Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 606·Ghost Burial

Chapter 11 Chapter 7: Deadly Change

Li Qiang quickly bypassed the surveillance camera and turned you over the shortest wall one by one. He is thirty-five years old, has been a soldier, and knows some martial arts.After retiring, he didn't find a job, so he simply relied on his talent and courage and the anti-reconnaissance technology he learned in the army to start a tomb robbery. Originally, he was squatting guarding an old tomb in Shaanxi some time ago, and he was about to strike. Unexpectedly, a woman found him at the door of his nest.The woman's face was very stiff and featureless, and it was not easy for people to remember her appearance.The woman raised her hand and threw him 100,000 yuan, saying it was a deposit, and asked him to do something in the village of Liucheng. After the task was completed, there would be ten times the reward for him.

Li Qiang was overjoyed, even if he had robbed the tomb for several years, he couldn't get so much money, so he agreed immediately.Li Qiang is a bachelor, as long as he is given money, he can do anything. In a small village in Liucheng, I didn't expect to stay for more than two months, digging up corpses every day according to the order, and I didn't know what the woman was doing with so many female corpses. Yesterday, another news came from the employer.Sneak into the Green Mountain Funeral Parlor and take out something from the stomach of a corpse named He Yangzhou. He Yangzhou's body was placed in the morgue of the funeral parlor, and there were photos and photos of the things he needed to find.

Although Li Qiang's morals are very bad, he is still careful.After he spent a day thoroughly researching the inside and outside of the funeral home, he didn't think it was too difficult. Tonight, he acted.After climbing over the wall, he was a little agitated, because the employer promised to give him another 500,000 yuan after the matter was completed. Li Qiang lurks in the shadow under the wall. He is very patient as a soldier. Of course, those who are not patient can't make a living by robbing tombs.He looked at his watch, it was almost twelve midnight, the people in the funeral home walked and fell asleep, even the security guard who was sitting in front of the monitor was probably drowsy.

Only then did he slowly walk out of the shadow of the wall, and walked cautiously towards the main building. The employer gave him a detailed architectural drawing of the Green Mountain Funeral Home. Li Qiang tried his best to avoid the camera and came to the employee passageway very smoothly.This channel is deep and connects all the major functional departments. Li Qiang took out the master key and opened the door lock.In this corridor, where only staff members were allowed to enter, the lights had been turned off long ago. He took out a small lamp and walked forward step by step, his footsteps were so light that he didn't make any sound at all.There are many doors on both sides of the corridor. Li Qiang, who knew the layout by heart, glanced at the first door on the right.

This is the guest lounge, and the oblique right side of the lounge belongs to the condolence hall. Li Qiang walked along the dark corridor, only the faint light in his hand illuminated the oppressive space, and stopped in front of the third door. There is a sign hanging on this door, Requiem Hall.The so-called Requiem Hall is another name for the morgue. Li Qiang took a deep breath. He knew that there was an old man in his fifties called Lao Wang who lived in the morgue.He wants to get rid of this old king before he makes a sound. Pulling up the black cloth covering his face vigorously, he tried to unlock it with the master key, but was stunned.The door to the morgue was unlocked!

Li Qiang gently pushed the door open a gap, and quickly looked inside.I saw an old man with his back turned to him, watching TV with great interest, and Sichuan opera was playing on the TV. God help me too!Li Qiang grinned, he inserted his body through the open gap, and then walked behind the old man, a hand knife was placed on Lao Wang's neck, and Lao Wang, who hadn't reacted at all, immediately fainted. "It's really easy to get this money." Li Qiang was very happy. He tied Lao Wang up with a rope, covered Lao Wang's mouth with tape, and then walked leisurely into the morgue separated by a curtain.The four walls of the morgue are densely packed with refrigerators. Each of the coffin-style refrigerators can hold a corpse, and there are hundreds of them.

Li Qiang searched for a long time before he found He Yangzhou's body.Li Qiang couldn't help being stunned when he put the bone-chilling corpse on the surgical trolley and opened the body bag. He has been raiding tombs for a long time, and he has never seen any terrible corpses, but this one in front of him made his feet tremble a little.He Yangzhou's corpse cannot be described as horrible at all, basically it can only be described as terrifying. The corpse's face was blue, and it opened its mouth like a ghost. His canine teeth seemed to be much longer than ordinary people, and under the flashlight in Li Qiang's hand, they reflected a sharp and strange luster.

"Damn, you won't be able to meet meat zongzi in the hospital, right?" Li Qiang's expression was not good. Meat Zongzi is the jargon of tomb robbers, which is used to refer to corpses that have not decayed for hundreds of thousands of years after being buried, and may turn into zombies. "No wonder, I, Li Qiang, just came out to find something to eat." Li Qiang felt a little uneasy, and after bowing to the corpse a few times, he found a few white candles from Old Wang's bedside and lit them. The morgue and the cemetery have a very similar place, that is, it is airtight, and candles are lit on the legs of the corpse. In a windless environment, if the flame of the candle falters, it is a sign of corpse change, and tomb robbers usually do this. It is believed that lighting candles can prevent corpses from changing, and even minimize the possibility of zombies waking up.

Li Qiang speeded up, wanting to finish the commission from his employer as soon as possible and leave early. This place is very weird, more terrifying than tomb robbery, which made him feel uneasy. He took out a scalpel and cut He Yangzhou's chest. The extremely sharp scalpel did not separate the flesh of the corpse, and even did not cut the skin. Li Qiang broke out in cold sweat immediately. I looked at the candle beside me. The flame of the candle burned quietly in this closed space, without moving at all. Li Qiang was a little relieved, and he continued to pick up the scalpel to separate He Yangzhou's chest and take out the contents of his stomach.

But no matter what he did, he couldn't hurt the corpse in the slightest.Li Qiang became suspicious, is there something wrong with his scalpel?He teasingly touched the scalpel on the finger of his right hand, and immediately a tingling sensation was transmitted to the brain nerves, and he almost cried out. A few drops of bright red blood dripped from his fingers and splashed on the corpse's face. The blood-splattered corpse appeared even more green-faced and fangs, extremely terrifying. "Damn it, I'm going to fight." If there is no problem, then the problem is the corpse!Li Qiang, who was tempted by money, no longer cared about being afraid. He simply used two pieces of wood to prop up the corpse's mouth to the maximum, and put his hand into the corpse's mouth, ready to reach into the stomach from the mouth and take out the things.

Just when he put his hand in halfway, suddenly, the flames of the two candles at the corpse's feet shook violently. In the windless environment, the flames of the candles flickered and were about to go out. "Not good." Li Qiang's heart sank to the bottom.He has been robbing tombs for many years, and he just knows this rule, but he has never actually seen it.Li Qiang desperately wanted to withdraw his hand, he didn't want the money anymore, his life was more important, he just wanted to escape from this damned place as soon as possible! However, it seems to be too late.He Yangzhou's corpse slowly opened its eyes in Li Qiang's panic. The candle was finally extinguished because it was shaking too much, and the morgue returned to dead silence again! "I played an AVG game some time ago. It was very fun. I didn't expect there to be movies. I was cheap for a while, and searched for online videos to watch. Damn it, I am really cheap. If I am watching the game, I will change In the live-action movie, I mutilated my eyes, dug out my heart and lungs, and lay my body on the street! I didn’t do well in math, I would fall when I walked, and I was bitten by a dog when I went out. I really fucked with my 24K pure titanium and hardened gold dog eyes. Mom! Damn!" Zhang Hui resigned, and his replacement the next day was a man about three years older than me, named Li Chang.One can tell at first glance that he is a typical otaku. He does not know why he got into the crematorium. Since there have been a lot of negative rumors about the Green Mountain Funeral Parlor recently, and some of the regular employees want to resign. The otaku was transferred from the Ministry of Information to the Hall of Condolence. The condolence hall is really a place where it is easy to call for strange people, a bitch left, and an otaku came. This Li Chang was wearing thick glasses, full of beard, and he didn't know how long he hadn't shaved his face.The clothes are also very casual, looking scruffy, and start chattering as soon as they see me.From why "Attack on Titan" stopped publishing recently, to what comics and games are popular this year, how many figures he bought on the official website in Japan, etc., he repeatedly asked me to look at his collection, and I took the trouble. Fortunately, Li Chang also worked in the condolence hall before, and he knows the process, so I don’t need to know. However, there is no supervisor in the condolence hall, and I, a work-study student who has just arrived, can only be in charge temporarily. My head is still a mess because of my own affairs, and now I have been burdened with a heavy workload, so I am really angry, but in order to hide as much as possible, so as not to be discovered by the forces who may be looking for me all over the street, I also I can only swallow my breath. Enduring Li Chang's constant magic voice piercing through my brain, on the morning of the ninth day when I sneaked into the Green Mountain Funeral Parlor, I welcomed my first guest.Uh, it seems a little disrespectful to say that the living who enter the funeral home to be cremated are guests, but for the funeral home, aren’t they the guests who bring income? The intercom rang, and I interrupted Li Chang's complaints about a certain game-changing live-action movie. This movie, which is very likely to be adapted into a Japanese two-person hand-to-hand action movie just because of the name, I don't want to complain, just lightly Said to Li Chang: "Go to the condolence hall, work is here." "Got it, got it." Li Chang reluctantly left the lounge with me, with the face of a lady receiving guests from Yihong Courtyard. When I left, I looked back at the clock on the wall, it was a quarter past nine in the morning. To arrange the condolence hall, in fact, to be honest, there is nothing to arrange.The deceased didn't even get a wreath, so he sent a bouquet of chrysanthemums.The photos of the deceased were also printed at random shops on the street, using the most common A4 photocopying paper. I had no choice but to find a sign by myself and paste this on it as a portrait. Opening the door of the condolence hall, cold air rushed in.It was past nine o'clock, and there was still a thick layer of fog outside. A woman in white clothes stood in the thick fog, rolling through the fog. The girl's figure seemed to be indistinct, as if floating in the air. "Wow, there is a ghost!" The otaku hurriedly hid behind me in fright. I reached out and knocked on this guy who was three years older than me, "See clearly, it's not a ghost, it should be the deceased..." I turned my head to look at the name under the portrait, "The deceased You Gui's family." "Xiao Ye, don't lie to me, it's already early winter, who would stand in the fog in such thin clothes, and her feet didn't touch the ground..." Li Chang was tying up his words in fright. The girl in white came out of the thick fog. She was actually an unusually beautiful girl, not older than nineteen years old. "Uncle, I think you are a ghost, and your whole family is a ghost!" Concerned about being scolded as a ghost, he scolded back angrily. Seeing this girl, Li Chang was completely amazed, and his voice stammered even more, "Beauty, hehe, I'm not talking about you...that, hehe." The girl with his piggy face didn't even look at him, turned around and walked into the condolence hall, "Let's start, I'm still busy." I frowned slightly.Since apart from the matter of He Yangzhou, I have a natural defense against funerals attended by only one relative, not to mention that this girl doesn't seem to care about the relatives lying in the condolence hall, and her face looks more like she just woke up. Emoji of tourist attraction visiting and taking pictures. Secretly on guard, I asked the girl, "What is your relationship with this You Gui?" The deceased named You Gui was about ninety years old, female, and the medical records showed that she died of natural causes. "She is my grandmother. I was the only one left in our You family, so I was the only one attending the funeral." The girl spoke smoothly, as if she was endorsing a letter, "My name is You Yuling." "That's it, Miss You Yuling, please go around the coffin in a counterclockwise direction from the right side of the condolence hall." I told her about the customs of the funeral home. You Yuling's beautiful face moved slightly inexplicably. After she nodded with a smile, she lifted her legs and walked slowly counterclockwise.I felt her actions, and felt that something was wrong with this girl. I instinctively didn't want to have anything to do with her. I didn't hum when I walked around. I have already been troubled by troubles, but I don't want to add more troubles. But I don't want to trouble her, this Miss You Yuling, who is suspicious even by her name, is trying to find something to talk to me, "Handsome guy, I heard that something strange happened in the funeral parlor recently?" "No." I denied it. "No, I heard rumors that this place is haunted." The girl asked again unwillingly. In the process of paying homage to the deceased, she hardly looked down at the grandmother lying in the coffin. "It's easy for funeral parlors to spread horrible rumors, but those are just rumors, like which school isn't said to have been built on a random graveyard? Which prison doesn't have the top ten weird legends?" I curled my lips with a look of disdain . You Yuling blinked her long eyelashes, "That's it, handsome guy, you are quite tough, no wonder you dare to work in such a gloomy place." The girl didn't say anything more, walked to the condolence hall, and when she was about to go out, she suddenly said: "Handsome guy, I think you are a good person, I advise you, I have yin and yang eyes since I was a child, and this funeral home is extremely miserable. Countless souls are wandering around, I am afraid that terrible things will happen in the near future, you should leave as soon as possible, maybe you can save your life. That's all for now!" You Yuling walked towards the lounge without looking back, never looking at the dead person she brought.Her actions and her words astonished me. What yin and yang eyes?What wandering ghosts?Why is it so like the words of a fortune teller on the street who seduced you? I wanted to laugh it off, but I suddenly thought of Zhang Hui and He Yangzhou who had left, and I shivered. The whole Liucheng was shrouded in dense fog. The calm before the storm at that time was also a deadly haze to me.Where did Zhou Yan hide with the ghost gate?How many forces are there to act in order to chase ghosts? I don't know everything, and it is because of ignorance that I am even more frightened.What is the origin of this girl named You Yuling? Li Chang watched the girl leave with straight eyes, unwilling to move his eyes. I tapped his head, "She's gone, what are you looking at!" "Wow, Ye Shuai, that girl is so beautiful. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful female paper. Those first-line two-person hand-to-hand fighter stars in island countries, such as Sora Aoi and Maria Ozawa, are simply weak compared to her." It's gone." Li Chang drooled. I am totally blown away by him.If You Yuling knew that Li Chang used AV actresses and himself as references, he would dig out his 24K pure titanium and hardened krypton gold dog eyes to make up lessons. Throughout the morning, except for You Yuling's business, the Green Mountain Funeral Parlor was deserted.To be honest, ever since He Yangzhou's wife hanged at the gate wearing a red dress, the rumors about the funeral home have never stopped.All the major local forums in Liucheng are actively discussing this matter. Wearing a red dress and committing suicide, this matter itself is full of many mysteries.Red clothes represent joy and auspiciousness, so newlyweds will wear red clothes, and old people will also wear red clothes on their birthdays, but red clothes are not so interesting when they are combined with death. No matter which folk culture story in the Chinese circle, the person who wears a red dress and commits suicide will eventually become a ghost with a grudge and revenge. So even though the employees in the Lushan Funeral Parlor are all courageous and powerful people, in the end, after the news about He Yangzhou and his wife spread, it still made people panic, and the death of their daughter He Tong also made people panic. It was confusing, which made the employees of the funeral home even more frightened, and fewer people were willing to stay at night. After doing some research, I ate lunch and walked slowly to the condolence hall.As soon as he arrived at the door, he met Pharaoh. He also just finished eating and was picking his teeth with a toothpick. When he saw me, he said happily, "Xiaoye, you probably have a new employee coming in for the condolence hall." "Oh, who is it?" I asked perfunctorily.I have no interest in the affairs of the funeral parlor, and my troubles are still entangled with me so that I can't move. "A very interesting girl. It is said that her parents are both dead, and she has had a hard life since she was a child. But in order to show her filial piety, her grandmother still sent her to a funeral home for a good burial." Old Wang said about gossip Eyes narrowed, "But this girl is also very bachelor, she owes us a large sum of money to the funeral home, and she said that she will pay off the debt with work. The management thought that there is a shortage of manpower recently, and it is not enough to get a free labor force. That's right, I'll allow it." Old Wang paused, "It's a good deal for you, I heard she is a pretty girl, and she is not too old!" Suddenly, several black lines flew over my head. According to Lao Wang's description, why did the appearance of a girl clearly materialize in front of my eyes... Could it be that such a non-funny thing really happened? It turns out that worldly things are usually good spirits rather than bad spirits. After two o'clock in the afternoon, I just met that morning, and the good girl named You Yuling walked into the condolence hall with the employment slip and asked me to sign it. The girl glanced at me, a little surprised, "Why haven't you left yet?" "Why should I go?" I pouted myself, I really wanted to go, but where could I go?Once in a conspicuous place, they must be discovered by enemy spies. "Ben...uh, I clearly warned you with good intentions. Sigh, why are people always stubborn now." The girl dissatisfied, with a look of disappointment that the favor was not rewarded. "Come on, you can't pay back the money you owe. I'm a work-study student who is short of money. Wait a minute and there's an otaku who came in through connections. Our department almost interprets the word "superior" to the fullest." I shook my head. , too lazy to chat with her anymore, "Hello, my name is Yebuyu." The girl was wearing a green bottoming shirt and a thin skirt-like down jacket on the outside. They were all famous brands that I could call, and they were very expensive.What about cheating ghosts, people who can wear this kind of clothes will not be able to pay the funeral home because of the death of their grandmother? "You already know my name. Introduce me again. My name is You Yuling." Seeing that I changed the subject, the girl angrily stretched out her hand and shook it with me. The cuffs of the down jacket exposed a section of her snow-white wrist, and You Yuling wore a string of strange beads on her wrist, shining brightly when illuminated by the light. After I signed her entry form calmly, I gave it back to her. You Yuling still didn't give up, "Ye Silence, I tell you, really, it's better to leave here early." "Yes, yes, the work-study period is over, and I will leave without your telling me." I nodded lightly, "Take the entry slip to the administrative building, and you are welcome to join the sad and boring work in the condolence hall." Seeing that I was getting impatient, You Yuling continued to babble, completely unable to observe my words and actions.This girl's social practice ability and ability to get along with others seem to be infinitely close to zero. More than an hour after working hours, Li Changcai, an otaku, walked slowly into the lounge next to the condolence hall. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Xiao Ye, I heard that there is a newcomer in our department." "Not only is she a newcomer, but she's also a beautiful woman." She kept checking information on the Internet with her mobile phone, but was interrupted by him, slightly displeased. "Beauty?" Li Chang's eyes lit up, and then quickly turned off, "Come on, there are so many beauties nowadays, they are all deceptive, and they are added by the skill of makeup. What's more, there are so many beauties in our place. It's very angry, except for the five big and three rough men, where are the beauties willing to come?" "It's really a beauty." I saw You Yuling pushed the door and walked in, and her heart was burning hot immediately. "Fart beauty, Xiaoye, do you dare to bet with me? If the department is really a beauty, I dare to eat the wreath in front of me." Li Chang kicked the half-person-high covered white paper A wreath of flowers, with a lonely look of a master. You Yuling, who had already walked behind him, said abruptly, "What are you betting on?" The ethereal voice filled Li Chang's ear canals, and Li Chang turned around slowly, seeing the girl's face, his whole body was sluggish, "We're betting, betting, betting..." This guy's otaku essence penetrated deep into his cells, When I see a beautiful woman, I stutter. I opened my mouth and said, "We are betting on an interesting thing, do you want to know?" "Of course." You Yuling was full of curiosity. Li Chang immediately grabbed me and said in a low voice, "Don't tell her." "It's okay not to say." I stretched my leg and kicked the wreath just now, "Brother, when are you going to eat this wreath?" "I, I... woo woo, is it okay if I don't eat it? Let's change the terms?" Li Chang smiled as if he had just swallowed a fly. "Other conditions are also acceptable." I nodded, "I didn't think of it for a while, and when I think of it, don't be perfunctory." "Okay, okay, absolutely no problem. We are men, and we can speak Chinese characters with confidence!" Li Chang ran over to talk to You Yuling in a stammering tone as if he was facing a big enemy. An afternoon was spent in a very complicated relationship.Li Chang, an otaku, didn't communicate much with other humans. Both of them were looking into each other's details, but the techniques they used were so clumsy that it was unsightly. I couldn't listen anymore, so I walked out of the lounge to breathe fresh air. Maybe You Yuling was also tired of flirting with this disgusting otaku, so he simply followed me out. "Hey, you're really amazing, you can stand that big stammering nagging." You Yuling complained. The dense fog in the morning did not clear until noon. There was sunshine after the fog, but today was particularly abnormal, and it actually started to rain lightly. It was raining non-stop, I didn't talk to her, I just watched the rain without making a sound.Raindrops fell from the sky and fell to the ground, smashing to pieces. Just like my current situation, if I am not careful, I will be like this raindrop, but the raindrop will not hurt or struggle, but what about me?My own life is struggling and I seem to be dealing with one weird case after another, but among all the people I know, I am the most aimless and confused person... Without foreign aid, I am in a deep prison, alas, Liucheng is really tied up. The rain stopped and the afternoon passed.You Yuling left at some point. After I got off work and had dinner, I went back to the dormitory.It's very cold tonight.I used post-it notes to re-stick the broken part of the window, and the sound of the cold wind howling stopped. Silently studied the information, suddenly, a strange news came into view.I intuitively felt that there was something wrong, so I immediately clicked on it and took a closer look. Not long after I watched it, I was completely stunned!
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