Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mystery File 605·Gate of Ghosts

Chapter 17 Chapter Thirteen Inside the Ghost Gate

"It's the first time I've seen the spirit behind you so happy." I looked at her, "Miss Murphy, if you don't believe me, take a look for yourself. Your father is standing behind you." Perhaps because of the catalytic effect of the ghost gate, Murphy's slender figure was reflected in my eyes.Behind her, a pitch-black figure was growing at an astonishing speed, and soon, it turned into a human form. "You're bluffing me!" Murphy said she didn't believe it, but she obviously believed it.This guy probably knows more about what happened in River City than I thought.

It didn't take long for the shadow behind her to change from translucent to a clear outline, the outline of a man.Its shadow was cast under Murphy's feet by the light from behind the house. Murphy was trembling all over, she couldn't care about us anymore, she turned around abruptly. "Dad, even if I die, you won't let me go!" Murphy's eyes showed fear and panic, and she pulled the trigger continuously. Her father's shadow was fully revealed, floating in the air like a zombie.With the power of the ghost gate, even Murphy and Fang Yue, who couldn't see the spirit behind them, could see the existence of the spirit behind them.

Bullets flew across the room, and the only exit was behind Murphy.I can't beat this woman, if I stay any longer, I'm very likely to be hit by random bullets. It seems that there is only one way left!I glanced at the red ghost gate and motioned for Fang Yue to go in with me. Fang Yue shook her head and kept refusing, but her refusal ended when a bullet nearly hit her in the head. The two of us didn't hesitate anymore, and jumped into the ghost gate while Murphy was in confusion. The blood-red light confused our vision and engulfed our bodies. My eyes dimmed, and I don't know how long it took before I could barely see the surrounding environment.It was a piece of light, red light, countless light particles floating in front of the eyes, as long as one movement, the light is like dust, moving in a chaotic manner.

"Where is this?" Fang Yue tugged at my arm nervously. "It should be in the ghost gate!" I replied. "Damn, what's going on!" The girl sighed depressed. "I told you to go back a long time ago, don't follow me." I glared at her. Fang Yue shrank her neck, "How did I know this would happen! It's not your fault. If you didn't say something big was going to happen, I wouldn't follow. By the way, the big thing you said was about Mr. Murphy ?” "No!" I shook my head, and simply told the ins and outs of the matter. "Wow, it's so exciting that there is such a fantasy and horror like a movie happening in the world." Fang Yue was elated when he heard it heartlessly, completely forgetting the fear just now and the current situation.

"That's why I said something big is going to happen." I glanced around the ghost gate, since I entered, I can no longer recognize the direction.Inside the ghost gate seems to be a small world, or a different world, and I don't know which direction to go. "Murphy caught Zhou Yan and found out about the ghost gate. She used the ghost gate to kill her father, and only Zhou Yan can close the ghost gate." "What will happen if the gate of hell remains open?" Fang Yue asked in surprise. "The voice of Taos appeared for the first time in Hecheng more than a month ago, and not long after, I came to Hecheng and heard the voice of Taos as well. I don't know why the voice of Taos came out from the ghost gate. How often does it happen, but the gate of ghosts must affect human beings through that selective high-frequency sound. If the gate is not closed, more and more people will hear the voice of Taos." I replied.

"And the scope will become wider and wider. Behind the person who hears the voice, the back spirit will gradually appear. After the back spirit grows and grows stronger, it will kill the host, and the cycle will continue! In the end, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed!" "It's so mysterious!" Fang Yue shrank her neck in fright. "I don't know, who knows, this is just my guess." I reached out to touch the nearby light particles, but I couldn't touch anything. "But according to speculation, this possibility is very high." "Then how do we find Zhou Yan?" Fang Yue blinked, worried, "What if Mr. Mo Fei had killed him long ago?"

"I think the possibility of Zhou Yan's death is very small. He is very clever, and he escaped into the ghost gate in all likelihood!" I stomped my foot, the tripod was very strong, and it was also red. What material is it made of. "Is this your reasoning too?" Fang Yue asked. "No." I shook my head, "It's intuition!" "Intuition." The girl raised her head and took a deep breath, "Ye Silence, did your intuition tell you whether we will die?" "No. Just follow me, don't leave too far away, maybe I can take you out." I looked down at the road, "This ghost gate should be man-made, not natural, and the carvings on it are similar to The appearance is in line with the ghost gates recorded in the legends and historical materials, and perhaps the inside is also based on the layout of the ghost gates passed down in ancient times."

"You mean, this ghost gate was actually made according to folklore?! But why does it have such a great ability?" Fang Yue asked. "No, it's the opposite. Perhaps, someone entered this door and then went out again, so the legend of hell and ghost gates spread." I said slowly, "In order to attract my attention, Murphy deliberately put Zhou Yan She sent me her diary. She successfully lured me into her own trap, but unexpectedly, she fell into the trap of the ghost gate instead. "The last few chapters in Zhou Yan's memoirs have recorded in detail the situation of the ghost gate in the book that Mr. Yin Yang gave him, and I have recorded all of them in my mind." I stretched out my hand to Fang Yue, "Grab my hand and follow me , don’t go wrong with one, otherwise, you will be lost here forever, and you will never be able to get out again.”

"What, so you know the way to get out, and you deliberately scared me to thump." Fang Yue quickly hugged my arm tightly, "This arm is mine, and I won't let go of it no matter what .” I ignored her and carefully recalled everything Zhou Yan described in my mind. After entering the gate of ghosts, take three steps forward, two steps back, then turn right, walk fifty steps, stop, turn left and take another fifty-two steps.Every step can't be big or small, it must only be one meter. If you strictly follow a specific pace, you will see a large hall. I rigorously measured the distance with my footsteps, and each step was accurate to one meter before I stepped on it.It took a full hour to complete the one hundred and seven steps.

As soon as he took the last step, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a palace appeared in front of him. On the top of this hall are written three still strange characters: "Liaoyang Hall". I pointed to this majestic palace, and Fang Yue said: "According to legend, this should be in front of the famous Liaoyang Palace. You see, there are three stone arch bridges juxtaposed there. The three bridges are all built on flat ground, with different sizes and shapes. Exactly the same." The girl looked over with my finger, and sure enough, she saw three bridges. Three identical bridges.Each bridge is only a little over four feet wide, and there are many strange creatures carved on the guardrails on both sides.The deck of the bridge is slightly curved and paved with bluestones. There are two steps at each end. There is a square pool under the bridge. The bottom of the pool and the walls of the bridge are inlaid with stones.

"According to the records, this bridge was built in the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. It was built in front of the Liaoyang Hall by Zhu Chun, the king of Shuxian in the Ming Dynasty. It has been more than 500 years ago. Later, it was changed to a very good name by Buddhists, called Naihe Bridge!" I continued. "Naihe Bridge!" Fang Yue exclaimed in surprise, "Is this the Naihe Bridge?" "That's right, this is the famous Naihe Bridge. The stone pool under the bridge is also famous, and it's called the Blood River Pool." I looked at the Blood River Pool, the water in the pool was rippling, and there seemed to be no blood at all.But once red light particles fall, the water in the blood pool will turn red. As the light particles were absorbed in the pool water, I could even hear a creepy scream. "Naihe is the name of the river in the hell in Buddhism. According to the record in the fourth volume of "Xuan Shi Zhi", it travels more than ten miles to a river, which is not several feet wide, and flows to the southwest. Observation and practice, practice Said: "The so-called Nai River in this custom comes from the underworld." When you look at it, you can see it. Its water is full of blood, and it is filthy and filthy." Fang Yue and I talked about unofficial history. "Because there is a bridge on the river, it is named 'Naihe Bridge'. The bridge is narrow and smooth, and is guarded by day and night gods day and night. Under the bridge, the bloody river is full of insects and snakes. Just like the description in the tenth chapter: "Bronze snakes and iron dogs are fighting for food, and they will fall into the Nai River forever with no way out." It makes people think of the horror of the Yinjian Nai River." "It's eloquent. Fortunately, this lady has a high IQ and good ancient prose, so I can understand it." Fang Yue hesitated, "There is no road ahead, so we are going to cross that bridge, right?" "Bingo, you got the answer right by accident." I shrugged, "Unfortunately, there is no reward." Fang Yue was taken aback, "Really going to cross the bridge? But I didn't see the old woman Meng Po on the bridge, and I didn't see the pot for cooking Meng Po's soup. After getting on the Naihe Bridge, will we Forget everything?" "How would I know!" I shook my head with a wry smile. "According to folklore, after death, souls must cross the Naihe Bridge. The good ones are blessed by gods and Buddhas to cross the bridge, and the wicked are thrown into the River of Blood to suffer." Fengdu Religious Customs Survey "The book has a detailed description of this. "Naihe Bridge, there are three bridges. The ghosts of good people can safely pass through the upper bridge. Those who are both good and evil pass through the middle bridge. The ghosts of wicked people pass through the lower bridge. Most of them are dragged by ghosts to the dirty waves below the bridge. Bitten by a copper snake and an iron dog. Every year during the incense meeting, the incense class competes to throw paper money or copper plates into the pool, and sprinkles fried rice into the pool, thinking that it can be given to hungry ghosts. Many elderly pilgrims like to walk on it, thinking that If you walk across this bridge, you can avoid the pain of crossing the Nai River Bridge after you die." Fang Yue tilted her head and nodded vigorously, "That's right, almost every temple has built a Naihe Bridge now, and even some monks and nuns in some temples are good at making money. The tung oil and egg whites made the pilgrims crossing the bridge, especially the elderly, women and children, more miserable, and people often fell on the bridge. Everyone fell down on the bridge and felt panicked, so they had to take money to get rid of the disaster!" "Okay, it turns out that the folk legends are all false. There is neither Mengpo nor Mengpo soup on the Naihe Bridge. They are all made up by old people." I took Fang Yue to the Naihe Bridge with a look Somewhat sad. I remember that there was a girl who said to herself through an ancient poem before she died - Lian Lian, you and I have agreed for a hundred years.If someone dies at the age of ninety-seven, he will wait three years on the bridge. But there is nothing on this empty Naihe Bridge, let alone the girl who has been waiting at the head of the Naihe Bridge, wanting to cross the bridge with me when I die. Before the gate of hell, beside the bridge of Naihe, it is just wishful thinking of human beings. I sighed secretly, and followed the only bluestone road under my feet to the side of the Three Naihe Bridges. "Which one are we going to?" Fang Yue raised her head and asked me. "Let me think about it." I threw away the thoughts flying in my head and thought about it carefully. In fact, according to the earliest records, the three bridges in front of us have their own purposes. "According to legend, the bridge in the middle of the Naihe Bridge is used to verify good and bad people, while the bridge on the left is the golden bridge, and the bridge on the right is the silver bridge. Those who cross the golden bridge can be promoted, and those who walk the silver bridge will get rich. But these three bridges, in Zhou Dynasty According to Yan’s diary, only one is the way to survive.” I said slowly, “After the other two, they will be turned into fly ash in an instant.” "One-third chance, yes, much higher than winning the lottery." Fang Yue pouted. "Fortunately, I know which one is correct." I stepped on the last bridge without hesitation, and stopped as soon as I walked up. Taking a deep breath, I continued to take another step forward. I turned around and told Fang Yue: "To cross this bridge, you must cross the bridge in three steps. One more step and one less step will not work. Men step forward with their left foot first." , women step right foot first and behind. Husband and wife or lovers hold hands, men left and women right, and walk across the bridge nine steps together. If you violate this rule, you will die immediately, and your soul will fall into the blood river pool, and you will never be able to reincarnation." After I finished speaking, I added: "Although reincarnation is too mysterious, I don't really believe it, but the possibility of death is quite high." The red light particles beside him are like a soul, and light particles are constantly falling into the blood pool under the feet, causing faint ripples, and at the same time, there will always be a heart-piercing wail, making it all red. The world seemed extremely eerie and strange. I don't know the principle of this ghost gate at all, and I don't even know what scientific theory it is based on. If it is really a man-made object, who is it that can have such a great supernatural power to create a ghost gate? come out. And what was it used for when it was made? These, the more I think about it, the more I can't let go.The gatekeeper of the ghost gate is the family of Mr. Yin Yang, and I don’t know how many generations it has passed on. If I escape by chance, I must catch Zhou Yan and ask him clearly. Fang Yue followed me, tried every means to walk three steps in a row, and finally crossed the Naihe Bridge. The moment he crossed the bridge, everything around him became different. The surroundings suddenly became brighter, and a weird tunnel appeared in front of them. The red light in the tunnel was tumbling, faded at lightning speed, and finally disappeared completely. Under the bright and clear sky, the originally silent space was filled with noisy voices.A few rays of sunlight shone on the two of us, our faces, and our hair, which was unbelievably warm. Fang Yue and I just stood there in a daze, maintaining a jumping posture. After looking around in a daze, we realized that we had come to the middle of a crossroad at some point.The bustling people nearby were walking around, and many of them noticed the two of us who had suddenly appeared and started pointing. My eyes moved with the movements of the strangers around me, and it took me a long time to process the information brought by my sight. Is this the crossroads of the real world?Already out of the space in the gate of hell?saved? My reaction arc finally came to this chain of conclusions after a long wait. "Escaped, escaped! Really escaped!" Fang Yue also blinked, jumping up excitedly, yelling, the feeling of escaping from death is so wonderful that it is indescribable. The hour hand of the big clock across the street clicked and slowly moved to nine fifteen!
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