Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 606·Ghost Burial

Chapter 14 Chapter 10 The Story of You Yuling

Many people do things not by faith, but by listening to what others say. But if you want to climb a mountain, you need to ask those who have climbed to the top of the mountain, and you must not ask those who have not climbed the mountain. This has always been the principle of my life. There must be many things about You Yuling that I can't understand. I have never even been involved in the world she lives in. Those bizarre spells, those paper symbols that can turn a corpse into a zombie and stop the zombie... I have seen some things with magical powers before, but You Yuling's paper talisman is obviously beyond my understanding. I always feel that her life experience is not simple.

Early the next morning, it was the tenth day of sneaking into the Green Mountain Funeral Parlor.At 6:30 in the morning, I, who had hardly slept all night, finally got up and stood at the door of You Yuling's dormitory. The dormitory of this super-slut girl is right next door to me.I knocked on her door, but no one answered.The psychological doubt was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching, so I simply took out the master key, opened the door a few times and walked over.Although it is indeed impolite to break into a girl's boudoir without authorization, and may even lead to a criminal case, but I can't control that much!

The dark clouds above my head are pressing towards me at an increasingly heavy speed. I don't know when I will be crushed to pieces. I must find a breakthrough.My intuition tells me that the breakthrough lies in You Yuling. The layout of each staff dormitory in Green Mountain Funeral Home is the same. There is only one container house with lockers and single beds inside.You Yuling was sleeping soundly in pajamas carelessly, and the way he slept was really unflattering. "Hey, wake up, the sun is drying your ass." I honestly opened the curtains and looked out, the first ray of morning glow was breaking through the thick clouds.

"Woo, let me sleep for a while." You Yuling opened his sleepy eyes and glanced at me, then closed them again. "What are you sleeping on, I got up in a 'swoosh'." I curled my lips and shook her messy head. Not only is this guy a road idiot, he's not only smart-headed, he's also very defensive.She was able to continue to sleep even though a man she had just met who was considered a stranger broke into her room without authorization. It was a blessing that she had survived until now. The girl squinted her eyes and covered her head with the quilt, "Mom said, don't be friends with people who can wake up in one click in this weather, they can do anything!"

I held my breath in my throat and almost choked to death.Who is this guy's mother? As expected, like a mother, like a daughter... Well, it seems reasonable to imagine that people with strong self-control ability may be more dangerous than normal people. "Get up and tidy up. If you don't get up again, I will tell the funeral home management office about you." I threatened, "There have been a lot of tomb robbers stealing corpses nearby. Who knows where you stole the corpses of your relatives that day?" ?” You Yuling's body froze, "I want you to take care of it. Just get up when you get up, it's really troublesome."

Seeing her struggling to lift her butt, she was about to crawl out of the warm blanket.I just walked out the door and returned to my dormitory.As soon as I entered the door, I squinted at the moon, and quickly touched the pistol issued by the detective agency on my body. On the opposite window, another hole was punched out by a small stone, and the icy wind was still blowing in from the hole.Shards of glass were scattered all over the ground. I looked at the ground and saw that the stone that hit the window was wrapped with a piece of paper, which was exactly the same as the previous warning letter signed by M.

I solemnly unfolded the note, and there was still only one line on it: Run away, the last chance, there is a big conspiracy against you!Your friend: M After reading it, my brows furrowed even tighter.I am not a person who is good at making friends, and now I am busy collecting items with special abilities and solving weird incidents all over the world. Even without the ability to forget, she couldn't remember who she was. Yes, the person who wrote it should be her, not him.Knowing handwriting, I can keenly judge the gender of the writer. In the previous note, she used a neutral font, which made it more difficult to judge. But this time, M wrote in a hurry, as if she had encountered a very urgent situation. Due to the situation, the gestures used to cover up became sloppy, and there were loopholes.I can even see from the writing of a few horizontal hooks that it has the same technique as the anonymous person pretending to be Zhao Yunhan's notes in "Parasite Horror".

These two people are really one, but she claims to be my friend, a friend who I don't know who it is. I put the note in my pocket casually, sorted out my attire and necessary items, and walked out of the room.And You Yuling got up reluctantly. She pouted and stood in the corridor full of cold wind. She just washed up briefly. Her plain face was as white as before, soft and tender. Obviously, this guy grew up in A place where the sun never shines. "The zombie escaped, today we are going to wander around to see where the zombie escaped." Seeing me, You Yuling explained dissatisfiedly, "Zombies like cold and humid places, we try to look for them in the woods or caves. "

I nodded and walked out of the funeral home with her.Maybe it was because she was more comfortable cooperating with me last night, she didn't suggest to let me run away, instead she took the initiative to cooperate with me.Although this girl's head is not enough, it doesn't mean she is stupid. Maybe she also saw that I might not be a simple funeral home employee. Unlike me, You Yuling didn't intend to ask me anything. But there are a few questions, but I have to ask her. "Do you know Zhou Yan?" I asked the biggest doubt in my heart. Standing in the cold wind, You Yuling blew on the palm of his hand.Outside the funeral home is a large piece of wasteland, which is full of vegetables and fruits.

The girl didn't answer my question, but said softly, "You know, it's taboo to grow vegetables around the crematorium." She knelt down and pulled a cabbage leaf from the ground.The emerald green leaves reflected the seductive light in the sun. "Even if the plants that grow up on the human ashes that fly out of the nearby cremation furnace are edible, there is no benefit." I don't think so, "There are many beneficial elements in the human body. They fly out with the ashes and are absorbed by plants. It is a good thing for living people." You Yuling snorted coldly, didn't explain anymore, but instead answered my last question: "I know Zhou Yan, but he may not know me, or even know my existence."

I glanced at the girl and had a vague guess in my heart.Sure enough, the girl's words proved my idea. "My father, whose real name is You, is a Feng Shui master in a small place in the southwest. That place is very strange, and there is something that my family must suppress for generations. Originally, it was my turn to inherit the mantle in this generation, but my father changed temporarily. I made up my mind and passed on the mantle to Zhou Yan who only met once. I am very unwilling!" You Yuling looked at the sky, the morning sun was not too dazzling, but it made her burst into tears, "Why is Zhou Yan? That kid doesn't understand anything. I have been studying spells desperately since I was a child, and the family's Feng Shui spells have been passed down for thousands of years. Generation after generation, they all rely on that weird thing to function. I thought that Zhou Yan would never come back after leaving, but he went back more than ten years later and got my father's mantle. Take that item." Although I already guessed it, I was still shocked when I heard You Yuling say it with my own ears, "Is that item a door?" This time it was You Yuling's turn to be shocked. She jumped back a few steps and asked sharply, "How do you know? No, who are you?" The dull girl is only now coming to her senses.Strange, how did the boy in front of him know that he was involved with Zhou Yan! "I also know Zhou Yan, and I chased him here because he took away the ghost gate!" I sighed, and roughly explained the cause and effect, "I have studied the ghost gate, and that thing is too dangerous In the hands of a boy in his teens, it will only hurt him!" After listening to my explanation, You Yuling calmed down a little. She nodded and said: "That's right, although Zhou Yan got the inheritance, he doesn't know what the ghost gate is and what's its use. That thing is much more terrifying than he imagined. "My family brought the ghost gate to Hecheng three thousand years ago. Although the specific reason has not been recorded, my father once guessed that only in the special geographical environment of Hecheng can the evil spirit of the ghost gate be suppressed. Let it not cause harm to the world. I must take the ghost gate back and seal it again." "What's the matter with the paper talisman on He Yangzhou's head?" I deeply believe that the reason why special items are called special items is because they contain unnatural energy beyond human common sense.The ancients believed that all abnormal things were justified, so they followed this rule and placed special items where they could be suppressed.Thousands of years have passed, now is the age of science and technology, and superstition has changed from a neutral term to a derogatory term. There are many unbelievers, but the terrible things that have been suppressed well have secretly flowed out. "That is the paper talisman passed down with the ghost gate, and it was taken away by Zhou Yan. I don't know why it flowed into the hands of that He Yangzhou." You Yuling said softly, "For the strange things that match the ghost gate There are many pieces, Zhou Yan took them all away, I only have my father's imitation, although there are some effects, but the effect is very poor." "Then why do you know that paper talisman is in the funeral home?" I asked again. "Your question is strange. My family has its own way of finding paper talismans and ghost gates. Otherwise, how would I know that Zhou Yan has arrived in Liucheng?" You Yuling gave me a strange look, "I can't even figure it out." I scratched my head, nonsense, she doesn't explain this kind of thing, it's strange if an outsider can figure it out.Take a deep breath, the air in Green Mountain contains much more negative ions than in cities, and the lungs are very refreshing when you breathe. "Have you ever thought about it, in fact, your father didn't let you inherit the mantle, it was for your own good. It is said that if you come into contact with that ghost family too much, your appearance will become terrifying?" You Yuling froze for a moment, "I know he was doing it for my own good. The day before my father died, he looked back at me when he went out. Maybe he knew that he was in danger that day. I was only six years old at that time. "He told me earnestly, Yu Ling, if you don't come home after ten days as a father, you should leave, leave far away, and find a good family to marry when you grow up. Three thousand years of reincarnation is too much for a woman like you. It's too heavy, and I'm going to end it tomorrow for my father." "Then why are you so persistent in finding the ghost gate?" I also think the girl's father is right.Rather than making his daughter short-lived and disfigured, it is better to destroy reincarnation alone. This is what a responsible father must do. "Because I'm not reconciled!" You Yuling bit her lips suddenly, "I'm not reconciled to my father leaving just like that! I'm not reconciled to losing my father when I was six years old! I'm not reconciled to throwing the inheritance of three thousand years to another child so casually." , my father is simply letting an irrelevant child take on the obligations that should have been undertaken by me." When the girl said this, she hesitated to speak, but I smelled her gorgeous last meaning. "I'm afraid the most important thing is that Ghost Gate can revive your father, right?" I stared into her eyes and said word by word. The girl jumped up in panic, "Even you know?" "Guess." My heart was beating violently. For a long time, the legend of ghost gate has included life and death.I did see death in the last incident. Could it really bring people back to life?If this is the case, I am afraid that the hidden forces in the world, or the people in "that world" in Zhao Yunhan's mouth, will become even more crazy for the ghost gate. The current Liucheng is far more dangerous than me. "Why Zhou Yan came to Liucheng, do you have any idea?" I calmed down and asked. You Yuling shook his head, "I don't know. Leave that kid alone, now that He Yangzhou's body has escaped, the whole Liucheng is very dangerous. You don't even know the power of that paper talisman. It was an ordinary paper talisman used for sacrificial rituals three thousand years ago , but was put into the ghost gate by the ancestors, and when it was taken out a thousand years later, it turned into a strange thing. It can turn any corpse into a fierce zombie." "Zombies are now afraid of the sun and dare not come out during the day, but it only takes a week to become fearless and even hard to kill." The girl muttered, "That little bastard Zhou Yan, what on earth is he thinking?" ? To give such a dangerous thing to an ordinary person?" I frowned, feeling that things might not be simple.Maybe that He Yangzhou didn't get the paper talisman from Zhou Yan at all. You Yuling and I tossed around the funeral home all morning, but found nothing.I've seen the zombie's jumping ability before, but I don't know its speed. After thinking about it myself, I can't figure out where it will hide overnight. "You said, do zombies have memory?" Tired of walking, I sat on a rock and asked while rubbing my feet. The girl shook her head, "How can a corpse have memory? But after turning into a zombie, the corpse will be fierce, and will take revenge on the most unforgettable person or event during its lifetime." I dragged my chin and said slowly, "Then, it must still be near the funeral parlor. Its daughter died here, and even his wife was hanged at the gate wearing a red dress in broad daylight. If you want to take revenge on someone, It is estimated that his hatred for everyone in the funeral home has already flowed upstream." Hearing You Yuling here, the whole person jumped up, "You said that He Yangzhou's wife was hanged in a red dress?! Damn, why didn't you say it earlier!" Run down the road on the right. "Where are you going?" I asked suspiciously. "Go back to the funeral parlor to see He Yangzhou's wife. Last night, I felt that something was wrong with his body. I'm afraid there is something wrong with the body of the wife who committed suicide." You Yuling ran quickly. "Hey, miss, you've lost your way again." I managed to catch up with her and correct the direction she was going back. In my heart, I secretly sighed.Seeing He Yangzhou's wife's dead appearance made me feel scared. Sure enough, the entire He family had problems. It seemed that it was time to take some time and carefully return to Liucheng City to look for clues at He's house! Seeing You Yuling's hurried appearance, I asked strangely, "The so-called zombie hasn't been found yet, so you're going back now?" "Of course, the matter is serious. I thought that the most troublesome thing was He Yangzhou's body, but if things are as I imagined, his wife is probably the most terrifying existence." You Yuling didn't know what to do. The appearance of explanation. "According to the legends of many races, the soul of a person who dies wearing a red shirt will turn into a ghost to avenge his enemies. Therefore, when people say ghosts in red, they are very taboo. In fact, there is another kind of ghost that is better than red The Yigui is even more terrifying, it is the Sheqing Ghost!" "Sheqing ghost?" I was stunned, because I often encountered strange things, and I was forced to know almost all the folk customs and stories of ancient and modern China and foreign countries. An ultimate method for those who cannot repay? That person will lie in a coffin and lie under the corpse for seven to forty-nine days before committing suicide, cultivating into a half-human, half-ghost existence.” "You know all of this?" You Yuling asked in surprise, "I'm so curious, how do you know such side knowledge." "I'm afraid I know much more than you." I shook my head with a gloomy expression. The reason why this kind of ghost is called Sheqing ghost and not others is that it cultivates by ingesting the corpse's aura.In the strange book, it was once called a ghoul, because it was formed by ingesting the corpse's corpse. But it has been passed down for thousands of years, and this kind of fierce ghost in ancient legends has become the green ghost at some point. The girl took a deep look at me and continued: "The Sheqing ghost was formed with hatred, so it is more fierce than ordinary ghosts. Many magic weapons in my hand are ineffective against it. And once the Sheqing ghost is formed, It is very difficult to be killed. So far, according to ancient records, there are very few examples of getting rid of Sheqing ghost. Most of them are masters who have attained the Tao and use pure yang energy to set up many traps, and then successfully seal it. The most terrifying Yes, even if it avenges its great revenge, it will not disappear because its wish is fulfilled. "My father reminded me that using ghost gates and many corpses can indeed create a green ghost. This kind of ghost is not an ordinary ghost. It is between human beings and ghosts. It is something beyond the three realms. After becoming a climate, Even the ghost gate can't really kill him. It is extremely dangerous, and will hate anyone who tries to kill it and list it as the target of revenge. "Father said that if you encounter a Sheqing ghost, you must run away as far as you can." You Yuling was trembling all over, "I hope it won't be a real Sheqing ghost, otherwise it will be really difficult. With a half-baked skill, a hundred of them can't kill a single green ghost by themselves." "The formation of Sheqing ghost requires ghost gates and many corpses?" After listening to her words, I stopped suddenly, and some clues seemed to be sprouting in my head, and some outlines were outlined. There is no gender requirement?" "Yes, it must be the same gender as Sheqinggui." You Yuling frowned, she didn't know why I stopped. I see!There was a shocking wave in my heart, "Yu Ling, don't go back to the Green Mountain Funeral Home, let's go to another place." "Where are you going?" You Yuling asked suspiciously. "Go to He Yangzhou's home. There, I think I can definitely find some clues." I said in a deep voice. The girl protested, "The top priority now is to go back to the funeral home and destroy the body of He Yangzhou's wife." "If that corpse is really a Sheqing ghost, can you destroy it?" I asked back, "Take a step back, you have seen a Sheqing ghost, can you see the characteristics of a Sheqing ghost?" "No, I can't!" You Yuling replied weakly, frightened by my aura. "That's fine." I grabbed her arm and ran towards Liucheng, "I have a guess. What happened secretly in Liucheng is like a round, a big, big round. We all Trapped on the chessboard, He Yangzhou's family are all manipulated pawns." Yes, it's a big chess game, just the player, not me.The Lushan Funeral Home is the Chu River and Han Realm of the chess game. I am afraid that my existence has been discovered by chess players long ago. Zhou Yan is also a chess piece, and even You Yuling, who entered without reason, has also become a chess piece. The purpose of the chess player is unknown, but it put me in a dangerous situation, separated me deeply from the people I know, and left me in an unprotected state. However, they didn't take the initiative to send someone to find me and let me move freely ,explore. I can't guess whether the chess player is enjoying himself or planning a bigger conspiracy, but I can only follow his chess step by step, unless there is a reversal. I sneered.I myself is the biggest unpredictable factor. Anyone who dares to use me as a pawn will one day be dug out by me to eat his own fruit. At that time, it will deeply regret not killing me immediately. The world on the chessboard is full of killings and unpredictable changes. It only takes one mistake, and the offense and defense will change hands. After ten days of guarding, it was my turn to counterattack.
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