Home Categories Thriller Mystery Case·Season 2 2·Lightwing Snake

Chapter 53 Chapter 7 Sowing Divorce

Xi Wang turned around and found that it was Yang Lu in a white dress staring at him from behind.After the other party was discovered by him, he did not run away immediately. Instead, he came out from behind the pillar where he was hiding and greeted him: "Hi, we meet again." What is she doing here? This question hovered in Xi Wang's mind the moment Yang Lu appeared. First Li Mei, then Yang Lu, what attracted them to this remote haunted hotel?Are they coming for themselves?Or is there another purpose?However, if Yang Lu wanted to harm her, she would not be discovered so easily, at least she would not wear such conspicuous white clothes.

Xi Wang suddenly realized that Yang Lu, who was walking towards him, was not looking at him, but at the dining table behind him.He instantly realized what the problem was—her target was Nadinya! The reason for this idea was that there were five people sitting at the dining table, among which Durian, Han Nuan and Qianqi had nothing to do with Yang Lu.Although Jianhua is Xiwang's younger sister, if Yang Lu wants to harm her, she doesn't need to travel to Hong Kong so much. When she was studying at school, she would have many opportunities to attack her. Therefore, Yang Lu came to Hong Kong on purpose, and even came to this hotel, the target must be Nadinya.As for why she wanted to attack Nadinya, it was most likely because of Uncle Hong who had passed away.Uncle Hong was an employee of a subsidiary of Tianxiong Pharmaceutical before his death, and Nadinya's father was the president of Tianxiong Pharmaceutical. The two had known each other since their early years.

Uncle Hong has repeatedly stated in front of Xi Wang that he doesn't like this old friend, but he never mentions the reason.Perhaps, there are some grievances between them. As Uncle Hong's apprentice, it is only natural for Yang Lu to take revenge on the enemy for the master. "Miss me?" Yang Lu walked up to Xi Wang, glanced at An Qi beside him, with three points of hostility in her eyes, and then showed a cold smile to Xi Wang. "Yes, of course I miss you." Xi Wang suddenly grabbed the other's wrist and said coldly, "I think about how to send you to prison every day."

Yang Lu burst into tears suddenly, "You were so enthusiastic back then, but now you..." As she spoke, a drop of crystal tear rolled down her fair cheek. "What did you say!" Xi Wang scolded angrily. Yang Lu said hoarsely, "That stormy night, we were in the institute where the power was cut off..." The highest state of lying is "not lying", and only selectively telling part of the truth, so as to achieve the purpose of misleading others.Yang Lu is using this trick now. She was talking about the fact that Xi Wang cut her cheek when the two were fighting in the institute that day, but she only said part of the truth, and the words she used were very reminiscent of the relationship between men and women, which would inevitably lead to misunderstanding .The most terrible thing is that Xi Wang has no way to refute this.

"Who is she?" An Qi stared at Yang Lu coldly and asked Xi Wang.Xiwang could feel the jealousy in her body, and when she was about to explain, Yang Lu suddenly threw away his hand. Yang Lu looked at An Qi, took a trembling step back, looked at Xi Wang again, and said heartbrokenly: "So you already have a new girlfriend..." She cried bitterly, then turned around and left the restaurant quickly . Her demeanor was obviously exaggerated and contrived, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was acting.However, this was just Xi Wang's idea, and An Qi's burning anger let him know that the other party believed in it.

"Who the hell is she? What's your relationship with her?" An Qi yelled while grabbing his clothes. In this case, if you tell An Qi truthfully, "She is a killer, everything she said just now is to drive a wedge between us." The result will definitely be a punch. When Xi Wang was wondering how to explain it, Jian Hua whispered in Nadinya's ear, "You have to find a way for brother, otherwise don't expect him to investigate the whereabouts of the female tenant." Nadinya originally only planned to watch the play, but after hearing Hua's words, she knew that she couldn't stand by and watch.She raised her eyebrows at Dulian, and asked indifferently, "Will you play Stud?"

"I don't like gambling." Dulian pretended to be righteous in front of Qianqi. "Oh, it's still raining outside, so I probably won't be able to go out to play today." Nadinya leaned against the back of the chair, deliberately raised her voice, and called out to Angie, who was facing her back: "I'm going to give each of you 100,000 chips, Play a few rounds of stud with me!" An Qi was questioning Master Xi Wangxing, but when she heard her say that each person would give 100,000 yuan, her ears immediately perked up, she quickly left Xi Wang, walked over and asked, "How do you play?"

"It's not fun if there are too few people!" Nadinya looked at the durian pretending to be disappointed. Dulian immediately straightened her waist, and said in a dignified manner: "Small bet and joy, if you ladies have this kind of elegance, I will be happy to accompany you." Nadia smiled cunningly, and then explained the rules: "We play stud together, with 100,000 chips each. When one of them loses all the chips, the person who wins the chips can exchange cash with me." "Aren't you at a disadvantage in this way?" Qianqi was puzzled, "No matter who wins, you will be the only one who loses money in the end."

"Well, I'm really at a disadvantage." The smile on Nadinya's face did not change, "In order to make up for my loss, every person who loses chips in a game, no matter how much they lose, has to be painted with ink on their faces." Pen." "Isn't this similar to the punishment for patting a feather shuttlecock?" Han Nuan asked. Nadinya smiled slyly: "That's right, when I was young, I liked playing shuttlecock the most, because I could always win." "The cash is settled at the end, but every time you lose a game, you have to make a big face..." An Qi suddenly thought of a question, and asked, "What do you do if you lose?"

"The chips you won from me can be exchanged for cash in the end, don't you still want to paint my face?" Nadinya raised her hands, showing displeasure, "Do you want to play? Do you want to play? Just follow me to the chess and card room, if you don’t play, you will be knocked down.” After saying that, he pulled Jianhua up and pretended to leave. "I'll play." An Qi was the first to raise her hand, and gave Dulian a wink, and the other party also raised her hand knowingly. Han Nuan and Qianqi also wanted to play, but Natingya said that Xiwang had to find Lin Xueer's whereabouts before returning to the mainland, and he was not allowed to participate in this game, so Qianqi wanted to stay with him.

"There are already five people, and you are not missing one." Nadingya glanced at Qianqi coldly, and then pulled Jian Hua out of the restaurant.Of course, An Qi couldn't let this big God of Wealth slip away, and immediately followed, followed by Dulian and Han Nuan. As soon as she stepped out of the restaurant, Nadinya taunted An Qi: "Take care of your Qi family, don't just drive away a bone spirit, and another vixen comes." An Qi knew that the other party hinted that Qian Qi had a crush on Xi Wang, but at the moment she only thought about how to win money at the gambling table, so she pretended not to understand. After everyone left the restaurant, Qianqi asked Xiwang shyly, "Do you mind if I accompany you?" "I can't wish for it." Xi Wang smiled, "Let's go to the fourth floor, I want to go to the room of the missing tenant." The two took the elevator to the fourth floor, and according to the room number mentioned by A Zhan just now, they found the room where Lin Xueer stayed before she disappeared.When he came to the door of the room, Xi Wang found that the door was wide open, and saw Jing Hong in the room.He and Qianqi entered the room and greeted each other. Jing Hong stared at Qianqi in amazement, and stayed for a while before saying to Xi Wang: "You are really charming. I haven't seen you for a while, and the female partner around me has changed." "Don't get me wrong, this is my sister." Xi Wang introduced each other. "No, one of you is surnamed Xiang and the other is surnamed Liu. How could you be brother and sister?" Jing Hong frowned slightly, then suddenly realized after thinking for a moment, and teased, "'Sister' is really a good name! It can be kept, and it is suitable for personal use as a gift, haha!" "Where are you going, I really think of her as my younger sister." Xi Wang winked at her, signaling her to stop, because Qianqi had already bowed her head shyly and retreated to the corner of the wall. After all, it was their first acquaintance, and Jing Hong didn't want to arouse the other party's disgust, so she stopped teasing them, and searched the room for clues left by Lin Xueer with Xi Wang.After receiving the report, the police conducted multiple searches of the room.The objects related to Lin Xueer have basically been taken back to the police station, so they can still find clues that are rare. However, Xiwang still noticed the indentation left by the laptop on the desk, so he asked Jing Hong if there was a laptop in Lin Xueer's luggage. Jing Hong nodded and said, "Well, we did take a computer away, and found that she used this computer to update Facebook before she disappeared." "Did her Facebook mention anything worth noting?" Xiwang asked. "Most of them are things related to this trip to Hong Kong, such as some scenery photos, or what authentic food you have eaten, and who to buy as a gift." Jing Hong paused and said, "The most noteworthy What's more interesting is that the night before she disappeared, she left a message on Facebook saying 'I'm going out tonight, I hope those stalkers don't come near me'." "Stalker?" Xi Wang frowned and thought, "Could it be related to her disappearance?" "I don't know, but there is one more thing worth noting." Jing Hong stretched out her hand in front of her eyes as if taking a picture, "There is a camera in her luggage, but there is no memory card in it, and we searched the whole room but couldn't find the memory card. " "Could it be that I forgot to bring it when I went out? I'm often so rash." Qianqi said. "Impossible." Xi Wang shook her head and said, "Since she can upload photos on FACEBOOK, it means that her camera can be used. The memory card was not found, maybe it was because she had it with her when she disappeared, or it had been stolen." Jing Hong was puzzled and said, "If you want to steal it, why don't you just steal the whole camera, how much money can a memory card exchange for?" Xi Wang frowned and said, "Perhaps the data in the memory card is more valuable than a camera." They stayed for about an hour, checked almost every corner of the room, but found nothing special, so they prepared to leave. As soon as he stepped out of the door, Xiwang found the white figure hiding in the corner of the corridor, and couldn't help frowning.The other party did not continue to hide, but walked towards him generously, covered his mouth with a coquettish smile and said, "That woman didn't do anything to you, did she?" "Yang Lu, what do you want to do here?" Xi Wang showed fierce eyes. "Hey, is this your sister too?" Jing Hong joked after walking out of the room. "I don't have a wanted sister." Xi Wang showed disdain. "Wanted? That's funny, I don't have a criminal record!" Yang Lu took out a Hong Kong ID card and handed it to the other party, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can check it out." Xiwang took it over and checked, and found that the photo on the ID card was of Yang Lu, but the name said "Yi Luyan".He handed over his ID card to Jing Hong, motioning for verification. Jing Hong realized that something was wrong, so she didn't say much, and immediately took out her mobile phone and walked aside to call the headquarters to check the authenticity of her ID card.After she hung up the line, she came back and returned her ID card to Yang Lu, with a puzzled look on her face, she said to Xiwang: "She is not wanted, and she has no criminal record. The police don't have any bad records about her." Xi Wang said, "She is a wanted criminal in the Mainland." Jing Hong was silent for a moment, then frowned and said: "I asked just now, she didn't have a home return permit, theoretically she has never been to the mainland, and of course it is impossible to be wanted by the mainland." "How is it possible..." Xi Wang wondered for a moment, then realized that he had been wrong in his preconceived judgments. The first time he met Yang Lu was in the mainland, so he naturally thought she was from the mainland.However, judging from the current situation, she is very likely to be a Hong Kong resident, but entered the mainland illegally by smuggling and other means, and lived in the mainland under the pseudonym "Yang Lu". Illegal households are an open secret in the mainland. There are more than ten million illegal households in Guangdong Province alone, and one out of every ten people is an illegal household.Yang Lu... Maybe she should be called "Yi Luyan". She used this false identity as a cover. Even if she committed a murder in the mainland, as long as she fled back to Hong Kong, her identity would be as she said, without any stains.Because she did not apply for a home-return permit, theoretically she had never set foot in the mainland, and naturally it was impossible for her to commit crimes in the mainland. Under such circumstances, even with the cooperation of the Hong Kong police, it would be difficult to send her back to the mainland to face the law. When Xi Wang was thinking about how to send the other party to prison, Yi Luyan had already turned him into the army, and said to Jing Hong like accusing Sang Sang and scolding Huai Huai: "I am a clean and good citizen! Unlike some people, on the surface, they are law-abiding, The justice is awe-inspiring, but his hands are covered with blood, and he does not know how many people have been killed in secret." "Stop talking nonsense!" Xi glared at her. "Am I talking nonsense?" Yi Luyan said without fear, "How dare you say that you have never killed anyone!" "You..." Xiwang once again had no way to refute, and could only stare blankly at the other party. "You know how many lives you have taken with your hands." Lu Yan sneered, then turned and walked towards the elevator. "Have you really killed someone?" A trace of uneasiness flashed in Jing Hong's eyes. "I used to be a policeman, and now I also work for the policeman. It's no surprise that I have to bear human life." Xi Wang glanced at the slightly protruding waist of her coat, and said, "Have you never used your sidearm before?" ?” Qianqi also chimed in, "Killing people can be divided into legal and illegal. It's a good thing to kill all the bad guys when the law allows it." "Although the law gives me this power, I don't want it to kill people unless it is absolutely necessary." Jing Hong felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly straightened her coat to hide the pistol inside. "There is always a thin line between kindness and weakness." Xi Wang stared at the elevator, his eyes full of murderous intent, "Facing the vicious criminals, if you hesitate for a moment, your life will be ruined."
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