhua, you must not stand idly by. She wrote to ask for your help." "But if you can help her on your own, why not try it yourself?" Magnolia smiled, she suddenly raised her head and said, "Look, that must be Wang Keli!" On the road, a bicycle is approaching rapidly. On the bicycle was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. She was wearing a white sportswear and her hair was cut short. The bicycle stopped outside the iron gate of Magnolia's residence.

Annie had already arrived at the iron gate. The girl outside the gate looked very healthy. She had a round face and a pair of bright and big eyes.She looked at Annie and said shyly, "I'm Wang Keli." Annie opened the iron door, reached out to her, and said, "I'm Annie." Wang Keli nodded and said, "I know you, Sister Lanhua——" "She's waiting for you," Annie grabbed Wang Keli's hand and pulled Wang Keli in. Magnolia also went up to greet her. Wang Keli saw Magnolia, and was happy yet reserved. Magnolia greeted her with a very cordial smile and said: "I'm really sorry, I didn't send you until I received your fourth letter. You echo."

Wang Keli blushed and said, "No, no, I am so happy that you are willing to see me!" Magnolia could tell that Wang Keli was really happy, but Magnolia could even tell that there was something in Wang Keli's heart that made her very sad. Because Wang Keli had an impatient expression on her face. She wanted to say something several times, but she couldn't say it out of her lips. Mulanhua also held her hand, that way, she could reduce some anxiety in her heart, Mulanhua said: "Don't worry, if you have any embarrassment, we can discuss it slowly." Wang Keli nodded, and they sat down together on the bench in the garden.

A girl of Wang Keli's age is the most innocent. Although she came to ask Mulanhua for something, she would not say a lot of polite words like an adult. As soon as she sat down, she said, "Sister Lanhua, my brother may be dead!" She had just uttered a word, and tears welled up in her eyes. Mulanhua was stunned for a moment, no matter how good her judgment ability was, she would definitely not be able to guess what happened in such a nonsensical sentence. She asked: "Your brother is—" "His name is Wang Kejing, and he is—" Before Wang Keli finished speaking, Mulanhua and Annie said "ah", and Annie rushed to say: "I know that Wang Kejing is a famous traveler and explorer. He used to be a member of the Antarctic expedition team." One member, what happened to him now? Didn’t it say in the newspaper that he left for West Africa last month?” "Yes," Wang Keli held back her tears, "He went to West Africa. He wrote to me in Guinea, Ghana, and Togo, but after arriving in Cameroon, there was no news at all!" Magnolia patted the back of Wang Keli's hand and said, "Sometimes an explorer needs to spend years and months in the primeval forest. I think you haven't heard from him for at least half a month!" "Twelve days!" Wang Keli replied. "Then why worry?" Wang Keli's tears finally flowed down, and she said: "He was separated from me for more than a year, but I was not anxious, but this time, the situation is different, he may... not be alive anymore!" Wang Keli cried even more sadly, she kept sobbing. Magnolia made her cry for a while, and said: "You have to tell me about the situation. Why do you think that he has suffered misfortune? That may be your fantasy!" Wang Keli gradually stopped crying, and she said: "No, in his last letter, he said that he had discovered several African ethnic groups in the north of Cameroon. , is still living a primitive life tens of thousands of years ago, and he plans to study their lives in depth. He told me in his letter that those natives are all headhunters, and no one has ever entered their living area within!" Magnolia took a slow breath. Headhunters!This is a term that any civilized person can't help but tremble in his heart when he hears it. Magnolia naturally knows that in the virgin forests of West Africa, the fierce natives are almost cut off from world civilization, and they still live a primitive life. Live like a caveman, who doesn't even know how to use fire! Going deep into such a wild place to explore is simply taking one's own life as a child's play, but if one can return safely, the contribution to scientists will be immeasurable. Wang Kejing's expeditions have made many new discoveries for scientists, and his current adventure, the sacrifice for science is really too high! Mulanhua was silent, Wang Keli held her hand tightly and said, "Sister Lanhua, what do you think happened to him?" Magnolia shook her head slowly, and said: "I have no way of knowing what's wrong with him, because I don't know anything about his situation at all, I think you should wait a few more days, or he will have news. " Wang Keli shook her head dejectedly, and said: "Five days ago, I received a telegram from Fort Archambo in Central Africa. The telegram said that he was the elder brother of my brother's guide. He said, my brother It was a guide, three natives, who walked upstream along the Shali River together. On the second day, the bodies of the three natives came down the river. On the third day, his brother, the guide The body has also been found." When Wang Keli spoke up to this point, her voice became hoarse. She said sadly: "We have no parents since we were young, and my brother has always taken care of me. If he can't come back, I... decided not to study anymore, to inherit his legacy!" Mulanhua heard Wang Keli cry, and while talking, she only thought that if her brother didn't come back, she didn't know what to do, but she didn't expect Wang Keli to say that. Magnolia admires Wang Keli's strength very much.She looked at Wang Keli for a while, and said, "But, as an explorer, you are still too young." Wang Keli said: "I am older than Annie, I am sixteen years old this year." Magnolia frowned, and after a while, she said, "Come on, let's look at the map of West Africa first." Annie quickly took Wang Keli's hand, and the two stood up together. Annie whispered in Wang Keli's ear: "Don't worry, Sister Lanhua must have a solution!" Magnolia heard Annie talking in a low voice, but she didn't say anything. Together they came to the study on the second floor, and Mulan opened a thick map of the world. When she turned to the page of West Africa, she frowned and said, "The place where your brother was caught in an accident is the most mysterious and terrifying place in the entire Dark Continent!" Wang Keli bit her lower lip and nodded. Magnolia was still looking at the map, and said: "He must have had an accident in the Sarit River Basin. The Sarit River originates from Lake Chad. The explanation here is that it is near Lake Chad. Except for the natives, no one has ever been there. What do you say?" Fort Achambeau is a city in the north of the Central African Republic, if you want to find your brother, you must start from there." Wang Keli lost her voice: "Looking for my brother? Sister Lanhua, do you think we can still find him?" Magnolia turned her head and said: "I hope so, but you can't be optimistic. Ke Li, my hope is only pinned on two points. First, his body was not found. Second, he is a famous An explorer with the ability to adapt to various living environments." Wang Keli paused for a while, before saying, "Sister Lanhua, you mean, let's go to Africa to find him together?" "No." Magnolia shook her head. Wang Keli sighed softly, she thought that Magnolia would not be of much help to her. However, Mulanhua's next words made Wang Keli's mouth open and she couldn't close it. Magnolia continued: "You are not suitable to go to that kind of wilderness. You live close anyway. If you feel lonely by yourself, you can move here and live with Annie. You—" Before Magnolia finished speaking, Annie had already heard what she meant, and she immediately cried out, "No! Of course, I don't dislike living with Keri, but—" Magnolia gave her a stern look and said, "But what? You can't go, I will go alone, and I will tell you as soon as there is news, Ke Li, you can stay in this city with peace of mind." Wang Keli shook her head, she naturally disagreed with Mulanhua's approach, but she didn't know how to object. Annie said loudly: "Sister Lanhua, how can you be alone?" "That's the only way. I will go along the Shali River to find Keri's brother. He is an admirable explorer. It will be very meaningful if we can rescue him from the predicament. , even if he can’t, we must determine his life and death, so that the world can mourn his noble spirit of sacrificing for science!” Wang Keli anxiously tugged on Annie's sleeve, but Mulanhua had already made up her mind, and Annie knew that it would be useless to say anything else, so she just waved to Wang Keli. Magnolia said in a deep voice, "Did you hear what I said?" After a while, Annie said, "I heard it." Magnolia looked at the map for a while, and said, "Annie, find out the reference books about West Africa for me. I'm going to meet some people and prepare some things to use." "Who are you going to see?" Anne asked. "Meet a few people who have experience in African exploration and listen to their opinions." Mulan replied, nodded to Wang Keli, and left the study. Without one, I heard the sound of the car engine starting, and Magnolia had already driven away.Although it was less than half an hour since Wang Keli and Annie met, they were about the same age, and they were already like old friends. Wang Keli smiled wryly, and said: "If I had known that there would be such a result, I would not have written to ask for help. I am going to take risks. We should go together. How can I ask Sister Lanhua to go alone?" Annie frowned tightly, and suddenly she yelled, "I have a solution, go find sister Xiuzhen!" Wang Keli was startled, and said, "Sister Xiuzhen?" "Yes! She must have a way!" Annie smiled mischievously, "Sister Lanhua will definitely scold me, but at least being scolded by her is better than watching her take risks alone." Wang Keli worried: "What if... Sister Xiuzhen refuses to help us?" Annie laughed and said, "That's because you don't understand Miss Xiuzhen! Why wouldn't she help us? We want her to steal into the spaceship together and fly to the moon, and she will—" Although Wang Keli was worried, she couldn't help laughing when she heard Annie say that. Annie quickly picked up the phone, and after a while, she heard Xiuzhen's voice. Annie called out loudly, "Sister Xiuzhen, what are you doing?" "It's suffocating!" Mu Xiuzhen's voice was so loud that Wang Keli, who was at the side, could also hear it. "Sister Xiuzhen, we have a new friend. She is the younger sister of the explorer Wang Kejing. She has a very urgent matter. It is very, very important. Only you can help us!" Mu Xiuzhen said, "Helping you guys? Is it your business or her business?" "It's our business, you have a part too, come quickly!" "Okay, I'll come!" Mu Xiuzhen put down the phone with a "slap". Annie said: "Sister Xiuzhen is a quick-tempered person. If she knows that Sister Lanhua wants to go alone, she will definitely not agree, and argue with her, then we can go together." Wang Keli stretched her head to look out the window. It seemed that she was also in a hurry. Mu Xiuzhen came very quickly. Annie had just followed Mulanhua's instructions and found six or seven reference books. Mu Xiuzhen's blue sports car had already driven to the door. up! She pushed open the iron door by herself, yelled loudly, walked in, and shouted: "Little Annie, where are you? Your friend? Why are you hiding and not coming out?" Annie pulled Wang Keli and ran down the stairs——Mu Xiuzhen rushed into the living room just at this time, she looked at Wang Keli, said "uh" and said, "It's also a little devil, Annie, do you have a company?" !" Annie smiled and said, "Sister Xiuzhen, her name is Wang Keli." Wang Keli smiled shyly and called, "Sister Xiuzhen." Mu Xiuzhen took her hand and shouted, "Quickly, what's the matter?" Annie told Mu Xiuzhen what happened in the simplest words. Mu Xiuzhen raised her eyebrows and said, "Annie, you come up with such a wicked idea, be careful that Sister Lanhua will lock you up!" Annie pursed her lips and said, "Sister Xiuzhen, we asked you to discuss it, but you frightened us. Sister Lanhua went on an adventure alone. It's really dangerous. Someone should go with her." Mu Xiuzhen raised her hand, tapped her fingers together, made a "de" sound, and said, "You're right, someone should go with Sister Lanhua!" Both Annie and Wang Keli became happy. However, what Mu Xiuzhen said next left the two of them stunned. Mu Xiuzhen pointed to her own nose and said, "I'll go with her, not you!" Annie and Wang Keli glanced at each other, Annie rolled her eyes upwards, and she shouted, "I'm dizzy!" Mu Xiuzhen stared and said, "Why?" Annie said: "I knew we didn't have a share, and I really didn't intend to tell you!" Mu Xiuzhen said viciously: "How dare you!" Annie smiled and said, "Sister Xiuzhen, you are the most reasonable person. Think about it, Keli's elder brother is still alive and dead. It would be an unbearable torture for her to wait here for news!" Mu Xiuzhen's heart is actually the softest, she nodded involuntarily, and said, "You are quite right." Annie said: "And me, if you all go, I am alone, what's the fun? Sister Xiuzhen, I'm afraid of being alone, don't let me stay here alone!" Mu Xiuzhen lowered her eyes, sighed, and said, "What do you want?" Annie hurriedly said: "Sister Lanhua must first arrive at Fort Archambeau in the Central African Republic. We are also preparing secretly. As soon as she leaves, we will follow suit. When she arrives, we will arrive too!" "That won't work," Mu Xiuzhen said immediately, "She will drive us back!" Hearing what Mu Xiuzhen said, Annie and Wang Keli looked at each other, and they both smiled heartily, because Mu Xiuzhen just said that Annie's method was not good, and did not object to the three of them going together! Annie hit the snake with the stick and hurriedly said, "Sister Xiuzhen, what can you do?" Mu Xiuzhen frowned, walked back and forth, and said, "Sister Lanhua will be very angry if she sees us. Maybe she will come back immediately in a fit of anger. Wouldn't it be bad for us?" Annie bit the kerchief and said, "Yeah, we have to find a way so that she won't get angry and is willing to take us to find Keri's brother together." Mu Xiuzhen stopped suddenly and said, "I have a solution!"
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