Home Categories Thriller out of order

Chapter 33 Sanshisan two missing words

out of order 周德东 2896Words 2018-03-22
The next day was Monday, and the "Little Feet Literature and Art Class" enrolled students. There was nothing serious about the troupe, so Zhang Lai helped the family recruit students. He put a table, a chair, and a billboard at the gate of the teacher training school, which stated the enrollment targets, courses, and tuition fees.Many parents signed up for their children. He had a busy day on the street and it was late.He went directly to Junxiao's house. He is not a slanderous cat.More importantly, he wanted to know what happened to Juan Xiao at work today. He knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no sound from inside.

Is she still not back?He was a little worried and kept knocking. Finally, a small voice came out: "Who?" "It's me, Zhang Lai." The door opened immediately.As soon as he entered the door, he found that Jun Xiao's expression was not right. "What's wrong?" "Why didn't you go to work?" Her tone contained anger and grievance. "I helped the family recruit students. What happened?" Juan Xiao sat on the sofa in horror and said, "He went upstairs..." "The dementia?" Jun Xiao nodded absently. Zhang Lai was shocked.

The reason why the troupe let Old Zhao to watch the gate was entirely to take care of him.He is a lonely old man with a demented son, it is not easy.This demented son has never appeared in the troupe during the day, and he has never been to the troupe building during working hours. Then, Jun Xiao told Zhang what happened this afternoon. For some reason, everyone in the troupe left this afternoon. Jun Xiao had nothing to do alone, so he ran into the practice room again. She was practicing basic skills with a handkerchief when she suddenly heard a knock on the door: "Squeak..." She was startled, turned around and looked, but no one came in.She thought it should be the wind.

She turned around and continued to practice, arm inward, outward... The door rang again: "Squeak..." She turned around again, still no one came in. She put down her handkerchief, walked over gently, opened the door, and looked around. The corridor was a bit dark and there was no one there.The wind in the corridor is a bit hard. When she came back, she continued to practice the cross step in front of the huge exercise mirror on the wall. The mirror cracked a long line, tearing Junxiao's body apart.Juan Xiao looked up at herself in the mirror, and couldn't move for a moment - there was a person standing behind her, looking at her with a smile.

It's that dementia! She turned sharply and stood face to face with the dementia.The demented man had his hands behind his back and didn't know what he was holding. She ran towards the door suddenly, the dementia moved faster than her, he jumped to the door as swiftly as a cat, blocking Juan Xiao's way out. Juan Xiao stood there foolishly, all thoughts were lost.At that time, she had only one thought: Dementia quickly lifted the brick and smashed her to death, smashing her into a bloody meatloaf. She could no longer bear the great horror.She thought, maybe those people are crazy like this!

Dementia didn't do anything, he just laughed. Juanxiao looked into his eyes, and he looked into Juanxiao's eyes. Finally, he spoke: "Now, let me let you know how crazy those people are." Juan Xiao thought, now he is going to drive himself crazy.Her feet seemed to have taken root, and she couldn't move at all. "It's actually not mysterious, but I told them a formula." Hearing the word formula, Jun Xiao trembled violently. "There are a total of ten sentences in this formula. Whoever hears this formula will go crazy." The air of mystery filled the empty practice room like a cloud of mist.

Juan Xiao looked forward to it, at this time Zhang Lai miraculously appeared at the door like in the movie and rescued her. Or, anyone in the regiment can come over.However, it was strange that no one was there, and the corridor was quiet except for the furtive sound of the wind beating the door. "No one knows that those lunatics went crazy because they heard these ten formulas, because they have a mental breakdown, a mental disorder, and a mental disorder. It is impossible to tell this secret again." Juan Xiao suddenly wanted to rush up and put his hand into the stupid mouth.She was almost hysterical.

Dementia continued to speak slowly: "This is a very old mantra. Why do people go crazy after hearing these ten mantras? This is a weird question, a profound question. Several scientists tried to get However, none of them succeeded, because when they study these ten formulas, they must know what these ten formulas are, and they will go crazy after knowing." Dementia suddenly put on a serious face: "Why did I become dementia? It was because I heard this mantra. However, I still have one nerve left, which is more developed than normal people, just to spread this mantra. Ma Mingbo, Wu Tang, Tu Zhongshan , have heard these ten formulas, therefore, they are all crazy."

At this time, the door was suddenly blown open by the wind: "Pa-ta!" The demented eyes shot out abnormal light, and he stared straight at Juan Xiao: "These ten formulas are like this..." Next, I will write these ten formulas. I am the author. Don't be afraid, it's okay, ten sentences have a total of 50 characters, and I only write 48 characters. I only know 48 characters.Otherwise, I would have become a madman long ago. This formula is like a combination lock, and it will not work even if it is missing a number. However, I hope you will look at the past ten lines at a glance, and don't look too carefully, it will not do you any good.

Remember. Here are the ten words of dementia: At this point, the dementia stopped suddenly. Junxiao's mind was blank, and he looked at the dementia dumbly, like a wax figure. Dementia laughed: "There are two more words." And... two words. Dementia paused and said: "You are so beautiful, I won't let you go crazy." Even so, the demented eyes were full of vicious smiles without any kindness. "Think about it slowly, the future will last forever." After speaking, he turned around and left.His footsteps were very soft, like a cat, and disappeared into the dark corridor.

I am the author. I warn you, this book is finished as soon as it is finished, and in the future, you must not guess the last two missing words, because there is a rhyme, so you can easily bump into those two words. As long as you hit it, this mantra will appear in your brain repeatedly like a shadow, incomplete and incomplete... until you go crazy. After listening to Junxiao's narration, Zhang Lai said blankly, "Junxiao, from now on, you must never think about this formula again." She nodded obediently.However, she then shook her head again: "I can't control myself, these weird sentences always appear over and over again in my brain..." "You have to control yourself!" At this moment, Zhang Lai felt the real terror. He is advising Jun Xiao, but in fact, those strange words have already popped up in his mind: He stood up, kissed Junxiao lightly, and said, "I'm going to the toilet." He came to the toilet, closed the door, turned on the tap, and washed his face.The water is ice cold. After washing his face, his mind was much clearer, and he went out. What the hell is going on? That night, Zhang Lai did not leave. After they lay down, Zhang Lai didn't have any physical desire.He hugged her lightly without speaking. The night was very quiet, and it seemed that someone walked downstairs, stepping on the snow, with a "creaking" sound, and the night traveler finally went away.In the distance, a bird was calling strangely. Zhang Lai felt that he was going crazy.This world has become very strange. Several faces kept flashing in front of his eyes, such as Ma Mingbo from Nandianzi, Wutang, Tu Zhongshan... The next day, Zhang Lai went to work. When he went downstairs, he felt that his steps were extremely heavy, as if the nightmare was waiting for him in the unit. He passed the little garden, went in, and sat on the bench.It was cold on the bench. The trees in the little garden were bare, and the grass was broken and yellow.However, the sun is good and the air is transparent. "The wind and the horse are in harmony..." "Nine chains at the beginning and end..." He couldn't help muttering out loud.These strange words are like some geometric figures, without rules, not square or round. "Eight horses go forward..." "The champion of five points..." He shook his head vigorously, shaking the geometric figures away. He looks at the sky.The sky is as blue as washing, with a few high and distant clouds hanging, and those clouds are motionless.However, after watching for a long time, he found that they were shifting mysteriously.The sun was blindingly bright. "Convex and concave five-color soil..." "Ninety-nine sunny days..." He stopped looking at the sky and looked around hopelessly. Someone hurried by on the road. No one can help him.Not even the best doctors could help him. "Please give me you..." "The rooster dances gracefully..." He was suddenly a little annoyed, and felt that Juan Xiao shouldn't have told him this formula! "Falling short... "Good luck until..." Don't touch those two words! "Good luck until..." Don't even think about it! "Good luck until..." "Border Pass!" Suddenly someone shouted, speaking out for him! Zhang Lai's soul flew away, he turned his head suddenly, and saw a person jumping out from behind him! It was Tu Zhongshan. It's over. Zhang Lai didn't know that Tu Zhongshan was standing behind him all the time, he was tortured mad by these ten formulas, of course he remembered them by heart.He couldn't wait any longer, so he blurted out for Zhang! Zhang Lai looked at him in horror. He looked at Zhang Lai with contempt, his eyes seemed to say: Don't you always want to get rid of me?Now, you are finally going to be the same kind of person as me! Zhang Lai shook his head again - he didn't seem to be crazy. Tu Zhongshan is talking nonsense!Not the word "border"! He got up and ran. Tu Zhongshan is familiar with this formula, he is worried that if he opens his mouth to speak again, he will unlock the code at once!
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