Home Categories Thriller eleventh finger

Chapter 13 Twelfth case half wreckage

eleventh finger 法医秦明 14347Words 2018-03-22
"On a dark and windy night more than ten years ago, I was still in college, and suddenly there was a rustling sound in the water room. Our roommate had the courage to go and have a look. It turned out that a college classmate was scrubbing the water room. A machete with a unique shape. After washing, he cut a melon and shared it with his roommates." As soon as he got to work in the morning, he saw Dabao sitting in his office telling stories to several young female colleagues in the DNA room. Seeing me coming in, Dabao nodded to me, and then continued to tell the story: "When everyone was eating, he looked at the machete in his hand with admiration and said: 'The knife is not bad, right?' We are not interested in seeing what kind of knife he is. , while munching on the melon, nodding perfunctorily. Then the buddy suddenly said grimly: "I stole this knife from the anatomy department." Upon hearing this, everyone stopped chewing and looked fierce. But he added lightly: "It's okay, I washed all the minced meat on it.'"

"Huh..." Several female colleagues felt nauseous one after another. Dabao added the knife even more happily: "That kind of knife is used to dismember corpses for partial anatomy teaching. It is the kind of cadaver specimens in schools that are disinfected and fixed for teaching. We have all seen that kind of knife, and no one has ever seen it. It was cleaned, and after dismemberment, it was placed in the toolbox in the dissecting room, covered with fat, muscle fibers and so on. Now you know why mother taught us not to eat things given by others, right?" DNA technicians are generally graduates of biology and genetics.People who are not medical students, after hearing Dabao's vivid description, naturally they couldn't stand it.One of the female colleagues said: "It's not just that I can't eat what others give me, I won't even eat cantaloupe in the future."

"Are you sure?" Dabao smirked, "I saw two melons in your office just now, otherwise, would you bring them to me?" "You foodie." I already knew that Dabao must have a purpose when he told a story, "Even cheating on the girls' snacks." Another week of free time, our daily work is either to receive injury appraisal or bone age appraisal, or to write letters and interview review reports.Without cases, the work pressure is not so great, but there are also no challenges.What's more, the "June 3 Project" has been pressing on my heart, and I can't relax my mind at all.

Just after the weekend, my laziness happened again. I sat on a chair, stretched my waist, turned on the computer, and prepared to write a report and apply for the purchase of two new, more powerful field survey boxes.But as soon as the Word document was opened, the long-lost intercom phone rang. Dabao, who was eating cantaloupe, heard the phone ringing, and immediately widened his eyes. While chewing, he pointed to the phone and asked me to answer the phone. Seeing that the melon seeds were still on the corner of his mouth, I smiled helplessly and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said, "Hello, Chief Sun. What? Four? An accident?"

Dabao stopped chewing, expecting me to give him instructions. I hung up the phone and said, "Qing County, a family of four died." "Murder case?" Dabao asked with a mouthful of melon in his mouth. I said, "The explosion may have been an accident. But so many people died, we have to go to the scene. I'll call Lin Tao and Han Liang." Dabao smiled and swallowed the cantaloupe slowly, and said, "When I went to the survey site, I don't have hemorrhoids, yeah!" Qing County is a county under Qingxiang City, and its economy is relatively backward.The scene is located in a suburban area to the east of Qingxian County. When we arrived at the scene, at least 30 police cars blocked the entrance of this small village. We had to get out of the car and walk into the village.The seriousness of the incident can be seen from the number of police cars.

After entering the village, there are almost a few steps and one sentry post. Hundreds of policemen have almost filled up this narrow country road.After we walked not far, we saw that the glass of the two-story houses on both sides of the path was all broken. "Hey, the power of this explosion is really not small." Dabao looked around, "It spread so far. I haven't investigated any explosion cases before. Looking at this scene, it's a little scary." "I haven't been there before." Lin Tao said, "Will your life be in danger if you tell me about the scene of an explosion?"

"Please go the other way to get promoted and get rich. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, don't enter this door." I said, "This is the couplet of the Whampoa Military Academy, and it also applies to our police." "There was an accident 20 years ago." Han Liang said, "When a forensic doctor was investigating the scene of an explosion case, he accidentally touched the detonator arranged by the criminals in advance, causing another explosion at the scene. This forensic doctor Died heroically." "Well, I know about it." I said, "That forensic doctor is my brother."

Along the way, there are villagers in twos and threes who are being questioned by the police. "Let me tell you, you weren't there at the time, so you didn't feel the horror at all!" A villager said in shock, "It was around four o'clock this morning, and it wasn't until five o'clock, and we were all asleep by then. Suddenly there was a 'bang', the sound was not like setting off firecrackers, like a plane dropping a bomb. Then our house started shaking, buzzing, and the glass was all broken. At that time, I had tinnitus, and I Seeing my wife's mouth open and open, I couldn't hear what she was saying. I thought it was an earthquake, so I dragged my wife and ran, ran down, and saw smoke coming out of Lao Fan's house, so I knew what an earthquake was. It was an explosion, it must have been an explosion at the old Fan's house, so I called the police."

"I'm so fucking unlucky," said a villager with gauze wrapped around his head. "At that time, I was peeing in the hut, and when I heard a 'bang', a piece of glass fell on my head. I had seven stitches Eight needles, why am I so unlucky? Does anyone care about this? The government should compensate? Every family in our village has suffered losses, so the government should take care of it, right?" "Old Fan's family says every day that his home is a treasured place of geomantic omen." Another villager said, "It's just that his house is on the edge of the village, and there are no obstructions outside the windows. What a treasured place of geomantic omen. Look, it's all exploded." , and it is also a treasured place of geomantic omen."

The scene of the explosion was a family located at the easternmost end of the small village, and the head of the household was Fan Jincheng.Because this house is located in a corner of the village, all directions except the gate face the wilderness with a wide view.From the inside, it looks like a really nice place. The criminal police brigade of the Qing County Public Security Bureau requisitioned the living room of a family next to the scene as a temporary task force meeting room, and the small Eight Immortals table was crowded with people.After the three of us walked into the living room, several young policemen stood up and gave up their seats.

"Hello, experts," said Zhou Qiming, director of the Qing County Public Security Bureau, with a serious face, "You have worked hard. We have been quiet for half a year. I didn't expect such a big case to come out after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Oh no. , is an event." The public security organs like to refer to those with criminal acts as cases, and some suicides or accidental deaths as incidents. "Is it fixed?" I asked. Director Zhou shook his head and said: "The site is sealed up, and I haven't dared to move it yet. The technicians are waiting for you to come and start working. Therefore, the specific situation on the site is not known yet, and the nature has not been determined. However, I guess it is very likely that Accident." "Oh?" I said, "I would like to hear more about it." Director Zhou cleared his throat and said, "The scene is a family named Fan Jincheng, and there are only Fan Jincheng and his wife in the house. However, the police from the police station checked the scene and confirmed that there were four dead people at the scene." "Is there someone from outside?" I asked in surprise. Chief Zhou shook his head and said, "No, it's my family members. The body identification work is basically completed. It is confirmed that the four dead are Fan Jincheng, Fan Jincheng's wife Ren Sufen, and the grandson of the old couple, Fan Cheng, who is fifteen years old. , and the granddaughter of the old couple, seven-year-old Zhao Liqian." "Two children." I hate the sudden death of a child the most, and I always feel so pitiful. "Well," Director Zhou also looked sad, "The two children spent the weekend at the old couple's house. Today, on Monday, the two adults are going to pick up the children here early in the morning, and then send them to school. I didn't expect it to be dawn. , something went wrong." "Why do you think it was an accident?" I adjusted my mood and asked. Director Zhou said: "First, when the police from our police station arrived at the scene, they found that the gate was locked and kicked open by the police forcefully. After investigation, Lao Fan and his two grandchildren had a great time this weekend. There may be a possibility of suicide or something. Second, after the police from the police station entered the scene, the house damage was mainly concentrated in the kitchen at the east end of the courtyard. This village has gas pipes. After the police entered, they found that the gas pipe was blown off. He was spouting gas outside, so he quickly coordinated and closed the main gate. Judging from this sign, it is very likely that the gas leaked, and the mixture of gas and air reached an explosive concentration. explode." "Oh." I nodded, "That makes sense." "After all, four people died, and there were two children." Director Zhou added, "The city and the county attach great importance to it and require us to find out the cause of the explosion as soon as possible and deal with it properly. The first step now is to find out the cause of the explosion. The reason. The fire department has been here before you, but they have not given a definite conclusion. They have already extracted some inspection materials and took them back for inspection. But the inspection results will not be known for a day or two." I took the on-site orientation map drawn by the scout and looked at it slowly. "How do you carry out your work?" Director Zhou asked. I said: "First of all, we need to go in and have a look at the scene, and then please ask the funeral home comrades to transport the body away first, and it will not affect the effect here. Then, I guess I have to go to the scene and nearby to collect some explosive residues and projectiles , and then make a decision." "Okay." Director Zhou said, "Then you guys start, we wait for the results. The investigation department is also doing some peripheral investigations." Walking out of the task force conference room, we began to put on our survey equipment. Lin Tao said: "I'm a little strange. Why are four people, especially the two children, near the kitchen at four o'clock in the morning? If they are in the room and there is a wall to block them, it won't lead to death, right? Why do they get up so early for breakfast? Is it? Don’t the kids go to school at eight o’clock? Is it necessary to get up so early?” "What you said really makes sense." I was reminded by Lin Tao, and I became alert, "There is indeed a problem with time." "This is really troublesome. Four people are dead, and there is no proof of death. Who should we ask?" Dabao said. I said, "Ask the scene, ask the corpse." After entering the gate of the site, there is a small courtyard, facing the gate is a small two-story building, which is the main house.To the east are two bungalows, a kitchen and a bathroom.To the west is a row of bungalows with a lot of sundries piled inside. The window panes of several houses have all been cracked, and a piece of the roof of the kitchen has caved in, making it a mess.The power of the explosion can be seen. In the middle of the courtyard lay the corpses of two children. The little girl's head was blood-stained and there were some broken bricks around her head; At the door of the kitchen lay the corpse of an old woman. The front of the clothes had been completely torn, and there were black burn marks on the head, neck, chest and abdomen.It can be seen that Fan Jincheng should be lying in the kitchen. We briefly looked at the cadaver watches of the three corpses, and after taking photos and fixing them, we asked the staff of the funeral home to put the corpses in body bags and transport them away. After the corpses were transported out, we clearly heard a noise outside the hospital. Next came the center scene, and we stepped cautiously into the kitchen.The kitchen itself is a brick and tile structure, and it became a dangerous building after being bombed like this.Cracks were everywhere in the walls of the house, a piece of the roof had caved in, and a piece of rubble covered a body with only the chest above exposed. The kitchen was in a mess, and the windows on the east and west sides were gone, leaving only the broken window frames.The stove, water tank, sink, and cupboards in the kitchen have all collapsed, and fragments of pots and pans are scattered all over the floor.The exposed broken end of the gas pipeline was wrapped in rags by the police.As soon as you walk into the kitchen, you can smell a burnt smell, which seems to be mixed with the smell of gunpowder. The corpse buried in the bricks and tiles, because the skin was charred and ash was stuck, almost only the human figure could be seen, and the eyebrows could not be seen clearly. "There are no signs of burns in the entire courtyard." Lin Tao said, "All the damage is basically concentrated in the kitchen. Combined with the fact that the windows on both sides of the kitchen have been completely broken, it is basically certain that the center of the explosion is located in the kitchen." For the on-site investigation of an explosion case, the first thing that needs to be solved is the location of the explosion center. "It's not enough just to determine the approximate location of the epicentre." I said, "The epicentre we want to study must be accurate to at least half a meter. Only in this way can it be meaningful." "What's the point?" Lin Tao said. "I can't tell," I said. "We'll talk about it when we can determine the heartbeat." I saw Dabao taking pictures with Zhang Luolintao, so I walked out of the kitchen alone and walked into the bedroom in the main building. The floor of the bedroom was clean, and it seemed that the rescuers saw the four dead people all around the kitchen, and no one went into the bedroom.The main building is a small two-story building. In addition to the living room, there is a bedroom on the first floor.The bedroom is colorful and colorful, and there are various incomprehensible "paintings" painted on the walls. It can be seen that this is a child's room.On the bed in the room, the two thin quilts were opened, and there was a pair of red slippers on the ground, which seemed to be the slippers of a little girl. "Run out without wearing shoes?" I frowned and thought, maybe Lin Tao really hit the mark, and there are really some hidden secrets in this case. Walk along the stairs next to the bedrooms on the first floor to the second floor. In addition to the hall, there are three bedrooms on the second floor.Two of them are piled with some sundries, and the two thin quilts on the bed in the center of the other room are the same as the first floor, in the shape of being lifted.The ceiling light in the bedroom on the second floor was on. I thought all the way down the stairs and saw Dabao waiting for me in the yard. "How?" I asked. "Has the body been dug up?" Dabao frowned, shook his head, and said, "There's no need to dig it, it'll come out with a single pull. There's only half of it left." "So serious?" I walked quickly into the kitchen, and saw half a corpse lying on top of the rubble in the center of the kitchen. The corpse was severed from about the umbilicus, and the soft tissues at the severed end were all charred.From the severed end of the abdominal cavity, one could see a bunch of intestines hanging limply outside the corpse, black mixed with green.Some intestines have been blown off, and yellow feces are scattered around.The dark red liver was exposed at the severed end, emitting a foul smell.Because of the huge force at the moment of the explosion, the deceased died quickly without much bleeding.The only bleeding was also scorched by high temperature. After the corpse was dug out, the whole kitchen was filled with the stench of the human abdominal cavity, covering up the original burning smell. I rubbed my nose, put another layer of gauze gloves on over the rubber gloves, and started digging through the rubble. "Will the rubble be cleared?" Lin Tao asked. I nodded and said, "We need to find the body parts as much as possible. One is to respect the dead, and the other is to judge the direction of the explosion force from the distribution of the body parts." "I'm afraid it's not just these rubble that need to be cleaned up?" Lin Tao looked at the collapsed roof and the open front with no windows in front of him. "Yeah." I said, "From the current situation in the kitchen, there are not many body parts. These broken body parts were thrown out of the house due to the huge explosive force. Therefore, we must at least walk along the window." Find out the direction and see how far the body parts exploded." "It's not just the body parts," Lin Tao said. "Let's do this. Let's work together. You lead the forensic doctors to find the body parts, and I lead the technicians to find traces and evidence that may be related to the explosion." I nodded yes, and continued to rummage through the kitchen debris. Dabao took out an engineering helmet from the outside and said, "Put it on, maybe this house is about to collapse." The pieces of corpses that were blown up were very small, so it was difficult to determine which part of the body they belonged to.However, according to the dozens of body parts we dug up from the rubble of the kitchen, what remained in the kitchen were soft tissues of the lower legs, bones and some foot tissues. "Look, these soft tissues with skin have large pores and a lot of hair attached to them. The hairs are longer and thicker, which means that this is the soft tissue of the calf." I spread the collected soft tissues on a plastic sheet and sorted them into categories Placed on the ground, "These bones are characteristic of long bones, but they are thinner, indicating that they are not femurs, but tibia and fibula, which are also from the lower leg. And these are nail beds, and some foot bones can be seen. These are foot tissue." "This person's calf and feet have basically been blown into pieces," Dabao said, "it can be broken to such an extent." Lin Tao said: "I used to watch those anti-Japanese dramas, and I was a little skeptical that a single explosion could blow up limbs. Now it seems that the explosive power is really powerful." I nodded and said, "There are many types of injuries at the explosion site. We'll talk about it when the autopsy is done." "After clearing the rubble, should we go to the open field to find corpses?" Dabao said while picking up a basket that the scouts had just bought that could be carried on both shoulders. I nodded and said, "Let's work together. Every time we extract a corpse, we must record the approximate distance from the kitchen window." Dabao nodded, looked sideways at the basket on his back, and said, "Seeing how my brothers all look like this, I immediately thought of a song—"The Little Mushroom Picking Girl"." There really were a lot of corpses in the wilderness, which were thrown out by the huge explosive force.However, the soft tissues outside the house are different from those inside the house, and most of them are relatively large.From the point of view of shape, it is probably the soft tissue of the thigh and calf. "The most important thing is to find the pelvic fragments, the patella, and the genitals," I said, "so that a basic hypocenter can be established." We hadn't gone very far before we discovered a bloody, white bone in the shape of a hemisphere, smooth front and back. "The patella is found," I said, "about five meters from the window." Seven or eight forensic doctors conducted a blanket search and quickly found a lot of soft tissue.Several fragments of pelvic bones were also found more than ten meters away. "Can we call it a day?" Dabao said, "The little girl who picks mushrooms picks them under the shade of a tree. We are in the sun, it's too hot, so be careful to get sunstroke. It's the same day, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is over." , why is it still so hot?" Sunstroke sickness is caused by working under the scorching sun for a long time, meningeal irritation symptoms, severe headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, coma, convulsion or even death may occur in severe cases.Heat stroke is a high-temperature environment, the body's heat dissipation is blocked, and the body's heat balance cannot be maintained, causing central nervous system disorders, shock and even death.Both diseases are heat stroke.In autumn, the ambient temperature is not high, and it is generally difficult to cause heat stroke, but at this time the sunlight is strong, which may indeed cause sunstroke. I walked to a scarecrow, took off its straw hat, and said: "Your work is over, I will look further away. Oh, I'll go, you see what this is!" On the scarecrow's shoulder, there was actually a piece of human tissue stuck to it.As soon as I took off the scarecrow's straw hat, this piece of tissue immediately came into view. This piece of tissue has been charred, but from the curly hair at the root, it can still be seen that this is the male reproductive organ. "This..." Dabao looked at the straw hat I was already wearing on my head, "Are you sure the hat didn't touch the soft tissue?" After searching again, several pieces of soft tissue were still found.The farthest piece of soft tissue may have come from the thigh of the corpse, which was thrown nearly a hundred meters away. "It's almost there," I said. "Let's go to the funeral home to examine the body." "Let's start with the easy ones and then the hard ones." I mobilized everyone to carry the little girl's body onto the dissection table first. This little girl is Zhao Liqian, her forehead has completely collapsed, and her hair is covered with blood.After we cleaned her head, we could clearly see a large bruise on her forehead. "What a cute little girl." Dabao sighed, "I must have loved beauty when I was alive, but I didn't expect to lose her appearance after death, and her entire skull was deformed." Dabao, like me, can't see the death of children. Whether it is a case or not, they are innocent. We conducted a deep inspection of Zhao Liqian's forehead wound. Judging from the interstitial bridge of the wound and the contusion band around the wound edge, her contusion wound combined with the depressed fracture of the lower skull was formed by a blunt instrument with a rough surface. .From the wound, we used hemostats to clamp out some yellow-red brick fragments. "These contents found in the wound can indicate the means of injury." I said, "The body position of the deceased did not change after death, and the brick dust was extracted from the deep part of the wound, indicating that the means of injury were bricks. Combining with the deceased at the scene From the broken bricks around her, it can be concluded that the wound on her forehead was injured by the bricks thrown by the explosion." After autopsy, no damage was found on the body of the deceased, except for the one on the forehead.The forehead fracture line was not cut off, and the whole was sunken inward, indicating that the deceased was killed by a blow to the head.This injury resulted in extensive subdural hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the brain, forming a cerebellar herniation, compressing the brainstem, leading to respiratory and circulatory failure and death.This injury, and the only one, was fatal to the deceased. The stomach of the deceased was empty, and the estimated time of death was consistent with the time of the explosion. After examining the girl's body, we proceeded to examine the damage of the boy Fan Cheng. Like the girl, there was no obvious injury on the boy's body, only a small wound on his chest, which was still bleeding out when we moved the body. After autopsy, Fan Cheng's chest cavity was full of bleeding. We found a breach in his aortic arch, and found the piece of broken glass that caused his death in the corresponding chest cavity. After the piece of broken glass was thrown out by the explosive force, it turned into a sharp flying knife, which pierced straight into the chest cavity of the deceased, cutting off the largest artery above his heart. "This child is too unlucky." Dabao shook his head and said, "If it wasn't for this small piece of broken glass hitting a vital part, he wouldn't have died anyway." "One is a huge blunt force injury, and the other is a fast-moving broken glass injury." I said, "Both of these can't be done by humans, and can only be formed by an explosion. Therefore, they did die from the explosion. " "You mean, this was indeed an accident?" Lin Tao asked. I shook my head and said, "No. The death was caused by the explosion, but the explosion is not necessarily an accident." "You also think something is wrong?" Lin Tao said, "I just think there is something suspicious about the time, so there must be something suspicious about the case." "It's not just this suspicious point." I told them what I found in the bedroom of the main building on site. "It's a pity." Dabao said, "If this boy escapes this small piece of broken glass, he can tell us the truth himself." "Hide?" Lin Tao said, "How to hide? The speed of broken glass is no less than that of bullets. You thought it was the Matrix." "Have you noticed that although the two injuries are a blunt instrument and a sharp instrument, the principle is the same." I said, "Both belong to the projectile injury in the explosion case." "By the way, you said that there are many types of damage in explosion cases." Lin Tao said, "Let me explain in detail." "Don't worry." I smiled mysteriously, "In combination with the corpse, the memory will be deeper." The third body was Ren Sufen, who was at the door of the kitchen.Her injuries were mainly located in the front, and apart from the burns on her chest and abdomen, there seemed to be no other surface injuries. "The skin of the corpse was burned for the second degree, and the other damage is not visible." Dabao said, "It needs to be dissected to see." "Wait." I said, "Have you noticed that there are white lines on the base of the nose, between the eyebrows and the corners of the eyes of the deceased, running along the skin lines. This is because the explosion produced strong light, and the deceased Eyes closed reflexively. After the muscles relax, the wrinkled skin is not burned, but the surrounding skin is burned, so the white lines are formed. This shows two problems. Facing the kitchen is heartbreaking." Dabao nodded. The autopsy was carried out very slowly because Ren Sufen's internal organs were damaged a lot.There were obvious contusions on the side of her heart and lungs close to the chest wall. This was the damage caused by the impact of the heart, lungs and chest wall, similar to the cardiopulmonary contusion caused by a large area of ​​chest and abdomen being hit.Ruptures were found in both her liver and spleen, but the bleeding was not much, also because of the rapid death.In addition, her brain tissue can also see extensive spotting. "You said, I can understand her visceral concussion and so many injuries, but how did the damage to the brain tissue form?" Dabao said, "The head is protected by the skull. It's just airflow, so it can't cause brain damage, right?" "See how you study forensic pathology?" I said with a smile, "It's said in the book that the shock wave acts on the chest wall, causing a sudden increase in intrathoracic pressure, a sudden increase in the pressure of the superior vena cava, and retrograde blood flow in the heart. It causes small veins and capillaries in the brain to dilate, rupture, and spot hemorrhage." "There are really many types of explosion injuries," Lin Tao said, "tell me, tell me." "The stomachs of the three deceased are all empty, which proves that the time of death is basically the same." I ignored Lin Tao's coquettishness, and continued, "This is also very important, that is, to determine the time of death of the deceased, so as to avoid the death of the first or the later." The one who died was also mistaken by us for dying in an explosion during his lifetime." Examining the fourth corpse was the most difficult, because what we carried onto the dissecting table was half a corpse plus dozens of body parts.Especially for that half of the corpse, if it moves a little, more intestines will flow out from the severed end of the abdominal cavity, and the contents of the intestines will stick to the dissecting table, which looks disgusting. "Judging from the signs that the severed end was stretched and the body was fragmented, the deceased also died of a blast injury during his lifetime." I said, "But no white lines were found on his face." "It means that he is not facing the heartbreak." Dabao said. I nodded and said, "Yes, although his injury is the most severe, which means that he is the closest to the blast center, but he is not facing the blast center." "In other words, the explosion exploded from behind him in the kitchen." Lin Tao said, "It's amazing. It seems that you can really determine the center of explosion within half a meter." Dabao and I put the body parts on the dissecting table one by one. Some of them can be placed in the original position, while others can only be filled casually.In this way, we roughly assembled the lower body of the corpse. "I think, you forensic doctors must be very good at puzzles." Lin Tao said, "I remembered the story of you putting together corpses together when you were training in Beihuan County." "The deceased died from traumatic, neurogenic shock from amputation," I said, "and possibly from blood loss. Whatever the specific cause of death, he died from blast injuries." I looked at Lin Tao and a few interns who were interns at the Qing County Public Security Bureau, and said, "Now, let's talk about the formation mechanism of explosion injuries. From the perspective of mechanism, explosion injuries are mainly caused by shock waves, high temperatures, and blast projections." Shock wave injury has become the main injury of blast injury, and shock wave injury is divided into overpressure, negative pressure and dynamic pressure. The implosion effect (that is, the gas in the body is compressed and then expands, and the body bursts), the fragmentation effect (that is, the stretching force that breaks the body), the inertia effect, and the pressure difference effect (that is, the pressure difference in the blood vessel causes thrombus). "It's really complicated." Lin Tao scratched his head and said, "I didn't remember it, I just remembered the implosion effect. Can people really explode themselves at the scene of the explosion? Also, what do the negative pressure and dynamic pressure mean? ?” I said: "At the scene of an explosion, there are usually injuries formed by multiple mechanisms on a corpse, and some injuries are formed by multiple mechanisms. For example, the body is compressed by overpressure first, and then stretched by negative pressure. It may have broken a limb. In addition, we saw a grenade explode on TV, and several Japanese soldiers flew up, because the shock wave has a dynamic pressure effect, and this effect is mainly manifested in impact and throwing.” "The mechanism sounds really complicated." I said, "However, the types of damage that actually occurred at the explosion site, no matter which mechanism or mechanisms it originated from, mainly manifested in five damage forms." I pointed to the corpse on the dissecting table and said: "From this corpse, there are mainly two forms of injury. The first is burst injury, which is caused by several bursts and stretching forces caused by the explosion shock wave, which caused the lower body of the corpse to be injured. All of them were broken and fragmented. The second type is the burns on the whole body of the corpse. We can see that all the clothes on the back of the corpse are gone, and there is still a little on the front, which shows that the burns on the back are more serious, which also supports our previous judgment The heartbreaking story behind the dead." "These are two kinds of injuries, what about the injuries on Ren Sufen's body?" Lin Tao asked. "The main injury characteristics of Ren Sufen are light on the outside and heavy on the inside, and the internal injuries are mainly concussion injuries." I said, "This is a typical shock wave crushing and impact injury, which we generally call shock wave injury. These are three types The most common and serious injury in the explosion scene. The injury of the two children is the fourth type of injury, which is the injury caused by the explosion projectile. Of course, there are other additional injuries in the explosion scene, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, fall injury, crushing hurt or something." "Understood." Lin Tao nodded and said, "But you have mentioned so many mechanisms and types of damage, what effect does it have on the judgment of the case?" "Yes." I said, "We found so many corpses, all of which were thrown out from the windows, and the farthest was tens of meters. Firstly, it shows the great power of the explosion, and secondly, it explains a problem. " I saw that everyone was looking at me expectantly, and I didn't make any excuses. I said: "The deceased's genitals weighed about the same as the patella, but the genitals were thrown farther, which shows a problem-the initial angle of the patella projection is smaller, while the genitals projected The initial angle is relatively large. We have talked about so many mechanisms, and we have come to a conclusion that the center of the explosion is the center, and the force of the explosion is radial. If the angle between the explosion center and a certain part and the ground is larger, the projectile angle Therefore, we can judge that the detonation center is located on Fan Jincheng's back and is approximately parallel to the patella. In this way, the angle between it and the line connecting the patella is small, and the angle between it and the higher position of the genitalia is large." "That location seems to be a pool." Dabao looked up at the ceiling, thinking, and said, "The area under the pool." I nodded and said, "I've seen it. The gas outlet should be in front of Fan Jincheng. It can't be the explosion center. If the room is filled with gas and detonated, there shouldn't be a fire source or power supply under the pool that can detonate." .” "Then what do you mean, that in this bombing case, someone should have man-made explosives?" Lin Tao said. I nodded and said: "Combined with the situation in the bedroom at the scene, it seems that a family of four rushed from the bedroom to the kitchen together, and then an explosion occurred. From this point of view, it is very likely that this is a man-made explosion." After listening to our report, the task force looked solemn. "Then you see, what should we do next?" Director Zhou said, "The current investigation work has not found any obvious conflicting relationship between the deceased and his family." "We're going to continue to rummage through the scene," I said, "for possible remnants of the explosion, especially for possible fragments of the detonator." "The fire department has already searched for it." Director Zhou said, "We found some suspected detonators, but it's hard to be sure, because there are many electric appliances and stoves that have been blown up in the kitchen. There may be metal parts that cannot be distinguished from the detonator." "Then we have to look for it too." I said, "And we also need to look for the houses of the surrounding villagers to see if there are any suspicious traces." We spent an afternoon cleaning up the kitchen, a dilapidated building.Especially under the pool behind the original location of Fan Jincheng's body, we searched carefully.Although the entire pool has been blasted and lost its shape, we still meticulously cleaned out every brick and gravel.However, apart from some black rubber-like substances, no other characteristic things were found. "Why are there so many pieces of black tape here?" Dabao said, "Could it be some black tape or something that was stored at home?" I shook my head and said, "No. If it is a roll of tape, even if it is blown, there should be overlapping adhesions, and it will not be in pieces like it is now." "Then tell me, what could it be?" Dabao said. I shook my head to express my ignorance.So, we returned to the task force and prepared to submit this situation to the task force for investigation. After walking into the task force, there was a cloud of smoke. "These detectives, how many cigarettes do they have to smoke when they encounter a case." Dabao frowned. “别看不起我们抽烟的人。”我笑着说,“谁不是被逼的?” 刚走进专案组不久,我就一眼瞥见墙角的一个方纸盒,上面印着“安保电池”。 “那是什么?搜寻到的物证吗?”我问。 一名技术员点点头,说:“是的,在一家门口的猪圈里找到的。” “什么东西?”我问,“看了吗?” 技术员又点了点头,说:“好像是电动车的电瓶。” “电动车的电瓶放在猪圈里?”我问,“这是户什么人家?” “这户人家不住人,都出去打工了。”技术员说,“猪圈也是废弃的,我们外围搜索的时候,看见这电瓶盒子的。” “废弃的猪圈里,会有这么新的电瓶盒子?”我心头疑虑骤升。 我走到方盒旁边,小心地把方盒拿到了会议桌上。从纸盒封口处的缝隙里,可以看得到里面有一些电线裸露在外面。 “在我的印象当中,”我说,“电动车的电瓶应该没有外接的电线啊。” 话还没说完,手快的大宝已经把纸盒的盒盖打了开来。 “那么多废话,打开看看不就行了?”大宝说。 盒盖一打开,盒内的物品一目了然。 盒子里面是六卷黑色包装的物体,呈桶状。就像是民国时期,用红纸包大洋的形状。每卷物体的上面都连接了红红绿绿的电线。 “这是什么?”我问。 “炸药。”在一旁的韩亮淡淡地说。 “炸药?”这一个词语吓得我连着往后倒退了几步。 韩亮点点头,说:“这样的包装,应该是硝铵炸药,是矿山上用的。” 我全身的汗毛都竖了起来。 韩亮接着说:“看体积,这应该是两公斤一卷的规格。加一起,十二公斤硝铵炸药。” “也……也就是说,”大宝惊魂未定,“要是安装了拉发装置,我们都得死?” 韩亮笑了笑,说:“别那么紧张,现在没炸,就已经不会炸了。不过如果真的安装了拉发装置,你刚才打开盒盖后,不仅是我们都得死,这座房子都得塌。” “看见没!”我重重地打了下大宝的后脑勺,“以后别毛手毛脚的,我儿子还没出世,我可不想殉职!” “听这意思,铃铛姐姐怀上了?”韩亮还是一脸淡然。 其实在出差之前,我就收到了铃铛的短信,有喜了。但因为这起特大案件的发生,我必须等到结案后,才能回去带她到医院检查。 在这种惊魂时刻,我做不到韩亮的那种镇定。我指着纸盒说:“这个东西,怎么办?” “没关系的。”韩亮说,“硝铵炸药具有中等威力和一定的敏感性,但纯硝酸铵在常温下是稳定的,对打击、碰撞或摩擦均不敏感。不过,在高温、高压和有可被氧化的物质存在的情况下会发生爆炸。” 我看了看会议桌上烟灰缸里满满的烟头说:“那得赶紧把它转移走。” 整个会议室的人都惊呆了。 一个炸药包在会议室满是烟头的环境下安静地待了一下午,这实属运气好。大家见炸药被理化部门的人带走,才稍稍平静了一些,互相低头窃窃私语。 我说:“虽然经历了危险,但是也有发现。刚才我看见硝铵炸药是用黑色胶皮包装的,这和我们在现场爆心部位发现的黑色胶皮的形态完全一致。因为爆心确定是在水池下方,那么炸药发生爆炸以后,面向外侧的包装物都被炸飞,而面向墙壁的包装物虽然被炸碎,却遗留下来,这让我们很轻松地就可以判断,这一起爆炸案件源于硝铵炸药爆炸。” “可是这是严格管控的炸药,”周局长说,“我们这里又不是矿区,怎么会有这样的炸药?” “我们这个也调查过了。”一名侦查员插话道,“这个村子有不少人都是在外地矿上打工。也就是说,这个村子里肯定有人有渠道获得炸药。” “如果无缘无故,不可能用这么恶劣的手段作案。”周局长说,“加紧调查死者家及其家属所有的关系人。尤其是那些在矿上打工,最近又回到青县的人。很好,这个勘查结果是最直接的证据,为以后破案以及定罪都起了关键作用。很不错!” “可是我们怎么甄别犯罪嫌疑人?”侦查员说,“一点儿证据都没有。” 我说:“给我们一个小时,会有的。” 我看了眼林涛,说:“凶手进入过那户没有人家的猪圈,为了放置剩余的炸药,可能会留下足迹。凶手肯定要进入死者家院落,才能把炸药安置好。既然民警到达的时候,现场大门紧锁,是封闭现场,说明凶手肯定是从外墙爬过去的。那么,死者家里的墙壁上,肯定会有攀爬痕迹和足迹。” “另外,”林涛微笑着补充道,“我们还有个寻找证据的利器——那个纸盒。和本案无关的人,是不会碰那个纸盒的,也就是说,纸盒上的指纹会有很重要的价值。这个案件寻找证据的工作,就交给我们痕迹检验部门吧!” 说完,林涛转身离去。 周局长看着我说:“你们看了一整天现场和尸体了,对于现场重建有什么想法吗?” “很简单。”我自信满满,“凶手利用翻墙的方式潜入死者的家里,在死者的家里安装了炸药和引爆装置。看现场周围剩余的炸药,凶手可能还想在另外一家安装。不过在安装炸药的过程中,可能碰倒了什么东西,引起了正在睡眠中的房主的注意。老两口儿把灯打开了。因为二楼灯亮了,所以凶手赶紧翻墙逃离。老两口儿下楼的时候可能惊醒了楼下的范程,范程于是也起床跟随。三人都走出了房屋,赵丽倩此时也惊醒了,因为发现自己独自一人在睡觉,所以很害怕,没有穿鞋就跑出了主楼。” 我顿了顿,说:“就在这个时候,范金成在厨房里可能踩到了或者触碰到了引爆装置,导致爆炸,四个人死亡的地点就是他们刚好到达的地点。” “太不凑巧。”周局长点头认可,说,“任何一点时间差,可能都不会死这么多人。” “是啊。”我仰天长叹,“命运真是个说不清道不明的东西。” “在发现电瓶的现场,发现多枚足迹。”当林涛重新回到专案组的时候,已经信心满满,“除去我们技术员自己的足迹以外,还发现了几枚相同足迹。另外,在死者家厨房旁边的外墙和内墙上都发现了踩踏痕迹。这些残缺的痕迹,可以和猪圈里的痕迹认定同一。” “这两个地方都是和犯罪有直接关系的地方,在这里发现了相同的足迹,也就是说,你们找到了凶手的足迹?”我问。 林涛微笑点头:“不仅如此,我们还可以判断凶手穿的是解放鞋,现在已经并不常见的鞋子,不过那种鞋底花纹我是再熟悉不过了。而且,我们在纸盒上发现了几枚指纹,很新鲜,既然那个地方不常去人,被别人污染的可能性就小。所以,指纹应该是凶手的。” “不错啊。”周局长说,“好多先进的检验手段都需要两天才能出结果,你们倒是先通过肉眼发现了炸药类型和相关证据。所以高科技虽然多,最后关键还是得靠步兵啊。” “是啊,我们就是步兵。”我满意地笑笑。 “既然有了证据,我们是不是该开始排查了?”周局长问。 我说:“宜早不宜迟。” 案件破获也充满了巧合。一名侦查员顶着夜色,看见了一名背着包裹,准备出行的村民。他的脚上,正穿着现在已经很不流行的解放鞋。 在这个时候再次外出打工,很反常,而且最为关键的是那双解放鞋。于是民警上前盘问。在看见民警走近的时候,这个村民突然扔掉包袱,拔腿就跑。 在几名身经百战的侦查员面前,这个可疑的人怎么可能跑得掉?他没跑出三百米,就被几名民警牢牢地按在地上。 “警察!跑什么跑?” “你们没穿警服,我怎么知道你是警察?”这个村民挣扎着说。 "What is your name?" “范袍。” “范跑?”侦查员说,“老实点儿,跟我回去。” 在把范袍带回刑警队的第一时间,侦查员就提取了他的解放鞋以及十指指纹。经过鞋底花纹和指纹的比对,确定这个村民范袍就是犯罪嫌疑人。 有了这些证据,范袍再也无从抵赖,只有从实招来。 范袍是范金成的侄子,是个性格懦弱的人。 范袍从小父母双亡,被叔父范金成养大成人。三年前,范金成做主,为范袍娶了一个漂亮的老婆,婚后生活也很愉快,而且在两年前生下了一个可爱的儿子。 范袍的命运从被范金成收养开始改变。这个孤苦伶仃的孤儿,现在拥有了幸福的生活。范袍知道仅仅靠在家种地,是不可能挣到什么钱的。既然已经独立,他决定自己出去闯一闯。他两年前去山西一个煤矿里打工,虽然工作很危险而且艰苦,但是收入还是不菲的。 今年过年,他带着一整年挣的十万块钱,准备回老家给老婆一个惊喜,没想到却从窗外听见了自家卧室里传来的呻吟声。 来和他老婆偷情的,居然是自己的堂哥,范金成的大儿子范胜利。 “我爸爸把你养大成人,给你说了一门媳妇,你还有什么不知足的吗?”范胜利一脸骄傲,“我过来和你媳妇玩儿一下,也是在帮你忙。肥水不流外人田,总比她偷别家男人好,对吧?” 范袍从小就被范胜利欺负,从来没有敢还过手,父母双亡的他,认为保护自己的最好办法,就是忍气吞声。 可未曾想,这一忍气吞声忍了二十多年,还被人戴了一顶大大的绿帽子。 范胜利拂袖而去,自己的媳妇掩面哭泣,而范袍脑子里一片空白。 “他给我娶媳妇,其实等于是给自己的儿子讨小老婆罢了。”范袍被范胜利欺负惯了,反而不敢怪范胜利,怪起了范金成来。 这口闷气在他的胸中积压,他忍无可忍,遂回到了山西的矿里,在一天夜里,悄悄潜入了炸药库,偷了十二卷共二十四公斤硝铵炸药,还有一些雷管和几个引爆装置的成品。 他一直在思考如何把这么一箱子炸药运回老家,可没想到会如此顺利。那些跑长途的黑客运班车,在车站外超载带人,就把他连同他的那一箱子炸药带回了青县。 在经过几天的踩点后,一天晚上,范袍开始了他的罪恶计划。他把炸药分成两份,准备把范金成和范胜利家都炸个底朝天。 他在范金成家里装好炸药和引爆装置后,不小心碰掉了厨房灶台上的铁锅。巨大的金属撞击声把他都吓了一跳,他赶紧从墙头翻出,离开了现场。他还没跑出一公里,就听见了巨大的爆炸声。 他的第一步计划成功了,需要等到风头过去后,再取出藏在一个空猪圈里的炸药,开始他的第二步计划。 没承想,一个爆炸案件死了这么多人,而且警察好像真的发现这是人为爆炸案,居然开始了细致的调查访问。他有些害怕了,准备趁着夜色逃离青县,开始亡命生涯。范胜利虽然没死,但是他的儿子死了,范袍这样想着,很是解恨。 “幸亏你们的工作进展得快啊,”周局长庆幸地说,“如果不是这么快得出了结论,这个范袍一跑掉,我们还真不知道去哪儿才能把他抓回来呢。” 林涛被周局长夸得扬扬自得。 大宝则一脸茫然:“可是,这案子里死的四个人,全是无辜的呀。” “是啊。”我说,“可怜了范金成夫妇,一把屎一把尿把范袍养大,却被范袍取了性命。范胜利一人犯错,却要他的父母和儿子的生命来还债,这确实太不公平了。” 虽然因为这个案子引发了我们无数思考,但是把这一起震惊全省的特大爆炸案件一天就破获的欣喜,还是让我们无比振奋。我、林涛和大宝在车上约好,回到龙番后,就找个地摊喝酒去。 只有韩亮一边开车,一边幽幽地说:“别高兴了,等把第十一根手指的案子破了,再去喝酒吧。”
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