Home Categories Thriller Mystery Team·Season 2·The Gu-Eyed Demon

Chapter 46 Chapter 6: The Legend of Peeking Down

Asu and Lao Zhou disagreed, and both believed that the other party might kill Tang Yong.Although their confessions are all subjective, but after all these things can be verified by Uncle Hong, so their words are credible to a certain extent. Unable to pinpoint the murderer from the deceased's interpersonal relationship, Xi Wang had to focus on the evidence that could not speak, and searched the murder scene carefully again to find clues.There was nothing particularly noteworthy in the maintenance department. As Fleeting Nian said, the murderer was quite professional and did not leave any evidence.

After a long search, finally something caught Xiwang's attention.It was a piece of metal the size of half a cigarette pack, with two coils of the same size on it, which looked like parts disassembled from some kind of device. This part was found on the right side of the body, among the messy debris, about thirty or forty centimeters from the floor.Xiwang squatted down to observe carefully, at first he thought it was the ink cartridge of the printer, but after a few more glances he didn’t think it looked like it, so he asked Asu for advice. Asu looked at the unknown part, frowned and said, "I don't think I've seen this thing before."

"Aren't you in charge of everything in the maintenance department? Why don't you know?" Yingliu asked. Asu replied: "We are mainly responsible for repairing office appliances such as computers and printers. If there is a problem with the power distribution room, we will take care of it. But this thing looks like a part of a door lock, and it shouldn't be here." "If the door lock in the research institute is broken, or if the key is lost, who should I call to deal with it?" Xi Wang carefully observed the suspected door lock part in front of him. Asu said: "The door locks in the research institute are all provided by the same company. If there is any problem, let them send someone to deal with it. But the last time they sent someone over, it seems to be half a year ago."

"Did you see this thing yesterday?" Xiwang asked. "No." Asu pointed to the printer under the parts, "This printer was only moved in yesterday afternoon, and I haven't had time to repair it yet." "That is to say, this thing doesn't belong here anymore." Xi Wang picked up the parts and looked closely, and found some electronic components on the back, which should belong to the electronic lock category. Asu shivered suddenly, and said uneasily: "Xiao Tang told me one thing before he was alive. I don't know if it has anything to do with his death."

"What's the matter?" Yingliu asked curiously. "Xiao Tang said that when he worked overtime alone at night, he always felt that someone was staring at him from behind. I thought it might be because his back was facing the door, but he said that was not the reason. It felt like someone was watching him." Yingliu smiled jokingly at Xiwang: "Hey, isn't this the sixth sense you mentioned?" Xiwang put the parts into his shoulder bag, and replied seriously: "Well, in a quiet environment, people's senses will be more acute, and they will even capture some feelings that are not usually noticed."

Asu was silent for a moment, then said, "Actually, there is something that I haven't dared to tell him, for fear that he would use it as an excuse not to work overtime." Li Mei, who had been texting by the side, suddenly asked with great interest, "You mean about spying on surrender?" "Does Lawyer Li know about this?" Asu was slightly surprised. Li Mei replied: "Deputy director Ting mentioned it, but I don't know the specific situation." "Then let me tell you briefly." Asu's slightly fat body trembled slightly, showing a disturbed expression, and slowly told the three of them the absurd stories that had been circulated among the employees of the research institute.

Our boss is not the only tenant of this factory building. A Taiwanese boss surnamed Cai once rented this factory building and opened a plastic factory.That was almost twenty years ago. No one remembers exactly what the plastic factory produces. I only know that Boss Cai is very suspicious and never trusts his employees. The rice borer" is on the lips. Because he is afraid that the salesmen will take kickbacks and that they will pull customers away, Boss Cai will contact all customers with large business volume in person.He runs business outside all day, so naturally he can't take care of things in the factory.He is always worried that if he is not in the factory, the workers will stop working, and he is also afraid that the workers will leave everything in the factory.Anyway, as long as he left the factory, he would be paranoid and unable to calm himself down.

Since it is necessary to contact the customer personally and take care of the factory, the best way is of course to let the customer come to the factory to negotiate with him.However, although the business environment in those days was good, and Taiwanese investors received all kinds of super-national treatment, there was still competition, and there were countless Taiwanese bosses doing the same business as him.It is almost impossible to negotiate with customers in person. In order to solve this problem, he specially invited a well-known head-down master from Thailand, hoping to use the other's head-down technique to monitor his employees.

After the head-down master came to the factory, he asked Boss Cai to prepare a pair of eyeballs dug out from the body of the person who had just died.This request is quite weird, but money can make things go wrong. No matter what era you are in, as long as you are willing to spend money, there is nothing you cannot buy. In order to provide eyeballs for the head-down master, Boss Cai found old man Feng who was on night shift in the hospital through his relationship.He gave old man Feng a sum of money and asked him to go to the mortuary to dig out a pair of eyes for him, and emphasized that they must be dug out from the dead.

Old man Feng was a man with an eye for money, so he got what Boss Cai wanted that night. The head-down master put the eyeballs into a transparent glass bottle filled with formalin, cut Boss Cai’s finger with a knife, dripped a drop of blood into the bottle, then closed the lid, and poured the eyeballs into the bottle. Do things and perform the magical "peeping surrender". After the ceremony was completed, the lowering master gave the bottle to Boss Cai and told him to hide it on the ceiling of the factory.He also said that with these "eyes", no matter where he is in the future, he can see the situation in the factory as long as he closes his eyes.

Boss Cai followed the instructions of the lower head master, and sure enough, he could see the situation in the factory as long as he closed his eyes.Even if it is far away from the factory, it will not affect the effect of spying.As long as he closes his eyes, he can see everything in the factory clearly. However, before he had time to be happy about it, trouble came to him. The pair of eyeballs old man Feng gave him were dug out from an unknown corpse.At first, no one cared about the corpse, but when the identity of the corpse was confirmed, old man Feng regretted it so much that he wanted to die, because the corpse turned out to be the son of a high-ranking official. This official second generation was murdered, it seems that he raped a girl, and was later killed by the girl's boyfriend, and his face was scratched, so he was not recognized at the beginning.Later, the identity was confirmed, and of course he did not dare to deal with it sloppily, and immediately sent the body for an autopsy.After an examination, it was found that the eyeball was missing, and it was dug out after a while, so it should not be done by the murderer. It was pitiful enough for his son to be killed, and his eyes were gouged out after his death. This made the high-ranking official so angry that he overturned the table and asked the police to find both the murderer and his son's eyes immediately. The police handling this case dared not be negligent in the slightest, and quickly arrested the murderer, and also arrested the old man Feng who had gouged out his eyes through investigation, and then followed the vine to arrest Boss Cai. Although Boss Cai is a Taiwanese, the police generally would not trouble him in those days.But this time he got into trouble with a big shot who shouldn't be offended, of course the police wouldn't let him go easily, and asked him to immediately hand over the eyes of the high-ranking official's son. If it's okay to hand over the eyeballs, he'd be more than happy.Although these peeping eyes are very useful, as long as you are willing to spend money, it is not difficult to get another pair, just think of spending money to buy peace.But he got word that the senior official not only wanted him to hand over his eyeballs, but also wanted him to apologize to his son with death, no matter what method he used. This frightened him, knowing that if he didn't run away immediately, he might lose his life.He had no choice but to leave his business alone, fled to Hong Kong overnight with the help of his friends, and then returned to his hometown in Taiwan by plane. As soon as he left, the factory had to be closed immediately.It didn't matter, the others ran away, but the goods and machines in the factory didn't leave. The landlord sold these things and settled the workers' wages, and even made a profit.The factory building was subsequently rented by our big boss, Tianxiong Pharmaceutical, and converted into the current research institute. It sounds like nothing happened, but the problem is that Boss Cai ran too hastily and forgot to deal with the peeping eyes hidden in the ceiling.When the head-subduing master performed the peeping surrender, he had already made it clear to him that the eyeballs must suck human blood, and every once in a while, he had to drop a drop of blood into the bottle, otherwise they would make trouble.But everyone else ran away, so no one knew that the eyeballs were hidden on the ceiling, and of course no one would feed them blood. No one was feeding blood, so the peeping eyes naturally started to mess up. When the Institute was first established, there were not many people, and they often had to work overtime at night.After a period of time, everyone began to discuss, and when working overtime at night, they always felt that someone was watching from behind.The man is okay, at most he just feels a little uncomfortable, and the woman is so frightened by this feeling that she is unwilling to work overtime.However, there were so many things to do at that time that they couldn't be done without working overtime, so these poor little women had to bite the bullet and work overtime. At first, I only felt that I was being watched from behind, and at best I would only feel nervous, but then something happened, which frightened everyone. A female researcher had to work overtime at night. It happened that those days were menstrual periods and she needed to change sanitary napkins.When she was working overtime before, she didn't dare to go to the bathroom alone, but she was the only woman working overtime in the same laboratory that night, and the other colleagues who worked overtime were all male colleagues.She can't say such embarrassing things to her male colleagues as, "I want to change my sanitary napkin, so you accompany me to the toilet", right?So, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and ran to the toilet alone. But when she walked into the toilet and just took off her pants, she felt someone staring at her from above her head.It's not a good thing to be stared at in this situation.Even a man would feel uneasy, let alone a woman. She felt hairy in her heart. She was afraid and couldn't help but want to look at the person staring at her, so she looked up.This glance frightened her, because what she looked up to see was not a person, but a pair of eyeballs floating above her head. The pair of eyeballs floating in the air stared at her, making her petrified.She maintained the previous posture, not even daring to pull up her pants.But it didn't seem like she was the one who interested the pair of eyeballs—she found that the eyeballs were staring at her lower body. When she pulled up her pants in a panic, those eyeballs immediately flew to her lower body... "Damn it, this ghost story is too disgusting." Li Mei showed a look of coquettish disgust. "This is not a ghost story, but something that actually happened." Asu's expression was serious, without any intention of joking, "I heard that those peeping eyes didn't drink human blood for a long time, so I wanted to use the female researcher's Menstrual blood to satisfy her hunger nearly drove this woman crazy." "What happened after that? Are those eyeballs still hidden in the research institute?" Yingliu did not know when she moved behind Xi Wang, firmly grasping one of his arms, her body trembling constantly. "I don't know, I also heard about this from an old employee." Asu shook his head, and said, "I heard that the director once asked all employees not to talk about this matter. I think he should be more clear." "Then let's ask Uncle Hong!" Yingliu was very concerned about whether the eyeballs were still in the research institute, and shook Xiwang's arm repeatedly. Xiwang said angrily: "There is no rush, Uncle Hong is probably still busy now, let's look for him later! I still want to see if I find anything else here." "Asu, Asu." The deputy director appeared outside the door and hurriedly waved to Asu, "The TV in the lounge suddenly went blank. We all want to know the latest news outside. Come here quickly to see if it can be fixed." "Is it raining a lot outside?" Yingliu asked.The maintenance department doesn't have windows so she doesn't know the rain lol. "It's so big. I've never seen such a heavy rain in my life." The deputy director became more and more anxious, "Just now, when the TV series didn't have any problems, the news said that it was the biggest rainstorm in nearly half a century. All the streets in the city were flooded, the water was at least waist high, and many underground car parks were turned into cisterns." "Have the employees of the research institute been evacuated?" Xi Wang asked. "Lao Wang and I are worried about this. Not long after the employees left, the rain fell like a waterfall. We were afraid that they would be trapped on the road. It was reported in the news just now that there are several roads with relatively deep water. The car was submerged in the water, and everyone in the car was trapped and couldn’t escape.” The deputy director anxiously pulled Asura outside the door, then turned around and said to Xiwang and the others, “We are all waiting in the lounge. Look at the news reports, go forward from here and then turn left, come to us after you investigate. Don’t run outside, the road outside is flooded, it will be very dangerous to run out.” A mysterious atmosphere shrouded the research institute under the heavy rain in astonishment.In that unknown dark corner, there seemed to be a pair of eyes without bodies, silently watching every move of everyone in the institute. Is it dangerous outside, or is it more dangerous in the research institute?
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