Home Categories Thriller Mystery Team·Season 2·The Gu-Eyed Demon

Chapter 17 Chapter 15 Personality Analysis

"Dead under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic. Being able to notice this shows that your IQ is quite normal." Xi Wang teased. "What do you mean, you want to say that I'm stupid, don't you?" Yingliu accompanied her face, recalling that she was teased by the other party just now, and she became angry. "I never said you were stupid, but if you want to prove that you are not stupid, you must at least tell me, what is the reason for excluding Zhao Kai as the murderer?" "Isn't this simple?!" Yingliu spoke out her reasons confidently.

First, we know from Xu Tao that Xu Jun talked about someone; Second, the autopsy report showed that Xu Jun had sexual intercourse during his lifetime; Third, the cause of Xu Jun's death was an overdose of drugs. As a doctor, he has a certain degree of understanding of drugs. If it was not given by someone he trusted, he would not take it indiscriminately; Fourth, the reason why Xu Jun took the drug was directly related to his erectile dysfunction. If it was not for sexual behavior, he would definitely not take the drug. Combining the above four points, one can draw a conclusion that the murderer who murdered Xu Jun must be a woman. This woman not only had a close relationship with him, but also had sex with him at the time of the crime.Based on this, Zhao Kai, who is a man, can be excluded from the list of suspects.

"As a criminal policeman with normal IQ, your analysis is considered qualified." Xi Wang pretended to clap a few times. "What is qualified? My analysis is correct, okay?! Didn't you suspect that Li Mei was the murderer before? Zhao Kai is definitely not the murderer, but Liu Qianqi is quite suspicious. She is the most likely person among Xu Jun's frequent contacts. Having sex with him..." Yingliu realized that her words seemed too direct, so she took a sneak peek at Xi, and added, "I'm just discussing the matter, I didn't mean to target your sister." When she said the word "sister", Can raise the pitch of the voice.

"I didn't list Qianqi as an object of suspicion, and I was wrong about the matter and the person." Xi Wang wrote lightly. Yingliu asked sternly, "Why? She was also on duty at the hospital that night, and there was no obvious alibi." Xi Wang answered calmly: "First of all, she has no motive to kill; secondly, she has no guts to kill; more importantly, Xu Jun is at odds with her because of the medical accident four years ago. Do you think it is possible for them to fall in love?" He paused for a while, and added: "Besides, she disappeared a few days before the incident, and she told me that she didn't have a boyfriend."

"You believe everything she says, and everything others say is a lie." Yingliu muttered unconvinced. "Although I can't be sure that she is telling the truth, I can be sure that Zhao Kai lied, and more than once." "Besides liking watching surveillance video, where is he lying?" Yingliu cast a suspicious look at him. Xiwang didn't say anything explicitly, but just smiled mysteriously: "You'll know right away." "I hope you won't be mistaken again this time, because we don't have much time left." Yingliu took out her phone to check the time. It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and there were only a few hours left before the time given by the director.

When the two came to Zhao Kai's door, Xi Wang climbed down with one hand on the ground, glanced inside through the gap under the door, and then stood up.Yingliu asked in puzzlement, "The gap is so small, what can you see?" "I can see the light inside." Xi Wang put his index finger in front of his lips, motioning for the other party to keep quiet, and then knocked hard on the door, "Express, express, there is an express. Zhao Kai, there is your express." The door was opened with a palm-sized gap, and Zhao Kai poked his head out from the gap and asked, "What courier? Was it delivered by mistake?" When he saw the two people outside the door, he immediately froze.

Xi Wang smiled and said, "I'm just kidding, we are not couriers." Zhao Kai took it for a while before he came back to his senses, and opened the door after a little hesitation.He only wore a vest and shorts, and smiled awkwardly: "I wonder why there are still people delivering couriers at such a late hour, and they are delivered directly to the dormitory. Do you have anything to do with me? Why don't you come in first?" enter. "Okay, just chat for a few words, it won't take up too much of your time." Xiwang walked into the room with a smile on his face, followed by Yingliu.

After entering the door, Xiwang pretended to casually inspect the environment in the room. This is a relatively small room with a rectangular shape. There is a window with a security net installed on the opposite side of the door. On the left side is a heavy and worn-out wooden wardrobe. Next to it are two stools, buckets, shower gel, and facial cleanser. There is an iron bunk bed and a dilapidated bedside table on the right side, and a desktop electric fan is placed on the bedside table.Mosquito nets were hung on the lower layer of the bunk beds, and sundries were piled up on the upper layer. A nylon rope was tied at the end of the bed to connect it to the window, and clothes still dripping with water were hung on it.

After accommodating three people in a narrow and crowded room, there is almost no extra space for activities.And the room was extremely stuffy, making people feel like they were about to suffocate. Zhao Kai moved the stool to the front of the bed, invited the two to sit down, and said apologetically, "This place is very small, and there is nothing to entertain you. I'm sorry." "It's okay, let's just sit for a while." Xiwang sat down indifferently. "It's very hot here." Yingliu kept fanning herself with her hands. "When I first came, the leader of the hospital said to install an air conditioner for me. But now the electric fans have worn out the clutch, and I haven't even seen the shadow of the air conditioner." Zhao Kai opened the door and turned the electric switch on the bedside table. The fan blows on Ying Liu.

"The leader's words are the most unreliable." Xi Wang laughed. Zhao Kaihan nodded with a smile, sat on the head of the bed and asked the other party: "By the way, what can you do with me?" Xiwang scratched the back of his ear with his index finger, and said awkwardly: "Actually, we are here to arrest you." Zhao Kai was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile and said, "Officer, are you kidding me? I didn't do anything wrong, so why did you arrest me?" "No, no, no." Xi Wang shook his finger violently, "I'm not joking with you this time, we are really here to arrest you."

"Why? Which law did I violate?" Zhao Kai's body moved back unconsciously, and he didn't stop until his back was close to the pillow.He pulled the quilt to cover his clean legs. "Murder!" Xi Wang suddenly showed stern eyes, "You are suspected of murdering Xu Jun." Zhao Kai retorted excitedly: "Nonsense, I have no grievances with Dr. Xu, why did you kill him? Don't slander me!" "Why did you kill Xu Jun? To explain this question, we have to start with your life experience..." Xi Wang suddenly expressed his analysis and reasoning of the other party's personality. The premature death of your father not only makes you lack fatherly love since childhood, but also makes you have a strong sense of crisis.You really want to be like other children. When you feel scared or encounter difficulties, you can immediately throw yourself into the arms of your father, let your father handle everything, and let him protect you from the wind and rain. This feeling is especially strong when you are being beaten by your mother. You even imagine that your father is still there, and he will use his strong body to fight for your current mother.It's a pity that the father in the fantasy did not appear. Every time you were beaten by your mother, no one would stop you, and no one would protect you. A strong sense of crisis leads to a desire for father's love. You are extremely eager to get your father's love again, or to have someone who protects you like your father.At the same time, your mother's violence makes you have an instinctive fear of women, giving you the illusion that women like to use violence. These feelings and thoughts accompany you through childhood, leaving scars on your mind that cannot heal.So you dropped out of school at a young age and went away from your mother to the provinces. Ideological maturity means that you gradually overcome your fear of women, and the loneliness of being alone in a foreign land inspires your longing for a family.You want to have a home, a complete family, or your ideal family. Childhood experiences make you subconsciously believe that cities are dangerous and not suitable for long-term living.Working in the city is just to make money, and if you make enough money, you should go back to your hometown to live.A vague memory from childhood makes you think that your hometown is the safest place, at least where you won't be beaten. Being beaten by your mother for a long time hurts your heart, but like other children, you still have a little dependence and nostalgia for your mother.Therefore, you look forward to going back to your hometown with your wife to build a house in the future, and then bring your elderly mother back to live an ordinary and comfortable life mainly by farming and raising pigs. In your vision, there is no child, because your childhood experience makes you subconsciously think that children will be a burden.You don't want your child to be a burden to you, and you don't want your child to experience a gloomy childhood like you. In order to have a home, you have to find a partner first, so you fall in love with a coworker, and it is a female coworker who is older than you and can protect you. However, the reality is not as beautiful as the ideal.Although the older and aggressive girlfriend can protect you from the outside world, you gradually find that she hurts you more than him.Your girlfriend's domineering aroused your fear of your mother. You tried to show your majesty to the other party, but you were suppressed by the other party's fierceness, so you had to succumb to the other party's lust. You can bear the short-term submission, but the long-term oppression will plant a time bomb in your heart.The bomb finally goes off when you break up with your girlfriend to get back your savings after your mother died.The anger accumulated over the years broke through the shackles of fear, aroused the violence you inherited from your mother, and made you rush to your girlfriend desperately. However, you didn't regain your dignity because of the outburst of anger, and you didn't even get back your own property.Although you have nothing, you don't want to continue to entangle with your girlfriend, so you leave with shame, and plan to return to your hometown to live the life you dreamed of. However, the reality is often cruel. Without money, you can't see your dreams.And you don't have many friends in your hometown, which is no different from being in a foreign land.Therefore, you went out of the city to work again and came to the People's Hospital as a security guard. In view of your previous experience, you are very disappointed with women, so during your work in the hospital, you did not have much contact with women, nor did you have a girlfriend... "The reason for arresting me is this nonsense?" Zhao Kai yelled angrily, "I don't know how you know about my past, but what do these things have to do with Dr. Xu? Why do you think I was murdered?" Doctor Xu's murderer?" "I haven't finished talking yet, how about we talk about Xu Jun now?" Xi Wang calmly chatted about his analysis of Xu Jun's personality. After his parents divorced, Xu Jun lived with his father, so he was instilled by his father with a lot of negative information against women.In his mind, all women are dirty, shameless, promiscuous and greedy for profit.These misconceptions accompanied his growth and made him feel arrogant.In fact, his arrogance is only aimed at women, because he disdains to associate with any women. In the process of growing up without maternal love, the image of his father was infinitely magnified. In his mind, his father was stronger and more capable than anyone else.Therefore, he followed his father as an example since he was a child, and determined to become a doctor. It's a pity that his luck was not very good. When the internship was approaching, his father was suddenly sent to work in other provinces.His father didn't want him to wander in a foreign land with him, so he used his connections to arrange him to be an intern at the People's Hospital, and let him stay on smoothly. Because of his father, he received special care from the leaders in the hospital, and he was extremely proud of the women around him, so it would naturally give people the illusion that he was arrogant and not easy to get along with.Everyone instinctively keeps a distance from him, and he can't help but resist contact with others.In such a vicious circle, gradually everyone felt that he was arrogant, withdrawn, and looked down on others. This situation has become more serious after the medical accident happened four years ago. Four years ago, in order to make Qianqi punished, Xu Jun could delay the patient's condition and finally lead to the patient's death. Come to the hospital to seek justice. In the process of entanglement with the patient's family members, he was injured in the lower body by a family member.Although he was fine after treatment, it left a psychological shadow on him, and he has suffered from erectile dysfunction since then, which has not been cured. This incident aggravated his hatred of women, and one-sidedly believed that all women are barbaric and ignorant, which made him even more resistant to women... Zhao Kai interrupted the other party impatiently, and shouted confidently: "Your analysis is very careful, but I don't understand what these things have to do with Dr. Xu's death, let alone why you suspect me as the murderer?" "Of course it does matter, otherwise I wouldn't have talked so much with you." Xi Wang replied unhurriedly. "Wait, I seem to have thought of something." Yingliu raised her hand to interrupt the conversation between the two, and said to Xiwang, "Just now you said that Xiao Zhao was afraid of women because of his childhood manager. Now you say Xu Jun Because of his father's dancing, he has planned on women since he was a child. According to the autopsy report, Xu Jun had sex before his death. Could it be that the two of them..." "You're finally enlightened." Xi Wang smiled gratifiedly, "They're gay."
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