Home Categories Thriller Wang Chuan Tang Evening Talk

Chapter 6 The Sixth Story: Liu Yadao

Wang Chuan Tang Evening Talk 七日鸣 26227Words 2018-03-22
On the afternoon of the rest day, the weather was fine. I sat on the palm-sized balcony at home, crossed my legs, and casually flipped through the magazine in my hand.The golden sunlight lightly sprinkled on the old blue bricks, setting off a large soft shadow in the corner. The surrounding area is very quiet, it seems that I have not been so leisurely for a long time. Since I started working in Wangchuantang, the surrounding situation has not been very easy. Although the number of times I am surprised by messy things is less, the risk factor has risen sharply. Its blessing, I feel that my courage has also frightened a lot.

If you encounter any strange things again, you shouldn't be as at a loss as before, right? As if to refute this conclusion, the mobile phone placed in the corner suddenly rang cold and high-pitched music. I was really taken aback by the suddenness. When I realized that it was the ringtone of the mobile phone, I hurriedly pressed the answer button. The voice on the other end of the phone was weak, and I almost didn't realize who it was for a moment. I didn't wake up until she fed her several times. "Susu?" "Otherwise, who else would be there? If you can't hear anymore, I will vomit blood and die immediately..." Su Yang still had a sharp voice on the phone, but he sounded obviously tired.

I quickly asked her: "What's the matter? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" "I'm dying... I'm lying in the city's second hospital..." Su Yang stretched out his tone softly, as if he was saying something very happy. about to die?in hospital?Still so happy? "Idiot! Wait for me!" I cursed, hung up the phone, jumped off the window sill, pulled on a coat and rushed out. After I got off the taxi and ran all the way to find the ward where she was, it was already half an hour later. Panting, I ran to the door of the ward, and saw Su Yang reclining on the white hospital bed inside, waving at me with a smile, without the slightest appearance of a patient.

I rushed in and almost grabbed her by the collar and asked, why do you look like you are about to die? But he just patted her head and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?" She smiled, patted the edge of the bed, and beckoned me to sit down. After fussing for a long time, it turned out that this guy suddenly had acute appendicitis two days ago, fortunately he was discovered in time, after being sent to the hospital, he underwent surgery early, and now he is fine. I was anxious and angry, and I had made it clear a long time ago, and running all the way over scared me to death.

Concerned about Su Yang's body, I didn't dare to say anything, I just chatted softly with her. This ward is a triple room, and the next bed is a woman in her forties with a sallow face, leaning on the bed to read a book, and No response to my arrival.The person on the other bed was sleeping all the time, wrapped in a quilt, and couldn't see his face clearly. Relatively speaking, this is a fairly quiet ward. Appendicitis is not a serious illness, but it needs to be recuperated. I felt that the conversation was almost over. I checked the time quietly, and it was already past eight o'clock, so it was getting late, so I asked Su Yang if there was anything he wanted to eat of.

She thought about it and said that she wanted to eat three fresh wontons. When Su Yang and I were in school, we liked to go to a small restaurant off-campus to eat three fresh wontons together. There was a shop called Liufuji's wontons. It was delicious, plentiful, and the soup was delicious.However, since I graduated, I haven’t been around the school anymore. When Su Yang mentioned it today, I suddenly missed the wontons of Liufuji very much. I thought about it, Liufuji is not very far from the No. 2 Hospital of the city, I should go there to buy wontons, Su Yang should be very happy too.

Thinking of this, I talked to Su Yang and walked out, ready to buy food. Maybe it was because I was too reckless, I just pushed the door open and bumped into the person outside the door, I was so panicked that I apologized quickly.The man was not angry, he smiled at me with a good temper, and asked me, "Are you here to see a friend?" He was a doctor at first glance, wearing a white coat, with a very flattering appearance, gentle, mature and steady, this elite type is the easiest for patients to trust. But I'm not good at dealing with doctors. Seeing him smile, I was a little overwhelmed, so I nodded and forced a smile.

"Dr. Liu!" Su Yang in the room called out in a low voice, and then introduced to me, "This is my attending physician, Dr. Liu." He explained to the doctor that I was a friend who came to visit.The middle-aged woman on the bed next to me also greeted the doctor softly. The man nodded at me and walked into the ward. It really is a doctor. When I passed by, I smelled a very fragrant smell on his body. I don't know if it's perfume or something else. In short, it is very different from the doctor I imagined wearing disinfectant, and it is a bit special. When I was walking in the corridor, I still wondered why the doctor didn't smell of disinfectant, but a nurse who passed by also smelled the scent.Is this fragrance a new type of disinfectant developed by this hospital?Thinking about it this way, there is nothing strange about it.

It's me, walking slowly in the hospital at such a late hour, it's really annoying, if I don't hurry up to buy wontons, the store will close soon. He stopped a taxi at the door and got off near the school. The street lights were dim and people were coming and going. I quickened my pace and walked towards the street in my memory. The surrounding environment of the school is no different from when I was in school. If I had to find out the difference, it would be more lively, with more fresh boutiques, snack bars and the like. Liu Fu Ji is still at the corner of the back street, with an inconspicuous facade, clean tables and chairs, and the enthusiastic proprietress even recognizes me, and asks me to add more sesame oil and shrimp skin to the soup.

When I wanted to pick up the takeaway box, I accidentally didn’t pick it up. Not only did I burn my hands, the soup was still flowing all over the floor. I subconsciously looked at the ground and saw a little boy lying on the ground, licking greedily. Looking at the soup, the black eyes were still looking at me, which made me tremble involuntarily. Hearing the voice of the proprietress's concern, he woke up, and looked at the ground again, the boy had disappeared, only the overturned soup lay on the ground in a mess. Not wanting to be troublesome, I quickly asked the boss to make another copy, paid the money, and walked back quickly.

In the ward area, even the air was filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant. I could not bear to pay attention to this smell, and walked quickly to the ward where Su Yang was. It was not very late, but there was nothing in the corridor. There were so many people, probably because there were not many patients, even the lights in the nurse's station were only a few lights on, and a nurse was dozing off on the counter, with jet-black hair hanging on Bai Shengsheng's uniform. Very distinct. When I passed by her, I noticed that there was a little boy sitting beside her, probably her son, who was on night shift with his parents.The child is full of energy, sitting on the bench, twisting and turning, fiddling with the duty card on the counter. I glanced at it, number 304, with a pretty face in the photo.The little boy noticed me, blinked his big eyes, and smiled at me. I smiled back and walked over quickly. When the wonton was delivered to Su Yang, it was already a little cold. Seeing the words "Liu Fu Ji", her eyes lit up and she sat up immediately.I sat by the bed, watched her eat, and chatted with her casually. The content of women's chats is nothing more than entertainment gossip and gossip. Su Yang is always well aware of these things, and even the secret affair between the director of the hospital and a head nurse has been revealed.I admire her very much. She has been very good at dealing with the masses since before, and she can mingle wherever she goes.With this high-spirited look at the moment, it can't be seen that he is a patient. People who don't know may think that a reporter from a tabloid has come undercover. Speaking of excitement, Su Yang put the bowl down, lowered his voice, and told me about the attending doctor. It is said that the doctor has a nice name, Liu Ye, who returned from studying in Japan, and has excellent medical skills. He became the chief surgeon at a young age, and his career is smooth sailing.But God is always fair. Dr. Liu is proud of his career, but frustrated in love. In his early thirties, he has been divorced twice, and each of his wives left him. The reason is that he focuses on his career and ignores his family. Speaking of this, Su Yang said softly, only men who focus on their careers are attractive. I looked at her yearning look, and couldn't help shaking her, you are not in love with her, are you?She said nothing, just giggled. This smile made me thump, knowing that it was almost inseparable, Su Yang's temper was very stubborn, it was useless to say anything now, but why didn't she understand?How can a man who has been divorced twice because of his career divert his attention because of his third marriage? I sighed softly in my heart, and turned my head to see the sallow woman on the next bed put down her book, as if she was going to sleep.The patient in the other bed was still wrapped in a quilt, with only a few strands of long hair exposed, and fell asleep deeply. It's really getting late, I looked at my watch, it's already ten o'clock in the evening, I have to go back quickly.After saying goodbye to Su Yang, I hurried out the door. It happened suddenly, I completely forgot that I had to go to Wangchuan Hall at night, and I didn't ask Qingming for leave. The lights outside were dim, and the nurse on duty was still dozing off. The little boy next to him had gone somewhere, maybe he was bored, so he ran out to play. Walking in the corridors of the hospital, there is a disturbing feeling. It stands to reason that the hospital is a place of the most yin, and all kinds of negative things like to gather here. In a sense, it is a very lively place.But it's too quiet here, I don't even see a shadow, I can even hear my own breathing, which gradually becomes heavier. No, no, it wasn't the sound of my breathing that became heavy, it seemed to be behind me.But there was obviously no one just now, could it be that I didn't see it? The voice was so close that I didn't dare to turn my head. I silently remembered my grandfather's teachings when I was a child, and I must not turn my head when I walk at night.To be honest, I was terrified of seeing something scary. No matter how much you see these things, you will still feel afraid. I pinched my palm quietly, feeling the pain, Hongyue and the bracelet were all there, so I was emboldened and ran quickly.No matter what happens, he didn't stop until he reached the gate. The sound of breathing behind him could no longer be heard, maybe it was just a doctor watching the night.It's just that it turned into something scary in the eyes of my nervous self. The moonlight was bright outside, and an ambulance was parked in the yard, shining red quietly. What was more conspicuous than that light was a locomotive next to it. It looked very cool and cool, but it was parked in the hospital, so it didn't look harmonious. The owner of the locomotive is a short-skinned guy, with amber eyes shining in the dark night, and he chuckled at me with the helmet in his hand. "Hey, you guy, you've already learned how to skip work!"
Haruka likes racing cars, and the speed is as fast as the wind. Fortunately, there are no people on the street at night, so there is no need to worry too much about traffic accidents, so I wisely stopped talking and sat obediently in the back seat. The guy drove the car silently, and suddenly asked me, "What did you go to the hospital for?" "Go and see Su Yang, she's sick." "Oh? It's the Su Yang you always mention?" Yao seemed to be recalling it for a long time, and then asked me, is she a beauty? "Of course, Su Yang is beautiful and has a good personality. Many people chased after her in college, but she has high vision and has never been in love." Mentioning Su Yang made me excited. "Oh? So pretty? Then next time I visit her, I'll come too!" Hearing that she is a beautiful woman, Haruka seems to be interested. Although I can't see his face, I can imagine his current expression. It must be two Eyes sparkle, smile like a flower, right? This guy is always like this, he becomes very attentive when he sees a beautiful woman. "Uh, okay." Apart from other things, I still need Yao's company in a place that is not very clean like a hospital.But why did he suddenly appear in the hospital today? "Hello." I poked him, "Why did you come to the hospital?" "On the way..." Yao replied lightly. It must be more than just dropping in. Obviously, this guy has something to hide from me.I didn't expose it either, I just let out an oh and stopped talking. Haruka didn't speak anymore, just focused on looking at the road ahead. From a distance, I could see Qingming in the store, sitting at the counter, reading a book by the dim light of the desk lamp.Hearing the noise of the locomotive, he frowned, put down the book in his hand, and stood up. Indifferent eyes swept across my body, throwing a short sentence. "Where have you been? You're covered in dirt." I subconsciously looked at my clothes before I realized what "dirty things" he was referring to. Before I could argue, Qingming came over and patted me lightly twice, as if dusting off the dust. This seemingly casual move made me feel relieved all of a sudden. I know, it's all right now.
The hospital is really not a fun place. After listening to my general narration, Qingming and Haruka exchanged an inexplicable wink, Qingming turned on the desk lamp, and continued to read the book. Yao smiled happily and said to me, let me tell you a story, okay? Of course not!He never said anything good to me! However, he ignored my objection and continued talking on his own. Xiao Xia, do you know about hungry ghosts? I have heard of such things as hungry ghosts. It is said that people who committed many crimes during their lifetime degenerate after death.They are hungry all the year round, eating non-stop, but never filling their stomachs.When I heard my junior brother explain it to me, I thought it was a very pitiful ghost. Taking myself as an example, I can’t bear to go hungry for two meals, not to mention being hungry all year round?When the needs of the body cannot be met, how can there be leisure to think?Thinking from this level, hungry ghosts are another kind of extremely terrifying ghosts. Without any reason, he just opened his mouth and devoured everything in front of him.
"I've heard of it a little bit." I looked at Haruka, not understanding why he suddenly brought up the matter of hungry ghosts. He patted my head and asked in a serious tone, "Do you know why I'm in the hospital?" I shook my head in confusion. "Because there is a new business." Qingming said calmly beside him. Oh I got it.So the new business refers to cleaning up hungry ghosts? After I let out a oh, I realized that it wasn't for me to do this business, was it?Hungry ghost plus hospital, under the power of these two terrible terms, I believe I will die an ugly death. "You mean, you want me to do this business?" I couldn't believe it, so I turned my head and asked Qingming.His eyes were not fluttering, his slender fingers turned a page of the book lightly, and he nodded slightly, meaning affirmative. No!I screamed, and Yao looked at me for a long time with a look of extreme hatred for iron and steel, and finally said something that almost moved me to tears. I'll go with you, he said. As soon as I said this, I almost rushed up to hug him. After thinking about it, I was afraid that the guy would show his usual narcissistic feelings again, so let it go. This business, can't it really be to clean up hungry ghosts?Reluctance is reluctance, business is always to be done.I asked Haruka for details. It is said that this time, a customer entrusted us to clean up a few hungry ghosts. The location is probably near the Second Hospital of the City. Yao has probably found out the surrounding situation and determined the location of the target. It should be in the hospital.Hospitals have always been troubled places, all kinds of desires, souls, and blood-stained air are the favorite food of hungry ghosts, so it's no wonder they gather here. I am a little worried about Su Yang. Although she has always been very lucky and should not be entangled in messy things, but now she is in a place like a hospital, and if someone is sick, her luck will also decrease. Su Yang lives there , nothing will happen, right? I thought of the child crawling on the floor of Liu Fu Ji when I went to buy wontons for her, and I couldn’t help feeling cold all over. Is that also a hungry ghost? I was always a little scared in my heart, afraid of going back to an empty home alone. Thinking of the crumbling talismans on the four corners of the house, I hesitated and made a request to Yao. Let me sleep in your room tonight? Uh, why?Haruka was a little surprised, and then smiled knowingly. You can, but remember to pay the rent. Ok!I said yes, but couldn't laugh. Thinking of Su Yang who was alone in the ward, wonder if she would be afraid?Will you feel very lonely?Could it be... encountering that kind of strange thing? Haruka put his hands on mine, shook them lightly, and whispered. "Don't worry about Su Yang. People as bad as you are rare in the world. No one will be as unlucky as you." Although he was considerate in his intentions, his words were still unforgiving. I glared at him and finally couldn't help laughing.
To me, Yao's room is no stranger to me. Generally, whenever something happens, I will definitely wake up in this bed. In a sense, this is also the place where my nightmares end. I made the bed, humming softly, and leaned against the door to watch me clean up his messy room. In fact, his room was not messy, but there were a lot of cat hairs stuck to the floor and bed. I carefully brushed the hairs one by one. Gather it up and hold it in your hand.Ask me from a distance, why collect this? Save it up, and when you lose all your hair, make a fake and send it to you, I said to him seriously. He raised his eyebrows, as if he was going to laugh at me, but in the end he just patted my head and said a word to me. This young master will not grow old. His smile is very bright, reflected in my eyes, like a flower that will never wither. The lifespan of monsters should be very long.A hundred years ago, Haruka was like this, and a hundred years later, Haruka should still be like this, but I don’t know if at that time, Haruka still loved beauty and was narcissistic, his eyes lit up when he saw a beautiful woman, and he was happy He greeted him happily, looking like a cowherd? Or, when this guy is squatting on the corner of the street under the setting sun, teasing the kittens passing by, he will occasionally think of me who worked with him many years ago, right? In any case, I understand that whether it is Qingming or Yao, I am just a short passerby in their lives. Humans are really fragile creatures. I tightly held the cat fur in my hand, they were clenched into a ball, blended with sweat, the itchy touch made people no longer have the mind to think about other things. Haruka leaned in front of me, carefully studying my ever-changing expression. What are you thinking now? I answered him with a half-smile, I want to save up the fur and knit a cat sweater to wear, but it’s not enough now, what should I do? Uh, you mean, want me to pull some for you? Haruka smiled too, but this time it was obviously not so bright. Yes, thank you for your kind sponsorship. I put my hand on his smooth hair, stroked it twice, and tried to pull it out. That guy was so smart, seeing that the situation was not good, he ran away from me at the speed of light and ran into the shop.I even heard the sound of something being kicked down by him, bang bang bang, and then the sound of Qingming's impatience, the sound of books being thrown on the wooden counter, the sound of thinly marching footsteps, and the rustling of cloth rubbing Voice. All small and complicated voices were amplified infinitely and clearly in this darkness.The originally flat voice became gentle and tormenting in the dark corner of my heart. I buried my face between the pillows and plugged my ears. Whether it is Buddha or God, whoever will save me.Tell me it's all just a dream, I've always lived alone. That way, when I wake up, I won't feel the pain. With such a secret and ulterior desire, I fell into a dark dream. The dream is always gloomy. I was caught by something I don’t know, and I couldn’t break free. Qingming sat in the store reading a book, but let me call in every possible way, and refused to look back. The reinforcements were close at hand but stood by. That scene , is really disappointing. It wasn't until I struggled for a long time that I broke free from the nightmare.After barely waking up, I realized that I was indeed being grabbed by something, and my whole body was surrounded by two strong and warm arms.Beside him is Haruka's quiet sleeping face, with long eyelashes, smooth skin, and beautiful lines of the collarbone, very good, the composition is OK, the color is perfect, everything is fine, it's just... But why would Haruka sleep here? Hello!I kicked him. No movement, hello!I kicked him again, this time with a little strength, but the guy just slowly opened his eyes, glanced at me, turned over and continued to sleep. I got angry and grabbed his ear and pulled it out hard. This time he finally woke up, sat up suddenly, covered his ears, and looked at me sadly.That expression was like that of a resentful woman who had been taken advantage of and abandoned. I can't laugh or cry, although I have slept in the same bed with Yao before, but it was a fluffy cat pillow that changed back to its original shape, and now it is a big naked man, obviously I was the one who was taken advantage of, right?This guy put on a face first. "Hey, explain to me." I knocked on the head of the bed, the meaning was obvious. "This is my bed, where would I sleep if I don't sleep here?" Yao rubbed his eyes with an innocent face. Hey, obviously this room was agreed to let me sleep yesterday, right?How shameless!When it comes to quarreling, I have always been unable to talk to him, so I stopped wasting my words and just put on my clothes and got up. Yao fell back to sleep, as if he hadn't seen a pillow in three hundred years. Just as I was about to jump out of bed, the door was pushed open. Qingming poked his head in, and suddenly saw this scene, the bed was a mess, Yao Guang's bare back, my unbuttoned shirt, my brow furrowed at a very imperceptible speed. He must have misunderstood. I thought with some annoyance, but he quickly returned to his usual indifferent appearance. "Come out to eat." He dropped the words and closed the door. After tidying up, I went outside. There were already hot meals on the tables in the hall, and the door was ajar, revealing a few gentle rays of sunlight. I sat down across from Qingming, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason. Qingming didn't say anything, but I was a little uneasy, a voice kept shouting in my heart, you are actually very afraid of being hated by him, right? Restless, he fumbled through the food, not paying attention to what he ate, only feeling bitter in his mouth, and a clear voice resounded, "I remember, you didn't eat bitter melon before." Looking down, there are actually a few chopsticks of bitter gourd in the bowl, no wonder the taste is so wrong.He looked at my bitter melon-like face, didn't say anything, just moved the plate with his hands, and replaced it with my favorite dish. Suddenly relieved, Qingming is still as clear as ever.Why should I ask for trouble when there is nothing to do? "If you go to the hospital at night, let Yao go with you." After a while, when Qingming talked about this topic, my heart sank. Could it be that this time the matter is serious? "That...is the business this time big?" I didn't want to use the word terror, and carefully chose other pronouns. After all, Qingming seemed to take it very seriously. He shook his head slightly, denying my guess, and the next sentence made my heart beat faster again. "I've packed a room for you, if you want to stay overnight, you can stay here." This sentence came out of his mouth, I didn't even dare to think about it, but now when I first heard it, I didn't dare to take it seriously. "real?" "If you don't want to go home, you can move to live in the store." The long and narrow phoenix eyes looked straight at me, calm but aggressive, "Don't you want to?" Of course I would!Eleven million willing!Living in the store is much more reliable than living in any insurance company, I quickly nodded in agreement. There was a very shallow smile on that face, which made me feel like a world away. I always feel that Qingming is so gentle today...
Even though Su Yang said that her health was alright, I decided to visit her in the hospital and find out about the new business by the way.Because Yao said that the hungry ghosts probably wander around the area around the hospital, feeding on the anger of the sick and weak, shortening their lives.If this is the case, then Su Yang is also one of the targets, and I have another reason to take care of it. The above is the reason why I am walking in this cold corridor at the moment. The hospital at night is full of a corrupt atmosphere, everything is hazy and unreal, in the dark where the light can't reach, there are shadowy ghosts hiding in the corner of the wall, just about to move. But I wasn't afraid, because he was beside me, and he was looking around all the way, occasionally making faces at those black mist-like things, so those things ran away timidly under his sharp eyes. In my eyes, Haruka seems to have nothing to do with horror, but in the eyes of those low-level ghosts, he probably belongs to the very scary category, right? After all, he was actually a good-looking man.In this world that values ​​appearance, whether it is a human or a demon, it is always useful to be born with a good appearance.Beautiful people, most of the time, can get more sympathy, appreciation, love or tolerance than ordinary people. Even at night, he had a high rate of turning his head back on the road, and even the nurses who occasionally walked by in the corridor would look at him twice if they didn't see anything. Yao is also a crazy person. Once he senses that someone is looking at him, he will adjust the smile mode on his face to the most lethal mode until people start to feel embarrassed. "Like a nympho..." I whispered. "Huh? What did you say?" The cat's ears were keen, and even talking to itself did not escape his ears.Yao slapped me on the head, "I'm not a nympho! It's just based on the gentleman's demeanor, to present a gentle smile to the ladies!" It's over, this guy definitely reads too many romance novels, dare to think of himself as the number one host?To be able to say such nasty lines without changing his face. I didn't want to argue with him anymore, so I just quickened my pace and walked towards Su Yang's ward. The door of the ward was closed tightly. I hesitated for a moment, and reached out and knocked twice. There was no response for a long time, and when I was wondering if I was already asleep, the door was suddenly opened.It's just that there is no one in the room, and Su Yang's bed in the distance is empty.I thought I had made a mistake, but I looked at the number, but it was correct.What's going on here?He must have been discharged from the hospital, right?I didn't expect this kind of situation, I just felt Yao who was next to me lightly smiled, lowered his head to the air and said, "Hello." I couldn't help but lower my head and follow his gaze. It turned out that there was a child behind the door. He was small and thin. He shrank behind the door with only one head exposed. It was really easy to be ignored. He looked surprised. Looking at us calmly, it seems that no one would knock on the door at night. I tried my best to show a friendly smile, then squatted down and asked him: "Little brother, where is the sister who lives in this ward, do you know?" He looked at me, his big eyes flickering, as if wondering whether he should tell us, and finally said: "The beautiful sister went out with the doctor uncle." Out with the doctor?Has the disease relapsed?No, no, if the condition relapses, it should be pushed out by the nurse, right?Besides... the word "go out" sounds more like going out to play, going out on a date or something like that. Could it be?Thinking of Su Yang's smiling face when he mentioned the doctor, I suddenly understood.That guy is probably on a date, how fast is that going?Should it be Su Yang?Efficiency is high!But it may also be that when you are sick, your feelings are relatively fragile, and it is easy to become dependent on the doctor?Then, dependence becomes love? Su Yang looks cheerful, outgoing and social, but he is actually a very innocent person.And that Dr. Liu got divorced twice at a young age... To be honest, it doesn't sound very good.That doctor also felt a little special to me. I couldn't tell what was special, but he was very impressive.But in the final analysis, I am not in a position to criticize Su Yang's love because I have no love. After running my head quickly for a while, I thanked the kid, and was about to pull Yao away, but suddenly found nothing, and was taken aback, only to find that guy was sneaking up on the wall and didn't know what he was doing. Woolen cloth.I walked up to him quietly, trying to scare him, but I was overwhelmed by his serious expression, so I didn't move, wanting to see what he was doing.In the end, before I could put on airs, that guy straightened up and returned to the posture of a beautiful boy. I didn't even need to think about it, but I knew that there must be a woman on the opposite side, and it was probably the kind of beauty. Sure enough, as I expected, there was indeed a beautiful woman on the opposite side, and it was Su Yang we were looking for.Su Yang saw me and greeted me with a smile.I opened my mouth, and was about to introduce to Yao, but after looking at his face, I immediately dismissed the idea, it seems that there is no need to introduce at all. Yao's face was filled with a charming smile, and he looked at Su Yang deeply, even the gesture of reaching out his hand became more elegant.If I didn't know his usual virtues very well, I guess I would also be fascinated by this handsome guy.Su Yang was held by this sudden guy, he was a little confused, and turned his gaze to me.Before I had time to speak, I heard Yao introduce himself there, saying that he is my colleague or something. I often heard me mention Su Yang and something. When I saw him today, he was indeed a beautiful woman or something. He was taken aback for a while, but obviously, he smiled at Yao in a good mood. I stood by and watched the two of them talking and laughing enthusiastically. I couldn't tell what it was like, I just felt a little lonely. It was the same in school before, when I met Su Yang’s various friends on the road, I was also left out like this, unable to intervene, and I didn’t want to intervene, like a shadow, hiding under Su Yang’s light, Just staring indifferently at those smiling faces that don't belong to me. Sure enough, even Yao is not exempt from vulgarity. Deciding to be a shadow, I stood quietly behind them without speaking. After a while, Yao seemed to remember that I was standing on the side. He was afraid of affecting other patients, so he suggested that everyone go sit outside in the gazebo for a while, so that they can chat more easily. Su Yang naturally agreed, and I have nothing to object to. Reason, so the three went to the garden together. The night was dark, the garden was very quiet, three or four stone benches were randomly placed in the gazebo, I hesitated for a moment, gave up the plan to sit beside Yao, and sat next to Su Yang.The wind is cold, blowing chills down one's bones, Yao and Su Yang were chatting briskly, occasionally looking at me, at this time I would oh, to show that I was listening.Anyway, it doesn't matter to him whether I can hear it or not, so I just kept answering and looking into the depths of the garden.
At the end of the depths, there was a man standing motionless, who looked like a shadow in the dark.But he is looking at this side, even if he is far away, he can feel that oppressive line of sight is staring at our side closely. I glanced at Yao, he didn't seem to feel it at all, and was still talking to Su Yang.Could it be that with a beautiful woman, this guy's senses have become dull?I decided to ignore him, jumped off the pavilion and ran over there. Yao asked me where I was going, and I said, I need to go to the bathroom, and ran away without looking back. Of course I didn't go to the bathroom, but quietly ran to the depths of the garden.That person seemed to have spotted me, turned around and withdrew.I must see who it is, I only have this thought in my mind, I don't have time to think about anything else, I immediately catch up.The garden of the hospital is not big, and the roads are divided by small trees, which can't hide people at all, but I really lost it.Obviously, he disappeared just after turning a corner, and the messy shadows of the branches were projected on the empty road, forming unpredictable patterns one by one. A sense of fear hit my heart, and I suddenly realized that one of the purposes of coming here tonight— — hungry ghost. There are hungry ghosts in this hospital. I decided to go back, and now I am far from being a hero, but when I look back, I understand my situation, maybe I can't do it if I don't be a hero. In the shadow of the street lamp, there stood an old lady, her face was full of indelible wrinkles, dotted with two cloudy eyes, she bent her waist slightly, and stared at me expressionlessly. I was terrified by her eyes, and I was thinking about what to do?escape?Can I escape?Do not escape?It will definitely be eaten by hungry ghosts, maybe there will be no bones left, right?Here I was hesitating what to do, but the other person had already started to act, and in a blink of an eye he came to me, and then... opened his mouth. Are you going to eat me in place?Hey, don't you need to cook it?This grandma, eating raw will hurt your stomach!I almost reflexively wanted to slap down, but I heard a faint sentence. "It's so late, little girl, don't stay outside, it's very dangerous." What?I thought I heard wrong?As for the hungry ghost, it shouldn't be so kind to tell me not to stay outside. In other words, isn't this scary-looking grandma a hungry ghost?I calmed down and looked at the ground. Although it was faint, she did have a shadow. Sure enough, it's not a ghost. "Uh, I'll go back right away, but you, it's so late, why are you still outside?" The old lady opened her mouth, but didn't speak, just looked behind me. Could there be something scary behind him?I was so afraid of turning my head back, I had no choice but to look back slowly. 一切正常,远处跑来一个穿着白大褂的护士,气喘吁吁地冲我们这边跑来,一边还喊着。 “罗姨,罗姨您怎么又偷跑出来了啊!快点跟我回去,该吃药了,柳医生正等着您呢。” 敢情这个老太太是病人?而且还是精神上的毛病?不然的话,举止也太诡异了点吧。 柳医生?我自然而然地想到了柳夜,只是……给苏扬看病的话,应该是内科吧?跟精神科又有什么关系啊? 我也没好意思拦住护士问这个柳医生是不是柳夜,因为罗姨看到她,早就跑得不见影儿了,要再找的话,估计又要费半天功夫了。她急急地从我身边跑过,我连忙侧过身子让路,擦肩而过的瞬间,我又闻到了她身上的香味。 又来了,这个熟悉的香味,奇特而浓郁的味道……排除了消毒水的可能性,难道这是医院发的福利,集体购买香水么?那男用香水和女用香水的味道也应该是有差别的啊?不管怎么说,都有些奇怪,按理说医院这种地方,应该不允许职员擦这么浓的香水吧? 到底,是怎么回事呢?
人的好奇心来临时,常常会干一些不计后果的事情。比如现在的我,等自己反应过来时,已经踏进了住院部的走廊。 二院不愧是本市一流的医院,引导系统相当清晰,我毫不费劲就摸到了内科,眼瞅着值班室内亮着灯,就鬼使神差地走到门口,朝里面张望起来。 想来是为了方便,值班室的门并没有关紧,留了差不多一指宽的缝,刚好够人看清楚里面的情景。 世间的事,往往会有很多巧合,值班室的桌子旁,罗姨安安静静地坐着,完全看不出一点儿精神病人的样子,说起来的话,精神病患者,应该是在专门的精神病医院才对,不应跑到内科来的。坐在她对面的,正是让苏扬心动不已的柳夜医生。虽然我只见过他一次,对那英气的侧脸印象却很深,的确是个有魅力的男人,苏扬会心动倒也不奇怪。 气氛很安静,柳夜捧着罗姨的手,以一种非常亲昵的态度,将自己的脸贴在那只枯瘦的手上。而罗姨,居然还一脸享受的样子,空出的另一只手,开始慢慢抚摸柳夜的脸,耳朵,脖子,清爽的头发。与其说这是一幅温馨的母子图,不如说更像一对亲密的恋人之间的举动。那干枯而布满皱纹的手指,与柳夜富有光泽的乌发形成了鲜明的对比,然而一举一动,却又充满着说不出的暧昧感。 奇特而熟悉的香味似乎更浓了一些,这香味的来源,就在这间值班室里。比起我一直猜测的香水之类的,现在闻起来,感觉更像食物类。莫非柳夜还偷偷在值班室里开小灶,炖了什么补品? 几乎是第一时间,我的脑袋里就映出了三个字——紫河车!作为一个内科医生,他能搞到这东西也不奇怪,说不定一直闻到的香味就是这东西?但也不至于连护士身上也是吧?一伙医生护士集体偷吃紫河车,简直是不可能的事情。我变换了姿势,想看看屋里有没有什么炖锅之类的物件。 看了半天,结论是没有。那香味儿是从哪里来的呢?还有这罗姨跟柳夜又是什么关系呢?看起来不像单纯的医患,却又不太像母子,该不会是——黄昏恋?像柳夜这种年轻英俊的医生,居然背地里与年迈的女病人保持着不伦之情? 这怎么看都像是三流小报上吸引人眼球的拙劣标题,不可能吧……有了苏扬这种美女的青睐,还跟女病人黄昏恋,无论如何,听起来都不像真的,但是眼前这种充满了情色意味的画面又能怎么解释? 正当我觉得有些看不下去,想要走人的时候,却发现哪里有些不对劲,很不易觉察到的不对劲,明明她脸上挂满了幸福的表情,身体却显得很僵硬,手也慢慢停止了动作。她头上蒸发出很多乳白色的烟雾,慢慢地飘浮在房间里,而她却像根本没有觉察到一样,仍然呆呆地坐着。那些散发着奇异香味的烟雾慢慢地汇聚成一缕,向着一个源头涌了过去,几秒钟之后,白雾已经全被吞噬掉了,而那个吞噬掉它们的黑洞,正是柳夜医生的嘴。 我终于意识到自己看到了什么。 我看到了一只饿鬼在享用他的晚餐。 我也许真的应该回去找遥了,再留下去绝对是凶多吉少,万一被发现,我也八成会成为饿鬼的晚餐了。这么想着,我悄悄地退下,准备从来时的路溜回去,却一下子看到刚才的那个护士,从那一边端着个托盘走了过来。 Ruined!要被看到了!半夜三更一个人鬼鬼祟祟地在走廊里趴着,怎么看都不像是好人,一定会被盘问,之后柳夜一定会发觉,那我不就完了。 不对,这个护士身上也有香味,也就是说,她也不是人!说不定到不了柳夜嘴边,我就先被她吃了…… 溜是来不及了,我急中生智,往旁边的黑乎乎的消防楼梯间里躲去,要是在平时,我才不会进楼梯间这种可怕的地方。可是现在,根本来不及多想,我只能往这里面藏,心里在祈祷着,千万不要再出来什么奇怪的东西了。被饿鬼发现了可不是闹着玩儿的啊。 有时候越怕什么,就会越来什么。 几乎是我刚刚把自己的身子隐进来,就察觉到了这黑暗里还有什么存在着。紧接着,我的嘴就被一双手捂住了。
最初的尖叫声被我硬生生地咽下去之后,我闻到了另一种香味,与饿鬼的食物不同,这是一股极其熟悉的香气。 熟悉到了,即使化成灰,也不会忘记的淡淡檀香味道。 我微微地向后仰起头来,看到了自上往下凝视着我的那双眼睛,湖水般的黑眸,闪着明亮的点点光辉,明明是黑暗而恐怖的楼梯间里,我却好像看到了繁星点点的夜空。 清明……我在心里叫出了那个名字,同时如释重负地松了一口气。 清明有种不可思议的气质,总能够让人立刻安定下来,他给人的感觉就好像哪怕天塌下来,也能立刻给补好似的。虽然我知道,这是不可能的,清明不是万能的,却仍然会有这种安心的感觉。 他的手臂还轻轻搁在我肩膀上,眼睛却已经转向外面,警惕地盯着那间透着光的值班室了。 在狭窄的空间里,我只能够听见他均匀的呼吸声,除此之外,没有一点声响。尽管这座大楼里有许多人,却感受不到一丝生的气息,医院的夜晚,让人不由得感到窒息。 护士和柳夜一起出来了,推着辆小车,车上躺的是一动不动的罗姨。 do you died?我有点不安,抬头看清明,他并没有看我,只是竖起食指,轻轻做了个嘘的手势。 于是我也安静下来,看着那两人将罗姨推到了拐角的一个小房间里,之后锁上了门,没事儿人一样相拥着离开了。 原来他跟这护士还有一腿,先不说饿鬼这个身份,他还真是个花心的家伙啊!前几任妻子跟他离婚,说不定也是因为这些事吧?不行,我绝对要阻止苏扬继续跟他来往才行! 一想起来苏扬,我才想起,遥跟苏扬还在花园里呢,我不见了这么久,应该发现了吧,不知道会不会找我呢?到这时,我才想起来问清明,为什么会突然出现在这里呢? “路过。”他回答了我这两个字,走到值班室门口停住,默然不语,双目有神,似乎在探听着些什么。 之后他向走廊拐角处走过去,走了几步,似乎感觉到我没跟上来,于是停住,转头看我,我犹豫了一下,还是朝他跑了过去。 清明轻轻一推,房门就开了,罗姨的确是在里面,但是严格来说,我不知道这具肉体还能不能被称为罗姨了。 这具身体已经极其的衰老了,比我在花园时见过的她要老了很多,满身满脸都是皱纹,身上没有一点儿肉,脸颊和手臂都深深地陷了下去。老人斑也迅速地爬满了所有能看到的皮肤表面,如果不是胸口还有些隐隐的起伏,我真的会认为这是一具尸体。 她还活着,却也活不久了。 四周靠墙的架子上,摆满了各式各样的瓶瓶罐罐,看上去似乎像标本室一样,其中墙角处搁着一个极大的玻璃瓶,里面泡着一具小小的身体,是个大约三四岁左右的儿童。 它以一种有些扭曲的方式盘腿坐着,眼睛似乎还睁着,我对它本能地感到害怕,却又被一股说不清的力量牵引着,忍不住去看它,目光触及到它那黑洞般的双眼时,那东西嘴角扯出一丝诡异的笑容,几乎把我吓死。再一看,却又不动了,果然,又是我的幻觉吧,标本瓶里怎么可能是活人?然而终究有些不对劲,那孩子给人的感觉很眼熟,眼熟到似乎就是每天放学路上,与你擦肩而过的小朋友一样。 我又仔细看了它一眼,这一下子我终于确定了,它的确是在笑,而且是很诡异的笑!这个孩子,分明就是前几天我来医院时,遇到的那个,坐在护士站的小男孩! 我几乎是立刻,就扯住了清明的衣服,朝他身后藏去。他随手扯住我,一边俯身朝罗姨头边靠过去。 虚弱至极的罗姨,口里还在喃喃不断地说着什么,我听不太清,只觉得她不断地在重复着一个相同的名字。 “柳夜,柳夜,柳夜……柳夜……” 她的生命之火终于在这一声声呼唤声中熄灭了。
人真的是种脆弱的生物。 眼睁睁地看着一个生命在我眼前消逝,我的心情也变得复杂起来,但是现在的情况,似乎并不太适合伤感。 房间里的气氛悄悄地起了些变化。原来顶多只算是有些阴森的标本室,开始让人感到一阵阵的凉意。 四周很安静,然后角落里的玻璃罐子震动了几下,在我还没来得及看清楚之前,罐子就空了。 那个孩子跑出来了。 不,不止是一个孩子。满屋子都是小孩子,在地上爬着,坐着,躺着,闹着,顺着我的脚踝朝上攀,冰冷黏湿的舌头在小腿皮肤上游走,让我起了一身鸡皮疙瘩,大半夜的,这情形还真不是一般的诡异,莫不是我们闯到了婴灵的地盘吧?回想起医院的布局图,这里离妇产科好像也不算近啊。 我望着清明,他从容地站着,看不出一丝慌乱,周围似乎有一圈看不见的屏障,将他与混乱的空间隔离开来。 我自然就没这么幸运了,不仅站在原地动弹不得,还被周围的孩童们围了个结实。 喂,无论怎么说,这待遇也差太远了吧? 清明看了我一眼,我脑内的自动翻译机立刻读出他想表达的:你不用担心。好吧,就算我不用担心,但是在这种奇怪的气氛里,你就不能说句话,让人减轻点思想压力么? 我说这位大哥,你该不会真相信沉默是金这类鬼话了吧?骗人的,书上全都是骗人的!就算你不说话,家里的钱也绝对不会变多! 暗暗吐槽了半天,紧张的心态总算是稍微缓解了一点儿。 咯咯咯,咯咯咯,我第一次觉得,原来小孩子的笑声也可以这么恐怖。 在这些恐怖的声音之中,夹杂着一个略显稚嫩的声音,一直在喊,妈妈,妈妈…… 听起来似乎很正常,但是总让人觉得,这是充满了怨恨的声音。这种强烈的怨恨感,绝对不会是普通婴灵可以达到的程度,究竟是做了什么,才让它拥有这样的怨念呢? 穿过重重屏障,我看向那对阴森可怖的眼睛,无声地询问它,为什么? 它自然不会回答我,只是怪叫一声,向我冲了过来。 正当我习惯性的摆出没出息的闪躲动作时,一直在旁边COS雕像的清明轻轻伸出了手,掂起了它。 它在清明手里嚎叫着,不停挣扎,却很快屈服下来,逐渐缩小,最后在清明的掌心里,化成一团灰烬,瞬间就散了。 屋子里的其他孩子也如潮水般,很快地消失了。 这里的确是间普通的标本存放室,要说真有哪里不同,也就是多了一具尸体罢了。 不管怎样,三十六计,走为上策。不然被人发现的话,我们就是跳进黄河也洗不清啊。 危险一过,我就扯上清明,从标本室里溜了出来。
总感觉有哪里不对,正在思索时,清明甩开了我的手。 我愣了一秒钟,终于发现哪里不对了,他的手,很热。对于一个曾经被我怀疑是冷血动物的人来说,这实在不太正常。转头看清明,他正紧紧地握着自己的手,那手背的皮肤上有一块污黑的印子,正以一种极快的速度,迅速地蔓延开来,转眼间整个手掌都已经变成了黑色。 原本白晳的手,现在好像深度中毒一般,变成死黑色,甚至还渗出惨绿色的液体来,很是吓人。 我几乎有点傻掉了,冲过去想要看个究竟,却被他拦住,接近不得。 他静静地看着自己的手,没有一丝慌乱,只是我分明看到,清明的眉头,很快地皱了一下。 这家伙平时总是一副波澜不惊的样子,我几乎没见过他发愁的模样。 所以我想,这回或许真的麻烦了。 正当我开始六神无主的时候,遥的声音从旁边传了过来。 “小夏,你站在这里干什么?” 看他的样子,似乎已经找了我半天,我急忙拉住他:“你快点来看一下,清明的手是怎么回事?” 遥有些奇怪地看着我:“清明?在哪里?” 我回头,身后是空空如也的走廊,哪里还有清明的影子? 茫然四顾,遍寻不见,就在这一瞬间的功夫里,清明消失了,带着那只像被诅咒了的手。 遥拿手指敲了我一下,“被风吹傻了?我们回去吧。” 我这才想起苏扬的事来,于是问他,苏扬呢? “已经回去休息了。”遥笑得一脸暧昧,我白了他一眼,决定先去看看苏扬。 我不知道自己为什么会有点逃避回到忘川堂。或许我只是害怕,如果回去,清明不在怎么办? 习惯了无论何时回到忘川堂,都能一眼看到,安静的坐在柜台里看书的清明。 如果,他没有回去的话,我要怎么办? 依他的性格,是断然不会将自己的弱点暴露在别人面前的。 别人,自然也包括我,与他相比起来,我的世界太过狭隘了,假如他真要离开,随便往哪里一藏,我都找不到。 遥自然不会知道我心里在想什么,只是定定地看着我。 我坚持要先去看苏扬,他也只好跟着过来了。 我走在前面,以至于没有看到,遥探头在空气里嗅了两下,眼里划过一道锐利的光。 然后,他摇了摇头,两三下就追上我的脚步。 走廊里回荡的,只有我们两人的脚步声。
病房门虚掩着,轻轻一推便开了。遥说要到别处看看暗地里的情况,我只好自己进去了。 苏扬靠着床头听音乐,看我进来,摘下耳机冲我笑。 “看不出来你还有个这么帅的朋友啊?也不早点带来让我过目下,真不够意思哦。” 面对着她的嗔怪,我只能笑笑。 我能说什么呢?在这世界上,并不是每个人都能理解像我这样的人,绝大部分人,无法接受科学常识以外的东西存在。况且,人和妖,本来就不应该生活在一起吧。如果苏扬知道遥是妖怪,那她,还能对我绽放出这种笑容来吗? 我常常想,或许清明和遥其实也是人吧,不过是行动诡异点,从事职业冷门点罢了,或许装神弄鬼也是职业需要啊。但当我坐在店堂里,看一个个奇形怪状的客人进进出出时,或者坐在藤椅上打瞌睡时,被旁边的遥偶尔不小心露出来的尾巴搔到了鼻子,大大地打了个喷嚏时,这微弱的幻想就越来越无力,直到我不得不承认,他们,确实和我不是一个世界的生物。 正因如此,我迟迟没有告诉苏扬我的工作,也不太愿意让苏扬接触这个世界。 苏扬看我不说话,宽容地笑了笑,就扯开了这个话题。 我松了一口气,也顺着她的话题,聊起那些日常八卦来。 有些记挂着清明,心里始终轻松不起来,苏扬关切地问我,是不是累了?要不要先休息一会儿。我摇摇头,却也有点想要回去的意思了,不管怎样,我始终要回忘川堂的,如果清明已经回来了,那就继续端茶倒水看店门,如果清明没有回来,那就,一直等着,直到他回来为止吧。 我看了看表,已经快要十一点了,病房里的其他病友还没回来,于是问苏扬,其他人呢? 出去做检查了。这么晚还没回来呢,我站起身来,向苏扬告别,走到门口时,不经意地瞅了眼那张病床,床头挂着的名牌上,写着一个很耳熟的名字——罗怡。 罗怡?记忆中,这张床住的是一个脸色蜡黄的女人,自始至终都在看书,然而关于这个名字更深刻的记忆,来自不久前,我亲眼见证着,死去的那具尸体。 被那只温柔的饿鬼,吸食了所有的精气,而死去的女人。 原来你的名字,是罗怡。 在心里替这无辜的女人默默地哀悼了一下之后,我忽然有种强烈的预感,柳夜,很快就要来了,苏扬无疑就是下一个受害者,不管怎样,我不能看着苏扬变成那个样子。 当下转过头,对苏扬挤出了个笑容:“我突然想起来,你有好久没去过我家了呢?今晚去我那里玩吧?” “啊?”苏扬很是意外,毕竟我几乎从来没有主动邀请过她去我家,不过稍微思索了几秒,她就点头答应了。 说走就走,当下我们就出了门,我四处瞅了一下,没有看见遥,只好发了条短信给他,自己和苏扬先回去了。 我的家,感觉已经好几天没回来过了,瞄了眼四周已经变得破烂的符咒,又小心翼翼地看了看苏扬,还好她的注意力似乎不在这上面。不然一定会对我进行破除迷信的唯物主义教育了。 泡上茶,打开电视营造下热闹的气氛,正当我一心盯着电视里那小白主持人的表演,企图找到一些笑点时,苏扬又开腔了,吓得我一口热茶闷在了嘴里,吐又吐不得,咽又咽不下。 “你是不是有什么话想对我说?”苏扬问我。 “唔,没有啊,就是觉得你好久没来过我家了嘛。”我有些底气不足。 “你这家伙,撒谎的功夫太差了……”这位大小姐毫不客气地打击了我。我索性放弃了遮遮掩掩,直接问她:“苏苏,你跟柳医生……发展到哪一地步了?” 苏扬笑了下,很妩媚:“柳医生……下个月,你可能就得改口叫苏姐夫喽。” 这消息不亚于一道晴天霹雳,我下意识地脱口而出:“不行啊!” “为什么?”苏扬不笑了,很认真地看着我。 倒是换我开始支支吾吾了。 “苏苏啊,听我说,那个柳医生好像不是什么好人啊,我听说他跟以前的妻子都还没离婚,对你是不是真心,也很难说啊!你得好好考虑下啊……” 苏扬亮晶晶的眼睛盯着我,反问我:“你怎么知道这些的?” 我怎么可能知道,全都是胡扯的,一下子被她问住了,半天,才讪讪地说:“其实我有学过一点点的相面哦,他长了个桃花相,一看就不是好老公的模样,哈哈。” 苏扬紧盯着我,半天,冒出来一句话:“别瞒我了,我早就知道,你和我不一样的。” 轻描淡写的一句话,我却从头凉到了脚,却还是强装镇定看着电视,一边打哈哈。 “当然不一样啦,怎么可能一样嘛,我这么宅!” 苏扬走到我背后,轻轻拥着我,语调仍然温柔,声音却不似从前,“你或许应该问下自己,到底哪里跟我们不一样?”
指节粗大的手在我脖子上轻轻摩挲,来回移动,最后停留在最纤细的地方,微微卡住,开始使力。我一边用力挣着他的手,艰难地问他:“你把苏扬怎么了?” “哦?你还挺讲义气的嘛?”他嘿嘿地笑了,“怎么办?她已经死了?你打算找我索命?” 魔鬼俯下身,在我耳边吹着气:“要不,我把你也吃掉?这样你们就可以在一起了。” 他的声音很平静,仿佛在说一件毫不相关的事情,我却感到了最深层的绝望。 苏扬,已经死了? 啪的一声,我感觉自己与正常世界的联系中断了。 我停止了无用的挣扎,柳夜似乎有点意外,松开了我。 “你想死?” 我摇摇头,抱着肩坐下。 “哦?你该不会是在等人来救你吧?是在等那个只要用一点儿污毒就能对付了的无能男人?还是在等那只被困在我设的局里,连路都摸不清的小猫儿?”他白皙的脸上挂着笑,口中说着我竭力想逃避的事实。 自从遇到清明和遥,我就一直依赖着他们,却从来不曾想过,他们不会来救我,他们也会遇到危险这种问题。 妖怪的世界,处处都有危险存在。 此刻明白了他们也身处险境,却意外地镇定下来了。 “如果你要吃我,就快点。” 我冷冷地看着柳夜,他挑
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