Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 113 Treasure (Part 1)

Chapter 8 Chapter 4: Night is on the verge

Some people say that tragedy is like I accidentally cut off my little finger, and comedy is like you accidentally fell into the sewer.In short, no matter what, some people will cry.What happened to Xu Wanxin, should I just gloat and treat it as a comedy? That inexplicable girl fainted from starvation in the dormitory because of excessive weight loss, causing everyone to be frightened in vain.I called an ambulance and took her to the city hospital for glucose treatment to comfort Xie Yuying who was still crying. Since Xu Wanxin woke up, she had been staring blankly at the ceiling, no matter what Qian Yong called, she never made a sound.After a long time, she turned her head slightly and her gaze stayed on my face.

"Ayong, Yuying, you two go out for a while, I have something to talk to Yebuyu." "Wan Xin..." Qian Yong wanted to say something, but was interrupted by his girlfriend. "Get out." Although he didn't look at him, his tone was unquestionable. Xie Yuying and Qian Yong looked at me and walked out reluctantly. Xu Wanxin smiled at me: "Ye Silence, um, can I call you Xiao Ye? This kind of relationship seems to be a good feeling." "Whatever." I answered vaguely, not knowing what this woman wanted to say. "Xiao Ye, do you know that being a woman is actually very difficult and hard work. Be pretty, too eye-catching, not pretty, and you can't get your hands on it. If you are educated, no one dares to marry. If you are less educated, no one wants you. Lively Go ahead, say you attract others, be more reserved, say you are putting on airs, know how to dress up, say you are a fairy, don’t know how to dress up, say you are not feminine. Earn money by yourself, men are discouraged, let men raise it, and Say you are someone's mistress. When you have a baby, you are afraid of being fired by the boss. If you don't have children, you are afraid of being fired by your husband. Alas, it is really difficult to be a woman these days, so it is the best policy to be ruthless to men and treat yourself leniently. That's my point of view on relationships."

Halo, no wonder Xie Yuying was trained like that by you.But in terms of age, she is only a little over eighteen years old, so why so many sighs? I laughed dryly, not knowing how to answer her. "Xiaoye, what do you think of Yuying?" Seeing that I was silent, she didn't express any displeasure on her face, and said slowly: "She is my best friend and the only friend in my life. Although I am afraid of losing her, I'm even a little jealous of you, but I still hope that she will be happy. I heard that Qian Yong often talked about you, and I heard that you often encounter supernatural events. Is it true?" Xu Wanxin sat up from the bed with difficulty: "That's right , I read a test from the Internet, the author said that people who like supernatural events or have experienced supernatural events can basically be divided into seven personalities.”

One, theists: They believe in heaven and hell, believe in reincarnation, and believe in ghosts and gods. 2. Frustrated people: who have suffered repeated setbacks in reality and have nowhere to tell each other, but prefer illusory supernatural stories and get satisfaction from virtual characters and plots. 3. Good inventors: inventions and creations seem to have little to do with ghost stories, but people who are good at inventions are often extremely active in thinking and good at fantasy, and the imaginative content of beautiful ghost stories is very suitable for their appetite. Fourth, those who have not grown up: I don't mean to belittle you here.Life is short, whether you are a parent or not, but the childhood memories are still vivid in your heart, and the supernatural stories have become a continuation of childhood fantasies.

Fifth, novelty hunters: These people are often very popular, and they are also talkative, open-minded, humorous, and supernatural content is what they don't hesitate to talk about. Sixth, escapists: Disappointed with reality and prefer unrealistic things. 7. People who live in depression: life is depressed, they are not interested in newspapers and TV, they don’t like poker and mahjong, and their families may not be happy, so they have to join the spiritual school. "Which do you think you belong to?" "Neither of them. I'm a follower. I don't like it. It's just that many things will come to me." I sat on the chair and looked back at the white ceiling: "What about you? Do you think you are What kind of person?"

She smiled: "Although I don't like supernatural events very much, and I am often paralyzed, but in terms of personal experience and personality, I am afraid I am an escapist." "Escapist? Huh, is that so?" I stared into her eyes without blinking: "So to be honest, do you really like Qian Yong?" "Of course I can't say I like it. It's strange that you're not surprised. Did you already know it?" Her face was slightly red. I nodded: "Since Yuying started to be wild and weird, I have noticed some details. I'm afraid, you are using him to understand me."

"Well, Qian Yong didn't hesitate to say that, you are really a very smart person, it's hard to cheat." She smiled wryly: "Of course I want to investigate you thoroughly, after all, I can't hand Yuying over to someone who will hurt her." people. She is very simple." "Does he know you're using him?" "He's not stupid, I'm afraid he knows. But that man is super persistent and thick-skinned." Xu Wanxin sighed, and gently pushed aside the fringe covering her eyes: "Although I don't like it, I don't like it, and I'm just ordinary. , but he still has the advantage of being able to attract girls. Do you think girls are all stupid?"

"That's not clear to me." There is always a shadow in my heart, although I don't have much contact with her, but judging from the behavior and style she taught Xie Yuying, Xu Wanxin herself is definitely not a sentimental person.And now she is actually talking to herself about the profound things of life philosophy, which is really unbelievable. "Tell me honestly, what happened to you today?" I frowned and asked, "You seem a little abnormal." She smiled at me: "We just met twice, don't pretend to know me very well. I'm not the kind of little girl who is easy to be deceived."

Coughing suddenly, covering her mouth forcefully, Xu Wanxin patted her chest hard, and then showed a bright smile: "What did the doctor say?" "He said you were malnourished, leading to anemic shock." I recalled. "It's not like this. My body is born with a devil. It's a body that can't eat enough. If I can't eat enough, I won't lose weight." A trace of fear flashed across her expression: "I saw it, a kind of difficult something to explain." "What?" Seeing her mysterious look, my curiosity was also aroused. "Want to know? Hehe, unless you kiss Yuying, people will consider telling you." She smiled treacherously, and her deep dimples appeared cutely, really beautiful.

I snorted, turned and walked out.Although he didn't know why he would mind what she said, but he never had a chance to ask. Because that night, around twelve o'clock, Xu Wanxin committed suicide in the hospital, and Yuying sat beside her body, neither eating nor drinking, just staring at the thin white shroud in a daze.Seeing her distracted look, the police rarely bothered her. They just reminded me to go to the police station to make a statement after she regained consciousness. It was very obvious at the scene that although the ward was a three-person room, only Xu Wanxin lived alone.According to the traces left at the scene, after we left that night, she got out of bed and walked around anxiously, then came to the window, trying to open it.

Since the windows of the hospital could only be opened halfway, and even a head could not stick out of the opening, she gave up after trying hard for a while.He picked up the fruit knife on the table, covered the quilt, and cut open the artery forcefully. Afraid that the spurted blood would make people suspicious, he wrapped the entire injured wrist in a plastic bag. Then lie down quietly and sleep. The staff of the hospital went back and forth several times to check the ward without finding any abnormalities, but they just thought that the girl was sleeping soundly.It wasn't until Xie Yuying came to visit the room in the morning that she pushed her jokingly, only to find that Xu Wanxin was hanging down weakly, and had already passed away. It has been almost a month since they came back from Huangxian Village. In the past half a month, Sun Ao and Zhao Yu have been looking up relevant books, hoping to find information about those things brought out of Yizhuang. They were six small bronze human heads with domed heads that seemed to be wearing helmets.The back of the head is recast with a hair ornament, which looks like a butterfly-shaped flower, and is tied with a broadband in the middle.The portrait is beautifully shaped, full of energy, with surprisingly large eyes closed harshly, and a sharp nose. The whole outline reveals a sense of mystery and weirdness. Sun Ao, a talented student of folklore, immediately judged that it should be a sacrificial item from the Western Shu generation thousands of years ago, which is very valuable for research, so he hid it without hesitation. The next day, the villagers found the bodies of the bone picker and his party, as well as a young man who had already gone mad. When carrying him out of Yizhuang, the man just bit his fist hard, held his breath when he heard the wind and grass, and closed his eyes tightly in horror. The villagers were surprisingly calm and sent a few people to watch over the six of them carefully, as if they were afraid that the corpses would be seen by outsiders, and then cremated all the corpses that night.Sun Ao saw that although he and his party were not suspected, the possibility of continuing to stay and hunt for treasure was not very high. After all, once they went out, someone would follow them secretly.So after discussion, I decided to go back to the university to investigate separately. The found things were also divided into three parts by the three boys after returning home. Lying on the big bed at home, Zhang He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so he took out the bronze figure and looked at it carefully. For some reason, as soon as I hold it in my hand, I feel very comfortable, even better than smoking marijuana.In the past month, I have not thought about searching for information about this thing. After all, there are two high-achieving talents who are working hard. I am a lazy guy who has always been kind and good. He knows how to give himself some time off. He is not stupid, and he will still enjoy it . Looking at the clock in the room, it was only half past eleven, and the nightlife had just begun, so I picked up the phone and dialed a number, and someone connected soon after. "Hey, Zhang He, you still know how to call me." The other side of the phone was very noisy, as if in a bar, a man's rough voice came over, the upbringing is really not good. "Brother Liu, I got a good thing recently. I don't know if you want to try it." Zhang He's voice immediately became charming, and he waved his orchid fingers in the air. "Oh, your mother, if you dare to lie to me, be careful that I'll find a few girls to be you." Brother Liu paused: "I'm in Mingyue, bring me something right away." Zhang He giggled, that voice could scare the dead back to life.After a few casual words, he carefully opened the bedroom door and listened.Seeing that there was no movement from his parents, he had a good chance and rushed out, opened the door, got in a taxi, and left. Mingyue is a well-known underground bar in the city. Those in the know know that it specializes in ducks.The men sitting on the stage there will not be more than twenty-five years old, and they are all handsome.Although the introduction fee is several times more expensive than that of prostitutes, the service is different, and many people are still willing to spend this money. After all, homosexuality itself is a kind of sadness. They put themselves into the wrong role, so that it is difficult for two homosexuals to fall in love. After all, most homosexuals will fall in love with heterosexuals. In real life, they have their own lives, families, and children. Only when the deformed emotions in their hearts have accumulated enough to vent, will they come to Mingyue, spend money to find a handsome heterosexual guy, and spend a beautiful night together. . Zhang He is not a frequent visitor here, but he is definitely no stranger to Mingyue.No one around him knew that when he was a sophomore, he once sat on stage here and slept with all kinds of men. After a year of mixing like this, he also became gay. Skillfully arrived at the thirteenth position, Brother Liu was crossing his legs, with a handsome guy on the left and right.A trace of undressing flashed across Zhang He's face, but it was wiped away immediately, and a disgusting smile appeared on Zhang He's face. The man in front of him was a hateful guy who turned himself into a homosexual. From that day two years ago, he fell in love with him completely and hopelessly. Even now, he felt a little weird. "What about what you said?" Brother Liu spread his hands at him.Zhang He looked around carefully: "There are too many people here, it's inconvenient." Brother Liu glared at him: "You don't want to be alone with me, you lie on purpose." "I won't." Zhang He smiled even more charmingly, lowered his head and whispered in his ear, "I promise, it's better than taking drugs." "There really is such a thing?!" Brother Liu's eyes lit up, and he snapped his fingers at the handsome guy on the right: "Ask your boss to prepare a box for me." A minute later, they sat in the box.The sound-proof walls blocked all the hustle and bustle outside. Zhang He sat on the sofa and took a sip of beer. "Something?" Brother Liu spread his hands again. "Here, don't be surprised when you see it." Zhang He took out the bronze head. Brother Liu took it and looked at it for a few times, then threw it on the ground, and slapped it hard: "You're kidding me, brat, this thing will be better than drugs." Zhang He fell to the ground, and even a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but there was still a smile on his face: "Brother Liu, think about it, when have I lied to you? This thing requires a certain method Enjoyed." "Oh, what method should I use?" Brother Liu still had doubts on his face. "You first hold the bronze statue in your hands, then close your eyes, and think of anything you want, try it," he said. Brother Liu stared at him fiercely: "I warn you again, don't play tricks on me, or I will let someone in your house collect your boy's body tomorrow." Following the method Zhang He taught just now, Brother Liu quietly held the bronze statue between his hands and closed his eyes. Zhang He's eyes were full of light, and his heart beat violently with excitement.Yes, that's it, as long as you try the happiness brought by that thing once, you will never be able to leave me, you will always belong to me. Brother Liu's expression began to blur, as if he had encountered a beautiful scene, he was lying on the sofa hard, his whole body was twitching, the smile on his face was getting bigger and bigger, and it took a long time before he woke up reluctantly . "Damn, this thing, not to mention taking drugs, even making love is not as good as it." Brother Liu looked at the bronze statue in his hand excitedly, "With it, what kind of bright moon will I have? I don't need anything." Zhang He had an ominous premonition, he grabbed Brother Liu with all his might, and almost yelled, "This is mine, return it to me quickly." "Give it back to you? Hehe, why?" Brother Liu stretched out his hand and grabbed his throat. "It's a waste to give you such a good thing. You might as well sell it to me. Tell me, how much do you want?" "I don't want anything, please return it to me." Suddenly, he felt very scared. After more than a month of contact, he could no longer leave this bronze statue. Without it, he really couldn't live anymore. "Hmph, don't care about your so much." Brother Liu pushed him away fiercely, and then took out a gold card from his body: "All my savings in this life are on it, about six million, take it Get out of here quickly." "I don't want it." Zhang He yelled, his eyes turned blood red: "I just want my things." "Damn, don't be ignorant of compliments. I'm going to decide." Brother Liu sneered, turned around and walked out. Zhang He looked at his back, smiled angrily, and kept crying. Just when the man was about to open the door of the box, he picked up a wine bottle from the table and smashed it hard at Brother Liu's head. down. "You said Zhang He killed someone, and the whole city is looking for him?" Xiaoxue grabbed Sun Ao's arm forcefully: "How is it possible, that Zhang He is famously timid and fearful, although he looks like a man, he is completely designed Have the guts of a man." "I'm surprised too, but the police have already arrived." Sun Ao waved his hand annoyedly, and asked Zhao Yu, "What do you think?" The six people who had been to Huangxian Village, except Zhang He who was wanted, all gathered in Sun Ao's rental house. Zhao Yu frowned: "Who did he kill?" "According to the police, he went to Mingyue last night and killed a man surnamed Liu in the box. That man was a well-known real estate agent in the city." "Mingyue? Where is that?" He Yi asked curiously. "I heard it's probably a Gay Night bar." Sun Ao smiled wryly: "I didn't expect that guy to be really gay." Zhao Yu also smiled wryly: "He and I have been friends since middle school, and his sexual orientation was normal when he was in college. Forget it, it's useless to talk about these. What should we do?" "I don't know either." Sun Ao looked a little dazed: "By the way, just after the police left, Zhang He called me. He asked me to send over the things I found in Huangxian Village. He hid in the In Qingshan Hospital." "You mean, call the police?" Zhao Yu glanced at him. "Of course you can't call the police, maybe he found something, otherwise why did you mention those things?" A trace of determination crossed Sun Ao's face. He Yi and Wang Yun looked at each other in confusion, and shouted at the same time: "What are you talking about, why can't we understand? What are those things referring to?" Xiaoxue didn't make any excuses, but her tone was slightly mocking: "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyun, of course you don't understand. They probably went to Huangxian Village just for those things. We have been receiving Those three bastards who thought they were smart took advantage of it." He Yi was still confused, and although Wang Yun didn't understand, her advantage was that she had a boyfriend, and she was close at hand. Out of female instinct, she didn't hesitate Grabbing Zhao Yu's arm, he gritted his teeth: "Honey, what are you hiding from us? Huh?" "No, haha, definitely not." Zhao Yu was so painful that he almost broke out in sweat. "Let me explain." Sun Ao's eyes slowly slid over everyone's face: "The matter started more than a month ago. At that time, Zhao Yu accidentally found a This is a very old and unpopular ancient book. He found a map in the interlayer of the book cover, a very old map. According to the CH measurement, the map is about 223 years west, which is 1700 It was drawn 180 years ago. The map pointed out that a certain location in Huangxian Village buried a shocking treasure, and many great figures were buried. There are countless gold and jade objects there, and they are priceless. Once they are unearthed, they will definitely be shocked. The whole world. Zhao Yu only told Zhang He and me about this out of confidentiality. Then the three of us decided to go to Huangxian Village to explore the treasure, and you should know the other things. After all, we were all together at the time." "Treasure?" "Wow, so mysterious, so great!" He Yi didn't have time to get annoyed that he was being used, and just after hearing it, he yelled excitedly, and he was really innocent enough. Xiaoxue sat comfortably in front of the bed, lay down, and looked at Sun Ao: "Then you found it?" "Of course not. Otherwise, dear, you are already a rich woman!" Sun Ao smiled slightly and paused. "However, we found some things, very wonderful things. Remember that night when you insisted on peeking at the process of washing your bones into the urn? After you left impatiently, many things happened. Those things are from righteousness. Zhao Yu and Zhang He found one in the village, and I kept the rest." Sun Ao continued, taking out four bronze human heads from a drawer with a side flap. The three girls held each of them in their palms and looked at them gently. After a long time, He Yi gave up first: "I don't understand what this is. However, it seems familiar, especially those exaggerated big eyes." "Of course you will feel familiar, Xiaoyi. This is probably more than two thousand years ago, in the area of ​​Yuliang Kingdom, or the totem influenced by the belief of Yuliang Kingdom. It should be a sacrificial item." Playing with the small bronze statue, Xiao Xue supported her head with her hands: "Honey, what do you think?" "Same as you. According to my recent investigation and comparison with the objects unearthed in the Sanxingdui area, it can be judged that it is the belief tradition of the Yuliang Kingdom in Xishu. People at that time had a strong eye worship. The bigger the outline, the more masculine, the closer to God." Sun Ao thought about it: "But there is a question. All the valuables, artifacts and ritual vessels of Yuliang Kingdom, after Du Yu defeated Yuliang's army in the Battle of Tuojiang, advanced to Qushang, destroyed Yuliang Kingdom, and then used them to destroy Yuliang Kingdom. The method of burning and burying it was destroyed. The first one was excavated in Sanxingdui more than ten years ago. And that treasure, there are actually things from Yuliangguo, whose tomb is it?" "Hearing what you said, I'm also a little interested." Xiaoxue smiled lightly: "Now that you understand the cause and effect, what are you going to do about Zhang He?" "Of course I went to him to see if he found something." "Not to call the police?" "We will see the situation clearly at that time." Sun Ao thought for a while: "We are all good friends, even if he killed someone, we are still good friends, not to mention that the police are just suspicious now." "Forget it, this is all your men's business. We girls, just do our part and stay behind you silently to support you." Xiaoxue took a look at He Yi and Wang Yun: "Xiao Yi Xiaoyun, let's each take a small bronze statue as a souvenir, and treat it as punishment for these stinky men who take advantage of us." The three girls were giggling, and before Sun Ao had time to stop them, each snatched a bronze statue and flew away.Sun Ao and Zhao Yu looked at each other and smiled wryly. After a while, they shook their heads lightly, wanting to cry in depression. "That girlfriend of yours is really not a cover-up, it's cruel enough." Zhao Yu's voice became hoarse with annoyance. Sun Aola said with a long face: "Your girlfriend doesn't back down, she is crazy than anyone else in grabbing it, and she is faster than anyone else in escaping." "Then what time did you make an appointment with Zhang He?" "Nine thirty in the evening. In the morgue on the first basement floor of Qingshan Hospital." Sun Ao couldn't help but frowned after thinking about it: "To be honest, when Zhang He called, his tone was a bit strange." "Oh? How strange?" Zhao Yu raised his head. "It's very strange. Alas, in short, be careful. Although he is a good friend, he is also a murderer after all. What kind of world is this? We were still eating supper together a few days ago." Sun Ao sighed: "Remember what I said, especially You have to pay attention, after all, your friends for so many years are not fake, you should pay more attention to him." "Understood." A trace of bitterness crossed Zhao Yu's face.The two just drank instant coffee, thinking about each other's thoughts in silence. Not long after, the phone in the room rang.It was Xiaoxue who called, Sun Ao was slightly taken aback, and walked out. Xiaoxue leaned against the wall outside the door and smiled at him indifferently: "Handsome guy, are you free? Come with me to the park for a walk." After walking slowly to the park not far away, he found a stool by the pond and sat down. Only then did Sun Ao break the silence: "Are you worried about me?" "A little bit." Xiaoxue looked up to the sky: "Don't you think things are weird?" "You mean Zhang He?" "It's not just him, everyone is weird, including you. It's just that you haven't noticed it yourself." Sun Ao was stunned for a while: "I'm still me, nothing has changed at all." "But you stopped smoking and you stopped drinking." "Isn't this great? You used to always ask me to quit smoking, but now that I really quit, you have become suspicious." Sun Ao smiled, but there was a strange feeling in his heart.Yes, when did I start erasing the existence of the two habits of smoking and drinking?If my girlfriend doesn't mention it, I even completely forget these two things. "Isn't that strange?" Xiaoxue's voice was rarely anxious: "What did you see that night? Why did everyone in Yizhuang die? How did they die?" Sun Ao's voice suddenly turned cold: "Are you suspecting that we did it?" "Fool, how is it possible." She looked into his eyes, "I believe that after my future husband kills someone, he won't just run back and face himself." "Thank you." There was a touch of emotion in his heart, and the corners of his eyes drifted downward, and suddenly he saw an ordinary white flower. "Honey, look, it's clover." He gently picked off the flower and put it in her palm: "By the way, do you know what the English name of clover is?" Xiaoxue turned her head cutely and thought for a while, "It's Clover." "It's absolutely correct. C stands for her, and Lover stands for lover." Sun Ao stood up and pointed at her as if he was going to use all his strength: "She is my lover. The woman I love the most in my life, the only one I want to marry , A woman who wants to give her happiness. Xiaoxue, that woman is her." Xiaoxue was stunned by this sudden confession, she covered her mouth tightly, at this moment, her heart was so excited that it stopped beating, she couldn't hear the pulse of her body, she couldn't even breathe, she just kept circling the sentence in her mind talk. She is lover. The woman I love most in my life. The only woman who wants to marry and give her happiness. With tears in her face, she saw Sun Ao who was close at hand, gently weaving a ring with clover, a ring that a woman can wait for a lifetime.He shook the ring made of clover in front of his eyes, and said softly, "We will be happy, right?" "Yeah." She nodded. "You love me, don't you?" "Yeah." He continued to nod. "You'll always be with me, right?" "Yeah." Nodding vigorously. "Then, dear." Sun Ao showed a bright smile like his signature: "Would you like to marry me?" At that moment, the mind could no longer bear any impact, and it became completely blank, and the rational consciousness was washed away by the madness of emotion, and it was suddenly shattered.Her ears only caught her last whispering sound. "I would." "The more you want to forget some things, the better you will remember them. When there are some things you can't get, the only thing you can do is not to forget. She made a drunken joke with me. Now, I'm afraid I'm already Can't wake up." This was the last sentence Qian Yong said to me. After he finished speaking, he dropped out of school.The college entrance examination is only one and a half months away.He borrowed the sentence from "East Tooth, West Poison" to prove how desperate he is. Xu Wanxin's death not only hurt her parents, but also her boyfriend who loved her but she didn't, and her best friend. Although she had an incomparably peaceful expression when she died, so peaceful that those who have seen her body so far still have the illusion that she was just asleep. Xie Yuying stayed in her room and cried all the time, instead of going to school.I didn't try to comfort her stupidly. After all, there were some injuries, and all I needed was my own calmness. Time passed, and the wounds gradually healed. But will the wound really heal?Maybe I was too naive, if that kind of pain is mixed with some kind of external force, if that kind of external force is completely beyond the control of human beings, what will happen? On the third day after Xu Wanxin committed suicide, she received a call from Xie Yuying early in the morning. Before I could speak, she hurriedly said in a panicked tone: "Aye, I understand. Wanxin didn't commit suicide, she was forced to death." "What? How do you know?" I was taken aback. "Anyway, come to my side, I have something to show you." Without thinking too much, I took my coat and asked the driver to drive to Xie Yuying's home in the city.I sent her back to her home once after Xu Wanxin died, and it was on the thirteenth floor of a mansion. As soon as the doorbell was pressed, Yuying opened the door. "A Ye." She threw herself into my arms and burst into tears.The originally beautiful big eyes were already red and swollen, and I don't know how many times I cried in the past few days.I held her tightly, and after a long time, she blushed and gave me a reproachful look with her eyes wide open. "You, that's good or bad." She pressed her hot red face against my chest and didn't move away. Khan, where am I broken again?I wanted to ask, but suddenly realized that in a certain sense, I can indeed be called good or bad.Yuying hasn't gone out for about a few days, only wearing a thin Snoopy which is completely vacuum inside, and I naturally don't wear too much masochistically in hot weather, the two of us stick together, of course I can feel everything. In particular, her unexpectedly elastic breasts are pressed against her chest. As long as she is a man, she will have some kind of physiological reaction involuntarily. I laughed dryly a few times, since a certain beauty didn't intend to move away, and I didn't have a stupid and puzzled style, and by the way, I could enjoy the rare beauty. "Hey, that, do all boys do this?" She was so ashamed that she didn't dare to raise her head, but she hugged me even tighter, it was just a naked temptation. "Well, probably." I replied vaguely. "It's terrible." Yuwa was red from the ears to the neck, and his whole body was amazingly hot: "I heard from Wan Xin that after marriage, boys will have sex with girls. They will also put that in that, and then the little baby will come out of it." That one ran out. Is it true?" What and that.I was sweating like crazy and didn't know how to answer.She is too simple. "That and that, as well as the little baby, it seems that you don't need to wait until you get married." I hesitated whether to give her physiology class again. Yuying hugged me even harder, as if she wanted to integrate her whole body into my body: "Really? It's scary!" Depressed, why are you still so curious if you think it's scary, I really don't know what girls are thinking.But if she continues to harass her like this, I'm afraid I will really make a mistake. Taking a deep breath, he gently pushed her away, and changed the subject: "By the way, didn't you have something to tell me on the phone?" She let out an "ah", covered her face shyly and let me into the room. "This is what Wan Xin left on her body when she died. Her parents gave it all to me." Yuying took out a big bag from the room. I took a quick look and there was a cute little pink purse, an earring, and a crumpled note.Unfold it, and there are three small characters written on it: time box. "What's a time box?" I asked suspiciously. A trace of loneliness appeared on Xie Yuying's face: "It's a secret between me and Wanxin. We have been best friends since junior high school. We talked about everything, and even went to the bathroom together. I never had a boyfriend. So she, who has outstanding looks and grades, and has many suitors around her, insisted not to have a boyfriend. We once said that we would be together forever. That time box was buried after we graduated from junior high school, and we agreed to get married when both of us Open it again. At that time, we were very innocent and always thought that the whole world was beautiful, but fantasies were fantasies after all. "We used to have a good friend who was also a wonderful girl. She was cheated into bed by a married man in the freshman year of high school, and she was found out after she was pregnant. The goddam man threw money for her to go. Abortion never appeared again later. The girl committed suicide a few days later. She cut open her stomach alive with a utility knife and dug out the four-month-old fetus. At that time, the first The first person who discovered it was Wan Xin. The girl's intestines, blood, and amniotic fluid flowed all over the place, making Wan Xin in a trance all day long, and she didn't even dare to sleep alone. Therefore, Wan Xin couldn't commit suicide, even if she committed suicide, she wouldn't Cut her wrists, because she has been afraid of blood and sharp things since that day." I frowned slightly: "Even so, it doesn't mean that he must have killed him." "Of course, although I have never understood the reason for her suicide, but when I saw the words on the note in her belongings, everything suddenly became clear. She must not have committed suicide. Someone must be behind it .” Yuying opened her big red and swollen eyes forcefully, with an angry expression, and squeezed the doll in her arms with both hands: "Because since the girl died, she often told me that if she died naturally, she would live for a long, long time. Her husband, who was destined to be oppressed by her all her life, went into the grave and watched groups of children grow up. At that time, I naively asked, what would happen if she couldn’t live to die naturally? Wanxin said, if it was an accident or unforeseen There is no way, it cannot be resisted by manpower. But if she did not die in an accident or committed suicide, then she would try to put the difficulties she encountered into the time box, and then leave it when she was dying. The three words "time box" should be my last words, let my best friend go to justice for her." Yuying's face was full of pain, and while weeping, she intermittently explained the past and the past clearly. I sighed and pulled her into my arms again.It felt like her whole body was trembling, and her whole body was as fragile as glass that could easily break. It seems that the matter is indeed not simple, and it is necessary to investigate again. In my mind, I suddenly remembered what Xu Wanxin said to me before he died.She said that her body is born with a devil, and she belongs to the body that can't eat enough to get fat, and she will only eat enough, so how can she lose weight.She also said that she saw something that she couldn't explain. At that time, I thought she was joking, an excuse to play myself.Perhaps, she was simply sending a message to herself, asking herself for help, damn it, why didn't she notice it, if she found out, maybe she wouldn't die. With a lot of thoughts, I lowered my head and said softly to Yuying in my arms: "Let's go and open that time box, maybe we can really find some evidence." It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the place where the time box was buried.说起来她俩国中时居然住在邻镇,坐车都花了半个多小时。时间盒埋在当时学校后边的树林里,糊里糊涂的谢雨莹,又浪费一个多小时努力回忆,这才指著一棵树道:“就是这下边。” “你确定?”拿著铲子的手稍微有些犹豫不定,毕竟自己己经冤枉挖了十多个坑了。 “当然确定,你烦不烦,一定是这里哪。”她气呼呼的嘟著小嘴。 “你说是就是吧。”我苦笑,又卖力挖起来。 据说她们埋盒子的时候埋的并不深,只是挖了个近一米的小洞罢了。郁闷,什么玩意儿,又不是埋金子,干么挖的那么认真,这还叫不深的话,我就真不知道什么才算深坑了。 向下挖了一米多,铲子终于碰到了一块硬物,小心敲了敲,发出了空洞洞金属回音。看来就是这里了。 吃力的把盒子取出来,谢雨莹迫不及待的抢过去,抱在怀里,又哭了出来。 难隆说女人是水做的,现在的自己稍微有些体会到这句话的精髓了。 她一边哭著,一边扯下封条,将那个不大的时间盒打开。由于只过去了三年,盒子里的东西还算干净,并设有沾上太多泄漏入的尘土。 “这个是我最喜欢的东西,原本以为会喜欢一辈子的,可是将它埋了以后,自己便很快忘记了。人类,真的是种喜新厌旧的动物。”雨莹抽泣著,用颤抖的纤纤细手拿出一个嵌著许多亮片的蝴蝶结。 我黯然。相信许多人都和自己最要好的朋友埋下过时间宝盒,然后相约在某个特定时间再一起打开,我也埋过。 然而当宝盒再次打开时,却发现那个一起埋下的人己经不在了,那种痛苦,就像心脏被剥了一层似的,感觉痛,而且空空的,仿佛少了许多东西。 “还有这个。”她拿出一张老旧的成绩早:“这是我第一次考试考的那么糟糕,本来成绩一向中上的,英语竟然考了三十六分,根本就不敢拿回家给父母看。为了逃避,就埋了进来,当时的自己,真的好傻:最后父母知道了,还被狠狠揍了一顿。” 她一样一样的将盒子里的东西小心翼翼的拿出来,眼睛温柔的注视著,早己经忘掉了来的目的,甚至忘记了我的存在。 “天哪,这是我送给宛欣的生日礼物,没想到她那么珍惜。”她望著一只耳环惊讶道。突然想起了许宛欣遗物中的另外一只耳环,看样子应该是一对的。 我突然有点羡慕雨莹,她有一个真正的好友,一个真的很重视她和雨莹之间的友情,重视到不惜牺牲自己甚至利用别人的感情,来了解夺走好友感情的那个混蛋男生,究竟是不是一个可以托付的人。 那样的朋友,一辈子能够遇到一个己经是奢望了。 回忆总是会带来沉重的气氛,我在这种气氛里总是难以习惯,看著面前不断哭泣的雨莹,看著满地的回忆,我甚至不知道自己的双手双脚应该放在哪里。许久,我才一把抓住了她,又一次的紧紧抱住。 我不是个善于安慰别人的家伙,偏偏在我面前哭泣的女孩实在不曾少过。 见多了,也明白了一件事,有的时候,哭泣的女孩并不需要你的语言,只是希望著一个可以依靠的宽阔肩膀,我的肩膀很宽阔,而且,突然想让她依靠。 雨莹身体微微一僵硬,然后用力的楼住了我。她抬起头,呱起的小嘴倔强的半开半合,像在说些什么。 她漂亮的大眼睛流著泪水,勇敢的,一眨不眨的望著我。 于是,我吻了她。 她的唇很柔软,很烫,略带著清淡的甜味。我用舌头撬开她洁白的牙齿,她有些害泊,稍微小心的挣扎著,又怕咬到我,只好一动不动的任我的舌头四处肆虐,寻找著甘甜的源头深处。 那个甜蜜的吻不知持续了多久,直到感觉再也无法呼吸了,双唇才依依不舍的分开。谢雨莹将红的发烫的脸颊腻进我的胸口,用力吸著气。 我抬起她的头,让她依旧迷离的双眼望向我,说道:“以后不准再哭了,不然看我怎么收抬你。” “我偏要哭,就哭给你看。”她耍赖似的拉著我的手。 我笑起来:“那以后我不吻你了。” “你。”她的脸更红了:“你欺负人家。” “我哪里欺负你了,我的姑奶奶,我可是什么都没有做过。” “明明都对人家那样了,还说什么都设有做。哼,总之你要负责任。”我大笑:“我做哪样了?人证?物证?事情发生时间?原因?拿出来给我看看啊。” “哼,耍赖,赖皮。人家不理你了她。”哼了一声,本来想用力的将我的手甩开,又泊太用力,只好赔气的转过身去。 “那现在,你心情好一点了吧?”走过去,从身后抱住了她不盈一握的纤细腰肢,我凑在她耳边轻声问。 她的身体一颤,握住了我的手掌。“谢谢,我好多了。。” “那还等什么,继续工作。”我大声吼著:“你在时间盒里找一下,看看有没有什么是从前设有的,或者最可疑的东西:说不定真的能找出许宛欣不是自杀的证据。。” 谢雨莹终于精神了起来,她冲我甜甜的笑著,趁我设注意,掂起脚,飞快在我嘴唇上吻了一下,这才羞的蹲下身,仔细筛选起盒子里的东西来。 我捂住嘴唇,脑子稍微有些空白。那种蜻蜓点水的柔软触感,即使在多年后想起,都会产生一种淡淡的温馨。不久后,她拿著一个青铜人头像,奇怪的叫出来:“这是什么?好象很眼熟的样子?” 我瞥了一眼:“当然会眼熟了,那不是我们在青山疗养院联谊的时候找到的吗?一共有三个,钱墉、许宛欣还有另一个男孩,他们霸道的一人一个给瓜分掉了。” “难怪哦,但为什么宛欣会把它放在盒子里?” “你不是说她留下什么死亡留言吗?或许这个就是了。”我将铜人像拿在手心里仔细打量。 这明显是两千多年前西蜀鱼亮王国的神像,夸张的大眼睛即使没有张开,似乎也能看透人心似的,光是望著它,都会令自己感觉一股寒意。 钱墉刚将这些东西找出来的时候,自己也看过,那时候判断应该是地摊货色,但此刻真真实实的拿在手里,感受著青铜的触感,看著精致的细部轮廓,却开始有点怀疑了。 两千多年来,这个世界有了天翻地覆的变化,工业也在每时每刻的疯狂增长著,尺度甚至精细到了以奈米计算。 但是有一点人类退步了,而且退步的越来越快,那便是手工艺术。摸著青铜人面像,我犹豫著,它的精致早就超出了现代的手工水准,绝对不是粗糙的地摊货色可以比拟的。 难道,这玩意儿是真的?是三星堆还没有发掘前,被某些盗墓者从堆里偷出来的流落品?可为什么这些东西会藏在青山疗养院中? 见我陷入了沉思,雨莹小心翼翼的拉了拉我的衣角:“阿夜,人家都看过了。就只有你手里的那个东西不是原来埋进去的。” 我点点头:“应该就是这些了。那,你的时间盒准备怎么办?” “我想埋回去,毕竟,这是我和宛欣共同的回忆。既然她己经永远不在了,那么就让时间盒永远的埋在地底,陪著她吧。”她的眼圈略红,努力不让自己哭出来。 我微微一笑:“那我们现在就动手。” 手再次碰到了铲子,就在我准备将第一铲土倒进坑里的时候,整个身体突然僵硬了。脑子里猛地想到了什么,缓缓转过头,我望著雨莹,全身都在发冷:“雨莹,有一件奇怪的事不知道你发现了没有?” “什么事?”她疑惑的问。 “我也是刚才发现的,这个坑在很长时间都没有挖开过的痕迹,而你的时间宝盒也设有打开过,甚至封条都没有破坏,那么许宛欣究竟是怎么把青铜人头像放进去的呢?” 雨莹听懂了,吓得脸色发白:“太,太不可思议了,难道是宛欣去世后才……” “傻瓜,这世界上根本就没有鬼。一定是有某些东西被我们忽略了。”我打了个冷颤,强自镇定。 就在这时,手机铃声响了起来。我接起来刚听了几句,顿时原本就己经不好看的脸色变得更加苍白了。 “谁的电话?”雨莹害怕的靠著我,将我的手臂紧紧抱住。 “是我当警察的表哥。”我语气喃喃的道:“他问我是不是认识一个叫钱墉的男生。” “阿墉?他怎么了?” “死了,是自杀。据说自杀的清况很诡异。” 六点正,孙敖和赵宇准时来到了青山疗养院,看著眼前荒废己久的庞大建筑物,脑袋都有些发麻。这医院如同一只张牙舞爪的史前巨兽,紧闭著眼睛,但是却带著浓烈的危险感。 这地方虽然并不是第一次来,但是没有一次如此不安过。赵宇裹紧外衣,声音稍微有些哆嗦:“奇怪,这医院怎么突然变陌生的感觉?” "I agree." “孙敖苦笑。”或许是很久设有人来过的关系吧。 “也不对,记得这里常常被各大社团当作试胆大会的场地,即使到现在人气也应该还很旺。” “算了,别想那么多,总之先找到张诃再说。”孙敖摸著兜里的两个青铜像,不觉的摇摇头。 如此有研究价值的东西,居然被那三个女生当作可爱的玩物,据说何伊甚至还用眉笔给这东西改变造型,实在太荒谬了:不管怎么说,这也相当于国家的一级文物。 “张诃居然约我们在停尸房里见面?平时看他胆小的样子,还真想不到。”赵宇打量著医院的大门:“奇怪了,这里最近应该设有被打开过,都生了一大堆蜘蛛网了。” “他可是杀人犯,怎么可能从大门进去,明眼人一看就知道里边藏著人了。”孙敖打量著四周:“我们也别走大门,免得被人跟踪。我知道附近有个秘道,跟我来。”他朝左手边走去,拐了好几次弯,这才来到一个死角前。轻轻拨开墙角的杂草,顿时露出一个不大的洞口。 “难道这就是所谓的狗洞?”赵宇大笑。 孙敖也笑了:“狗洞又怎么了,就算是猫洞咱们也只能爬进去。快跟上来。”医院早就断水断电了,密封的建筑内伸手不见五指。他俩打开早己经准备好的手电筒,将光圈调到最大,周围总算稍微有些能见度了。 这里是医院的大堂右侧,曾经是儿童病房部。即使是改成疗养院后,也是专门供给那些身体不健康,但是又在当时无法根治的孩子居住。 这里一共有十个房间,每个房间里床、枕头、被褥等对象都还十分齐全,甚至疗养院在倒闭的最后一天,员工还自发的将所有的被子叠的整整齐齐的。 用手电筒照去,可以看到可爱的天蓝色被套上映著朵朵白云,很有童真。 赵宇看著病房中的物件,轻声道:“小时候我常常奇怪,中国人是一种喜欢哄抢的民族,只要是没有人居住的地方,就算房檐、屋顶的瓦片都会被人偷走。可是这么大个医院,里边的东西居然完全没有丢失过,实在太怪异了。” “似乎也没什么值得大惊小怪吧。”孙敖笑著:“你想想,中国人虽然喜欢哄抢,但是他们更迷信。既然医院里闹鬼的传闻沸沸扬扬的,又有哪个不怕死的敢把闹鬼的东西搬回家呢?真的会死于非命也说不定。” “嗯,有道理。”赵宇点点头:“看来你对这里很熟悉,从前常来吗?” “每年都会和社员来上几次。我从小学到大学都是在这附近就读,而且参加的社团都和这里沾了一点关系。小学时候是灵异社,国中怪谈社,高中鬼怪文学社,大学民俗系,有意思吧?” 赵宇不由得狂笑:“太有意思了,虽然名字不太一样,但本质上根本就是同一类型的社团嘛。” “因为我从小就对这些乱力怪神的东西感兴趣。之所以会选择民俗系,也是因为这个原因。”孙敖望著眼前的路面,淡然道:“说起来,我们几个己经很久没有这么轻松的聊过天了?”赵宇呆了呆:“是有些日子了,自从有了各自的女友和生活后,所有的一切都变了。你小子忙著准备和女友考研究生,我忙著跑社团,然后准备之后工作的事,张诃每天都去酒吧,根本就什么都不想,只知道混时间。” “对啊,不知为什么,突然有些感谢这次探宝活动。如果不是你找到了那幅地图,我们几个恐怕一直到毕业都完全没办法再聚拢,然后就各分东西,逐渐将对方遗忘掉,老死不相往来了”孙敖叹了口气。 “说不定,真的很有可能。”赵宇苦笑:“但谁也没想到张诃居然会杀人。” “或许他有自己的苦衷吧。” “那你觉得他联络我们,什么都不要求,只是要我们将剩下的青铜人面给他带去,究竟是什么意思?难道他真的发现了什么线索?” “我也搞不明白。”孙敖用食指将眼镜向上推了推:“如果他是清白的,一定不会逃跑,更不会躲进这个地方。” “那他真的杀了人?” "I think so." “那你觉得警方会不会知道他躲在这里?” “现在恐怕己经知道了。” 赵宇大吃一凉:“你怎么知道的?你报的警?” “当然不是,我不会那么没义气。”孙敖脸上没有表情:“但是你想想看,我们是他最好,也是唯一的朋友,警方没有对我们过多的询问,就任我们随便行动,这不奇怪吗?” “你的意思是,你早就知道了警方在跟踪我们?” “也没多早,只是来这里之前吧。” 赵宇皱起眉头:“你这样做和报警有什么区别?” “寿司,别傻了。”孙敖用力拍著他的肩膀,“他是杀人犯,这一点尽管我们不想承认,但是己经是既成事实了。作为朋友,现在能作的只有一点就是劝他自首。难道你要让他在这里躲一辈子吗?” “可是,”赵宇张了张嘴,后边的话还设说出口就被孙敖打断了:“没什么可是的,就算想包庇他也己经来不及了。我们还是尽人事,听天命吧。” 终于,停尸房到了。 医院的停尸房在地下一楼,此时两扇铁门正紧紧的闭著。明知道这里早就没有了冷气,但是总觉得从脚底窜上一股寒意,很冷,冷的可以将骨髓冻结。 孙敖犹豫了一下,用力敲响了门。 拍了许久,并没有人来应门。他试探性的喊了几声:“张诃,你在吗?” “谁和你在一起?”终于,张诃的声音传了出来。 “是寿司。” “人像带来了吗?” “带来了,张诃,你要这东西干么?” “我发现了一些好事。”张诃嘿嘿笑著,打开门,露出了他灿烂的笑脸。不娘,很男人味,而且看神情还十分满足,根本不像逃难的杀人犯。 孙敖和赵宇对视一眼,这才走了进去。刚一进门,张诃己经把手摊开,用亢奋的音调道:“拿来。” 孙敖略微皱起眉头,从兜里掏出剩下的两个青铜人面像递给他。 “怎么只有两个?”张诃猛地抬起头,满脸的期望顿时变得非常阴狠:“你那里不是有五个吗?” “剩下的三个被你嫂子她们拿去了。”赵宇被他的突然变脸吓了一跳,急忙解释。 “哦,我就说兄弟一定不会骗我的。”他的脸部肌肉缓缓松弛下来,随意的坐在地上,冲他俩道: "sit." 两人不经意的互相换了个眼色,紧靠在一起坐了下来。冰冷略带潮湿的地面,寒意几乎贴著皮肤涌进身体里,很不舒服。 “你说张诃是不是吸过毒?精神状态怎么看都不像正常人。”孙敖小声说。 赵宇摇头:“大二之前他的清况我还稍微知道一点之后就疏远了。虽然还是好朋友,但他是不是吸毒,不知道。可是现在看起来,很像。” “唉,看来要头痛了。”孙敖叹口气,用手电筒的光指向张诃:“张诃,说老实话,你是不是杀了人?” “好象是吧,管他的,我才不在乎。”他忙著将拥有的三个人像握在手心里,整个人突然舒服的长长呻吟了一声,全身无力的向地上躺去。 “张诃,你究竟在干么?”孙敖不解的问。 “这就是我发现的秘密。神像的秘密。真的很爽。”张诃醉眼迷蒙,半死不活的喘著气,整个人都在抽搐:“它会给你带来意想不到的快乐,不要说吸毒,做爱,就算将全世界给我,都不会让我感觉那么快乐。真她妈的好东西。” “你居然会讲脏话。”赵宇沉下脸,这家伙以前虽然女性化的令人恶心,但就因为女性化所以才常常一副淑女的样子,说话用词精挑细选,想都不会去想这些肮脏的辞汇。 现在的他,实在太反常了,反常到陌生。 “老子说了又怎样?”张诃挣扎著站起来:“老子还要说,她妈的,她妈的,就她妈的。” 孙敖哭笑不得的望著他,这种赖皮的模样,活像个要糖果不遂的小孩子。 张诃摇摇晃晃的走向赵宇,直到只剩半个手臂的距离。用力伸出手将其中一个铜人递到他身前说道:“这东西真的很爽,不信你试试。” “我试?要我怎么试?”赵宇苦笑。 “你把神像握在手心里,然后闭上眼睛,随便想什么,很快你就会尝试到有生以来最大的快乐!” “还是算了吧。” “给我拿著。”张诃歇斯底里的大吼了一声。 赵宇吓得下意识接住,犹豫了一下,只好坐在地上根据他的说明尝试起来。 开始的时候,脸上还带著无奈和些许的不耐烦,没过多久的时间,孙敖惊讶的发现,赵宇的表情居然变了,变得痛苦和快乐夹杂的奇怪色彩。 之后快乐渐渐占据了主要位置,他的表情越来越夸张,张狂的大笑著,好不容易才停止,然后便是一阵又一阵的全身抽搐。 过了许久才依依不舍的张开眼睛,原本黑亮的瞳孔中依然蒙著一层灰色:“好爽。” 赵宇低下头呆呆的望著手中的雕像:“没到它居然还有这种功能,妈的,有了这个,我还要什么工作,我什么都可以不要了。” 张诃顿时紧张了起来:“靠,这是我的东西。” 赵宇抬起头,死死的望向他手中的青铜像:“你不是还有两个吗?再给我一个。” “这是我的,快还给我。”张诃大吼大叫,扑上去就抢。 “我们不是朋友吗?你的还不是我的。”赵宇笑的很怪异,他温柔的说著话,手上动作却完全没有和表情符合一致,一拳头就将张诃打翻在了地上,然后用力扳开他的指头想将东西抢过来。 孙敖看的莫名其妙,虽然无法解释他俩的行为,但也知道不能再放任不管下去,便大叫了一声:“你们在干么,都给我住手。” 在那大音量的冲击下,赵宇突然呆住了,张诃想都没想,借机冲过去将青铜像抢过来便夺路而逃,很快就消失在了黑暗中。 赵宇仍然呆呆的站在原地,一动也不动。 孙敖小心翼翼的观察他,判断出没有危险性后,这才抓住他的肩膀用力摇动。 好不容易他才清醒过来,迷惑的望著四周,喃喃道:“我刚才是怎么了?” “不知道,有点像是中邪。”孙敖苦笑:“剩下的事以后再讨论,先把张诃追回来再说。” 赵宇点点头,摸著脑袋向停尸房外走去。 漫无日的在青山疗养院里搜查了好几个小时,几乎将所有地方都找了个遍,依然看不到张诃的身影。 孙敖满脸恼怒,仿佛要爆发似的每向前走一步,都将眉头皱紧一次,终于,他们来到了大门口。再也不需要隐瞒什么,他用力将门拉开,两个人就在那一瞬间呆住了。 在眼前不远处,有个黑乎乎的东西猛地落了下来……
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