Home Categories Thriller out of order

Chapter 6 Lu you went the wrong way

out of order 周德东 1001Words 2018-03-22
On this day, after dark, Wu Tang and Jun Xiao, the head of the Pingju Troupe, walked out of the office building together. Although the two of them were walking together, they were not inseparable. There was a distance between the male boss and the female subordinate.The two were talking in low voices as they walked. Wu Tang: "Recently, why hasn't Zhang Lai come to work?" Juan Xiao: "I heard that he encountered some strange things——I heard from Uncle Zhao." Wu Tang: "What's the matter?" Jun Xiao: "One night, he sleepwalked and walked to Nandianzi alone, and suddenly woke up, and... bumped into a ghost."

Wu Tang: "Play the piano indiscriminately!" Out of the gate of the theater, both stopped. Wutang's home is on the east side, and the east side is the main street, which is brightly lit.The house that Juan Xiao rented is on the west side, and the west side is a back street, which is dark. Today, Wutang's wife returned to her natal home. "Shall I take you back?" Wu Tang whispered. Juan gave him a little push, then lowered his head in embarrassment.Wu Tang looked left and right, and there was no one around, so he gently took Jun Xiao's arms and walked west, step by step into the abyss-like darkness.

After walking for a while, he gradually hugged Juan Xiao tightly. The willow trees on both sides of the road were dark, and a bird called, the sound was long and short, strange and monotonous: "qua-qua-qua--" "In a few days, I will vacate a room in the troupe as a dormitory for you, so you don't have to run back and forth." "That's a good thing." Juan said. After a pause, she said timidly, "What kind of bird is this?" Wu Tang looked around and said, "Is it an owl?" "Is the owl hooting?" "Isn't it barking?"

"I have no idea." "I do not know either." "All I know is that an owl eats carrion, and when it hoots, it's about to die." Suddenly, Jun Xiao stopped. Wu Tang also stopped and said, "What's wrong with you?" Juan Xiao didn't answer, she turned her head slowly and looked back.Wu Tang also looked back, suddenly startled - there was a black figure standing behind, only a step away, his face could not be seen clearly, only his hair was long and disheveled, like a giant owl. "What are you doing?" Wu Tang asked. The man did not speak.

Jun Xiao grasped Wu Tang tightly. Wutang shouted: "Go away!" The man stared at Wutang in the dark, and said hoarsely, "You went the wrong way." Then, as soon as he turned around, he walked away quickly, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye. Wu Tang was stunned for a while, then continued walking forward with Jun Xiao on his arm. It was getting darker in front of him, and he couldn't see anything. Maybe Wutang was afraid of bumping into something, so he walked more and more slowly.He seemed to be thinking about something. Finally, he asked Jun Xiao: "...Who is this person?"

"I still want to ask you." Wu Tang stopped talking. After walking for a while, Wutang stopped and said suddenly, "I have to go home tonight." "why?" "No reason." Juan Xiao looked vigilantly towards the dark front, and whispered, "Don't scare me!" Wu Tang looked back and said, "Someone has seen us, it's best not to be together tonight." "No, I want you to go!" "Don't be willful." "There seems to be something wrong tonight, I'm afraid..." Wu Tang thought for a while and said, "That's fine."

He took Junxiao's hand and slowly walked into the dark depths.
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