Home Categories Thriller Three corpses

Chapter 4 Chapter Four

Three corpses 倪匡 6016Words 2018-03-22
Gao Xiang looked at Annie and remained silent for a long time, the thoughts in his chest were absolutely chaotic.But at that moment, he could also feel that Anne's tone of speech was different from before! Gao Xiang saw that Annie and the slender Yun Wufeng were almost the same height, Annie had grown up!She was old enough to have enough ideas to persuade him to rest.Gao Xiang spread his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, let's go back first!" A police officer was walking towards Gao Xiang.Obviously, he came to accept Gao Xiang's instructions. Gao Xiang said in a deep voice: "Ask some more people to pick up all the fragments together. No matter how many or few fragments there are, don't miss them."

When he was talking, he paused for a while, and then said to the two explosion experts: "Please work overnight, tomorrow morning, I need the most detailed report information. Thank you!" The explosion expert agreed, and Gao Xiang, Yun Wufeng and Annie came to a police car together.Gao Xiang put his hand on Yun Wufeng's shoulder, and said, "Wufeng, go to the cow tomorrow and hold a meeting to study the explosion. You and Annie are eyewitnesses. I hope you can come to participate!" Yun Wu Fengmian pursed his lips and nodded.Even if the parts of his own car are not damaged, it cannot be moved, because the experts have to calculate the force of the explosion from the broken glass.

After sending Yun Wufeng home, Gao Xiang went to the hospital alone, and Annie went home alone. The house is usually not too noisy, but when Annie opened the door and walked in alone, she felt a strange silence. The silence formed a heavy pressure, which made her heart feel a rush. Very uncomfortable feeling. She paused at the door, turned on the light in the living room, and sat down on the sofa. She tried to calm herself down so she could think about it. She didn't think that she had the ability to reveal the mystery of the mysterious deaths of the three Xu brothers without any clue, but she knew that no matter how thick and thick the curtain of mystery was before her, if I don't want to, I will never be able to unravel it, only by constantly thinking can I solve this difficult mystery.

The three Xu brothers died of murder, and Annie confirmed this first. What follows is immediately certain.There must be a murderer. This is a reasonable certain formula, just like many mathematical axioms, it will not change. Anne has the result of the first layer of reasoning, which is: There are murderers. Annie took a piece of paper and wrote it down. Next thought.What method did the murderer use to commit the murder under almost impossible circumstances.On this point, Annie's mind was blank, and she couldn't think of it at all. So, she wrote another "B", under this "B".She made a question mark.

However, she can be sure.If the plane was still intact, then, after her and Yun Wufeng's detailed inspection, they must have found something. The reason why she was sure of this, first, was because Magnolia had also thought of this.That's why I asked Yun Wufeng to check it out.Second, due to the sudden destruction of the plane by an explosion! A plane that has been parked for a long time will never explode for no reason. The only possibility is that someone wants to destroy the secret that may be discovered, and that person is the murderer! Annie wrote down the third point on the paper, the murderer left a huge secret in the plane, and in order to eliminate this secret, he blew up the plane.

But how did the murderer blow up the plane? Anne is biting the pencil lightly, which, like the "B" point she just listed, is still an unsolvable mystery for the time being. Annie sighed softly, and wrote another question mark on the paper.Then she couldn't help but wonder if she had arrived an hour early, or had found something in the plane.But it was such a coincidence that the explosion of the plane happened at the very moment when she and Yun Wufeng arrived! When Annie thought of this, she couldn't help but straighten herself up. Her reasoning and thinking methods gradually matured under the strict training and influence of Mulanhua.Magnolia once warned her that only the laziest people who don't want to use their brains will not use their brains to think and explore problems at a deeper level, and leave them all to "coincidence".

The plane had been parked at the airport for dozens of hours, why didn't it explode sooner or later, and the moment she and Yun Wufeng arrived, it exploded? Is this really a "coincidence"? When Annie thought of this, she only felt her blood boil.She glanced at the piece of paper on which she had written down several points. On the third point, she was sure that the murderer had left some secrets in the plane, so she wanted to destroy the plane. So, why didn't the murderer blow up the plane immediately? After the accident, the murderer will not have the opportunity to enter the plane again and plant explosives because of the police personnel.Day and night, the plane was closely guarded.Then, the only possibility that remains is that the explosives have already been placed in the cabin. To cause such a huge destructive force, high explosives do not need to have a large size. Gao Xiang never thought of this, so he never noticed it. Very reasonable thing.

Annie felt that her speculation was not wrong, but the question came up again, why didn't the murderer cause the explosion right then?If the plane suddenly exploded while the three Xu brothers were still flying in the air, it would still kill the three brothers without leaving any traces.However, why did the murderer stab each of the three Xu brothers in the back? Thinking about it further, why didn't the murderer destroy the plane after the incident, and didn't explode the plane until Yun Wufeng arrived? Annie thought of these two questions, and she still can't answer these two mysteries, but the result of such careful consideration made her come to a conclusion that surprised her so much that she couldn't help but let out a low cry !

She concluded that the murderer must have used a remote control device to cause the plane to explode.Deriving from this conclusion, she came to a second more shocking conclusion, that is, the murderer knew the purpose of her and Yun Wufeng's trip! The murderer knew that she and Yun Wufeng would check and search for the plane.Maybe it was only based on speculation, but the murderer must have known that she and Yun Wufeng had arrived near the plane.It is by no means speculative! Annie stood up, biting her nails and pacing up and down. If the murderer wants to know this, there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility is that her and Yun Wufeng's actions leaked the news beforehand.But Annie immediately denied this first possibility, because Mulanhua made this decision in the hospital, and Yun Wufeng would leave as soon as he arrived, during which there was absolutely no possibility of any news leaking.Moreover, the leak of news and the explosion of the plane cannot be coordinated so closely in terms of time. Then, there is only one possibility left! The only possibility is: the murderer saw her and Yun Wufeng's arrival! Thinking of this, Annie's heart couldn't help thumping. This is an extremely important discovery!

This important discovery, until now, was only a conclusion drawn by Anne without a clue, but Anne immediately thought that she could prove her reasoning conclusion with actions. She stopped, and at this moment, although her eyes were wide open, in fact, there was something in front of her, but she couldn't see anything, because she was concentrating all her strength on thinking. She thought that if the murderer saw her and Yun Wufeng arriving, then he must be near this airport. Naturally, the murderer can use binoculars, but the distance will never be too far. Only in this way can the remote detonation achieve the best results. Annie couldn't remember what houses were near the airport, but as long as she went to the airport again, there would be results! Annie immediately went to the phone.She dialed the number of the hospital first, but only halfway through the dial, she put down the receiver. At that moment, she thought that it was the first time that she was alone, reasoning about such a mysterious and complicated matter. Although she is very confident, any reasoning is just reasoning, not facts. Annie originally wanted to call Gao Xiang, but she immediately thought that if her reasoning was not correct, wouldn't Gao Xiang be too tired to walk for nothing? She put her hand on the phone and wondered if she wanted to tell Mu Xiuzhen or Yun Wufeng. But she immediately dismissed the idea, she decided to go alone! She immediately went upstairs, and of course she had to assume that her own reasoning was correct, that is to say, the murderer could have seen her arrival the first time, and he must have seen her arrival this time as well. So she put on a pair of overalls and tied her hair together. She brought another infrared telescope, and when she opened the drawer, she saw Magnolia's small gun that could fire anesthetic needles beside the telescope. Magnolia had once warned Annie very sternly that she was never allowed to use weapons casually, so when Annie reached for the tranquilizer gun, she hesitated a little. But she still took the gun, and then went downstairs, driving the motorcycle, and drove straight forward. At this time, it was late at night, and the roads in the suburbs were very quiet.Annie was driving very fast, and the strong wind was blowing in her face.clear her mind.As she drove, she rethought everything she had thought of for an hour until she arrived at the airport. Many police officers, under the illumination of searchlights, were picking up the debris of the exploded plane.Every piece of fragment is first handed over to experts for review, numbered, and then put into the box. The police officer in charge of this work saw Annie go and come back.Feeling very strange, she hurriedly went up to greet her, and said, "Miss Anne, but does Director Gao have any orders?" Anne smiled.Shaking his head, he said, "No, I came here by myself, and I suddenly had an idea, you take care of your work and leave me alone!" The police officer nodded his head when he heard Annie say this.After walking away, Annie stood still behind a police car, took out the binoculars, and looked around.The east, west, and south sides of the airport are all flat land, although it is surrounded by trees.You can also see some houses, but all you see are roofs.That is to say, in these houses.Anyone who wants to see her and Yun Wufeng's arrival has to climb up to the roof.This seems unlikely, because if the person who caused the explosion hadn't been watching all the time, the time coordination would not have been so tight.Annie turned around and looked north.Not far to the north is the mountain. The first thing Annie saw through the telescope was a small milky-white house that looked like a fairyland under the moonlight.The small bungalow was built on a stone flat in the middle of the mountain.On the mountain to the north, there is naturally more than one house, but this one is the only one facing the airport most directly!Annie's heart jumped again, she took a deep breath, hid her body behind the police car, and continued to observe.On the first floor of that house, there was light coming through a window, but the light was very weak.Every window is covered with a thick window belt. Under the infrared rays of the telescope, Annie can even see that the pattern of the window belt is a brocade pattern.Annie watched for about ten minutes, but found nothing special. She put down the binoculars and frowned.Her reasoning has been preliminarily confirmed. Indeed, there is a house where one can directly see where the plane is staying.And her reasoning, if it is to be further confirmed, the only way is to go to the house.Annie bit her lower lip. She naturally knew that it was a rather risky action, but she had to do it. She turned around and walked towards the motorcycle she was driving. The police officer came over again and said, "Miss Annie, are you leaving?" Annie didn't say anything to the police officer, but just nodded and smiled.Driving a motorcycle, go straight ahead. She drove out of the airport, turned north, and found her way up the hill.Then, driving the car all the way up the mountain, the motorcycle made an astonishing sound on the silent mountain road. When Annie was about three hundred yards away from the house, she stopped the car and took out the binoculars to observe again. Just now, she saw it.It was the front of that house, and what she saw at this time was the side of this house. There was only one window in the room with light coming through, and Anne was sure that it was two windows facing different directions in the same room. The mountain road was very quiet. Annie looked at it for a while, but found nothing. She took a breath and started walking straight up. There is a section of the mountain road that is quite sloping, and Annie has been walking along the side of the road, so that she can hide herself with the trees on the side of the road.After walking for ten minutes, she had come to the wall of the house. When she was standing against the wall, she first heard a dog barking, and when she climbed up to the top of the wall, the barking sound became more intense. Annie only stood on the top of the wall, showing her eyes and looking inside. There was a rather large yard inside. Annie saw a garage first, where two very expensive RVs were parked. In front of the garage, two big wolf dogs were barking at her. Annie was thinking, the wolfhound would keep barking like this.Unless there is no one in the room: Otherwise, people will definitely be alarmed. When she was considering whether to use anesthesia injections to deal with the two wolfhounds first, she saw a tall man walking past the garage. Come. As soon as that person appeared.Two wolfhounds barked even more violently, the man scolded the dogs and looked around. Annie could see clearly that the man's face was long and narrow, which was typical of a person with a cold personality. The man was looking around with a very puzzled expression. He seemed to have discovered Annie's hiding place, because he finally stopped his eyes on the wall where Annie's eyes were exposed. In that case, Anne had no choice.Unless she gave up everything and ran down the mountain! She naturally didn't intend to give up, so, after the man's gaze remained still, Annie climbed onto the wall with one hand to support her body, pulled out the anesthesia gun with the other hand, and fired three shots in a row.She could see that when the anesthesia needle hit the man's cheek, and the man reached out to touch his own face, there was an extremely weird look on his face.However, the man didn't touch his own cheek at all, and fell to the ground on one side of his body. As for the two wolfhounds, after being injected with anesthesia injections, they just barked a little more and fell to the ground. It was only a few seconds before and after, and everything returned to silence. Annie was very nervous, but after waiting for a minute and no one came out, she climbed over the wall and jumped off. In this house, the man may be the only one.Annie rushed to the man's side first, and saw that the man was wearing expensive silk pajamas. Annie paused for a while, then turned around the garage and opened the door.went into the house. The moment Annie walked into the room, she was both nervous and excited.Because, whether her reasoning is correct, she will have the answer in less than half an hour! Gao Xiang came to the hospital and walked into the ward. Magnolia was already asleep.Gao Xiang lay down on the recliner beside the hospital bed. He was really tired, although he didn't have any clues in his mind, and he was eager to tell Mulanhua about the sudden explosion and destruction of the plane, but it wasn't long after he lay down.He fell asleep too. Gao Xiang didn't know how long he had slept. He was woken up by a hasty and muffled voice. Although he was still very sleepy, he could still hear that it was Mu Xiuzhen talking.Mu Xiuzhen said: "Why, Gao Xiang didn't tell you about it after he came back?" Then came the voice of Magnolia, and Magnolia said: "I don't know when he came back. I must have fallen asleep at that time, and he didn't want to wake me up." Mu Xiuzhen said again: "I rushed over as soon as I received Wufeng's call, Sister Lanhua, wake him up and ask, Wufeng doesn't understand!" When Gao Xiang heard this, he sighed inwardly. Mu Xiuzhen rushed to the hospital after receiving Yun Wufeng's call. That is to say, he only slept for about half an hour. Gao Xiang opened his eyes and said, "No need to scream. I'm already awake!" He yawned, flinched, and sat up, but Mu Xiuzhen had already turned around, and the question came out like a cannonball, and said, "Wu Feng said that the plane suddenly ignited and exploded, killing him." A lot of police officers, what's going on here?" Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't know." Gao Xiang glanced at Mulanhua, and then said: "Wufeng and Annie are witnesses. I have hired explosion experts to work overnight. I can get some information tomorrow morning!" Mu Xiuzhen was jumping up and down in the ward instead of walking up and down. She kept moving and said, "It's too weird. Why didn't the bombing happen sooner or later? But when the two of them arrived, Just explode, I think there must be something weird on the plane!" Mu Xiuzhen finally stopped, but she immediately identified Gao Xiang, and said, "You are too negligent, why didn't you think of checking the cabin of the plane at that time? You said that there was nothing suspicious in the cabin, and now it has been proved that there are at least Dynamite!" Gao Xiang sighed, and said: "Yes, it was my negligence, but the murderer's purpose is to kill people. The Xu brothers are all dead. I would never have thought that the murderer would blow up the plane!" Mu Xiuzhen said: "Destroy the evidence, in the cabin. There must be evidence of the murderer! Sister Lanhua, do you think so!" Lying halfway on the hospital bed, Mulan just frowned and didn't say a word, until Mu Xiuzhen asked her at this time, she just nodded her head without any reason, but she still didn't express her opinion. Mu Xiuzhen said again: "It's over now, and I can't find any evidence. Alas, it's too bad!" When Mu Xiuzhen said "it's terrible", she stomped her feet repeatedly. Mulanhua sat up and said, "Don't stomp your feet. This is a hospital. There are still patients sleeping downstairs!" Mu Xiuzhen's eyes widened. Looking at her, it seemed that the boss was not convinced. She immediately said, "Sister Lanhua, this murderer is challenging the whole world. Don't you just let it go like this?" Magnolia said: "I didn't say let's forget it!" Mu Xiuzhen said: "But you are lying in the hospital, doing nothing!" Gao Xiang frowned, and said: "Xiuzhen, what's wrong with you, Lanhua is sick, you don't know it!" Mu Xiuzhen spread her hands and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm too impatient, but at least we can use our brains!" Magnolia smiled and said: "When you really want to use your brain, you must first calm yourself down. If you are as impatient as you are, how can you use your brain?" Mu Xiuzhen sighed.Sitting down, Magnolia looked at Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang said: "When I arrived at the scene, the plane was already in pieces, and the farthest pieces may be hundreds of feet away, Wufeng and Annie are not dead , It's completely a kind of luck, they happened to be beside the car, and they got down in time, and their car seemed to have a dozen guns, and it was like firing a round at Kuang!" Mulanhua listened attentively, and waited until Gao Xiang had finished speaking, before she said, "Then, the explosion happened right after they got out of the car?" Gao Xiang nodded and said, "That's right." Magnolia took a slow breath and said, "The purpose of the two of them was to search the inside of the plane, and the explosion happened obviously to destroy something!"
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