Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mystery File 605·Gate of Ghosts

Chapter 6 Chapter Two Horrible Experience

A week ago, as usual, I opened Weibo and took a few glances. Every time on Weibo, I always received strange things from readers.Suddenly, a private message happened to be sent. After subconsciously clicking on it, I was stunned after reading it. The private letter tells the story of an eighteen-year-old senior high school student named Zhou Yan, and a very strange thing is mentioned in the letter. Zhou Yan said that in 2001, he went with his family to attend the funeral of a distant relative. At that time, Zhou Yan was still young, only six years old, so he only vaguely remembered that event.

Distant relatives live in a small city in the southwest, which is called River City because it faces the river on three sides.That place is very closed, and the so-called "369" is very traditionally carried out, that is, the dead body must be left for three or six days before the funeral. When Zhou Yan's family arrived in Hecheng, their relative had been dead for three days, and that day happened to be the fourteenth day of the seventh lunar month, when the gate of ghosts opened.The locals are very taboo, and relatives and family members are also afraid that bad things will be attached to the corpse after the ghost gate is opened, so they specially invited Mr. Yin Yang.

Six-year-old Zhou Yan stood in front of the hall, holding his father's hand.The main room was not small, with two long benches put together in the center, and a dead body was placed there.The corpse was petite, but after the white on the corpse was uncovered by the invited Mr. Yin Yang, he was shocked. "This is your aunt. When you were born, she came to see you and hugged you." Dad said. I saw that petite body was an old woman in her eighties. Is this my aunt?In Zhou Yan's memory, she seemed to have never seen her aunt before.Her body had shrunk, and the exposed skin of her neck and hands was covered with dense brown spots.

The aunt stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the ceiling, her withered hands were like claws, tightly grasping her stomach. "The old man lived a very hard life. He raised five children, and finally got stomach cancer and died very painfully." Dad sighed, "When Mr. Yin Yang sits in the ceremony, you should burn more paper money and more incense sticks." Wax. When you were young, your aunt loved you the most!" After finishing speaking, Dad muttered, "The Zhou family has a strange rule. As long as the surname is Zhou, no matter where you marry, you must go back to the Zhou family's yard for funerals after death. I really don't know what the hell is wrong with this rule. significance."

Zhou Yan nodded seriously, his two small eyes didn't blink, watching Mr. Yin Yang's actions curiously. Mr. Yin Yang is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a young apprentice in his twenties.The two of them turned around the corpse, Zhou Yan felt dizzy, but the more he looked at it, the more interesting it became. Mr. Yin Yang, master and apprentice, looked like they were dancing the duo in the Northeast, it was so funny. Dad also smiled Mimi and watched Mr. Yin Yang jump into the big god, "Your father was born here when he was a child. At that time, Hecheng was closed and ignorant. However, in recent years, it has been discovered that there are a lot of coal mines around, and the development is about to pick up. , Mr. Yin Yang..."

Dad pouted, "His father is also Mr. Yin Yang. I remember when I was a child, I always felt that his father knew a lot of things. With a pair of black blind eyes without eyeballs, it seems that he can really see things that humans can't see. , it's terrible." Zhou Yan was also a little scared when his father said, "Is it something that humans can't see, like the negative energy in the Discovery Channel?" "Negative energy... Oh, you mean ghosts? You kid, at a young age, always likes to say some trendy words." Dad laughed, "Who knows if there are ghosts, anyway, I believed in them when I was young. Mr. Yin Yang's father once opened the coffin, and it is said that a zombie was found out. This incident has caused a lot of noise in the neighborhood, and no one has come out to refute the rumors. I don't know if it is true or not!"

"It's scary, don't say it!" Zhou Yan became even more frightened, and quickly covered his ears. At this moment, Mr. Yin Yang's master-apprentice dance master's voice suddenly stopped, everyone showed a look of surprise, and Zhou Yan quickly looked over.He was short and didn't see much, but the adults beside him were gasping for air, and all of them involuntarily stepped back a few steps, which happened to expose him to the front. Zhou Yan finally saw what the adults saw. I saw the aunt's body lying on the wooden board in the middle of the room, shaking and fighting more and more violently, and finally a pile of white foam gushed out of her mouth, continuously gushing out, and even some white foam fell to the ground.

After the white foam hit the ground, it immediately turned into a puddle of foul-smelling blood, staining the ground scarlet. Mr. Yin Yang turned pale with shock, and immediately took out a yellowed paper talisman from his pocket, and stuck it on the forehead of the aunt's corpse, and the aunt's body slowly stopped. Zhou Wei's relatives were terrified, and it was hard for them to recover.They surrounded Mr. Yin Yang asking questions, Mr. Yin Yang's face remained ashen, and it took a long time for him to say three words: "Trouble!" The word "trouble" has many meanings. I feel that trouble is a kind of trouble, and things are troublesome, which is really troublesome.

Mr. Yin Yang's words obviously refer to the latter. "Sir, what happened to my mother just now?" Auntie's eldest son asked tremblingly. Mr. Yin Yang, who was already bald, counted, "It was too painful when she died, and the body was placed in the place where she died for three days, just when the gate of hell opened wide, and a large number of ghosts poured out from the gate of ghosts, making her soul There is no way to go back to the underworld." Zhou Yan gently tugged on his father's sleeve, "Dad, why can't I understand what that old gentleman is talking about?"

Dad explained in a low voice: "This is a saying in Hecheng, and you are too young to understand it. Well, think about it, what if the highway is stuck in traffic when we come back?" "If you're stuck in traffic, you won't be able to leave." Zhou Yan replied. "That's right. Your aunt's soul may have been blocked by the gate of hell." Dad patted him on the shoulder. Zhou Yan scratched his head, "Is it still possible?" "Then what should we do?" Aunt's son asked Mr. Yin Yang. Mr. Yin Yang closed his eyes, paused, and said, "It seems that the body will be placed for another seven days. After the seven days pass, the gate of hell will be closed, and everything will be fine. Then we will hold a funeral and cremate Mrs. Zhou's body."

The aunt and son discussed it for a while, then nodded, "If there is no other way, this is the only way to go." Mr. Yin Yang also smiled wryly, "However, the weather has been a bit hot in the past few days, and ice is needed to cool the corpse to prevent it from rotting. At night, we must arrange for people with high spirits to guard the spirit, so as not to be trembling by lonely souls and wild ghosts." "People with a lot of yang? Young men are all yang, let's arrange some people to take turns to keep watch every night." The aunt and son said gloomily. All the white foam spit out of the aunt's mouth turned into blood, and the dark red liquid stained the corners of the shriveled mouth, making the old man's yellow and wrinkled face very ferocious.Relatives hurriedly wiped the blood away, and Mr. Yin Yang tied a piece of straw to the limbs and torso of the old man's corpse. "Then why did the old man tie the straw?" Zhou Yan asked curiously again. Before Dad answered this time, Mr. Yin Yang had already turned his head, showing an ugly smile, "Because I'm afraid that the corpse will go around." Zhou Yan was taken aback.It was the first time he saw Mr. Yin Yang's face clearly. Mr. Yin Yang's face was terrifying, the colors on the left and right sides were completely different.The right side of the face was obviously necrotic, even the pearl of the right eye disappeared for some reason, leaving only the dark eye socket, and the eye socket was even deformed because there was no support from the eyeball.When he laughed, the muscles on the left side of his face were moving, but the right side was extremely stiff, which looked very strange. "Mr., your face..." Zhou Yan asked Mr. Yin Yang's face in fear. "Xiaoyan, how did daddy teach you, don't talk nonsense." Dad hurriedly apologized to Mr. Yinyang, "Children are ignorant, sir, don't blame me." No matter how you look at Mr. Yin Yang's smile, he feels sinister, he waved his hand, "It's okay." After speaking, he looked at Zhou Yan again, his left eyeball remained motionless, as if he was using his life to see clearly, "Child, what is your name?" Zhou Yan, right?" Zhou Yan nodded. Mr. Yin Yang rolled his eyes and patted his head, "You belong here. One day, you will come back here!" Zhou Yan felt very baffled, even his father was also a little baffled. "Are you interested in my face?" Mr. Yin Yang asked, pointing to his face with his right hand, "This is called knowing destiny. Our business has always been leaking secrets, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth, so our family has always been If I inherit the mantle from my father, the facial muscles will be necrotic, and the eyeballs will rot in the eye sockets, so I can only dig them out. When both my eyes are blind and my face is completely broken, my life will be exhausted." Zhou Yan asked strangely: "Then old man, why do you still do this business?" "You can't do it, it's our fate." Mr. Yin Yang shook his head and sighed constantly, "I can't escape, I can't escape, and you, my child, can't escape either." Zhou Yan was even more puzzled.At the age of six, he is still young, so he doesn't quite understand what Mr. Yin Yang refers to, even until now, he doesn't quite understand. "On the seventh day, the day when the gate of hell is closed, I will come to watch the night." After Mr. Yin Yang said this, he left with his apprentice. Because the funeral will be cremated on the eighth day after seven days, father and mother asked the company for a few more days off, and took him to play around the river city for several days.The river city is pretty well built. There are parks on the banks of the river, and the greenery is good. However, it is different from the big cities. Because it is the ghost festival, no matter day or night, you can see people burning paper money to their ancestors everywhere. Usually, her parents are very busy, and they don't have much time to spend with Zhou Yan. These few days may be the happiest for her in many years. As the saying goes, happy days are always the days when you don't feel time slipping away. Six days pass in a blink of an eye. At 6:00 pm on the seventh day, Mr. Yin Yang arrived at Zhou's courtyard with his apprentice on time.Even with ice packs, the lowest temperature in Hecheng was 29 degrees, and the aunt's corpse, which had been left for about ten days, still gave off a stench.Mr. Yin Yang asked his apprentice to take the paper talisman he drew and paste all the doors and windows of the main room. The densely packed yellow charms make people feel frightened. "What are they trying to do again?" Zhou Yan asked his father. "I don't know either." Dad rubbed his head, "Recently, some cousins ​​who stayed overnight said that there seems to be something wrong with your aunt's body. It always moves around at night. If it wasn't tied up with straw , got up early." "Liar, you're all lying to children, I'm not afraid!" Zhou Yan shrank his neck while saying that he was not afraid, "The straw is so thin, if the corpse could really move, it would be broken in one move. " "I don't know the specific situation, who knows, haven't I been playing around with you kid these days?" Dad pointed to the relatives nearby, "But my cousins ​​don't look very good, it seems that I must What's the problem." Zhou Yan turned his head and saw that the faces of the distant relatives and elders were really not very good, cloudy, and some even had strong fear. It seems that there is really something wrong. Mr. Yin Yang lifted the white cloth from his aunt's body, looked at it with his only left eyeball, his stiff face revealed a solemn expression, "Are the four sacrifices ready?" "Ready." The aunt's sons waved their hands, and the relatives carried a steamed whole chicken, a whole duck, a whole lamb and a whole pig into the main room and placed them on the altar . Mr. Yin Yang looked up at the sky.The sun had already set in the west, and even the afterglow fell into the distant mountain stream, the sky was silent and dark, and the hazy darkness enveloped the river city.No matter how many people there are in the Zhou family compound in Hecheng, it still feels cold and weird. At least Zhou Yan felt so subjectively. He felt that there seemed to be something different in the Zhou family compound today. "Get us some food, and prepare a big bag of salt. You want mixed sea salt, not refined salt." Mr. Yin Yang checked the contents of a big bag he brought, and his words made the atmosphere around him even more intense. tense up. Although Zhou Yan doesn't understand, what does Mr. Yin Yang need salt for? "Oops, in the folk tales of River City, salt is used to deal with evil spirits and zombies. Could something really be wrong with my aunt?" Dad frowned. Mom said, "It's a shame you're still graduating from college, what's the time. How many years have you been away from Hecheng, do you still believe this?" Dad laughed a few times in embarrassment, "The customs are different in every place, so you can believe it or not. When I was young..." "That's enough, that's enough. I don't want to worry about your childhood. As soon as your old man is cremated tomorrow, we will leave that night, and we have an important meeting the day after tomorrow." Mom said. "Okay, okay, after dinner tomorrow, we will drive away." Dad was silent for a while, "The old man is also dead, and the last reason to go back to my hometown is also broken. Alas, I don't belong here at all." Mr. Yin Yang and the others got everything ready and told the disciples to go into the main room and wait.He walked around the yard a few times and pasted some paper symbols on places that looked uncomfortable. The moment he was about to enter the main room, his legs that stepped across the threshold stopped suddenly. He turned around, stared blankly at Zhou Yan again, pointed at him and said, "Let this child watch the night with us." "No!" Zhou Yan's parents immediately refused. Mr. Yin Yang looked at the other relatives of the Zhou family, "Think about it, so many weird things have happened to the old man, and today is the most critical day. The gate of hell is closed, and you can talk about anything. It's a little troublesome." "How troublesome?" A relative immediately asked. "It's very troublesome." Mr. Yin Yang's one-eyed glanced at everyone in the Zhou family's yard, "I'm afraid everyone with the surname Zhou will die." Everyone was taken aback, and pulled Zhou Yan's parents aside to talk about it. They didn't know how many promises they made and what agreements they reached. In short, the parents finally agreed. Zhou Yan had no idea what happened during the six days of the wake, he followed Mr. Yin Yang into the main room in a daze, and it seemed very interesting.For the children in the city, it was the first time for him to wake up. But the smell of decaying corpses in the main room was really unpleasant. Mr. Yin Yang closed the door of the main room, and the door made an ugly creaking sound, completely separating the two worlds inside and outside the door. Mr. Yin Yang took out a piece of white sealing paper, pasted it on the crack of the door, and then glanced at Zhou Yan. "Eat something, I won't sleep well tonight." Mr. Yin Yang tried his best to say in a kind tone. Six-year-old Zhou Yan was not shy of strangers at all. He sat down at the table and had dinner. The three of them sat at the square table, and the food on the table was quite sumptuous.Zhou Yan looked at Mr.'s picture for the first time, and this apprentice in his twenties seemed to have never heard him speak. "My apprentice is dumb." Sensing Zhou Yan's gaze, Mr. Yin Yang explained: "It's not natural. Last time he opened someone's coffin, he was accidentally poisoned by corpse poison, and his vocal cords were poisoned and dumb. He will never recover in this life." gone." Zhou Yan shrank his neck, bragging, corpse poison or something, like an old Hong Kong horror movie.The apprentice ate his dinner in silence, then found a chair and sat down in front of my aunt's head. The great-aunt's corpse covered with a white sheet was silent in silence, and looked extraordinarily quiet. With the ticking of the clock hanging on the opposite wall, time passed bit by bit, from six o'clock to ten o'clock, Zhou Yan finally couldn't hold it anymore.He yawned heavily, curled up and lay down on the small space created by the two chairs, and fell asleep uncomfortably. He didn't know how long he had been asleep, and without warning, he opened his eyes and woke up without any sleepiness. The surrounding area was still very quiet, Zhou Yan raised his head and looked at the clock opposite.But it was only half past ten, and he had only slept for half an hour. Mr. Yin Yang sat on a chair not far away and dozed off, and his apprentice's head was also bit by bit, obviously sleeping soundly. Zhou Yan felt that the surrounding area was extremely cold. It was obviously very hot today, and the temperature was not lower than 29 degrees, but he couldn't bear the cold. He hugged his arms hard, trying to find some clothes to wrap around his body to keep him warm, but as soon as his feet touched the ground, he heard someone's cat outside meowing terribly. The meowing came from afar, getting closer and closer, until it stopped at the door.Zhou Yan felt that the sadly screaming cat was desperately scratching the crack of the door with its paws, and he even saw something poking in through the crack of the door. Zhou Yan was taken aback. He tried his best to distinguish what he wanted to poke in. When he saw it clearly, he was shocked! Where is the cat's claw, it is obviously a pale finger, the finger is slender and yellow, and the shriveled skin is wrapped in paper, which looks particularly terrifying. Chang's fingernails reflecting the cold light finally touched the paper talisman attached by Mr. Yin Yang, and saw the paper talisman emit a strange light, and then heard a horrific, heart-piercing cry, and the claws retracted like an electric shock! "Then, what is that!" Although Zhou Yan is very young, he has never thought of ghosts and gods and does not believe in the existence of ghosts and gods after living in a big city.However, the situation that appeared in front of him at this moment almost subverted his worldview. He tiptoed, cautiously trying to walk over to shake Mr. Yin Yang to wake him up, but as soon as he moved, the aunt's corpse lying on the wooden board moved. As the overhead lights flickered on and off, Zhou Yan swore that he saw a gray shadow falling from the ceiling. It was a human figure, and it quickly penetrated into his aunt's body. Afterwards, the aunt's body covered by the white sheet began to shake wildly, shaking like a swing, and the entire improvised bed made a piercing shaking sound amidst the body's trembling.The two long benches under the plank kept colliding with the ground, and Zhou Yan's heart almost stopped in fright. He didn't dare to move, and watched helplessly as his aunt's body was shaking, and the blanket on the corpse was thrown off due to the violent shaking, and the blanket slipped off, floating in the air for several seconds before falling to the ground. The aunt's shrunken corpse was exposed to Zhou Yan's sight. She tried desperately to curl up, but a piece of yellowed straw was wrapped around her limbs. It was this thin piece of straw that tied the struggling corpse firmly to the up wooden boards.For unknown reasons, the corpse couldn't break free from the shackles of the straw. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't move her limbs. Zhou Yan has no strength to think, he is only six years old, how could he understand the terrifying situation in front of him. He stepped back step by step, and the aunt's head on the wooden board slowly turned towards him.The aunt's sunken eyes, the eyelids were sewn up by needles at some point, but even so, the black needles could not prevent the corpse's eyes from opening. The corpse that had been left for many days showed signs of decay. The eyelids of the corpse turned black, and the flesh at the sutures of the eyelids was torn off little by little, and finally half of the eyelids were torn off. Aunt Jiao Huang's plan was finally exposed. She looked at Zhou Yan without blinking, and stared at him firmly. Zhou Yan was finally too frightened to take it anymore, and screamed loudly. The scream immediately awakened Mr. Yin Yang and his apprentice. Mr. Yin Yang quickly glanced at the situation in the room, and cursed secretly: "Damn it!" He took out a talisman from his pocket, and pressed it firmly on the forehead of my aunt. My aunt's eyes were not closed, but her scorched yellow eyeballs shrank like a cat, looking at Mr. Yin Yang. "Jie Jie!" The corpse opened its mouth and laughed sharply, spitting out a puddle of thick phlegm from its throat. "Bastard, don't get out!" Mr. Yin Yang yelled, dodging the thick phlegm, took out the mahogany sword in his pocket, and stabbed it into my aunt's mouth. Thick phlegm fell not far from Zhou Yan, and the green phlegm seemed to be extremely corrosive, corroding the masonry floor to the point of sinking. Zhou Yan ran to the corner in a hurry, crouched down and hid with his legs crossed.Mr. Yin Yang asked his apprentice to hug the corpse of his aunt, trying to keep her from moving around, then took out nine six-inch long coffin nails emitting a cold light, nailed the corpse firmly, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead . The corpse finally stopped, not moving. The room returned to calm again. "There must be something wrong with this corpse. It actually made me fall asleep." Mr. Yin Yang scolded, while pulling out the mixed sea salt, and evenly sprinkled it on every corner of the main room, forming a circle. "Are you scared?" He looked at Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan, who had been frightened out of his nerve, waited for a long time before nodding. "This is just the beginning, we still have to endure. Tonight, I'm afraid it will not be peaceful!" Mr. Yin Yang sighed, sprinkled a small circle with salt, and waved to him, "You stand in, no matter what happens , don’t go out of this circle.” Zhou Yan nodded, and obediently stood in the circle.After seeing that kind of strange thing, you would be an idiot if you were not well behaved! The calm didn't last long, and something even more terrifying happened again!
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