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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Assault on Anne's Special Firearms

genius 倪匡 7030Words 2018-03-22
Magnolia paused for a moment, then said again: "So, the key to the whole matter lies in that idiot, we have to do everything possible to investigate his origin, what is the difference with him, Gao Xiang, I think you should arrange Just a moment, tomorrow I will go to the relief home with you, and do detailed research with the staff and doctors of the relief home." Gao Xiang nodded. So far, there is no clue about this bizarre incident. There is no other way except to follow the path of Magnolia. She turned around, patted Annie on the shoulder, and said, "Annie, you should go to bed too."

Annie took the opportunity and said: "Sister Lanhua, I will go tomorrow too!" Magnolia shook her head and said, "No, you have your own business tomorrow, and it's less important than a hundred thousand, so don't disrupt your regular routine of life!" Annie lowered her head, but she immediately agreed: "Yes!" The three of them went upstairs together, Anne returned to her own bedroom, lay on the bed, and thought for a while, she was training her reasoning ability, but no matter how she imagined, she could not understand why a rigorous The organization, with such a large amount of hands and feet, went to kidnap an idiot.

After thinking about it herself, Annie also felt that Magnolia was right. Only by figuring out the origin of this idiot, could she step by step and get to the bottom of this enigmatic matter. Anne didn't fall asleep until dawn, but she fell asleep very deeply. She heard the sound of the alarm clock. It was eight o'clock in the morning, but she just turned over and fell asleep again. Waiting until she woke up again, she looked at the clock, it was already twelve noon, the room was very quiet, Gao Xiang and Magnolia must be gone, Annie felt that she hadn't slept enough, so she closed her eyes again .

When she closed her eyes again and fell into a hazy sleep again, she suddenly heard a knocking sound coming from downstairs. That sound didn't make Anne feel anything, but, immediately after, Anne heard The sound of someone coming up the stairs. The stairs were covered with carpets, and it was not easy to hear the sound of footsteps when someone came up, but the footsteps of the person who came up were extremely heavy, as if he had to thump heavily every time he walked up a step. Annie was taken aback for a moment, and immediately opened her eyes wide. At this moment, her drowsiness had completely disappeared!

She heard the footsteps, they came very fast, and in a blink of an eye, she had already gone upstairs, and heard the footsteps passing by her door again. When the sound of footsteps passed by her door, Anne couldn't help feeling very nervous, and then she heard the sound of the door opening, which meant that the door of the study was opened. Annie hurriedly called out, "Brother Gao Xiang, is that you?" When Annie asked that question, she already felt strange in her heart, but she didn't feel nervous. Because she thought that if someone sneaked into the house, they would definitely not walk with such heavy steps, but even though she thought of this, she still couldn't figure it out, even if it was Gao Xiang, why would he use it? Such heavy steps to walk.

As she asked aloud, she leaned over and sat up. At this moment, the sound of footsteps came back and stopped in front of her door. Anne couldn't help but feel like her hairs were standing on end. Although it was noon and the room was brightly lit, the strange sound of footsteps Stopping at the door of her room, she still couldn't help being a little shocked. She hurriedly asked again: "Brother Gao Xiang, is that you?" This time, as soon as she spoke, there was a sound of "slap", and the door was already opened. A tall and strong man stood at the door. That was not Gao Xiang!

It was a strange man, about thirty years old, with short shaved hair, a stern face, staring at a pair of fixed eyes, looking into the room, there was a blank look in his eyes, as if He himself has no idea what he is looking at! When Annie saw such a strange person appearing at the door of her room, she couldn't help being taken aback. She turned over quickly, rolled over to the back of the bed, and stood still, ready to respond. And that man still stood motionless at the door of the room. When Annie stood still and looked at him, Annie couldn't help but let out an "ah". Annie, together with Mulanhua and the others, read the information about that idiot brought by Yun Sifeng last night, including a photo of that idiot, and she can be sure that the person standing at the door is that idiot!

As soon as Annie recognized who the visitor was, she was puzzled and happy at the same time. What she was puzzled about was that she didn't know why that idiot escaped after being kidnapped, and came here again. Besides, that is definitely not something an idiot can do! What made her happy was that Mulanhua and Gao Xiang were not at home, so they must have gone to the rescue home to investigate the ins and outs of that idiot. No matter how you investigate, it would be better to see the idiot himself! So Annie had an idea: try to keep the idiots until Magnolia comes back! Annie gathered herself together, looked at the idiot, and said, "So it's you!"

The idiot didn't respond at all, his dead fish-like eyes were fixed on Annie's body, Annie greeted him again, and then he slowly moved forward and walked over. He came all the way to the bed, still silent, and besides walking forward, the expression on his face didn't change at all, and his body was also stiff.Fortunately, it was daytime, otherwise, Annie must have thought he was a zombie! However, even in the daytime, facing such a person, Annie couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart. Annie was thinking quickly. She was thinking that the intelligence of an idiot is inferior to others. Although the person in front of him was tall and strong, his intelligence, according to the information of the rescue hospital, was only that of a five-year-old child. , To deal with him, of course, you have to treat him like coaxing a child!

Annie laughed while thinking, "Don't be afraid, how did you get here? Sit down, let's have a good talk!" As Annie spoke, she was about to go around the bed and walk forward. However, at that moment, the idiot's hand suddenly raised upwards. Annie's reaction was extremely fast, especially when the idiot was walking forward, the rest of his body didn't move at all, so when he raised his hand at this time, it seemed particularly eye-catching. Annie knew something was going to happen when she saw it, her heart trembled suddenly, and she stopped immediately. It was also fortunate that she froze for a moment, and she immediately saw that the idiot was holding a small pistol in his hand, and the barrel of that pistol was covered with a long silencer!

Annie let out an exclamation, and immediately fell to the ground. At that very moment, she heard several gunshots one after another, the gunshots were very low, barely audible compared to the cracking of glass behind her.So all she knew was that the idiot was shooting, but she didn't know how many shots had been fired in total. Annie fell on the ground, the bullet missed her, and she looked under the bed and could see the idiot's feet. Annie rolled over in her hair, rolled over the head of the bed, and she saw that the idiot had turned around and walked out. And Annie had already opened a drawer of the bedside table, and took an anesthesia gun in her hand. She didn't stand up, but just fell on the ground. The idiot had already left the room, and Annie pulled the trigger at this moment. Annie's anesthesia gun is specially made by Magnolia. The anesthesia needle shot out from the gun can inject extremely strong anesthetic into the human body. No matter where it hits any part of the body, the person will be anesthetized in less than five seconds. When Annie shot the anesthesia needle, she thought she would succeed. Because, she is confident that there is no reason why the shot cannot be missed. In fact, she can also see that the tiny anesthetic needle has shot the idiot's calf, but the idiot is still walking forward, lying on the ground. Annie on the ground could no longer see him. Annie straightened up hurriedly. The idiot was walking down the stairs. Annie reckoned that he would fall down when he reached the stairs at most. Annie was afraid that he would roll straight down the stairs! However, when Annie stood up, she heard a rush of heavy footsteps. The idiot didn't roll down the stairs, but went down the stairs! Annie was stunned, and immediately ran out of the room and went to the stairs. When she came to the stairs, she saw the idiot walking out of the living room. Annie glanced at the anesthesia gun in her hand. It's incredible that he obviously shot the opponent, but the opponent was not anesthetized! After Annie took a look, she immediately prepared to raise her gun and shoot again.But at that moment, the idiot didn't turn around, he had already left the door, and threw a ball of things into the living room with his backhand. Annie hadn't even seen what the idiot threw in, when a huge explosion, with flames and thick smoke, had already shocked Annie, almost falling straight down the stairs! Annie hurriedly fell on the ground again. In such a tense situation, Annie still tried her best to look down. But she couldn't see anything, the hall was filled with thick smoke, the explosion was quite powerful, and the smoke rose upwards, Annie coughed for a while, jumped up and ran to Magnolia's room. She rushed into Magnolia's room and looked out from the balcony, only to see a car driving out from the gate quickly. Annie didn't stop, ran to the balcony, climbed over the balcony railing and climbed down. When she was about to fall to the ground, she was extra careful, because the ground was full of broken glass shards from the explosion.She jumped out and landed on the grass, the car was no longer visible. The glass sliding door in the living room, everything in the living room is crumbling, and nothing is complete. Anne didn't go into the living room, but turned around instead, because at this moment, she heard the siren of the police car, approaching from a distance, and passed it quickly. The arrival of the police car was naturally related to the explosion just now. The sound of the explosion was very violent. Someone must have heard it and called the police. Not long after Annie turned around, two police cars had already driven to the door and stopped.
Mulanhua and Gao Xiang left at 9 o'clock in the morning. Before leaving, Mulanhua pushed open the door of Annie's room and glanced at Annie. She saw that Annie was in a deep sleep, so she didn't wake her up. . Mulanhua and Gao Xiang arrived at the relief home half an hour later, and the person in charge received them. Gao Xiang explained his purpose, and the person in charge of the relief home frowned and said, "Everyone, the police found him wandering on the street. , and felt that he was an idiot, so we sent him to the asylum, and we didn't think there was anything special about him." Gao Xiang said: "I already know this. We want to see the hospital's test records on his intelligence, and at the same time hope to meet with the test doctor for further understanding." The person in charge of the rescue hospital said: "Yes, today is just the day for the meeting of several doctors and experts in our hospital. You two will be able to meet with them all after a while." Mulan said: "He has been here for nearly a month, he must have changed his clothes, we want to see his original things." The person in charge of the aid home called a staff member in, and the staff member went out as ordered. After a while, he came in with a cowhide bag and said, "This man was wearing a set of old clothes when he entered the hospital. It has been abandoned, and at that time, he had nothing on him, only a ticket-like thing, and we still keep it.” As the clerk said, he put the piece of paper on the table. Gao Xiang hurriedly took it over, opened the envelope, shook it, and from the envelope, he shook out something similar to a tram ticket. On that ticket, there was an Arabic word "one" printed on it, and on the reverse side, there were two lines of writing. Gao Xiang only saw that it was the Yugoslav writing system, but he couldn't understand it, so he handed it to Magnolia. Magnolia took a look, frowned, and said, "This is an admission ticket to a zoo." The person in charge of the relief home said: "Zoo? This city's zoo does not charge tickets." Magnolia smiled slightly, and said: "Of course it's not the city's zoo. This zoo is tens of hours away from the city by jet plane. Gao Xiang, I think we've got a very important clue!" Gao Xiang fixed his gaze on Magnolia with a puzzled expression. He just felt that this ticket to the zoo would only make things more confusing! Because, if the idiot came from that far away, it's just impossible.How can an idiot go through such complicated travel procedures and such a long voyage by himself. However, looking at Mulanhua's expression, it was clear that she had already thought of something.Gao Xiang was about to ask her, but Magnolia had already stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the grass outside the window. On the grass, there are a few idiots pulling weeds, their movements are very slow, and their expressions seem to be all the same, some with silly smiles, and some with no expression at all. The person in charge of the aid home was naturally even more baffled. He asked, "Is this ticket important?" Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Naturally, this proves where he came from." The person in charge shook his head and said, "Director Gao, I have been studying low-energy people for more than 20 years. I don't believe that a person with only a five-year-old intelligence will come from such a distant place by himself!" Gao Xiang also had the same question in his heart, so he didn't answer the person in charge's words. At this moment, Magnolia turned around and said: "That's too simple, he didn't come alone, someone came with him, just because he is a low-energy person, like a child, and he came with him." The person who got up was careless, and he walked out alone. That's why he met the police and sent him here. I believe that in the past month, many people must have been looking for him secretly, and they were not found until yesterday. " Gao Xiang also wanted to ask: An idiot, why did he travel thousands of miles to come to this city.But before he could say a word, the intercom rang, the person in charge pressed a button, and a female voice came out from the intercom: "All participants are here." The person in charge stood up and said, "You two, please come with me to the meeting room." Gao Xiang held back and didn't ask any more questions. Together with Mulanhua and the dean, he came to the meeting room. There were already five people in the meeting room, and Gao Xiang and Mulanhua knew two of them, who were well-known experts in brain science. When they saw Gao Xiang and Mulanhua, they felt very strange. And the atmosphere in the conference room became very heavy after the dean announced Gao Xiang and Mulanhua's intention to come, and no one made a sound. Magnolia spoke first, broke the silence, and said, "We want to know how this idiot is different from other idiots." An expert in Zama said: "I was responsible for testing his intelligence. I thought it was a bit strange, but I thought it was impossible, so I didn't bring it up at the time." Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the expert, and the expert said: "The general test, the other party is very cooperative, the conclusion is that he has the intelligence of a five-year-old, but the test of the instrument—" When he talked about this, he paused for a moment, then smiled wryly, and said: "At that time, I almost thought that there was something wrong with the equipment. The equipment recorded his brain activity and detected the response of weak electric waves, which proved his intelligence. He is an extraordinary genius!" Magnolia and Gao Xiang were all in awe.They haven't expressed any opinions yet, the dean and several other experts have already said in unison: "That's impossible!" The expert said: "Yes, I also know that is impossible, this person is obviously an idiot! I have checked several times, and the result is the same." Magnolia said: "At that time, why didn't you bring it up?" The expert smiled bitterly and said: "What's the use of me proposing it? Everyone knows that it is impossible. If the activity of his cerebral cortex cells is really the same as what the instrument detects, then this person's intelligence should be completely Above us!" Gao Xiang and Mulanhua looked at each other, Gao Xiang said: "Then, is it possible that he was originally a genius, but pretended to be a dementia?" The expert shook his head and said, "I've thought about this too, but I've given him no less than ten general tests, and his reaction is a complete idiot." Gao Xiang couldn't help laughing bitterly, and said, "The matter is really strange, what conclusion do you experts have?" In the meeting room, silence fell again. After a while, the dean said: "Based on that situation, we can't draw any conclusions." Magnolia's brows were always knotted, and she asked the expert to take her to see those instruments, and listened to the expert explain how to use these instruments in detail. Those instruments are all newly designed, they can record the brain activity of the human body, and display it with curves. In the data room, there are many archives of recorded pictures, which prove that the brain activity of an idiot is close to that of a child, and it is not the same as that of an ordinary adult. No, but that idiot, detected by the instrument, proves that he is a genius with extremely complex brain activities. Mulanhua asked repeatedly, and wasted a lot of time. At noon, a staff member from the relief home hurried over and said, "Director Gao, your phone number." Gao Xiang left with the staff member, and after a while, he walked back to the laboratory with a nervous expression. Magnolia immediately said, "What's the matter?" Gao Xiang only said one sentence, "Let's go back quickly!"
Gao Xiang and Magnolia returned home, and the smoke had already cleared away. The brigade police officers were on guard nearby, Annie's complexion was strangely pale, as soon as Gao Xiang and Mulanhua walked in, she rushed to meet them. At this time, Magnolia also saw the damage to the house.Magnolia is very calm. It is not the first time that her house has been attacked by the enemy. Once, because the whole house was destroyed, they had to stay temporarily in Gao Xiang's residence. She held Annie's hand who was running over, and said, "Annie, are you not injured?" Annie panted, and said, "No, Sister Lanhua, it was that idiot who did it!" Gao Xiang was already talking with a senior police officer. Annie told the senior police officer what happened. After hearing a few words, Gao Xiang turned around and said, "Annie, you must be that idiot who did it?" Annie's face was still so pale, she nodded, and said, "I can be sure of him the moment I see him!" Mulanhua and Gao Xiang didn't say anything anymore. They walked into the living room with Annie. Several arms experts and a large number of police officers were looking for fragments of the bomb among the furniture destroyed by the explosion. Another firearms expert , came down from the upstairs, and said: "Director Gao, three bullets have been found, and the type of the bullets has yet to be identified." Magnolia raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "You mean, isn't that an ordinary bullet?" The firearms expert nodded, and Gao Xiang immediately said: "Give me the inspection report as soon as possible..." Together with the bomb fragments found in the living room, they were sent to Gao Xiang's office two hours later, along with the laboratory report. Gao Xiang looked at the laboratory report, and Mulan sat opposite him with Annie.Gao Xiang put down the report and said: "The laboratory said that the bullet that shot Annie was the same type as the two bullets used to kill people before. A special silencer to reduce gunfire to a minimum." Annie nodded quickly and said, "Yes, the gunshot sounds like opening a bottle of soda." Gao Xiang said again: "The fragments of the bomb are very ordinary, it is a small powerful bomb." Gao Xiang looked at Magnolia, wanting to hear Magnolia's opinion.But Magnolia has almost never spoken, and at this time, she did not make a sound. In the office, it fell silent, Gao Xiang endured it a few times, and finally said: "Lanhua, what's your opinion?" After a while, Mulanhua said, "This matter is really unbelievable. Why did that idiot come to kill us? At first we assumed that an organization had kidnapped him, but now it seems that this assumption must be overthrown!" Gao Xiang said angrily: "In my opinion, that guy is not an idiot at all, he is an extremely cunning criminal, he is pretending to be stupid!" Magnolia looked up at Gao Xiang and said, "Why is he pretending to be an idiot?" Gao Xiang was stunned for a moment, unable to answer, he waved his hands, as if this could calm the chaotic thoughts, he said: "I don't know his purpose, but he must not be an idiot!" Magnolia sighed, and said slowly: "There are too many things we don't know, don't be so sure, Gao Xiang, I think we should start with the admission ticket to the zoo." Gao Xiang was taken aback, and said, "To which country?" Magnolia smiled and said, "Why bother: don't they have a consulate in this city?" Gao Xiang was stunned for a while, and said: "Lanhua, the diplomatic relationship between this country and us has always been in a very delicate state. Some people describe the relationship as quite fragile. If—" Mulanhua smiled and said, "It's naturally inconvenient for the police to come forward, but I'm a citizen, so what's the matter!" With his hands behind his back, Gao Xiang walked back and forth a few steps.Annie said: "Brother Gao Xiang, why are you so careful? I heard from sister Xiuzhen that she also sneaked into diplomatic embassies of hostile countries!" Gao Xiang smiled wryly, and said, "This matter is very weird from the beginning to the end, so I'm thinking about it. Lan Hua, don't you think that special bullets are not owned by ordinary criminal organizations?" Magnolia didn't speak, just nodded.Gao Xiang took another breath, and said, "From the very beginning, we suspected that it was the elaborate masterpiece of an organization. If this organization is the other party's spy organization—" Mulanhua sighed, and said, "That's why I want to go to the other party's consulate to explore. If you can't think of it, I won't say it, but since you thought of it—" Gao Xiang immediately interrupted Mulanhua, saying: "I thought about it, so I won't let you go!" Magnolia raised her eyebrows, as if asking "Why?" Gao Xiang said: "We didn't take part in spy activities, it's possible that the other party didn't know this, and they still intend to make trouble in our house, Lan Hua, don't you think this is a trap?" Magnolia thought for a moment, then said: "Even if it is a trap, I must find out the reason." Gao Xiang already knew that since Mulanhua had already made a decision, it was really impossible to persuade her to give up this idea.Unless there is a sudden change in the matter, it can save her from taking risks, but judging from the current situation, there is no such possibility. In the office, it became quiet again. At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and Gao Xiang answered. The long-haired Director Fang, who was already grizzled, pushed the door open and walked in.
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