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Chapter 15 Confessions of a Devil

eleventh finger 法医秦明 3749Words 2018-03-22
My name is Wang Hairun, I am 27 years old, and I am from Yuntai City. I have a lot of water in my name so I grew up loving water.As long as you soak in the pool, you don't want to come out.Even when I was a child and my mother took a bath in that kind of public bath, it was a great enjoyment.Therefore, I have my nickname, Chizi. I like this nickname, but I'm only allowed to be called that by people who like me. From the time I was born, I was superior to everyone.After going to school, the stationery and schoolbag I used were better than those of other students, and all the male students liked me.Although my mother passed away suddenly due to illness when I was six years old, my father gave me meticulous care and love that exists all the time.

Father is an entrepreneur, although his family history is not worth mentioning.My father made his first fortune by making and selling tetramine.When I was in junior high school, he had already switched to real estate and was a well-known rich man in the city; when I was in high school, he was already the chairman of Yuntai's top ten companies. My father is very busy, but he has never neglected me.No one dared to bully me, because my father had zero tolerance for those who bullied me.The teachers also took good care of me and never beat or scolded me.Even if I skipped school and didn't do my homework, they just laughed it off tolerantly.So I grew up until I was twenty-five years old, and everything went smoothly.

I have liked playing with boys since I was a child. Although I don't look masculine at all, I have a boy's heart.Playing games, playing football, I will participate.Dad often gently taught me that a girl should look like a girl, otherwise no boy would dare to ask for it, but I don’t agree with him at all, because there is a whole bag of love letters in the drawer of my desk.But I don't like them, they are either well-behaved or cowardly.I think that a man who may not be masculine is impossible to get into my eyes. I am playful, so my academic performance is not good.After the college entrance examination, although I could go to a junior college, I still chose a nursing school.The reason is simple, I like that nurse uniform.

My father strongly objected. He said that even if I went to study accounting, it would be better than learning to serve people as a nurse, but I have been a very independent person since I was a child, so my father once again obeyed me. Nursing school is full of girls. After a year of reading, I vaguely realized that I might like women.Because once a female classmate was drunk and kissed me, I also enjoyed it very much. My father discovered my anomaly. He asked me to drop out of school and send me abroad to study economic management at his own expense.I am his only daughter, and he must consider the inheritance of his huge assets.I did not agree to study abroad because I have never left Yuntai City since I grew up, and I don't want to go out alone to face a strange world.But I agreed to drop out because after a year of study, I knew I couldn't do the dirty, tiring and risky job of nursing.

With the help of my father, I went to adult education at the Department of Economics and Management of Yuntai University.I couldn't listen to the daily courses at all, such as the basics of accounting, western economics, management, statistics, etc. It was like a bunch of garbled codes in front of my eyes, which couldn't be stuffed into my mind at all. All I think about every day is whether I like men or women. Last summer, I met a thief.At the gate of a bank, a thief was picking my pocket behind my back, and I found out.With my character, how could I make the thief arrogant?So I rushed up and grabbed him.Unexpectedly, he took out a small knife from his pocket and scratched me, and was about to continue attacking me.

At that moment, I saw the knife in his hand with my blood stained on it, and I thought I was going to die. At this critical moment, a man wearing a helmet and holding a long gun suddenly rushed out of the bank, kicked the thief a few meters away, pointed the gun at the thief and said, "Kneel down." At this man's request, the thief kowtowed to me for mercy.I saw that my arm was only a skin trauma, so I didn't pursue it any further and let the thief go away.In fact, I didn't care about the thief or not at all. At that moment, I was convinced that I still liked men, or at least I was bisexual.I was attracted by this tall, handsome, and heroic bank escort, so I asked him for his phone number.His name is Shuiliang, and his surname is actually Shui. I know we must be destined.

This was my first love and my only love. Father used all his connections to investigate Shuiliang.Although his privacy was violated, he was not surprised at all. He said he understood everything a father did for the happiness of his daughter. Although Shuiliang was born in poverty and had no serious job, his father thought he was honest and caring for me, so he agreed to our relationship. If I want to list the goodness of Shuiliang to me, I can talk about it for a whole night.Anyway, I think he is the man who treats me best in this world and the most loyal man. I trust him and everything about him.I love him, everything about him.He said that he would never leave me in his life.

Our marriage is very happy.You Shuiliang was kind to me, and my father gave us everything.As long as we need, we can certainly get.Last year, our love finally had crystallization, a lovely baby. The father regards the baby as a treasure, but the company cannot be left alone for a day, so the father will only pick up the baby on weekends.On the one hand, it gives our young couple time to be intimate, and on the other hand, he can get along with the baby alone. But this happy family broke up suddenly on that day. Because of you. After you arrested Shuiliang from my house, my father and I decided that you arrested the wrong person.How could such a loyal and kind person be a murderer?I would never believe it, and neither would my father.

So my father entrusted people from the Public Security Bureau to inquire about the case.You say that the evidence is solid, Shuiliang is the murderer of the five girls, and the reason for the killing is actually rape! On the day you captured Shuiliang, my father had a cerebral hemorrhage when he heard the news, and couldn't sleep. Until now, I dare not recall the circumstances of that day.On the same day, two of my closest relatives passed away from me.My husband was arrested for rape and murder, and my father was mad at my husband.That day, I cried out all the water in my name.I cried all night.

My beloved husband would actually do such a thing.I started committing crimes since I was a child, and I still committed crimes when I was pregnant.Is there really no reliable man in this world?I hate him, but I know that I still love him deeply in my heart.It was this feeling of not knowing whether it was love or hate that completely tore my heart apart. My beloved father, who regarded me as the apple of his eye since childhood, gave me everything I wanted, but I didn't honor him for a day.Guilt is like a knife, cutting my broken heart even further. And it was you, Qin Ming, who completely destroyed my perfect family.You think you have cracked a big case and made great contributions, don't you?But behind your credit, how much of my pain is there?Your success is built on my pain.The next day, I was ready to use all my father's financial resources to let you also experience the pain of being tortured.

But when I got to my father's company, I realized that I had nothing.Several vice presidents of the company have been coveting their father's property, and have already prepared all the procedures to swallow up the company.For them, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, and this east wind is the death of their father.So even though it's only been a few days, this company has long since had nothing to do with my Wang family.This is really worse, completely knocking me down as a weak woman. Fortunately, my father still has hundreds of thousands of yuan in savings and a small courtyard that he bought in the provincial capital under my name, so that I will not be homeless when the company comes to take back the villa. In Longfan, everything is strange.Relying on my father's savings, our mother and son can still survive for a while, and I can also use this time to find opportunities for revenge. But bad luck came to me again. One night, my son suddenly had difficulty breathing, and he recovered temporarily after being sent to the hospital.The doctor said it was fine, I was just worrying too much.I took my son back home, thankfully nothing happened again.But when I woke up, my son had already left me. Damn doctor, if he didn't care about human life, my son would definitely not die. The only concern I had in this world is gone now, what am I still doing alive?I didn't cry anymore, because the pool of tears in my heart has been dried up, and now only my pool is left. The child's legs were loose, I was shaking all over, I couldn't wrap him in swaddling clothes, so I tied him with a rope, but the rope couldn't be tied, I wanted to cut an opening with a knife to tie the rope, but I couldn't do it what.After a long time, the child became stiff, so I wrapped him up and prepared to jump off the building with him. At that moment, I thought of you, and I haven't had revenge yet.If it weren't for you, how could I be alone today? So I started researching forensic autopsy methods on the Internet, such as tongue out and laparotomy, which may seem scary, but I no longer feel human. I am not afraid of the dark, blood, or even death. When I got to the bar, I realized how boring men are nowadays.The few I killed either had wives and came out to hang out, or they were playboys who played with women every day.So I think, they all deserve to die. There is an old box at home that contains a box of tetramine.My father said that just a little bit of this medicine can kill a person, so I was not allowed to touch it.He left this box as a souvenir, after all, this murderous weapon was the tool used by his father to make his fortune.I checked on the Internet that tetramine is stable in nature and will not decompose for many years; and your police will search for the source of the poison as soon as they find tetramine. This is my ancestral magic weapon. Where do you go to investigate? I choose to kill with this. My first "encounter" at a bar was with a doctor.I hated the doctor, and even more I hated the doctor who had a wife and went out to pick up girls, so I killed him. I dissected the corpse in a forensic way, then disassembled and dumped the corpse.But two weeks later, the body has not been found.I decided that the next one must be thrown away where you can find it.Let you find out, let you solve the case, aren't you very good at solving the case?Didn't you say that the murder case must be solved?Let me see if you can guess that the person who did this murder is a woman. I committed crimes repeatedly, and imitated what was done on TV, leaving a part of the deceased and putting it on the next deceased, in order to make it easy for you to connect, but it was impossible to solve the case.I want you to find out that the method of murder is very professional, it is a method of forensic medicine, so that you can be suspicious.But I know that if there is no evidence, you police will not suspect your own people. Godsend. On the morning of the second day after I killed Cheng Xiaoliang, you went to re-survey the scene, and I was watching from the crowd of onlookers outside the cordon.I saw you and heard a handsome guy say that you are going to the hospital to check your fertility, so I followed you.Maybe God help me, the nurse who took the sample for you is my classmate. I have successfully obtained what originally belonged to you. If not to frame you, at least to stink your reputation, so this time, I went to a gay bar and found a woman.Her death may help me complete my revenge.To avenge my beloved and hated Shuiliang, my father, my son and myself. Well, I failed, but I was relieved that I could meet the three most important men in my life, and they were waiting for me. "Jung said that healthy people don't torture others, and often those who have been tortured become torturers." I said, "Even going to the hospital for an examination is risky." Lin Tao said: "From the perspective of perverts, killing is salvation. From our perspective, making criminals obey the law is their salvation, the salvation of their souls." "En!" Dabao nodded firmly, "The scalpel is our eleventh finger, our sharpest finger, and the finger most feared by criminals."
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