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Chapter 16 Chapter 12: City of the Dead Fish

Dongming is dead, but a lot of mysteries have not been solved yet.Zhao Yunhan and I walked out of the basement, very helpless. Dongming once mentioned that Charlene’s way to lose weight and become beautiful is to find parasites and eat them. In fact, this method has long been popular among young people in many countries and regions. There are not a few cases of eating roundworm eggs in China.A case was reported some time ago, saying that a girl in the graduating class of a certain university in Xiamen has been trying to buy roundworm eggs recently. It is said that this weight-loss madman "does nothing to lose weight" and dared to eat insect eggs. When the body has roundworms, will become thinner.

She also said lightly: "Try a few pills first. If there is no effect, or the side effects are too great, I will take medicine to beat out the roundworms." Through online searches, in addition to roundworm eggs, many online merchants also make these roundworm eggs into capsules or oral liquids, and the price ranges from tens of yuan to one or two hundred yuan. Although many doctors and beauty technicians criticize this, experts also appeal that most of these weight loss methods have no scientific basis, and some of them will cause harm to the body. For example, eating roundworm eggs is drinking poison to quench thirst. If the tube is blocked, roundworms can even invade the lungs, causing serious complications and death; while the way of inducing vomiting can cause esophagitis or esophagus cancer, and some may develop into anorexia.

However, it has been repeatedly banned. Eating parasites to lose weight has become an urban legend, and many young people who are obese to despair are deeply involved.Everyone decides that existence is reasonable. If you don't try it, who knows if it will work? But the parasite mentioned by Dongming, revealed from his words, must be found on a certain mountain in Yuanling City. That kind of parasite can not only make people lose weight, but also make them beautiful. We got Charlene's appearance two months ago from Li Yu. Compared with Zhao Yunhan, we were shocked.This is basically two people who can't fight together.

In the past, Charlene weighed almost ninety kilograms, had thick hands and feet, was not tall, and her facial features were full of fat. Tolerance will keep students at a respectful distance. No wonder Zhang Min wanted to force her to tell her how to lose weight and become more beautiful.However, the information provided by Li Yu proves that Charlene simply does not have the time for such a large-scale plastic surgery. She has to go to school every day, and the changes are also changing day by day. In the eyes of others, it is very shocking. Before Dong Ming died, he pointed at Zhao Yunhan in surprise and said that he killed her, which could explain why Charlene disappeared.

In the five photos, four people died. Dongming died under our noses. Li Qing and her family were suspected of being eaten by cats. She always felt that there was something wrong with herself and committed suicide. Now alive, only Zhang Min is left. At least one is left. Zhao Yunhan and I hurried to class three, trying to protect the last key person, but as soon as we got to the downstairs of the teaching building, we saw the students running outside in a swarm led by the teacher. "What happened?" I hurriedly grabbed a female classmate and asked. The classmate panicked and shouted: "Yuanling Reservoir has burst its embankment, and the flood water is coming here along the river. The teacher told us to run out of the school and hide in a higher place."

"Why don't you hide in the teaching building?" I wondered, if I had time to run out, it would be safer to escape to the upper floors of the teaching building. "There was an earthquake in Yuanling City some time ago, and the teaching building was cracked. Many gaps have not been repaired. It is more dangerous to be washed by the water, and the building will collapse." The female student hurriedly left a sentence and ran away, "Classmate , you also run away quickly." "The Yuanling Reservoir burst, what a coincidence?" Zhao Yunhan was suspicious.

"It doesn't matter so much, just run along, and find Zhang Min's whereabouts while running!" I ordered, and rushed into the crowd with all my strength. The guardian girl followed me closely, and I was very nervous that something was wrong and I was going to leave . On the way to escape, I heard more messages, and finally understood what was going on. The heavy rain in Yuanling City a few days ago caused the Yuanling Reservoir to be overwatered and the water level pressure was severe. Then a lot of dead fish flowed down in black, which increased the pressure of the reservoir. Coupled with the earthquake a few days ago, it was unstable. However, the number of fish carcasses in the river has recently increased. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. One point of the reservoir was finally overwhelmed and the embankment burst.

The torrenting flood rushed straight down the river, and after more than ten kilometers, it went straight to the urban area, and Yuanling No. 1 Middle School was built by the river. "Look, there are many people here picking up fish on the road." Suddenly, a student beside him shouted. I looked through the gap and saw a crowd of people, a group of squatting black people on the bank of the river, each carrying a basket and bag. They gathered around the road at the barrage, and there was a large area of ​​stagnant water in front of them, and many fish swam from the river to the road.The fish struggled, as if the water they depended on for survival had become very dangerous, and they jumped out vigorously one by one.

It was densely packed, I don’t know how many fish there are, and there are all kinds of fish. They jumped to the shore desperately, and were picked up by cheerful citizens. "You don't want to die, run away, the reservoir has burst." The kind-hearted students shouted loudly to the cheap citizens. But those townspeople turned a deaf ear to them, picking up the fish was a joy. Occasionally, someone glanced at this side, then calmly lowered their heads and continued to pick up the fish that were struggling on the road into the bag. "There are such people who want money and life everywhere in the world. In Yuanling City, there are quite a lot of such people." Zhao Yunhan was speechless looking at the group of fish-picking citizens. There were more than a hundred people, and when the flood came , must die.

I stared at those citizens, and after a moment of silence, I said, "Don't you think there is something wrong with those people?" "There is a problem, what's the problem?" Zhao Yunhan asked in surprise. "Look at their eyes." I was running on the edge of the crowd, and there was a fish picking citizen only a few meters away from me, so I could clearly see his eyes.The man was about forty years old, and his eyes were red. "Except for the red eyeballs, there is nothing unusual about them." Zhao Yunhan twitched her lips. "Look carefully!" I said in a deep voice, "It's not a big deal for a single person to have red eyes, but it's weird if hundreds of people have red eyes."

Seeing the seriousness of what I said, the girl carefully observed a woman beside her. She finally saw something and covered her mouth in surprise, "There seems to be something swimming in their eyeballs." "I think they are parasitized by something, and the state of parasitism is diverse. We met one of them last night - they were controlled to come to cats and let stray cats eat them!" I snorted coldly, just one time A fish jumped to my feet, I picked it up with my toe, and said: "These fish also have problems." "Is there a problem with fish too?" Zhao Yunhan was completely surprised. "Fish, it's already dead!" I stomped on the fish's body, it was as soft as a pool of rotten flesh, but there seemed to be something surging inside the body. "But they are obviously still beating." Zhao Yunhan wanted to refute. "There's something in it." As soon as I kicked hard, the fish's body exploded like a firecracker, and the internal organs sprayed out and scattered all over the ground.An unpleasant rotten smell immediately spread into the air, prompting people to send pictures. In the internal organs, a white thread-shaped worm about five centimeters long, whose species could not be distinguished, was shaking its fat body disgustingly, and within a few seconds of touching the air, it completely stopped moving. "What are these things!" Zhao Yunhan took a few steps back. "I don't know, but the owner of the anonymous letter lured us here just to find the answer, and to be a fisherman by the way?" I said, urging her to run forward, "Don't waste time, it's important to find Zhang Min." The entire Yuanling City is in a maelstrom. This vortex is like gunpowder. It only takes a spark to erupt. Yuanling City, including us, may not be able to escape. Only by finding Zhang Min, looking for the source, and asking what they found that day, maybe this is the only way to struggle to survive! Apart from the infected citizens, the sober people in Yuanling City quickly merged into the crowd and ran towards Dongcheng District, which was far away from the river bank.As soon as I ran to a high place, I heard a deafening rumbling sound. I turned my head and saw a huge flood rushing towards the southwest of the city, not only filling the main river channel of Yuanling, but also overflowing the river channel. As everyone exclaimed, the struggling fish on the ground and more than a hundred citizens who picked them up were all swept away by the flood, and there was no trace of them anymore. The river water continued to erode every low-lying street and bridge until the water level stopped rising, and a small area was also submerged in the Dongcheng District, but most people escaped in time, fortunately they were not seriously affected. casualties. The flood of drinking water flowed from fast to slow, and the water level finally remained at a reasonable level. I was only a hundred meters away.A large number of cars and building materials float in the water, accompanied by countless fish carcasses emitting a foul smell, which is extremely frightening. The panic-stricken people sat down on the ground after escaping, weeping everywhere, some exclaimed when they could not find their relatives, some were depressed because their houses and cars were submerged, and some gloated and laughed, but most of them were for the aftermath of the disaster. The joy of the rest of my life. This society is very impetuous. When it is stable, most people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic and want to make some big things happen. But except for big things, everyone is still full of fear and complaints in the end. "Did you find Zhang Min?" Zhao Yunhan ran to my side and asked. I shook my head, "It's too chaotic, and it's hard to find. There are tens of thousands of people in the city gathered together, and I can't even tell which students are in Yuanling No. 1 Middle School." "Zhang Min's home is in Dongcheng District, and it was not flooded. When a person is frightened, most of them will go home to seek a sense of security." Zhao Yunhan took out her mobile phone from her pocket, dialed it a few times, and called Zhang Min's home. Min's information, "Let's push through and go to her house to look for it." I agree with the guardian girl, and under the lead of Zhao Yunhan, squeeze all the way to the east. There were too many people around, and every step was a torment. Fortunately, Zhang Min's house was only a few streets away, but even so, it took about an hour to get there. Zhang's family lives on the third floor of the Jiali Building. The city's electricity has already been turned on, so we climbed the stairs.The anti-theft door of Zhang Min's house was closed tightly. I reached out and knocked, but no one answered. Suddenly, Zhao Yunhan, whose nose was inexplicably good, raised his head and smelled the surrounding air, his expression changed, "It's strange, why is there a weird smell in here, like the smell from the dead fish just now?" I suddenly became nervous, took out the master key, and opened the anti-theft door three times, five times and two times.The moment the door was opened, the smell hit the face, and the smelly person couldn't breathe at all. In the living room, there were three people lying down, two obese and bloated people, their bodies were constantly expelling yellow gas, and their bodies showed signs of further inflation.According to experience, after half a minute, it will explode because the skin, flesh and bones cannot support it. Although the other person hasn't changed beyond recognition, she only has a face left. It's Zhang Min!Zhang Min was disembowelled, and even the internal organs were eaten clean.I stepped forward and touched her body, and she still had body temperature, but her pulse had long since disappeared. This girl died in less than half a minute. "The murderer is still in the house!" I raised my head resolutely, and glanced at the guardian girl and Zhao Yunhan.The corpse was eaten half a minute ago, and it was not due to an infectious disease, so it must be man-made, "This is the 23rd floor, the elevator is out of operation, so he can only use the stairs. Therefore, he has no room to escape at all. I search!" As soon as the words fell, there was a strange noise from the master bedroom.Zhao Yunhan immediately ran over at lightning speed, kicked the door open, and a gray figure jumped out of the door, accompanied by a large number of stray cats with scarlet eyes and quick movements. One after another, there were hundreds of cats, rushing towards us like a stream of water, and Zhao Yunhan's pursuit route was immediately cut off, and even fell into a crisis. "Get rid of them!" I ordered the Guardian Maiden. Melancholic stray cats that have no thinking and have undergone some kind of transformation are too dangerous. Li Mengyue didn't dare to stay too far away from me, but just waved her arms around and beat all the cats back one by one. The gray shadow who killed the three of Zhang Min in the house knew that he would not last long. He was obviously afraid of us, so he simply slammed into the double-layer tempered glass with all his strength, and fell down from the 23rd floor with the broken glass. A few seconds later, the guardian girl and Zhao Yunhan worked together to clean up the stray cats, and looked down to see where there were no traces of people. At the same moment, in the living room, the bodies of the two suspected parents of Zhang Min, and the strange cats that fell on the ground, fainted or even died, reminded of endless explosions. Blood and internal organs flowed all over the place. The three of us quickly fell into the room next to us, and finally escaped by luck. "It's disgusting. Infected people and cats will explode. It's like a meat bomb. I don't know what the terrible consequences will be if those meat stains are sprayed on the body." Zhao Yunhan said depressedly, "All five people who knew about it died. Alright, this time it's over." "Not necessarily!" I shook my head, "Before he died, Dongming said that the reason why he was coerced to lead the way was because his grandfather once lived in the mountain at the destination. And there is an uninhabited village under the mountain." While talking, I pulled out the tablet and called up the local map to find it. "You only need to look up the uninhabited villages with mountains around Yuanling City on the Internet, and you also need to be located upstream of Yuanling Reservoir, where there is a river connecting the reservoir. You see, the scope is narrowed down." I showed the tablet, and there was only one target left, "This village has long been deserted, and the name is very strange, it is called Skeleton Village." "Skeleton Village?" Zhao Yunhan still shook her head, "But just knowing the name of a village is not a small area. Who knows which route they took. Look at the map, there are five rivers around the Skeleton Village." I looked around, "This is Zhang Min's room, isn't it?" "It should be." Looking at the small room painted in light pink and decorated with very feminine decorations, Zhao Yunhan nodded. "Many women have the habit of keeping diaries. Let's look for them, and maybe we can find clues in her diaries." I pulled away my desk enemy and started to find them. Zhao Yunhan muttered, "Although Zhang Min is pretty, she has a very bad reputation in school, and judging by her appearance, she is not a little girl who can write a diary." "I found it." Before she could finish her words, I had already pulled out a pink diary. "Damn, how much does this guy like pink! She's totally slapping me in the face!" Zhao Yun glared at me, "Hurry up and take a look, anyway, this guy's diary should also be bullied every day." A running account of men and women." "It seems that you have been slapped in the face again." I opened the diary and looked at it for a few times, then curled my lips. As the saying goes, people should not be judged by appearances, and what the ancestors said is always true. Although Zhang Min is really not a good person, she is actually a pure girl in her bones, and she really dated the autistic man Zhang Ning. The two of them dated for many years, until a few days ago, Dong Ming stepped in.In the diary, Zhang Min himself felt very strange, saying that something went wrong with his body recently.She obviously hated Dong Ming very much, so disgusted that she felt like vomiting when she saw him, but her body couldn't help but feel like a piece of iron caught by a magnet, and she couldn't break free. So Zhang Ning and her were in so much pain, Zhang Ning obviously didn't believe that Zhang Min cheated out of her own will, and said she wanted to find out the truth behind it, but she died a few days later, and was eaten by something in the school playground Get it clean. Zhang Min has always suspected that Dong Ming did it, but there is no evidence. Seeing this, Zhao Yunhan and I realized at the same time that people who are autistic must be very good in one aspect, and Zhang Ning may be no exception. He should have found some clues, but was killed. This shows that there are people or forces in Yuanling City who are secretly manipulating. Those people don't want us to get clues, so they killed Zhang Ning and manipulated Dongming. At the most critical moment, he exploded. Before we found the only survivor, Zhang Min, we killed her whole family. But who is the power behind it?I looked at the minced meat in the room, thinking silently in my heart. Fortunately, there was still time, and some data had not been erased. We successfully found the outing route of the five of them from Zhang Min's diary.Regarding the journey of losing weight and becoming beautiful, Zhang Min didn't describe much, and she didn't even mention what they saw in the diary, but she recorded it with a red pen in the days to come. There are four words written below - the journey of death.
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