Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 113 Treasure (Part 1)

Chapter 4 Introduction three

"Little San, you, is your kid still there?" "I, I'm still here." "Did you hear any strange noises?" "It seems there is!" His heart was beating wildly, and the room was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.Xiao San was trembling with fear, and while answering Xiao Si's words, he groped towards the direction of the voice.Suddenly, the sound of something stiff and beating seemed to be heard not far away, and his brain was so frightened that he didn't dare to move anymore. "Little San, why don't you talk anymore, kid?" Little Si raised his voice: "Go to the front and open the door, the fuse of Yizhuang is blown." Little San tightly covered his mouth, not uttering a single word sound.He only heard the stiff beating sound and slowly turned around, moving towards Xiaosi.Suddenly, Xiao Si's hoarse voice stopped abruptly, like a hen whose neck had been cut off, clucking and moaning in pain.

He was terrified to death, squatted down quietly, and buried his head deep in his knees while shaking.I don't know how long it took before the pain became silent in the oppressive and weird atmosphere, and he seemed to feel a viscous warmth on the soles of his bare feet.Is this blood? Just breathing quietly and carefully, firmly suppressing the fear in his heart and the trembling that penetrated into the bone marrow, after an unknown amount of time, the sound of a rooster crowing came from afar. The sky finally dawned... Does anyone know the industry of bone pickers?There should be quite a few people who know it. Although this industry sounds creepy, it is very sacred. Is there anyone who would not be buried in the ground after death?

The so-called "picking up bones" is a workaround adopted by the Han people in ancient times when they went to Taiwan to reclaim land, in order to return fallen leaves to their roots. There is no custom of "picking up bones" in Chinese Han nationality society, because everyone respects the dead and thinks that burial is the only way to return to the roots. It will be safe, and "picking up bones" is a second burial, which can be regarded as a custom produced under the background of the times. However, due to the passage of time, after countless wars and turmoil, the industry of bone pickers has gradually flourished among the Han people.

Explaining all of this is not to do nothing to make up the word count, but it all started with a very ordinary thing, a very ordinary bone picker... There is a very frequent railway near Huangxian Village. When it comes to iron theory, we have to talk about the people of Huangxian Village. In fact, human beings are really strange creatures. They clearly know that crossing the railway is dangerous, but for the sake of convenience, there are definitely not a few people who walk on the railway tracks.It is said that if you walk too much at night, you will always see ghosts, and the number of villagers who did not obey the traffic rules and were hit to death by trains in the past 30 years will not be less than 500.

Of course there will be a market if there is a need, and the industry of picking bones near the railway will naturally flourish in Huangxian Village.Zhao Yinhe is the most experienced and most experienced bone picker in the village. Today does not seem to be an ordinary day, Zhao Yinhe's eyelids kept twitching when he woke up early in the morning.Nearly sixty years old, he stretched himself, opened the bedroom window and looked out.The morning glow in the east is as red as blood, which is definitely not a good sign. It seems that we should be careful recently and don't make taboos.

Just thinking about it, at this moment, the door slammed, and he couldn't help feeling agitated, and walked towards the door with a wry smile.I'm afraid I can't help myself to find the disaster, and I have already delivered it to my door. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door. Before he could see the person in front of him clearly, he vaguely saw a crying figure knelt down towards him. "Mr. Zhao, please save my husband!" The woman was probably in her early twenties, crying anxiously while tugging on his trousers. Zhao Yinhe took a closer look and realized that he was from the same village, surnamed Li.Speaking of which, she is also very pitiful, she is an aggressive Kefu life.She was less than 30 years old and married six times in total. Each time, her husband would be killed by a catastrophe within half a year.

Poor this miserable woman, although she is beautiful and young, she has been a widow six times, and her reputation has been stigmatized in the whole village, no one has the courage to marry her anymore. By the way, her last husband seemed to have the same surname as her. He was hit and killed by a speeding train a year ago. At that time, Haihuo Si picked up the bone for him. Zhao Yinhe touched his shiny scalp and said depressedly: "Don't keep crying, little sister-in-law, if you don't make it clear, how do I know what you are looking for me for!" The widow surnamed Li stopped Sobbing, he talked about the general situation intermittently: "I dreamed about my husband last night. He said that the feng shui of his grave is not good, and he always feels cold. I want to change his place quickly, or it won't be long. His soul will fly away." Zhao Yinhe narrowed his eyes: "Didn't you ask the master to read his feng shui? And I also understand a little bit, the place of burial must be no problem, it is the rare "Nine Yang Dotting Point", You don’t have to worry too much about the future generations’ happiness and longevity.”

"But my husband was an honest person before he was alive, and he would never lie to me in a dream." The widow surnamed Li became anxious: "There must be a problem with the feng shui of the tomb." Zhao Yinhe is too lazy to talk to this man again The mentally abnormal woman argued and asked, "Then what are you doing here?" "I would like to ask Mr. Zhao to open the tomb of my husband and move it to another place—" "No! Absolutely not!" Before finishing listening, Zhao Yinhe shook his head. The widow surnamed Li was about to cry again, she stared at him firmly: "Why, Mr. Zhao picked up my husband's remains a year ago. Do we need to collect a deposit first? No problem, although I don't have much money, But thousands of dollars in white money can still be given..."

"It's not such a vulgar question. Of course I want to do it if I have a job, but there are too many rules in this line of work." Zhao Yinhe continued to explain clearly with a wry smile: "Seven evil spirits, eight defeats and nine picking bones. Picking bones takes the sixth year. I started to pick up bones, but I couldn’t pick them up for seven to ten years, and I couldn’t pick them up every Thursday.” "This year is my twenty-fourth year in the industry, and I must never move my bones. If you move your bones, you will have bad luck, and if it is serious, you will lose your life."

"Do you always believe in these feudal superstitions?" The widow surnamed Li was full of resentment: "What age is it now, what taboos are not taboo, just a word, sir, do you want to do it or not?" Zhao Yinhe felt another burst of emotion With a wry smile, this woman is really mentally abnormal, no matter what age she is, she still believes in Tuomeng.It's fine if you're superstitious, why don't others believe in it for a little bit, shake your head lightly, and then shake your head and reject it without thinking too much. Turning around and about to go back to the house, the widow became nervous again with a panicked face. She hugged his thigh and cried even louder.Zhao Yinhe didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry. He was flirting with a young woman early in the morning. If other people in the village saw it, the good reputation he had accumulated through hard work might be lost.

In this industry, you have to maintain your image. Without your image, who would dare to ask you to pick up bones in the future? He struggled hastily, but the crazy woman just refused to let go, and her strength was surprisingly strong. He couldn't break free for a while, and remained in a stalemate for more than ten minutes. Zhao Yinhe blushed, gritted his teeth for the last time, and said loudly: "Enough is enough, don't quarrel anymore, I promise you it's okay?" As soon as these words came out, the widow immediately let go of his thigh, crying and crying Standing up with a smile: "Sir, don't regret it, or I will wait at the gate of your house every day, grab your thigh and cry every day." This, what has changed in the world!Zhao Yinhe felt bitter in his heart, couldn't help covering his shiny bald head, and fled back into the house. Perhaps some people in this world are inherently sensitive to impending disasters, or the existence of certain taboos really has a reason for their existence. Not long after, the rare and terrifying disaster that spread throughout Huangxian Village slowly surfaced because of a small incident that morning...
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